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Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #1685639
a baby is found in the forest. Who is she? And why do others want her dead?
Chapter One:

The Orphaned Child

The night was cold and the stench on the air was recognizable as death. Encina Devereaux Traveled through the enchanted forest with her Husband, Feren Devereaux, and her Niece, Ariel Devereaux. They were on an important mission, one that they would not soon forget.

There was a Demonic Being killing Legendary Vampires. The Legendary Vampires were the strongest and most rare race of the Vampire species. This Demonic being is said to be seeking out a certain Legendary Vampire, and even though he had only began his search the day before he had done a great deal to the race with 40 dead Legendary Vampires.

Encina knew what she was about to see. From the scent of the blood there was a male, about the age of 32 , and a Female, about the age of 30, both dead and drenched in the blood of their mate. But, there was some hope in among this tragedy, a slight heartbeat off in the distance, a Legendary Heartbeat.

Feren travelled in front of his mate, Encina didn’t mind this, he was, after all a Great Vampire Lord who was more familiar with death, more so than Encina.

Feren came to a halt, Encina after him, and Ariel following. They stood on the tree branch of a large conifer, so large the one branch was able to hold the weight of all three of them, But the tree was no concern, the scene below the tree in a clearing was the concern. Two Dead Legendary's, a male and a female, wrapped in their war robes. It was no doubt that they were trying to flee this world and make a life for themselves in the Human world.

The three jumped out of the conifer. Encina stood back as Ariel inspected the bodies. Feren wrapped his muscular arms around his wife, comforting her. Encina nuzzled into Feren. He was old, at least three hundred years old, and she was only one hundred years old, but Feren was still strong and he only looked to be the age of a thirty eight year old human.

Feren watched Ariel’s actions. Ariel was only a pup, she was 16 years old and in training to be a guard. But Ariel’s actions intrigued both Encina and her Husband. “Uncle Feren, I found a survivor.” She said. Feren let his wife go, but it was useless, at the word “Survivor” Encina had to follow.

Ariel stood back on to them. “Well Ariel. Who is it?” Asked Feren. Ariel turned around with an infant, no more then a day old, in her arms. Feren and Encina looked at the baby in shock. How could she have survived when her parents were unable to escape.

Ariel rocked the baby. “She is alright, not so much as a scratch on her.” She said. Feren approached Ariel and looked down at the baby. He reached his arms out and Ariel placed the child in his arms. “She is a Legendary, and she is perfect, not so much as a bruise.” He said.

Encina smiled and walked towards her husband. “Does she have a birth name tag?” She asked. Feren Reached inside the blanket that covered the baby and pulled out a quarter moon shaped pendant. “It says Anntamarida Lova.” He said. Encina looked at him with her nose up in the air. “Anntamarida is an ugly name.” She said spitefully. “It was her parents choice.” Said Ariel. Encina Pouted at the comment, she couldn’t believe that such a beautiful baby could have such a horrid name.

Feren handed the baby over to his wife. “Encina, what shall we do with the Orphan?” He asked. “Are there any suitable orphanages near by?” Encina did not look up from the baby. “No, she will not go into a Orphanage.” She said. “But Aunt Encina, what do you intend to do?” Asked Ariel. Feren knew the answer to Ariel’s question immediately. “We keep her.” He answered. Encina smiled and finally met his gaze. “Precisely.” She replied.


The group started their walk back to their home city of Bralla. The baby slept soundly in Encina’s arms as she sang to her sweet lullaby’s. Feren was full of questions for his wife. “Encina, what shall we tell our other children?” he asked. Encina and Feren had three children. Scorrey at age 8, Ido at age 5, and Ransom at age 2. “We will tell them as much truth as age appropriate, and they will eventually except her as their sister.” She responded.

Ariel also had questions about her new little cousin. “You said you hated the name Anntamarida, so what shall you call the child?” She asked. Encina pondered on the thought for a moment and answered swiftly as if the name had been chosen long before that day. “Arabella Zelda Devereaux.” She answered. “That suits our family well dearest.” Said Feren. Encina smiled, cradling the baby and continuing to sing.

