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by Heiss
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1685877
These are the characters of T.A.A so far...
Known Survivors

Mist Regenelus: Mist is the first survivor to awaken. His calm and cool attitude makes it easy for him to get along with everyone. Though being a daredevil type of person he is, it's rare to see him in one place for too long. Even in a life or death situation, he can still stay calm and be able to deal with the problem, though at times he can take very risky moves. He is well-trained with both hand-to-hand and weapon. He wears a black coat and white muscle shirt with black pants and combat boots. He also wears black fingerless fighting gloves and carries around two black, oddly shaped, sharpened swords on his back in a white sheath. At first glance they look like one sword, but in reality the two blades are bonded together by a magnet planted inside of them. They aren't as light as they appear, since they were made from a meteorite he found. He also carries around two 9mm machine pistols as secondary weapons for long range combat. He shares the same Emerald green eyes as the others and has short natural dark red hair. He's about 18 years old and is 6.4 feet tall. It's not very clear on exactly what his mutation is. Good luck trying to fight him. His nick-name is 'Raven'.

Melanie Elima: She is the second to awaken from the four year long sleep. Due to her parents' death, she's very quiet and shy, not to mention easily upset. She knows how to fight, somewhat, but not enough to survive on her own. However, she woke up with Mist, so this isn't a problem at the moment. Her mutation is her ability to take on the physical characteristics of any living thing she has seen. (That means she can become the female anthro form of that living thing.) She is unbelievably beautiful, which Mist has already notice. She wears a teal long-sleeved shirt with baby-blue long pants and white shoes. She also wears a heart hair and necklace. She is always blushing around Mist, because of her crush on him. Her reasons for liking him are unknown. She is about D-cup. She has the same Emerald-green eyes as any of the survivors and very long silver hair. She is 18 years old and is 5.5 feet tall. Most just call her Mel.

Ryu "Flame" Lightning: An expert marksman as well as a psycho. His mind works as fast as his name suggests. He never thinks about something before he does. He is a bit trigger happy. Putting a gun in his hands spells out doom for you, unless you can outsmart him. His mutation is more of an ability. He can run at unbelievably fast speeds. (100 mph to be exact.) He is also a bit of a joker. His nationality is both American and Mexican, though the Mexican part of his nationality is the more dominant. He tends to get on Mist's nerves, because he rarely takes things seriously. He nearly always has a devious smile on his face unless he has done something that he knows is wrong. He is rather fond of Mana's energetic behavior, in a friendly kind of way. He is usually seen wearing a grey jacket with a red, long sleeved shirt and long pants with grey and black shoes. His weapons of choice are dual mini UZIs'. His eyes are like the other, but with what seems to be red ring in the middle of the corneas. He has Bright-Red, spiked, short hair. He is 18 years old and 6 feet tall, even. Here's a few interesting facts. He will usually refer to you as Amigo or Miga which means 'friend' and his favorite song is an old classic, Voodoo Child By Stevie Ray Vaughan. He even has it on his MP3 Player.

Niyani 'Nina' Y'sefer Amina: She is the first known survivor to have a visible mutation. She runs on three different moods. The first and most common is a strong-willed and helping mood. The second in happens when she sees one of her friends get hurt or thinks they are. She becomes cautious and worrisome. But the last...the last is triggered by the sight of death. She becomes depressed and saddened. At this state, it is nearly impossible to communicate with her or calm her down. Ryu knows how to calm her down. The cause of these split personalities is unknown. Even with her mutation, she is still very attractive. She wears a pink shirt with blue jeans and white shoes. Her mutation is her likeness she shares with dragons. That likeness grows with each and every day, at night mostly. Her eyes are like all other survivors' eyes and her mid-lengthed silky hair is brown. The dragonlike details she has are sky-blue in color. She is 17 years old and 5.11 feet tall. She used to have an older brother. She doesn't know what became of him.

Alen Yuolle: This boy is a bit more normal than the others. Not only did he not really want to come along to ride the asteroid storm out, but he all-around didn't want to do anything. He was contempt in living out that final day in the comfort of a hamper outside under a few trees when the white coats found him. He is only here because he was forced into the being picked. It isn't that he didn't want to live through the day. He just figured it was a lot of a work up to try and get himself a pod when billions of others would be crowding the streets for one and only a decimal of that amount would actually get one. This detail makes him seem very carefree and lazy through and through. That's actually the truth, which he does not hide at all. He's rather nonchalant about it, at that. He does know when things need to be done, however, and won't hesitate to point it out. Though that will sometimes make it seem like he's electing to do it himself, when he really isn't. He'll do, but you'll need to light a fire under him if you want him to try his hardest. He has black hair with bed-headish bangs and a long ponytail kept up neatly by a red band. His face... makes him look like a girl at first glance, due to how feminine it is. It's not a helping factor that his green eyes are sharp, yet lax. You can usually see a lax blankness in his lips. Another factor that makes him look feminine is that he seems to be of fair build, but skinny and has a rather girly figure. He doesn't like being called girly, because he is completely aware of how he looks. You can usually find him wearing something he lazily put together, like a simple grey shirt with baggy long black pants. Why baggy? So no one looks at his girly bottom half as much. Guys think he should work out more. Girls think he's not very manly, but gorgeous. With opinions like that, it's best not to give a crap. He is 18 and 5'3" feet tall. Many get it confused that his mutation was that he looks girly. No, his mutation is that he can access 100% of his brain's functions when his adrenaline kicks in, making him super-able. This means he can do anything 10 times better than a normal human and think much clearer. That can mean anything from good or bad, depending on the circumstance. By the way. He likes girls. Don't ever call him gay. That's a big way to piss him off.

