Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1685450-The-Quartet-Vampire-Huntress-Ch-3
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1685450
Chapter three!! ^ ^ sorry for the long wait!
Chapter Three: Secrets and Discoveries
"You've been here for a week. Ready for academic week, Anya?"

Anya looked at Daisuke with a small smile. "As ready as I'll ever be...... boyfriend."

'Yes, I've been only here for a week and I have an almost-boyfriend already....... it's because I solved the mystery of my secret admirer.......'

Daisuke smiled and pecked her cheek. "Of course,......... girlfriend."

She looked at him."Are we actually bf- gf really?"

"Since we haven't gone on a date yet and feelings haven't been established....... not really........" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"I know........ but I know that you're really nice and I'd like to give us a chance......." she said, looking at him with a serious look.

"So don't I.......... but we must deal with all this stuff that is bothering you before we could think of a relationship between us....... whatever relationship that is." he said with a soft smile.

Anya smiled and hugged him tightly. "We should go or we're gonna be late to class.......... which is a high-level math class...... teaching all methods of math."

Anya groaned. "Ugh..... I hate math..... it's somewhat unnecessary......"

"I would agree with you." he said, chuckling.

She smiled and they walked to class and sat in their seats. Daisuke got a book from the cabinet and gave it to her. "Thanks....." "No problem....." The other students filed in and the teacher gave everyone the lesson for the day and the homework.

Everyone got a head-start on the problems while Anya talked to Daisuke through a note.

She giggled and hugged him. "So, why are you so clingy, beautiful?" he said with a smile.

She blushed. "I'm not beautiful....." "Yes, you are....." "Stop it......" "Okay, since you asked......."

"Hey, Anya......."

Anya froze and looked down as Fumiko came over to them. "Go away, dog." Daisuke said with a scowl. "You first, boy." she said with a glare.

She looked at the goth and sneered.

"I need help with the math work seeing as you two are done." Anya glared at her. "Sorry, I don't help people that are disrespectful to others....... especially you........ and....... that's my cue to leave......." she said as the bell rang.

Daisuke took her by her hand as soon as she finished packing up and they left. "That was really good..... and since the teachers are somewhat lenient with new students, we will have less homework."

She sighed, relieved. "That's good, I don't want to be treated like this forever."

He smiled. "Hm..... you're right about that."

"It's so annoying to be treated like you don't get anything and they treat you like you're a little kid who doesn't know better......." He chuckled as they made it into english.

"I guess you're right........" He got her an english book and showed her what they've been reading and where they were. "I love this story....... it's really good......" "Great Expectations? I guess so......."

"Anya?" She looked up and smiled at the person.

"Oh, hi, Dimitri."

"So, you are in one of my classes? Oh, hello, Daisuke......."

Daisuke smiled at the man. "Hello, father....."

"It's good you've gotten to know young Anya." He looked at Anya and smiled. "Yes, I know....."

Dimitri stood in front of the class and cleared his throat. "I am Dimitri for those who are new or simply don't remember. We have been reading Great Expectations and we will continue tomorrow to give Anya some time to read it....."

She smiled shyly as everyone looked at her. "Thank you....." The bell rang, snapping Anya out of her reader-induced trance and smiled as Daisuke lead her to a double-period of Chemistry.

"I love Chemistry!........"

A boy walked up to her with a smirk on his face. "There's some chemistry between you and me, honey...."

Anya glared at the boy as he pinned her to the wall. "Are you a little demon?...... because you are smoking hot......" She frowned and raised her hand up. "I don't think so......."

She knocked him out and took her seat as the teacher came in. "Nice job, sweetie." She giggled a bit and smiled. "Thank you."

He smiled. "You're welcome......" "We will be studying over all the elements again for the big test on Friday...... so young Anya can catch up." Anya looked at the teacher, who had said her name like she was a disease.

'What the heck? A teacher already hates me....... wow....... go figure.......' She and Daisuke went over the elements with each other.

"You have some serious strength..... remind me not to mess with you........" he whispered into her ear. "You wouldn't say some lame pick-up line though....." "I know, but I should still watch myself........"

Anya smiled and got up as the bell rang.

The rest of the day flew by and Daisuke looked at her.

"I have to meet someone and I'll be back in our room in a while....." he said, starting to walk.

"Daisuke, wait......" She gripped his hand.

He blushed a bit. "What is it?"

"I want to go with you." "I can't...."

She gripped his hand tighter. "What are you hiding from me?......"

He looked down.

"Nothing....... but it's not something I can show you........ you have to find out on your own." "Daisuke......... fine...... it's only because I trust you....... and I don't know why......... I feel like I've known you for years......"

He stiffened and pulled out of her hand.

He looked at her and smiled gently. "I'll talk to you later, okay, bella?"

