Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1685660-Naruto-Finale-Chpt-4-Team-Two
by Kayate
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1685660
We have a website now :D Narutofinale.proboards.com we are making a game on byond.com ^_^.
Naruto Finale
Chapter 4
Begining's Path
"Kayate, wake up, everyone must report to the Kage House," Sasuke said, Naruto had called a meeting about the Sound findings.
"What? Alright...Let me get dressed..." Kayate stumbled out of bed, and put on his Sasuke style shirt with the 9-Tail seal on the back, and tan pants, he also made arm and leg weights out of chakra, to train his Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu. At the Kage House, everyone in the village was outside, Naruto was on the roof, with Sasuke and Sakura.
"Everyone! We have just been informed yesterday! Please calm down!" Sakura yelled over the crowd.
"Now everyone, don't overreact to what I'm about to say!" Naruto yelled, "We have heard news of an attack from Sound! Will the two teams that found this information please come up?!" Kayate, Takarev, Aya, Heroto, Koda, and Blank all came up to the top of the Kage Building, Kayate and Takarev on either side of Naruto. "Now, this young ninja, found, and expertly defeated a Sound Spy," Kayate thrust out his elemental swords, "And this young man, found a fellow Leaf's head, with this scroll," Naruto pulled out the scroll, "The contents of the scroll have not been seen, not even by me, I will read it's contents now," Naruto cleared his throat, "To the Village Hidden in the Leaf, Sand, Waves, and all else it may concern, we have lived in your shadow for too long, our empire has been destroyed, Lord Orochimaru killed, the Akatsuki gone, and Sasuke Uchiha taken back from us...Again we will rise, we will build a new army. WE SHALL RISE ONCE MORE! Oh, and Leaf, you should watch out, we may even take another for our purposes, possibly another Uchiha, maybe even that Rinnegan brat... Signed, the Sound." Everyone went into an uproar,
"When will they attack?!" "Where will they attack from?!" "Holy freacking God! We're all gonna die!" everyone was yelling at Naruto. Kayate and Takarev faces were full of fear, and horror
"W-What? They want ME? Why...me? I'm nothing special..." Kayate muttered under his breath.
"Gah...they want us...but...how'd they find out I had the Rinnegan?" Takarev muttered.
After the meeting, Naruto came to the 2 teams and their senseis,
"Hi, look, we need more information on this "attack" can I count on you guys to get to the Sound and spy on them?" Shikamaru was eager to answer,
"Of course Naruto! We can handle this, Teams 1 & 2!"
"Yeah Naruto we can do this!" Kiba said.
"If you guys are sure...what about you 6?" Kayate and Takarev were first to answer,
"Of course Naruto! We can definently handle this!"
"If you guys are sure...you should all leave as soon as possible."
"Alright Naruto." Shikamaru said. Later, the whole group was ready to set out,
"Alright, everyone here? Takarev, Kayate, Aya, Koda, Blank, and...Wait where's Heroto?" Kiba said. Heroto came to the group, with a few scratches on him,
"Thanks for leaving back there...I seriously...hate all of you...there was a WOLF back there..." Kayate whistled non-chalauntly.
"Ok! Everyone's here! We're ready to set out!" Shikamaru said. They left the Village Gate, ready for anything.
The path to the Sound has not been used in a long time, so, the road is almost entirely gone, the land has gone barren, basically a desert, with no plants anywhere in sight, and the sun is blocked the clouds are so dense.
"So uh...anything to do?" Kayate asked. The group stopped walking,
"Well guys, I guess we could camp out here for the night..." Kiba said. Once camp was set in a half circle, everyone was debating what to do until morning.
"How about we sing campfire songs?" Aya said,
"No no, that's too cheery, we're on a mission to SOUND!" Koda said.
"How about we go search for bugs..." Blank muttered from behind his overcoat.
"Guys! Why don't we train!" Takarev said,
"Of course! We're going to Sound of course! If we get caught we have to be ready!" Kayate exclaimed.
"Nah, we'd better get some rest guys, this is such a drag..." Shikamaru said.
"Fine..." everyone said.
"Ok guys, everyone will be sharing tents with there represented squad, Shikamaru and I will be in this tent," Kiba said. Aya had a problem with this,
"What? I have to share a tent with the guys? I mean, Kayate's ok, but Heroto? He tried to hit on me a few days ago!"
"Hm? Ok fine, Heroto, you sleep out here, we have no extra tents..." Shikamaru said,
"What?! No! I will NOT sleep out here!" Heroto said. Later everyone was asleep, Kayate and Aya in one tent, Koda Takarev and Koda in another, and Kiba and Shikamaru in the last, oh, and Heroto was huddling to the fire for warmth. Kayate snuck out of his and Aya's tent and went outside,
"So, we're on a mission to the very place that wants to kidnap me...This seems legit...ah...I can't let it happen...Aya, is counting on me, she's my best friend, Heroto...he's for when I'm bored, but a pretty good friend...and Takarev, they want him as well, my dad went through being taken by Orochimaru...but he went on his own will, does hatred and revenge really fuel one's sought for power...?" suddenly Kayate hears a thick rustling in the bushes around the tents..."Stop! Who's there!" Kayate summoned his elemental swords, "Hah!" he trust out his electric one into the bushes, he heard someone, realizing he missed,
"Haha!" he saw Takarev jump in the air over the bushes! Dodging his thrust! Kayate thrust again, Takarev bent over, with his whole body in the form of a "C" "Haha!" the sword went right between his arms and legs. "Haha! 'Sup Kayate,"
"Ah, nothing," His swords dissapeared, "Just...thinking..."
