Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1684610-Savage
by Curtle
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mythology · #1684610
short story; between 3000 words; it is about vampires and does not include much romance
“Come on !!” I yelled  were going to be late” “OK!!!. I'm coming !!jeeez ever heard of patience!?!?!?! Its a virtue yah know!!!” “sure its a virtue I just don't own it . I said. Ha ha ha. Brook said and gave me a playful punch. “lets roll” I said “hey now” said brook don't you get all tough with me.” She was right . I wasn't exactly the kind of guy you‘d expect to see with brook. She was a 16 year old middle class girl same as anyone else. But it wasn't her age or wealth that caught my or anyone's eye . It was her looks. Brook had long brown hair to her shoulders and her  jade -green eyes were unlike any in the world.  I on the other hand was not so good looking.  I had acne and had been taking care of it.  My eyes were a muddy brown - gray.  I had a long chin. I guess it was my charm and good sense of humor that won her over. I held open the front door for her and she headed for my truck. She got in and buckled her seat belt. I got in started the truck and rolled onto the road.

as I headed for the school brook said “ thanks.” For what?” I said. For brining me . believe it or not many people date me.” “Well” I said were not there yet. We both laughed. I drove to the school at 45 mile an hour and thought of how beautiful brook was.  I guess I must have been day dreaming when I hit-  him. Brooks screaming  awoke me. I heard her say " he just stood there. Like a scarecrow." Like a scarecrow. That sentence both spooked and thrilled me. why - why in the world would he just stand there? I headed for the man and saw his face. White . white as snow. Whiter than any skin I had ever seen. I looked around and saw a pendant. It was crossed with lines like an x but more than that. The spaces were colored red and gray. It looked as if it were made of stone.
it was on a chain. silver chain. For a          minute I thought to give it to him he wasn't breathing  I took the pendant and headed for the truck. I'm not one of those people who thinks “oh my god my car!!” I actually don't care about the truck. Its a hunk of junk. I got in and left him for the ambulance. It was coming.  We left and got to the school at 5:01.                                                         

“ Oh  my god.” Said brook. “he just stood there. Why?” “I don’t know. He was probably a guy on  L.S.D, or P.C.P,  and thought he could stop my truck.” After about five minutes she said “  What was that pendant that  you found on the pavement?”  “What are you talking about?”  I said  “You know exactly what I’m talking about that pendant.” “Oh that . Well I don’t know exactly what it is.” “Well it must mean something.” “ Well something  tells me were not going to find out soon.” That was a jinx I wasn’t ready for. I had parked  the truck outside the school. I got out and helped brook out. We got inside I paid and we headed for the dance floor . Jason Aldeans Big Green Tractor was playing. Brook and I danced too it then sat down to talk at about 5:06 my best friend  Jacob Bayman walked up. “Hey”  I said” “ How’s it going?”  “Good ,good. Why did you think some thing was wrong?” no you just looked glum. I said. “No I’m fine. You?”  “I’m  good to .” After a few minutes I said “hey can I talk to you for a minute?” “Sure.” He said.
We  headed for the darkest corner of the room. I said “hey I hit a guy on the way here” “My god did you tell the cops?” “Yea” I lied. “ But the weird thing was I found this near his body.” I said handing him the pendant. “ dear god do you know what this is?” “No . I was hoping you could tell me that” Jacob claimed to be an expert in the world of black magic.  He rarely showed his face except to me or his girlfriend Cheyenne. He proclaims he can answer anything about voodoo, black magic or any thing weird. “ this is a pendant for a vampire ritual. They need all three to feed. You’ve got one” “ Shit this is not good. First I hit a guy and now I’m a target of a vampire.” Bon Jovi was playing now. Wanted dead or alive. Right as the song hit the main verse, a ceiling tile fell. a  man- the same man whom id hit earlier- came out. He looked at me. Stared me right in the eye. Then he turned his gaze to brook. He walked towards her , grabbed her then came for me. the room went black. Jacob and I ran outside as soon as the screaming started. Then I heard a scream that was unmistakable. Brook. It was unlike the gurgling screams I had heard so far. It was muffled as if they were taking her. “Brook!!” I yelled as I started in after them. “No”. said Jacob “They’ll kill you. I cant let that happen.” “She’s my girlfriend. Oh shit .” I saw them drag her away into the still, moon-lit night.