She blushed as, yet again, he called her beautiful. "O-Okay...... ciao......." "And, please...... do your best to stay out of trouble." "Okay....." She headed back up to her room and noticed a strange door that seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

"That's odd....... I haven't seen that door before......" she muttered to herself.

Noticing no one was watching her, she examined the door. Instead of a plain hardwood like the other doors, it was made of a beautiful redwood with an intricate design.

"Hmm...... it's not a normal keyhole...... looks like a gem could fit in there......"

She pulled out her garnet ring, pulled out the stone, and locked it in place.

She opened in and it flew open, causing her to fall on her face.

"Ow......." She kicked the door, which hit her on her butt before closing. She tumbled down some stairs and growled.

"Darn it........" She rubbed her now-sore back and looked around what seemed like a very beautiful study. She spotted a journal and skimmed through it.

'This person really loved this girl..... too bad she died from an illness...... poor guy....... and poor girl......'

She placed the journal back down where she had put it and headed over to another door. This door had no doorknob or any method of opening it.

"Crap!" She leaned against it. The door gave out and she fell back into blackness. She landed flat on her back and groaned out. "Ow........ I'm gonna feel that later.... hmm?.... what's this way??......."

She went down the tunnel and found a quaint little living room. It was decorated in black and red fabric and looked old and....... almost........ ancient.

"I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."

Anya jumped and turned to see Daisuke. "D-Daisuke??...... Why are you here?" He stepped in front of her, a serious look on his face.

"Anya, do you listen to a word I say?" She flinched, expecting to be hit, but he lightly touched her cheek. He leaned to whisper in her ear.

"I'm not what you think I am, Anya. I am a guy........ but............ I'm also a vampire."

She gasped as his fangs brushed against her neck. 'Wait, wait! FANGS?!'

She pushed him off and he chuckled, easily pinning her against the wall.

"Why are you so scared?.... You're the same as me....." Her eyes widened again and she shook her head.

"No! I'm not!"

He caught a strand of her hair between his fingers, causing her to flinch. "You're regaining your original hair color. The same as I remember....." She looked out of the corner of her eye and gasped. Her hair was turning silver.

"No..... this can't be....."

"Anya, you said you felt like you knew me...... Don't you recognize me?"

She looked into his eyes and her eyes widened a bit. "I...... I..... yes...... I do remember you, but....."

He frowned. "But what?" "It's faint...... like someone tampered with my mind...... I......... I...... it hurts to think........"

"Let me help......"

"How??......... !!....... mmph!......" He kissed her lips and her eyes fluttered close. He pressed harder against her and she whimpered a bit.

He let her go and she looked at him, blushing. "Uh........ I liked you like that?......" "I don't know....... but I do......." He went down on one knee and held her hand in his.

"My princess......" He lightly kissed her hand. She blushed redder.

"Daisuke, quit....... 'ow you say....... oh!...... man 'andling....... Anya......." A girl with strawberry blonde hair and golden brown eyes smiled at her.

"Anya....... Je vous manque!....... I miss you!......." She hugged her, causing Daisuke to growl.

Anya processed the girl's behavior and smiled a bit.

"Jaqueline, Comment aves-vous été?" "J'ai été bon!" "That's splendid." "Oh, so you remember her?"

Anya looked at Daisuke with a apologetic look before being pulled into another man's chest. "Anya, vous regardez comme joli comme toujours...." She smiled and blushed a bit as he kissed her hand.

"Pierre, toujours le flirteur, hein ?" "Oui, madamoiselle." Daisuke growled again and Anya put her other hand on his shoulder.

She slipped away from Pierre and hugged Daisuke. "Get off me."

She nuzzled into his neck."I don't want to if you're mad at me."

He sighed as Dimitri stepped up.

"Anya, it seems you remember everyone....... Do you remember these three?" Anya looked at the three behind him and frowned a bit. "Paolo, Natalia, and Anna. Yes, I do, but I don't care for them."

Natalia tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Well, of course you wouldn't with our history." "That's enough, Natalia." Anya subtly held Daisuke's hand and whispered in his ear.

"Maybe Dimitri can figure out why I don't remember you or him....... I don't want to hurt you if this is permanent." He blushed as she softly kissed his cheek.

"Anya, is there something on your mind?" She looked at the eldest vampire and nodded. "How come I remembered everyone else when they didn't mention their names and you and Daisuke...... had to introduce yourselves again? Even with that....... I still don't remember you two......"

There was a silence before Jaqueline spoke up.

"...... 'Zat is 'orible......" she said.

"I don't think so..... Anna?" Natalia said. "Nope, not at all." Anna replied.

Anya glared at them as her eyes changed to black again.

"You two! You know you can't piss her off!" Daisuke said with a growl.

