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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1686123
Well it is a story about Seth Pollock who goes insane and kills his rival.
The Eternal Puppet

Time will come when men will have their time to shine or to fall endlessly in the abyss. Most would try to rise to the occasion where they save their true love; others would fall for the temptations of power. What would happen if you don’t have a choice, where you are under the control of the puppet master? What would happen to those who break the control of the puppet master? How will they react? Pain, aggression and utter confusion…are these emotions too real for them?

The beast awakens.

         Walking through the halls of an abandoned warehouse alone, it’s the only place I could call home. I put my back to the wall and collapse in pain. My arm lay limp by my side, paralyzed by the pain of the day. “Ah! Those football players, they should die! Especially Matt, I hate them all!” I screamed in pain.
         I got up and ran to the main part of the warehouse then collapsed again. I got into one of the crates and pulled out a smoking piece then broke up the buds and lit it up. In total relaxation, I got up and began to trash the place. “They can’t do this to me, I’m Seth Pollock and you all are nothing and I am everything!” I yelled.
         I looked to the sky and threw a rock through the sky light. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. “He stole my true love and my talents! I was the greatest thing to happen to the school until he showed up!” I yelled. I fell to the ground and hung my head in shame. When I picked my head up a penguin was standing in front of me. “What do you want now, Abel?” I asked. Now Abel is a pink penguin that on occasion visits me and tells me to kill but I don’t want to kill.
“Your soul…Seth you must do your part otherwise I will do mine more often.” He said. He produced a picture of a girl and drew an X through her face. “See a girl just died because of you.”
“Heh heh, you’re a penguin…a pink one. Any ways why should I listen to you? For all I know I could be dreaming.” I shrugged.
“Oh you will hear of this girl tomorrow on the news. If you don’t kill them all by the week’s end I’m coming for you.”  He warned.
“Right, Pinky.” I laughed. He disappeared and I fell over cause of my blurred vision. I passed out on the ground I lay on. It didn’t matter if I got home at all dad never cared at all.
The Next morning I got up from my blood puddle. I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought. “Dude what happened?” I asked. I rubbed my head as I ran home to get ready for school.  When I walked in my dad was standing in the kitchen.
“Where were you?” He asked. I noticed he had the willow branch in his hand. This can’t be any good.
“I was with some friends.” I lied. He looked at me down and was rubbing his chin.
“With which friend are we talking about? Mary Jane?” He asked.
“As if you cared about anyone other than yourself, Just get off!” I yelled. I stormed into my room and closed the door. Then I got ready and cleaned the wound that was bleeding profusely. “Time to start my empire.” I muttered to myself.
I got on my bike and rode to school. When I got there the bike rack was trashed. Then Matt walked over to the rack.
“What’s wrong Pollock? Your bike can’t fit? I’ll help.” He said. He pushed me off and picked the bike up then smashed it on the bike rack.
“Why are you doing this? You had to have a bat to beat me? You think you have everything don’t you well I have everything!” I said.
“Well, then why aren’t you the football team captain, Huh? You weren’t good enough to make the team Pollock.” He said.
“Shut up I’m 10 times better than you! I’ll prove it and then one of us will be on top.” I yelled. I sized him up but I retreated. I guess the bigger I look the wimpier I feel.
“Well don’t cry when you lose.” He said. He walked away laughing and I stood there with my head down in shame.
“I will be the one laughing.” I smirked. I walked to class and went through my day. After school I went to the pawn shop my friend was in charge of. When I walked in he greeted me.
“Seth! Dude what do you need? Oh and I’ve got a shipment of “Gumby” today if you need any.” He said.
“I’ll keep that in mind, what are the best guns you have?” I asked. He looked to the gun wall then walked over to the computer and put something in.
“What kind? Rifles or Pistols, Automatics or Semi-automatics? Do you need any ammo too?” He asked.
“Fully automatic rifles.” I said. He typed what I said into the computer and then he looked at me.
“We have M-16’s, AK’s, and M-14’s and almost anything you can think of.” He said.
“How much are the M-16’s” I asked. He typed in more information into the computer.
“About $316.95 but for you I will buy it for you if you buy some “Gumby”.” He said.
“Well you have a deal. I like the way you think.” I said He put the necessary information and went to the back to get the weed and the gun. When he came back he had the gun and a crate.
