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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1684510
Centurian's Trial


I am a centurian. not the age, the occupation. I am a guard for the high king of the mountain. Sorry, sometimes I get ahead of myself, let me start at the beginning.

"Bring out the applicants for Centurian." A voice boomed through the stadium.

The two giant wooden doors opened and flooded the interior waiting chamber with light. voices screamed in joy as the doors opened but all I felt was dread. You see, I am Molaviv, youngest son of Molavin

and heir to nothing. My father has six other sons and even though the family forge is very large there is no room for me. So I either become a centurian or a farmer, and being a farmer does not appeal to


The others in front of me begin to move into the giant arena and I follow them becasuse I assume they have more idea of what they are doing then I do. Once outside the giant doors quickly shut, and I

personnally felt the only escape went with it. There were twenty of us and we were arrayed with arms of our choice, and for me it was easy, my father forged me a shield and sword for this day, and he would

have been downright destroyed if I hadn't used them. I looked into the stands and saw what must have been the whole kingdom waiting with anticipation. I only waited with dread.

"The task is simple recruits, make it to the other side of the stadium and through the doors and you have been honored with a position as a centurian. If however you are stopped or killed then you have

failed. You will begin at the horn blast."

Now that the voice had stopped I looked out across the stadium floor and felt the beginning of the end. There were giant monsters chined to stakes, there were centurians in black armed with weapons, and

obstacles all the way across. How could I or any of the recruits make it across this field of horror alive, and maybe that was the point, maybe they did not want any recruits this year, maybe this was there way

of getting rid of poor young recruits like myself who had no other future. I was sick to my stomach as the horn blew and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Most of the recruits had made alliances early and took off together heading in certain directions they saw as their best chance of succeeding. I was left with myself and two other recruits who looked even

more scared then I felt. I didn't know what to do, but I had to do something or I would bring disgrace to my family, and I already understood that that was worse than death. I looked at the two remaining and

yelled above the noise "follow me".

I didn't know if either of the two were following, and to be honest, I didn't care. I tried to lead, and that would look good to my family, so if they followed great and if they didn't, not much lost, I ran toward a big

monster on the far left of the arena, it was a giant crab like creature with one claw who was anchored to the floor with a giant chain, but still hed enough mobility to slice up whover got near him. While red in

color, it wasn't the red I worried about, it was the red of my blood. I turned to see that both of the recruits had in fact followed me, so I decided to press my luck.

"You to the left and you to the right. I will take the middle. We will try and distract the beast so we can get by him." My only hope at this point was to survive past the first obstacle and bring honor to my family.

When each of the three of us were in position we closed with the beast and began swinging our swords at it, basicallly trying to taunt him into making a mistake. THe beast had one claw and with three of us

charging and falling back the beast was confused. I saw an opening and ran between his legs while he was chasing the recruit on the right back. I just made it through and turned when he came at me but I

slashed at him at fell back while the recruit on the left charged at him.

I could have made a dash right then and there for the next obstacle but I didn't. I could see where all three of us could make it through this and I might need them at the next, so I announced my plan. "I will

move up against the wall, when he and I both attack the beast and he comes for us, make your way past." I got a nod from the recruit to the right and went to work. The plan worked and now tow of us were

past the beast. I made my way to the recruit who made it past. "We will both attack the beast from the side so he," I pointed to the last recruit, "can hug the wall and make it past."

Everything went according to plan and all three of us were on to the next stage. Down the middle of the Arena was a giant fissure and at the bottom of the giant gorge were lions. Far to the side opposite us

were a large group of recruits trying to make it down into the ravine as a team to keep the giant cats back from them and it seemed to be working, but with only three of us, I didn't like our chances. The walls

running to each side were to tall and slick to climb, so it was through the ravine, or stay stuck on this sid"e.

What now," one of the recruits who followed me asked.

"I'm thinking, give me a second." I watched the lions and I could see where one of the recruits already hadn't made it, and was becoming dinner. The lions must have been extremely hungry becasue they all

stopped attacking the live recruits and went to try and get the easy meal. Except there were too many lions for the one dead recruit to satisfy and they were quickly attacking the others again. I had an idea,

but I didn't like it. "This is the only thing I've got. We release the crab creature from the stake and see if we can get him to follow us to the crevice and then force him over." I hated it even more when I said it

out loud.

They looked like they wanted to throw me down the gorge, and probably would have, if I would have been enough of a meal for the lions. They looked at each other and then they both kind of shrugged and

we all went back toward the crustacian. We went through the entire dance again and when we got close enough to the stake to see it the plan seemed unreasonable. The chain itself was thicker around then

my sword and with the giant crab still chasing after us there just wouldn't be enough time to break him free. We retreated back to the gorge to think of another plan.