The two blondes fell to their knees and gasped for air. Daisuke softly spoke into Anya's ear and her eyes changed back to their blood red color.

She breathed deeply. "What is it that I do to people when my eyes change?" she said through gritted teeth. "This is an ability only you possess, but from what I've seen, it is able to get into a being's deepest fear and make it consume them."

Anya looked at him, eyes narrowed. "Tell me everything....." Dimitri sighed and motioned for everyone to sit.

"Your real name..... full name is Anya Kagirinai. Your real mother and father were vampires. Your mother was from an italian vampire clan while your father was from a japanese vampire clan."

He paused as she gripped Daisuke's hand.

"So Daisuke's from a japanese clan too?"

Dimitri nodded. "An ally of your father's clan."

Anya sighed. "So, the two I live with......."

"Two humans your mother had me give you to..... so you would be safe......." Anya gripped Daisuke's hand tighter. "Start from the beginning." Dimitri cleared his throat.

"You used to live within Japan. You played with all the people you see in front of you, but you attached more to Jaqueline, Daisuke, and Pierre. There were other children, especially boys, that you hung around with. It wasn't until your fifth birthday that something happened that made your parents seal your memories of us and gave you to me."

He paused and Daisuke finished up. "A bunch of angels and werewolves attacked to try and kill you."

Anya's eyes widened. "Why me?"

"You're our next queen and our most powerful because....... you're also the vampire huntress of legend." Dimitri answered.

"Vampire huntress?" she asked, confused.

"You keep all the vamps in line and kill any werewolf, angel, or vampire that goes rogue and try to go after humans."

"Wait..... what do angels have to do with hurting humans?" Anya asked.

"Angels are sometimes infected by werewolves or vampires when they are bitten by either...... and become a darker, more malevolent breed. The dark angels, which go after humans and kills them."

The young queen sighed and looked at them.

"There's something else, huh?" Dimitri looked at the young vampires and sighed. "Some of the students and teachers are vampires, werewolves, or angels...... and it's a huge majority of the students that are..... monster-oriented..... and the minority are......"

"Humans......" Natalia said in a nasty tone.

Anya glanced at her and the others to see different expressions on their faces.

"And here...... I'll unseal your memory now....." Anya smacked his hand away. "Anya, this will let you remember everything......."

"I......... I don't want to...... not until I know something......" Daisuke looked at her.

"Fumiko....... is a monster....... right?"

Their eyes widened. "How could you sense that?"

"Her side of the room had a lot of pics of wolves and it was really wild....... plus....... her look and style was the same..... and she smelled like dog and she had a weird distasteful aura about her that made me want to kill her." She growled and her hair turned to pure silver.

"Calm down, Anya, and let me unseal your memories." Dimitri laid his hand on her forehead and she gasped as her memories flooded her mind. She fainted and fell over into Daisuke's arms.

"Take her back to the dorm and help her along." The japanese vamp nodded and headed off.

"Daisuke, put me down."

He stopped and put her down. He blushed as she lightly touched his face. "How could I have forgotten your face?....."

Daisuke blushed redder and gulped.

"Anya...... are you...... you again?" She smiled and looked at the scar on his cheek. "You tried to save me once and that's why you have this......."

She lightly kissed his scar and smiled.

"Anya, are you sure you could handle this?......" "I have to, don't I?......."

She sighed and sat down on her bed. "I want to protect you. I don't want you to die." he said, sitting down next to her.

"You won't lose me..... I promise....."

"Do you know what you must do now?.... We need to put you back on the throne and you must start hunting." Anya looked at him and lightly pecked his lips. He blushed.


"I care for you, Daisuke. I have since we were younger...... I am sorry you have had to live the past twelve years with the pain that I possibly wasn't alive anymore." He looked at her, blinking back tears.

"Do you know how happy I was when I heard from Dimitri that he knew all along that you were with humans and alive and well?" She shook her head and was pulled into a hug.

"I was angry at him..... for not telling me sooner, but understood that he knew I would take you away from the humans and put you back in danger. I was.... so happy that you were okay."

"Natalia and the other two don't think so." she muttered.

"That's because..... they don't want to get close again, knowing that you had to be taken away and might be again soon. They were your friends, but........ it's complicated for those three to show their emotions."

Anya smiled sadly. "I guess......"

Daisuke lightly touched her cheek. "Don't be sad. They will come around."

She looked at him with a small smile. "If you say they will." She looked at him and smiled. "Come on.... let's get some rest."

He smiled and went to go into his room, but not before lightly kissing her hand again. "Good night, my princess."

"Sweet dreams, my warrior." she said with a small smile. She laid down on her bed and soon fell asleep for the second good night's sleep she had.

© Copyright 2010 Amaya K. (amayakinachi16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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