Known Humulos

Nym "Frost": Nym's name means "Frost", so everyone just calls him Frost. Being a Nule' Humulo, Frost shares the characteristic of both a human and a dragon. (I won't go too much into the dragon characteristics, yet.) His younger sister went missing at about the same time Mist woke up, so he thinks that Mist has done something to her. Being the type not to trust before he knows someone, he is always accusing Mist of SOMETHING! Underneath all of that is a kind and caring person. He will sometimes slip up and show his more affectionate side when Mist isn't looking, or at least...when he THINKS he isn't looking. He can fight just as well as Mist, but has no weapons. He doesn't wear a shirt, just a purple and black jacket and long grey pants. Unlike dragons, he has no wings. His face doesn't look very dragon-like aside from his fangs. His skin is covered in hard scales that can't be pierce by normal gunfire. He has red eyes and short, spiked, grey hair. He is about 19 years old in his years and s 6.6 feet tall.

Mana: Given the name of what some consider a sorcerer's energy for her energetic attitude and unique abilities. She is also the 'youngest' of any of her species. She is also the most powerful and is also able to manipulate her age, as well as her reality. (You'll know what this means soon enough.) She doesn't know who her family was, nor can she remember much about herself besides her name and age. She came to know Mist and Mel when she wondered into their hibernation complex. Being a little 'kid' She can't really wear full clothing yet, so she simply wears a white house coat that reaches down to her shins. She has a cute face that just makes you feel happy looking at it. Her eyes are a pure and soft magenta, a peculiar color considering that their color isn't present in anyone else's eyes. They always look innocent. Her long, soft, cream colored hair sometimes makes her look like she's covered in fur. Her skin pigment is naturally tan in color. She is the most human of the Humulo. She is very fragile in this state. For the Moment, she doesn't remember how to use any of her abilities. She is 5 years old and 1.10 feet tall. If Mist is badly hurt, She regains her memory and abilities. Weather it is permanent or temporary is completely up to you.

Known Mechanalords

Xemados: The Leader of the Mechanalords. Xemados has the type of attitude that would remind you a lot of Mecha Sonic. He is cold, cruel and aggressive. He is strong beyond all measure of the word. It would take more than a mile high sky scraper's collapse to kill him. His sensors can calculate at unbelievable rates of speed, making his mind fast than that of 15 super computers combine. He can transform into a perfect replica of anyone he has killed. His usual form is a mystery, as only the scientist who built him know what he looks like, but they lost his blueprints during an encounter with a large stray asteroid fragment.

Known Nule' Prime....

Nule' Dusk: This prime is the very essence of fear. Some have been said to have heart attack just looking at the monstrosity. Others were eviscerated or ripped to nothing but bloody shreds by it's many bladed tentacles that grow from out of it's head. Extremely dangerous, this beast... no... this demon..will not stop once it finds you. You have but one chance. And a risky one at that. You must go for the fleshy opening on the center of it's back. It serves as a heart for the demon. If you destroy this, it will quickly bleed out and die...

Nule' Serpent: Inhabiting the sea, this King's reign is unquestioned. It has the body of a snake, covered in sharp, self-produced body armor which is harder than the hardest of metals. It's head is also snake like and it's spikes seem to form a crown in the back of it's head. It's teeth are sharp as swords with an extra set of teeth in it's throat which are used for grinding and ripping. Larger than even the largest whale, you cannot hope to ESCAPE it's domain alive, but you may have a chance of blowing your way out. It is invulnerable from the outside. The only known way of killing it is from the inside, though the one who goes in will be on a one way trip. So I suggest wait for just the right moment, when it opens it's gigantic maw. (Hint: I suggest using a ranged type of attack. some Survivors can channel energy to form these types of attacks.)

Nule' Behemoth: It rules all with it's flight capable body and peak strength. It is ruled by no one and smites all who choose to oppose it with a swift display of strength. It's appearance mirrors that of a lustrous dragon mixed with th body anatomy of a human. Some even argue that it is not a Nule' at all. That it may have actually been human at one point. It is hard to believe such a gorgeous creature could want to harm anyone. Not only that, but Mana has seen this creature up close. She calls it... Azura... The name she mentions to Mist....
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