By the time we returned we could see the lions had another victim and all those recruits on the floor of the gorge were still fighting to keep the lions at bay. I studied the area from where the other recruits had

come and saw that they must have been in a battle of some sort becasue there were arrows and spears littering the field from where they had started but no bodies. I quickly went running to the field and saw

it was some type of obstacle course and the projectile weapons were strewn all across the surface. There was blood and a lot of it on the floor of the arena but there were no bodies. I went to head across

the floor toward a spear that was still wedged in the sandy floor and stopped myself for a reason that I didn't understand. I looked into the stands and that is when I saw the centurians. There were many and

all were armed with either spears or bow and arrows. They all watched me with curiosity and a smile crossed one of their faces and I quickly looked at the ground at my feet. I saw it, it was hard to make out

now, but it was a line made of sand marking a barrier. I was only a few steps from it now I knew right away what it was. There was one spear that was right on the line and I watched the stands as I reached

over and grabbed it. A few of the bowmen nocked arrows but my arm was back across before they could pull back.

I looked at the etched line in the sand to see if I could grab any other spears. I ended up with three more spears and I hoped they would be enough. I took the four spears back to the two watining recruits

and outlined my plan for them. "We will head to the far end away from the other recruits and then work our way toward them. With any luck we will be able to spear three of the lions and then we can go back

to the far end and one of us can hold off any lions that come toward us while the other two get up the other side."

With all of us in agreement we began our walk. We got halfway across the arens before coming to the first lion who just kept walking back and forth in a side to side motion. I hefted my spear and my aim

was true enough and I got him in the side and the blood welled from the injury and the lion ran toward his brethren before falling after a few lunges. We continued on and found another lion doing the same

exact motion. The next recruit did the exact same thing and the lion reacted the same way. This plan may actually work I thought to myself. We were actually getting close to the spot of the battle at the

bottom of the ravine when we came to the next lion. He was a huge beast and he already had blood all over his mane. The next recruit pulled the spear he was carrying and made his throw. He missed.

Worse then missing, the lion was aware of us now, and watched us closely. I debated throwing the last spear but that would leave us with just our swords at the far end and I wanted the extra reach the spear

would give us.

"No help for it now. We continue with the plan." I said and headed in the opposite direction carefully watching the lion at the bottom of the ravine following my footsteps. He was going with us one way or the

other and I had all my attention fixed on him before I heard the shout.

"Munskant, why?" I looked over my shoulder and there on the sandy field lay the two recruits who were with me. I ran over to them to see what happened. The situation became clear as I got nearer. One of

them went for a spear, and he didn't make it all the way. The other must have got to him and pulled him back becasue they were in the safe zone when I got there. I surveyed the scene and felt a little better.

He had an arrow in his calf and a spear in his shoulder. I ripped of my shirt and used my sword to cut it into bandages. "Remove the arrow," I said, and the recruit did as I asked. I had no knowledge of

injuries but I knew that stopping the bleeding was the most important thing. The spear was in deep and there wasn't a lot of blood so I left the spear in and wrapped bandages around as best I could.

He couldn't move from where he was that was evident, and if he didn't get help soon he was probably done for. I looked at him and he understood. "Good luck my friend, that's the bext I can do."

"I understand and I appreciate all you have done. May the oracle of stones go with you." The recruit called Munskant said as I stood.

I looked at the other recruit and he hesitated. Then he looked back at Munskant and then back to me. "I will stay with him. He is my brother and if he is to pass from this world on the journey then I will be his

memory bearer."

"Good luck to both of you. I hope to see you again." I said and I turned and walked away. Different emotions warred within me. Should I have stayed? I did all I could and if I didn't get to the other side who

knew how long this would continue. I went to the far end where we had planned to make our way. I looked down in the gorge and I wasn't disappointed, the beast of the lion that was missed earlier waited for

me. This was not going to be easy. Once I started climbing down I knew he was going to jump and have me. I looked at the beast again and yelled at him. "Let me down, and then we can have a fair fight." I

screamed at the beast. Now, whether it was my imagination, or what, I will never know, but he moved back along the base of the gorge and laid down on his paws. While I couldn't believe this was

happening I didn't shy from it either.

I quickly scrambled down the wall and faced the beast. I had the sword in one hand and the spear in the other. It would be one heck of a battle. He watched me and when he could see I was ready he raised

up to his full height and slowly came toward me. He was a beast and I had no doubts I was going to die. He started to build up speed for what seemed to be a giant leap when at the last second, he fell. I

waited but he didn't move. I stepped closer and saw a spear sticking out of his side. I looked up to the arena floor and the recruit who waited behind with his brother stood there.

"Hurry, and thank you for helping my brother," and then he turned and was gone.

I didn't waste the opportunity. I sheathed my sword and threw the spear up above to the arena floor side I was climbing to. I scrambled up and came to my last challenge. I could see the open door, but

between me and the door was a centurian. Not just any centurian, it was the centurian commander. I was so in awed by the almost legendary figure that I did not notice the other figure standing behind him.