“I threw in some a crap load of ammo. So be proud you know a genius.” He said. He gave the stuff to me and patted me on the back. “Just be lucky your uncle is awesome.” He said.
“Sam you are awesome. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I said. I walked out of the pawn shop.
“Hey you need a ride? I don’t want you getting picked up just for having the gun.” He asked.
“Sure, thanks again Sam.” I said. I got into his car and he drove me home.
“Don’t let your dad see that.” He warned me.
“Yeah I know how he gets. Then again he doesn’t care whether I take my own life.” I said.
“Don’t say that, he cares enough for you to give you a house to live in.” He said.
“A house where he chases me out of the house drunk? Come on Sam don’t you have space at your house?” I asked.
“Um no…I don’t think my wife would appreciate that much.” He said.
I got my stuff and got out of the car. He drove off without me expressing my gratitude towards him. Then came the part of walking into the house without being discovered by my dad. Before I walked in I put one clip into the gun then proceeded to open the door. When I walked in he was standing right in front of me.
“Who do you think you are associating with that man? Oh and you have a gun!” He yelled at me. He grabbed for me then I let the lead fly.
“I’m not under your control! It’s not my fault you’re such a failure at life! I don’t need you or anyone like you!” I yelled. My finger pulled the trigger harder as if I wanted more bullets to come out. When the cartridge was empty I looked at the bloody creature that lay in front of me.
“I’m free from your grasp now.” I whispered. I dragged his carcass out to the backyard and dug a hole deep enough to hide him forever. I was done digging; I threw his body as well as my tainted clothes in there. I walked back into the house and changed my clothes.
Later that day the cops come knocking at my door and I answer the door. “Uh sir we’ve received complains and calls about hearing gun shots from this house.” Officer Rodriguez said.
“Well I did hear them too and it was coming from the forest behind my house.” I said.
“Well if you hear them again call us and let us know.” Officer Allred said. Both of the officers left and I closed the door. I laughed and went to the basement and  I polished the gun and set-up a plan to take over the school.
When the morning came I got ready for school and packed the gun and the ammo. The gun and its ammunition were stored in my old duffle bag that held my baseball equipment. Then when I walked out the door I grabbed my dad’s car keys and left.
When I arrived at the school I flung the bag over my shoulder and carried it to the locker room. I took the gun out and put as much ammo as I needed to take on the school. I walked out and shot the students and coaches in the area then continued to the main office and took out the resource officer and all of the office personnel including the principal. All of the screams gave me that all time high I’ve been looking for. I chased the little freshmen around shooting at them as they try to get into classrooms that have been locked down.
“You will never know of an athlete who would’ve taken your school to state and even nationals!” I yelled. I shot each one as they looked at me with immense fear in their eyes.  Then I was on the hunt for Matt and the one who sold me their heart. It wasn’t long before I found Matt.
“Where is she?” I yelled
“Who?” He asked.
“Andrea! Where is she?” I asked.
“She’s in the next room what are you going to do to me?” He asked.
“Kill you.” I said. I forced him up and he led me to Andrea.
“Don’t hurt me.” She said.
“I can’t make any promises.” I said. I forced her up and led them to an abandoned part of the school.
“Ok Pollock you can be the captain and I will buy you a new bike. Please don’t kill me.” He begged.
“Let’s see…um no I’ll make you suffer!” I yelled. I shot him in the leg and his cries made me feel better. “Yes! As for you…you said you would always be there for me! Then you turn around and leave me to die! I loved you and you knew it! I would’ve given my life for you and now you will be giving your life for me!” I yelled. I shot her in the leg and then shot her in the arm. Then I killed Matt and looked at Andrea.
“Does that hurt baby?” I asked. I proceeded to lick the blood off of her arm.
“Get away you gross man!” She screamed. She kicked me away from her and I dropped the gun. She got the gun and fired at me, shooting me in the neck.
“Ah! Dude! I knew you would kill me! I hope you die you b-” I said. Then the SWAT team led by Officers Rodriguez and Allred broke in and shot me down.
“Tango down and hostage secured.” Officer Rodriguez said.
“You won’t hurt anyone anymore.” Officer Allred said.
“We need a medical unit down here as well as the morgue guy.” Officer Rodriguez ordered. My mind went blank and black as the world I once owned disappeared. I loved and I fought and she said no but then again I truly was the reason to hate and the reason to fight. I got my vengeance so I won, Matt.