“There is one last question.” Said Encina. Both Feren and Ariel looked at Encina puzzled. They figured she had all the answers, but there was one thing bothering even her. “My Baby is a Legendary, and I am only a Zygotae and so is Feren, How shall we train a Legendary for battle if we are not her equals?” She asked. Everyone stopped walking and fell silent. Feren took deep breaths. “Let me worry about that when the time comes, for now it is not an issue for us.” He said. Encina was not satisfied with this, but it was going to have to do for now.


Some time had passed, the night had made way for the day, and Feren was almost home. He didn’t expect to leave his mission with a child. His sister Serentine had told him to go, that something good would come out of it, and now he wondered if this child, Arabella Zelda, was what she was talking about.

They were finally home in Bralla. The city was the largest in the Vampire world. Sky scrapers much taller then those in New York city, and more people then living in Toronto and New York put together.

“Our children should be awake by now.” Said Encina. Feren nodded at his wife. He was a man of little words, but he showed his concern, passion, love, devotion, and agreement in different ways, which Encina gladly excepted. “Its time to introduce them to Arabella.” He said. Encina smiled and looked down at the now awake baby. “Thank Goodness we are finally home.” She said. She looked up into the sky and mouthed Thank you to the clouds.

The royal palace was huge, and Feren, being an important Lord had his own wing of the palace for his family. Encina was royalty herself, she was a duchess, and was related to the royal family through friendship ties. Between both Himself and Encina, Feren had a Beautiful home in the palace for his family.

They entered their wing with they baby, Ariel had left them so she could go home to rest. It was time to tell Their children about their new baby sister.

Feren watched his children. Scorrey Feren Devereaux was the oldest, he was eight years old. He sat in their playroom with his toy cars. Ido Anastasia Devereaux was the middle child, she was five years old and played happily with her dolls. Then their was Ransom Derenti Devereaux, He was two years old. He sat in his Pin playing with his plush toys and chewing on anything that would fit into his mouth. Feren’s children were his pride and joy, and now it was time to introduce his new pride and joy.

“Children, Come here please.” He said. The two oldest, Scorrey and Ido gulped back their fear, whenever Feren told them to come here it always meant something serious, which usually meant they were in trouble. They hesitated, but no one enraged Feren Devereaux. Ido went and grabbed Ransom from his Pin. Ransom was too heavy for Ido to carry, so she set him down, grabbed him by the hand and led him to the couch that Feren and Encina sat on.

Feren looked at his perfect Children. Scorrey looked just like he did when he was a child. Scorrey had dark brown hair which had a natural spike to it. He had big, deep blue eyes and a fair complexion. Despite his age Feren knew that Scorrey would be a Handsome young man one day.

Ido, Until they found Arabella, was Feren's only daughter. She was stunning, and he wasn’t stating this because she was his daughter, but because it was actually true. She had Dark brown and blond hair, and her eyes were pale blue like Encina’s. She was truly daddy’s little angel.

Then there was Ransom, the troublesome two year old. He was young, but resembled Feren’s brother Derenti in looks, which made his middle name suit him more. He had a lighter brown hair, like his mother, and the same pale blue eyes, he would also be a handsome man one day.

Feren shook himself out of his daze. His children sat in front of him anxiously awaiting the news their parents brought. Feren knew now that there was no turning back, and that Anntamarida existed no more, now lived Arabella.

“Me and your mother were on a mission last night.” He said. “We found something that we decided to keep.” The children were puzzled. “What do you mean father?” asked Scorrey. Encina smiled. “Would you three like to have a baby sister?” Encina asked. Ido’s face brightened up, Scorrey’s did not change, and Ransom was just being two years old. “We found a baby in the forest, her parents are dead, so we are going to adopt her.” Feren said. Scorrey climbed up onto the couch and examined the baby. “What did you call her?” he asked. “Her name was Anntamarida Lova, but we decided to call Her Arabella Zelda Devereaux.” Said Encina. Scorrey screwed up his face. “I prefer Anntamarida.” He said. Feren looked down at his son, Scorrey had no emotion, he just excepted it.