A young woman, probably not even as old as I am, was chained to a pole. She had looked to be crying but of course why wouldn't she. I grabbed my spear and pulled my sword and started walking toward

the commander. I got within fifteen strides and stopped. We looked at each other for a moment and he didn't say anything so I guess I would have to break the silence.

"You are my final challenge?" I asked

"Only if you wsh it. As you can see there is plenty of room to go around me. The door is open and waiting for you." The commander said in a nononsense kind of way. Something was wrong, I mean other

than the obvious.

"What about the girl?" I asked.

"She is the sacrifice. The first recruit to go through the door and to become a centurian has to have blood shed to honor the achievement. She will be that blood." The girl screamed at that and fainted clear


"Why, hasn't enough blood been shed today?"

"That is not for you to decide. Blood must be shed for promotion, or you cannot become a centurian."

"If I decide to not become a centurian, can the girl go free?"

The commander laughed at that. "One of the others will be out soon, they will gladly trade places with you, and then all you did will be for nothing."

There had to be another way. I could not live with myself if I know another gave up their life for me to be a centurian. "Does it have to be her blood?"

The commander thought for a moment. "What do you suggest?"

"We will fight, if I draw your blood would that satisfy the requierement?"

Now the commander did laugh. When he finished and wiped his eyes from the tears streaming down them he looked at me very seriously. "I will not strike unless it is a killing blow, you should know this now.

You will die."

"Maybe," I said with more bravado than I actually had. "But would it suffice?"

"Yes, it will suffice. You draw my blood the girl goes free and you become a centurian."

I nodded. I was about to die, but what else could I do. I was the first to make it to the last challenge so my family would have great honor. I had nothing to be ashamed of. I could throw the spear and hope for

an easy victory, but with the girl directly behind him, I couldn't chance that I would miss. I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to face him up close. I prepared the sword and spear and did the only

thing I could I charged for him. I knew it was foolhardy but I was not trained with arms so in a slow battle I was done. I ran as fast as I could. At the last second before our swords meeting I dropped to the

ground and rolled hoping to take his feet from under him.

He jumped over me easily and he turned in the air and faced me. He sliced down with his sword and I barely had time to deflect it, and when I did my whole arm went numb with the strike. I slid the spear

aong the side of his foot hoping to cut him down but he stepped on the spear head and broke it off entirely. I was done and we both knew it. He hit the sword from my hand and it flew across the stadium. I

was just waiting for death so I put my head down.

"I told you that you would die if you tried it this way. I am sorry for that but I must do what I must. Do you have any last words?" The commander asked. He was probably looking for my death memory but my

eyes were wide as I looked up at him.

"Your foot." I said.

"What, your last words are my foot." He asked disbelieved.

"Look at your foot," I said.

Then we both looked down. Where he had broken the spear head off there was a small splotch of red running from his sandle. The sharpened head must have cut the bottom of his foot.

"You bleed. The requirement has been met." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"I did that to myself, that was not the deal."

"The deal was your blood if we fought. Never was it said that I had to inflict the damage. You bleed, the requirement has been reached. Free the girl."

"This was not the understanding, but I can see the wisdom. You have fought for a better cause than I and deserved the victory. I will free the girl she will be set free, but now you must take your place as a

centurian." He said.

"Your word the girl will be set free and unharmed." I asked.

"My word as commander of centurians."

I stood up slowly. Every part of my body hurt but I was able to stagger into the open door and drop into the waiting arms of a group of centurians. "Get him cleaned up, the commander will want to talk to him

after the trials." I heard but not from who and I was led away.

"Well, I am not sure how, but you are a centurian. In the morning you will drill with the regulars until I test you and you have passed and in the evenings will you stand guard duty. You will be guarding the Kings

daughter, you and another." The commander said.

"Sir, am I ready for that?" Iasked bewildered by such a lofty position.

"No, to put it simply, but you have been requested by the king himself, so that is why you are pulling double duty."

"The king himself?" I asked almost to myself.

"Of course the king. It was his daughter you were trying to free. Didn't you know?"

"No sir, I just saw a young girl and didn't want her to die."

The hearty boom from the commander shook me from a moment of reflection. "She wouldn't have died. She was there for the ceremony as it has always been since the beginning of time. She was safe

from the beginning, haven't you ever seen a trial before."

"No sir, none of my other brothers decided to try to become centurians and my father frowned on wasting a day when we could be working."

The commander smiled and shook his head. "If you had ever been to a trial you would see that as a recruit crosses the door the princess has her fingered pricked and a drop of blood is committed to the

recruit through the swearing of the commanders oath. Since you put your life on the line for the princess to not shed a single drop, the king was impressed enough to make you her personal guard."

"I could have died to save her from pricking her finger?"

"Yeah, funny isn't it." The commander laughed. "Your duties start tomorrow. When you leave this room old Tomanik will tell you what you need to know and everything else. Good luck centurian Molatak."

I am a centurian, guard for the high king of the mountain, or at least his daughter. I am a centurian.
© Copyright 2010 jjmcrae23 (jjmcrae23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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