"Ah ok, so, wanna train?"
"Sure, I've gotta few techniques I'd like to teach you,"
"Same for me, lets get going, shall we?"
Kayate and Takarev went a little away from camp, to train and teach each other new techniques.
"So Kayate, you first, what technique...?"
"I'd like to teach you a Uchiha/Taijutsu specialty, the Lion Barrage!"
"Ok, show me, I'll try to copy it, I'll make my own version with my knuckle knives..."
"You've got knuckle knives?"
"Oh...well lets go! first, you start with the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf... SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Kayate summoned a clone, to demonstrate his move, "Now, you use Shadow of the Dancing Leaf like this, you start with a swift upward kick..." Kayate kicked his clone upward, "Now you have to copy your opponents movements!" Kayate jumped into the air, behind his clone, "Now! Deliever a series of blows to the opponents!" Kayate punched his clone in the back, sending it farther up, then appeared right above it, giving rapid punches to its stomach, then grabbed it by the leg, and threw it to the ground, then came down with a strong drop kick, and the clone puffed into smoke. "Pant...pant...Well? How was that?" Kayate said.
"Pretty good, lemme try my own version...SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Takarev kicked his clone into the air, then pulled out 2 knuckle knives, and rapidly stabbed it, then grabbed its foot, and threw it to the ground, then, when it was close to the ground, he threw one knife at it, then drop kicked it, knocking the knife in harder, causing the clone to puff into smoke.
"Whew...thats a pretty good move!"
"Yeah! So, got any techniques to teach me?"
"Yeah...two genjutsues, Fear, and Darkness, Fear makes the opponent see their own death, they see a variation of it happening while fighting you, and Darkness makes your opponent blind, everything goes dark to them, but you only taught me one thing, if you teach me another, I'll teach you both..."
"Gah! Fine...Um...My dad taught me a powerful genjutsu, he said his old sensei Kakashi used it on Mom when they did their first training exercise, my mom saw my dad crawling out of the woods with kunai and shuriken stabbed into him... It's called the Hell Viewing Technique, it makes you see the thing you fear most, or the thing you hope to never see..."
"Wow, that jutsu seems pretty drastic, show me!"
"Ok...I'll have to use it on you...the handseals are, Snake, then Rat, get ready...Demonic Illusion!: Hell Viewing Technique!!!" leaves started swirling aroun Takarev, engulfing him, when they cleared, Kayate was gone,
"Wh-What? Kayate! Where are you!" then, Takarev heard something in the bushes.
"Hello? Kayate! This isn't funny!" Takarev walked to the bushes, and looked in them,
"T-Takarev...M-My son..." the body of Nagato was lying in the bushes...
"You...Y-You are...Nagato..." Takarev's eyes rippled with the Rinnegan.
"I-I see you've got the RInnegan...My son...You are my succesor, you...will see Konoha meets its end,"
"What...? No! I won't! My father...I don't believe it...My father...Destroyed my home, killed so many people...Will I...? I won't, I can't..." the scene all around Takarev changed, he was standing in Konoha, everyone he knew was dead around him, "No...Koda! Blank! Kayate! Shikamaru Sensei!"
"Takarev! Help me!" Heroto was at Takarev's feet, "Ah!" a strange man, with 3 faces and 6 arms rushed in,
"No...T-The Asura Path...? How...How do I know what this thing is!?"
"Hah!" The Asura Path swiftly kicked Heroto, sending him into a nearby building.
"This...Is me? I...Caused this?! No!" Takarev bent over, clutching his head in frustration, "Hm? This...feeling I'm getting...? It...Yes... It feels good, this power I'm feeling!" Takarev was starting to enjoy his acts of "Evil and Power" "AHH!" Everything went back to reality.
"Ka-Kayate...Man...That's an...amazing technique...It was...Horrifying..."
"What was your vision?"
"N-Nothing...I had...killed all of you...And, I actually started to enjoy it..."
"Woah! Better lay off that move, it can get a little intense sometimes. So, was the enjoyment part of your fear...? Or..."
"It was because of the Hell Viewing Technique...Don't worry."
"Ok, so? Teach me Fear and Darkness?"
"Ok, so, lets start off with Darkness, you do the Dog handseal, then the Rat, like this, Genjutsu: Darkness!"
"Hey...It works! This is cool!" Everything around Kayate went dark, he couldn't see a thing. "Ah man this is cool! Where are you...? Ah! Thats a tree! I'm good, I'm good, um...whats this? Ah! That'd be the fire...Ow ow ow...Wait...SHARINGAN!" Kayate activated his Sharingan, and dispelled the Genjutsu. "Whew, pretty good technique man!"