“Your sister will know she is adopted, but we do not want you to use that against her, even though she is not tied by blood she is still family, and I want you to remember that.” Said Feren. The three children nodded at their father. Encina let each of the children hold their sister. Scorrey rocked her singing Anntamarida over and over to her, Ido kissed her and talked of all the things they would do together. Ransom stared her down and kept saying “ My Baby, Ara’s My Baby.” It was adorable In Feren’s mind. Now they needed to formally welcome her to the family.


Feren and Encina’s family were coming to visit them and the new baby. To be formally admitted into a family all members must agree to the adoption before anything can be signed.

Feren’s brother Derenti and his wife Anastasia arrived with their children Damona, age 25, Leela, age 20, and Ariel, age 16. Ariel had already agreed, and Feren knew Derenti and Anastasia would have no problems.

Next came Feren’s sister Serentine Devereaux-Novelle, Her husband Cole and their two children, Nathaniel, age 30, and Zachariah, age 23. Serentine was a powerful being, she was well known. Feren loved his little sister, and he knew she would be happy for him and Encina.

Next came Encina’s Parents, Charles and Naomi Lepri. They loved all their grandchildren, and even though Feren was older then both of Encina’s parents they loved him as a son.

Both of Encina’s older Brothers came next. They were twins, David Lepri, who did not bring his family, and Stephen Lepri, who brought his second wife Jodie. They supported their older sister, mainly because they feared her, but they supported her.

Last came Feren’s youngest sister Cerenlie Devereaux-Morceau. Cerenlie was widowed, so she bought her best Friend Flannery with her, and her three children, Harlow, age 12, Drew, age 8, and Leroy after her husband, age 4. She loved children, and loved family, and since she was to have no more children her brother having another would make her just as excited as if she were adopting herself.

Feren and Encina stood in front of the crowd. All the sibling’s, parents, children, and friends sat around the couple. “We now have a new addition to the Devereaux family.” Said Encina. Everyone clapped and cheered. “Her parents were found dead, so we claimed her. Her original name was Anntamarida Lova, but we renamed her Arabella Zelda Devereaux.” Said Feren. Everyone cheered, they liked the name, which was a good start.

“Now, here is the bigger deal. Her parents are Legendary Vampires, and they were killed last night by a demonic being, it is a miracle that she had survived.” The room grew silent. The fact that she was a Legendary scared everyone. She was strong, and if she grew to be evil it could possibly bring the country to its doom.

Feren looked around the room. His brother Derenti caught his eye. Derenti and his family began to clap, followed by the twins, and then the rest of the family. Derenti was a clever man, he knew that he could persuade everyone else into agreeing with the decision.

Encina held Arabella up for everyone to see her. Jaws dropped and gasps were heard. This child was beautiful, easily the most attractive child that anyone had ever laid their eyes on. Encina handed the child to her Parents. They observed the baby, nodded at Encina in approval, then handed the baby to Serentine.

“Is everyone in agreement in the adoption of this child say I.” Feren waited for a response. “I” was heard going around the room. Feren smiled. “Everyone who is in disagreement and thinks we should not adopt this child say Nay.” Feren waited for a response. “Nay!” Feren looked in the direction of the voice. It was Derenti’s daughter Leela.

“Leela! What is the meaning of this!?” Derenti roared in anger. He stood up and hovered over his daughter. Leela showed no fear. Her Crimson eyes glowed, and pain skin almost transparent, and her red hair blazing like fire.

“This child is a Legendary Vampire! She has powers unlike anyone else in this room, and no one in this room knows how to train her properly. Soon she will get frustrated with her powers, and well lets just say...That you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, because once she becomes angry she will not let up, she WILL kill you, no questions asked.” Leela said coldly.

Encina feared this moment. She knew Arabella would need proper training to be able to control the Vampire within. Feren did say he would deal with the issue when the time came. The time was now, and the family, the lives of the ones they shall be risking deserved to know what they were going to do.

“I have a solution!” It was Serentine. Her green eyes blazing with strength, and her bright red hair long and flowing in the light. She was magnificent, and Feren swore that Serentine knew Arabella was out there, and that she was meant to live with them.