Dead won’t cut it.
“Officer Bret Allred, reporting that tango is in critical condition.” I said. I turned to Officer Rodriguez, who was helping the injured hostage. “He’s out…I don’t think you killed him.” I said. I looked at poor Seth on the ground in a puddle of his blood.
“Bret, it’s just in case he dies before the medics get here.” Officer Rodriguez said. I looked back to the spot where Seth was but nothing was there.
“Crap, Rick where did he go?” I asked. He looked down and then looked around.
“I don’t know.” Officer Rodriguez said.
“Go find him!” I ordered.
He stood there then something started to click and he drew his gun and began looking for him. “Ma’am I’m sorry but you must stay close to us and the other officers so you’ll be under police watch for your security.” I said.
“With that psycho out there I’m glad you said that.” She said. One of the rookies helped Andrea up and helped her up the stairs to meet the paramedics.
“Hey, you stay with this girl!” I ordered. Officer Rodriguez walked up the stairs, he was white as a sheet and he was bleeding. “Holy crap! What happened?” I asked. He collapsed in front of me and his blood leaked from his arm. “Rick! Answer me! Rick!” I yelled. The medics rushed over to him and he looked at me.
“He’s alive…Bret…He’s not human. Man I’m so stupid.” Officer Rodriguez said.
“You’re not stupid; not at all it’s his fault.” I said. He put his head down for a second then picked it back up.
“Bret, kill him for me.” Officer Rodriguez said. The medics carried him off and I stood there with the girl.
“Hey kid you ready to chase after a psycho?” I asked.
“Yeah, do we have to take this kid with us?” He asked.
“No, we have enough units to care for her while we track this psycho down.” He nodded and we walked through the halls.
“All of those poor freshmen…they didn’t even get a chance.” He said. I looked at the walls all covered in blood then at the bodies of the small freshmen on the ground.
“Sometimes things happen that can’t be prevented. He grew up without a mother and his biological father beat him until we took him away. It’s too bad…he was a good kid.” I said.
“Good enough to turn on all of his friends and kill them.” he said. We walked through the doors left open by teachers too scared to close them. I stood there and looked around to make sure he’s not in any of my blind spots. We proceeded on patrolling and looking for that misguided mongrel. When night fell we got into my patrol car and drove to his house.
“He should be here if not he’ll be here soon.” We got out and walked to the front door. “5150, 4532, 30; Officer in need of assistance, please send SWAT too.”
“Roger that, sending more units to your location.” The operator said.
“How long will that take?” He asked.
“Awhile, but I expect for him to notice that we’re here so we’ve got to break this door down.”
“With what, are we supposed to kick it down or something like that?”
“Kinda, just got to get it right to get it opened. I can tell you weren’t on the force that long.” I kicked the door and remarkably it opened. “Sheriff’s department, we’re coming in!” I yelled. We walked in slowly with our guns drawn and we were expecting anything to happen.
“Took you long enough, I thought I would have to go after you but here you are in my house wanting to kill me.” Seth said. I noticed the M-16 in his hand.
“Put the gun down!” I yelled. He smiled and then he set it by him. “Slide it over to me!”
“Now don’t make this game too easy for yourselves.” He said.
“Slide the gun over NOW!” I yelled. He started to laugh as he picked the gun back up.
“While you were looking for me at the school I went over to my mother’s house and asked her why she didn’t love me…her answer wasn’t right at all so I ended her supposed misery. Then I went over to my biological father and shot him for all of the crap he gave me.” He said.
I aimed my gun at his head. “Put the gun down! I’m not going to say it again, I will shoot.” I ordered. He laughed again and took aim at the young officer.
“Shoot me and he dies. Then again I won’t die that easily. Bret come on why don’t you just let me become the master?” He asked.
“What? Master of what, inmates?” I asked.
“Master of Puppets…I don’t have a master so can I be the master now?” He asked. He took a step forward and took the gun off safety. “Hurry Bret answer me.”
“I don’t know.” I said.
“Wrong move Bret. You should’ve said yes.” He said. He shot him in the head and laughed. “Poor guy…oh well he was unworthy to be alive. He was a poor officer.” My finger twitched and I missed him. “The adrenaline too much for you? Well bye Bret.”
“No! You’re going to stay here and-”
“Now I will kill you before they come. So save yourself Bret, let me go.”
“As a Sheriff Captain I have what they call integrity. I will not let you go.”
“Well then catch me if you can.” He ran for the door and I tried to get him before he did but he was too strong for me. “Nice try old man.” He got away and I was on the ground by fellow officer who is dead finally after this day of looking for his executioner. I got up and dusted myself off and called in for and ambulance to take the body away.

Later that week

I was called out to the polygamist town off of the outskirts of town on a case where a man was found killed by a bear. When I got there I got one good look at the body and it sent shivers down my spine.
“Seth Pollock, that was his name.” I said.
“You mean that was the kid that shot up that school and killed that one girl?” Officer Garbozi asked.
“Yeah…well it looks like we don’t have to deal with this kid anymore.” I went up to his body and spat upon it. “Forever in Hell you will burn.” I stayed there until the medics came and took his body away.
“You never know what evils lay outside your comfort zone, Bret.”
“No Leo, I do. I’ve seen the devil himself.” I closed the door to my cruiser and drove away.

“Evil lurks everywhere but the most dangerous evil exists in your head. I am no different...I am the definition of a psycho.”
-Wolf Pete
© Copyright 2010 Wolf Pete (captainpete at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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