I woke up in my truck. Jacob was driving. “Were going to a motel.” He said. “Were going to Escanaba.” Escanaba was a fairly large town in the upper peninsula of Michigan. “Why?” I said. “So we can escape them.” He said . “And you.” “What? Me?” As I said that , I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I felt cold blood slowly flowing from a small puncture. “Shit. No” I said. “Hell yes .” said Jacob. “You blacked out when they…” His voice trailed off. “ they surrounded you like flies to sugar water. I tried to help but… His voice trailed off. I looked up and saw two evenly spaced marks on his neck. “not you too.”  “ Well not exactly…, I’m already a vampire.” “What ? and you didn’t tell me this why?!?”“ when the time was right I planned to- “No.  the time was right about an our ago” I said with sarcasm. “And how do I know you didn’t bite me?” a  piercing fiery pain shot thought my face and gums. “Its kicking in. you need sleep.Sleep.Sleep.” he said “No” I said lowly and groggily. And slowly drifted to sleep once more.

Friendship is a funny thing. Without it half my high school years would have been hell. We all depend on each other. We stand up for others. I guess that’s all Jacob was doing now. Defending me from whatever the hell as flowing through my veins and arteries right now. That’s what went through my mind on the way to the upper peninsula. I heard Jacob say “as soon as the infected blood his your brain weird things will happen.”  “what kind of weird things?” I asked. Well you’ll have a sudden craving for blood.  Your mind will be able to do any thing. No you wont be able to fly. You will be able to jump from buildings and land on your feet. You’ll also be able to-” “wait” I said. Let me guess get hit by cars and live?” “Yes” he said my mouth felt dry. “I’m thirsty.” “No your not” said Jacob. “your senses are deceiving you. You want blood.” “No water.” “good that’s good”  said Jacob. As we drove further into the dessert, the pendant began to quiver. At first it was just a slight movement. So small I couldn’t feel it through my coat pocket.  But it quickly began to shake violently.  When I took it out of my coat pocket Jacob said, “Shit.” Then a he said that it began to float in mid air. Then it began to vibrate so fast my ears were throbbing. “That’s not good. Were close to them.” Said Jacob “If they get that pendant,  they’ll feed. The sacrifice will complete..”  “What sacrifice? You didn’t say any thing about a fucking sacrifice.!?!  I said.  “You see  when they  bit me I managed to kill the leaders wife. He said he would make me rot in hell and get his wife back. Brook is her sister. Brook took the human trait from her mother.” “great. My girlfriend  is a vampires sister and is about be sacrificed to bring her back. And I’m turning into one my self. Plus on top of that , I’ve got the one thing they need to do that. AND, were getting closer. Great.” The pendant  shook so fast that it looked as if it didn’t move. Jacob spun the truck into an open field.  He drove further  and further into the dense wilderness. We began to see a light. It wasn’t just any light. It flickered. Like it was being blown by some other force besides wind. “ Were here.” Said Jacob. He reached back and grabbed a metal tin box. He  grabbed the throbbing pendant with all his strength and locked it in the tin box.  He grabbed a blue pendant from the box and replaced it with the red one. “ The safe is made of only aluminum but with my blood it can be controlled.” We exited the truck.  There were trees and weeds everywhere. Except for the small spot were a fire roared and a table sat. It was an oak wood bench. It was normal except that Brook was strapped to it.

I saw a man walk up and the fire blazed. So much my eyes burned.
Jacob threw the blue pendant into the air. The ground shook. The man threw two other red pendants into the air. A beam of light  through each pendant. It rose above the fire as If it were a pyramid. I ran to the  table and removed the gag. I grabbed a rock and smashed the rusting shackles. “ They need a human sacrifice or that light will kill everyone.” Jacob came to the table and laid down. “What are you doing?” I asked shakily. “just tell them I  did good. And tell my girl friend I love her.” As he said his last words the light vaporized him and the vampire. They both disappeared. Never to be seen again. “ I love you “ I said to brook. “ I love you too” she said.  I said “ Now lets roll.”
That was the only time she ever let me say that. Ever.

© Copyright 2010 Curtle (curtle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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