"Now, Fear, first off, is snake, and then boar, I'm not gonna use it on you...'Cause, ya know...You'd see me kill you in a vision...And MY vision from the Hell Viewing Technique..."
"Haha, ok, pretty cool, these two genjutsues may come in handy sometime!"
"Yeah, so, what now?"
"Maybe we should get some rest Takarev, G'night,"
In the morning, everyone was ready to move out. "Yawn...Everyone ready?" Shikamaru asked.
"Yep! Lets go Shikamaru Sensei!" Koda said. As the team set out, Shikamaru and Kiba discussed a plan for when they reach the Sound,
"Shikamaru, we should travel high, across the trees and rooftops so we're not detected..."
"No Kiba we should go in, maybe steal a Sound uniform so we can blend in, these guys havn't seen you and I since we were kids, they probably don't recognize our faces, we could get a uniform and blend in."
"Ok Shikamaru, that's a pretty good plan! We'll go in, and knock out a few ninja, and get their clothes..."
"Yeah, we should tell the kids our plan..." Shikamaru turned around, stopping the group, "Guys, once we get to Sound, we will steal some Sound uniforms, so we can blend in, we will then attempt to get in there main building, and get some information."
"Ok Shikamaru Sensei, we're going undercover!" Kayate exclaimed.
"Hey, whats that...?" A rogue Sound ninja group was patrolling the outside, and had spotted the group, "Hey...Are those Leaf Shinobi?! Go! Go! Get into postition!" about 5 Sound Shinobi Gathered behind 2 different rocks on either side of the path the group was walking on, ""Now! Throw me the line!" One ninja threw a kunai with a string attached to the opposite rock, "Wait for my command..." The group was still walking, nearing the Sound Village.
"Hm?" Kayate's eyes flashed with the Sharingan, and he stopped walking.
"Hey, Kayate, whats wrong?" Aya came back to Kayate,
"Stop the group Aya, I got this, tell Takarev to come back here with me..."
"What? What's going on?"
"Just go, they're ninja ahead, me and Takarev can handle it..." Takarev ran up to Kayate, as the group stopped.
"Whats happening Kayate?"
"About 5 Sound ninja are behind those 2 rocks, they have a tripwire set up, we have to take care of them before they attack the whole group,"
"Ok...What's the plan?"
"I want you to use your wind and try to break the kunai they're using for the tripwire from the rock, then, use the wind to carry my fire jutsu to them, it will hopefully drive them out..."
"Alright! Here goes everything!" Takarev made strange hand movements, and the wind moved with it, "Gah...It's stuck in there tight...Hah!" The kunai broke free, and fell to the ground, so did the wire, but the rogues didnt notice. "Now Kayate! Go!"
"Alright! Fire Style: Fire Stream!"
"Alright! Wind Style: Wind Manipulation Jutsu!" Takarev's wind control caught Kayate's fire, And split it in half, "Ok, behind those rocks, right?" Takarev asked,
"Thats right! Go! I can't hold this fire out much longer...!" Kayate said, still blowing out fire.
"Hah!" Takarev thrus his hands down, the fire dropped down behind the rocks, "I got 'em Kayate!"
"Nice Takarev!" Kayate dropped hands.
"Ah! Guys! Evacuate!" The leader rogue called out, they all jumped from the rocks. Kayate and Takarev ran back to the group,
"Guys, we got them, I think they're running!" Kayate said.
"No Kayate! They're coming at us! Me and Shikamaru will take 'em out, they're too many of them for you guys!" Kiba said.
"Alright Kiba, the usual combo?"
"Yeah Shikamaru! Lets go Akamaru!" Kiba and Akamaru charged at the rogues, Akamaru poofed into Kiba, "Now Shikamaru!"
"Right! Shadow Immitation Jutsu!" Shikamaru extended his shadow, and split it into 5 parts,
"Hey guys! This guy is from the Nara clan! Watch out for his shadow!" a rogue called out.
"Now Akamaru! Fang Over Fang!" Kiba and Akamaru ran faster at the enemie, and spun at a great speed, and started to pierce the rogues.
"Gah! Guys! We can't get pas tthis! We either get shadowed or get drilled!"
"Hm...they let their guard down...Kiba! I got them!" Shikamaru caught every rogue in his shadow, forcing them to copy his movements,
"Alright Shikamaru! Here I am" Kiba and Akamaru went at all 5 at a time,
"Shadow Strangle!" Shikamaru's shadow crept up the rogues' neck, and strangled them to death.
"Ah...There we go!" Kiba and Akamaru stopped spinning, and came back to the group,
"Well guys, I guess we can keep moving...?" Shikamaru said. The kids were speachless.
"Um...That was awesome!" Heroto cried.
"Yeah yeah, lets get going guys!" Kayate said, as the group started walking again.
"Ah!" Heroto tripped over the kunai that was pulled from the rock, and the group walked into the sunset.
"Guys... here we are..." Kiba said, "The Village Hidden in the Sound..." The group stopped in front of the entrance of the Sound Village, ready for whatever was inside...
© Copyright 2010 Kayate (goku548 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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