“Well, lets hear it sister!” Said Derenti encouragingly. Serentine smiled at her brother. “I am getting older and weaker, I may die soon, so ever though I know how to train the child, I may never get the chance.” She said. “Nonsense Serentine! You have a long time to live yet!” Yelled Cerenlie. “No Dearest Sister that is not true, I will die soon, so I cannot train the child.” “How is this considered a solution?” asked Leela in a snobby tone. Derenti smacked the girl lightly in the head. “Bite your tongue Leela before you loose it!” snapped Serentine. Leela grew silent, knowing Serentine meant what she said. “Derenti and Myself have a friend named Pravat Crone. He is a Legendary Vampire, one of few who can train in all elements too. I will call in a favour, and when Arabella is of age, Pravat will appear and train the girl.” She said. Serentine looked at Leela. Leela sank into her seat, she had nothing more to say.

“Its official then, Arabella Zelda Devereaux can be adopted into our family!” Said Feren. The entire family cheered. Arabella was in Ariel’s arms by now. Ariel looked down at Arabella. “Did you hear that, we are going to be cousins.” She whispered to the baby. “Arabella Zelda Devereaux, I swear to protect your life, even if it means I loose my own life.” Ariel kissed Arabella on the head. “I promise you.” Arabella looked Ariel in the eyes. The bond between Ariel and Arabella began that instant.


A few days had passed since Feren and Encina had found Arabella. Their families had approved of the child and now it was adoption day.

First place Feren brought the justice office was to the morgue. Jonah Singiley ran the Bralla Morgue. He was the Medical Examiner working on the bodies of the two Legendary Vampires. He had all the answers to any question that could be asked.

Jonah sat in his office, he was fidgeting because of his nerves. “Jonah, we have several questions to ask you.” Said the head officer. “Ok.” He said. He nervously pulled at his collar, it made Feren nervous.

“Ok Mr. Singiley, who are the child's biological parents?” He asked. Jonah gulped. “I do not know, there is no record of their existence, I even had one of my workers search every Legendary in the country, no record that those people even exist or have ever been in our country, it is odd, I have seen no other case like this.” He said. Feren’s jaw dropped. It was now that he knew that Arabella would be his daughter.

“Ok, Mr. Singiley, is there any record of the baby?” He asked. Jonah looked over at Feren and gulped. “Yes, she was born in High Priestess hospital in the city of Caroline the day before you found her. April 24th at 6:20 am to be exact, but the records of her parents were taken down as Leon and Miracle Lova, but there are no such people in our world.” He said. The Head officer looked at Jonah with a stunned look on his face. Jonah handed him the files, and when the head officer looked through it he frowned.

“This poor child has no one, no sign of relatives, and the only sign of life is a pendant and birth certificate. Feren and Encina are kind enough to raise this child as their own, then what objections do I have? None, the adoptions papers can go through, She will be yours in a matter of days.” Said the Head Officer.


“The Child is an abomination! She must be destroyed!” Yelled Armory. He hit his desk with such force that it broke into two even pieces. “Armory! What is the meaning of this!?” Asked Notrodomme in a worried tone. “The Child! Anntamarida! She survived!” he yelled. Armory took a deep breath then left the room, Notrodomme following him.

“Why should we be worried about a child dearest?” She asked. “She is after all, nothing but a Vampire.” Armory turned and glared at Notrodomme with fury. “I saw a the brother Prophet! He said that all of my plans to rule all the worlds will be foiled by her! I cannot let that happen! I must kill the child!” He yelled. Notrodomme walked away from Armory not interested in Armory’s sick plans to kill a child all because a blind man told him to.

Notrodomme couldn’t care less about ruling the worlds, she only wanted one thing and that was the extinction of the Vampire species. Armory was her one and only love, and he didn’t even see what good things would come out of this. Notrodomme stopped and looked out the window, so many things about the vampires raced through her mind.

“Notrodomme.” She turned towards the voice that had spoke her name. It was the brother prophet, the blind old bat as she thought of him. “What the hell do you want geezer!?” she snapped. “Calm down dear Cerberous, I bring news to you, news similar to what I had told Armory.” He said calmly. He walked towards her, his arms out stretched so not to bump into anything. He stopped and leaned on the wall next to her. Notrodomme watched the older man as his pupils grew larger.

“The child I told Armory of, Anntamarida.” He said. “Yeah, what about her?” Notrodomme asked realizing that he could not hear her. “This child will bring Armory and your demonic empire to its doom.” “What!” Notrodomme screamed as she hit the stone wall leaving a crater in its place. “She will continue to live, no matter how hard you try this girl will live and the more times you try to murder her the more angry she will become.” He said. Brother prophet’s eyes went back to normal, his prediction was over, for now.

“So, thats why Armory is so upset about the hit going wrong." She said. Notrodomme’s eyes fluttered. “as long as I am more beautiful then this girl nothing really matters, we can kill her, I don’t know what your taking me for geezer.” Notrodomme said. Brother prophet was stunned by the young leaders response. “Your willing to kill your empire to kill one girl, you will be the reason of your own downfall, Notrodomme, have some sense about it.” “Enough!” She yelled. “I have had it of your babble, I know what I must do.”

Notrodomme’s older sister Dassiea walked up behind the brother prophet. “Dassiea, have you heard everything?” Notrodomme asked. Dassiea nodded with her blond curls bobbing up and down. “Notrodomme, you are our leader dear sister, are you sure this is the right choice for our lands?” Dassiea asked. Notrodomme closed her eyes, then opened them revealing a blue and white ocean. “Yes Dassiea, I am making the right choice. Go and get Mother and Armory, I must tell them what I have in mind for Anntamarida.”


Notrodomme observed her family. Dassiea had blond curls, blue eyes identical to her own, and weighed only about one hundred and ten pounds at the height of five feet and three inches.

Her Mother, Ecstasy, also had blond hair, but it was straight like her own. Her eyes were also blue and her mother weighed about one hundred and twenty five pounds at the height of Five feet and six inches.

Armory had short blond hair with traces of brown. He had green eyes that glowed like emeralds. He weighed about one hundred and fifty pounds at a height of five feet and nine inches, he wasn’t what one might call a big man, but he was strong.

Then there was herself, Notrodomme Cerberous. Her hair was both blond and brown, the best from her mother and late father. Her eyes were blue at one point but turned amber during a battle and never went back to normal. She weighed one hundred and twenty pounds at a height of five feet and five inches, and in her mind no one was more beautiful then she was.

“I will assume that Dassiea has told you exactly what the Prophet brother has told me, and my plan is not a solid plan, but its enough for the time being.” “Lets her it then.” Responded Ecstasy. “Well, she is only an infant, therefore not a threat as of right now. But once she gets a little older she will start causing trouble, so we shall wait and plan for the next eight years so that we can get it right the first time, then we strike her down, no worries, no troubles, and no matter who she is, she will only be eight at the time, a direct hit will kill her.”


Notrodomme smirked as she for the first time heard her plan out loud. Her teeth were white except for the blood staining the top near her gums. Notrodomme and the rest of her people feasted on other creatures, Vampires and humans being their favourites. Truly disgusting creatures, and yet they took pride in such sins. And Notrodomme especially took pride in this next sin....


Encina ran through the wing of the palace she called her home. She was searching for Feren, she had news. Great news at that, She just received a letter from the Department of adoptions, or D.O.A. Anntamarida Lova existed no more, she was now known as Arabella Devereaux, and it was official. Encina was crying, joy washed over her, Arabella wasn’t her flesh and blood, but she was her daughter and no one was to tell her differently.

Feren poked his nose out from his study to see his wife race pass him, slide across the floor and stop herself in front of him. “Encina, what is the meaning of this?” He asked. Encina beamed at him, “Arabella is now officially our daughter Feren!” She said as she handed him the letter. Feren’s eyes followed each word on the page in front of him carefully so not to miss any important detail. “Amazing! How much detail is lost from this girls life, and yet....we find it lucky.” Feren said as he handed his wife the letter. “Arabella will always know she is adopted, I will never hide any details about her, that I know of, from her.” He said. Encina nodded. “yes, and I agree. Her life is rather tragic, but with tragedy always comes some kind of miracle, and we are as much her miracle as she is ours.” Encina replied. Feren nodded, then he embraced his wife as she wept tears of joy for Arabella Zelda Devereaux.

© Copyright 2010 Anntamarida (sanguinex94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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