Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1684459-Different-Expectations
by KC
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1684459
A boy meets a girl at a party, but they have different ideas of fun.
aa          Alcohol flowed through her veins, intoxicating her.  Sickly sweet liquid was washed down her throat as she took another swig from the glass bottle.  The bright auburn liquid dropped into the empty stomach, and she grimaced when it hit her stomach acid.
         She placed the bottle on the glass topped coffee table and sat back, her eyes surveying the other teenagers at the party.
         Look at all these beautiful people here.  Nothing for me here.  I’m a fucking ogre.
         The girl glanced at a movement just inside her peripherals.  Her face looked back at her from the window.  A large, rotund body looked back at her, several chins hanging from her face.
         Ratty hair hung down from her face limply.  She looked at the reflection sadly, taking in her pasty white skin, dotted with acne.
         Baring her teeth, she glared at the reflection and looked away.

         “Do it man!” a boy laughed, punching his friend in the shoulder.
         “Yeah man.  Look at her sitting there, whose going to believe her?  She’s disgusting,” another one said.
         “I don’t know guys.  What if she doesn’t want too? Besides, what if I cant even get a boner around her?” the third boy asked.
         “Who gives a fuck!  Just go and ask her bro,” the first one shouted.
         “You’re a hot guy.  She wont say no,” the second one said.
         “Fine!  Fine!  I’ll do it alright?” the third acquiesced. 
         The other two boys roared their approval and clapped their friend on the back.  He looked over his shoulder as they celebrated and look at her.
         She stared back at him, her black eyes squinting like a pig’.  He swallowed and stood up from the chair in the kitchen.
         “Good luck bro!” the first speaker hissed at him as he walked away.
         He stepped through the doorway into the living room, and past a couple kissing against the wall.
         She sat on the couch staring at him, her pig-like eyes followed him to the couch where her weight compressed the couch deeply.
         As he approached her, a smell wafted over him.  Vanilla bean and citrus perfume wafted over him, a thick, cloying scent.  His stomach rumbled and a warmth built in the pit of his stomach.  Approaching her, the smell grew stronger and stronger, rolling over him in waves.  His vision clouded as he dropped to the couch beside her, his breath coming in short gasps as his pulse quickened.
         “Hi,” he choked out through the haze.
         “Hey,” she said nonchalantly.
         “How are you?” he asked.
         “Good, you?” she replied.
         “Great, now that I’m here.  I’m Steve by the way,” he said, holding out his hand.
         “I know who you are.  I’m Erin,” she replied, taking his hand and shaking it lightly.
         Steve moaned softly as he grasped her hand.  Sweat popped out on his palm, lubricating their palms.
         “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Erin said.
         “No,” he said hushed.  “The pleasure is all mine.”
         She smiled, her yellowed teeth peeking out from behind her lips.
         “You know, you’re beautiful,” Steve said.
         “Oh thank you,” Erin giggled, the slabs of fat on her neck jiggling.  “You’re very handsome too,” she replied.
         “Oh.  Thanks,” Steve said, his eyes glazing over.  “Hey!” he said with sudden urgency.  “Want to have sex?”
         “Um…sure,” Erin said, smiling widely.
         As one they stood up and manoeuvred through the crowd in front of them to the stairs.  Almost as if they were water, the other teens at the party parted before Erin like a rock in a river.
         Opening the door to the last empty bedroom, Steve stepped in, followed by Erin.  She shut the door softly, and began to strip off her quadruple extra large t-shirt.
         Opposite her, standing just in front of the double bed was Steve, his mouth beginning to salivate at the sight.
         “Well?” Erin asked inquisitively.
         At the words, Steve was shaken from his reverie and began to fumble with the button of his jeans.
         By the time he had stripped out of his jeans, Erin had already removed her pants and stood there clad in only a bra and her white cotton underwear.
         Steve stood before her, his well-sculpted body shivering in anticipation.  Erin slowly reached back and unclipped her bra, letting it drop to the floor as Steve stared on.
         “Oh…” Steve said as he surveyed her body.
         Erin stepped forward towards Steve, and planted her shovel hands against he chest, pushing him onto the bed.
         Steve groaned loudly in ecstasy at her touch.  He stared up at her as she slowly lowered herself on top of him.  His hands quested out, sliding over her body softly.  Erin moaned gently as she came to rest on top of him, the weight of her body compressing the bed down greatly.
         Her panties were still pulled tight against her body, Steve slowly moving his hands down the remove them.
         Erin had closed her eyes when she felt the callused palms of Steve flowing over her.  As soon as he grasped the hem of her underwear, her eyes flashed open.  Black slitted pupils glared out, surrounded by a golden halo.  Inside of her mouth her canines grew wickedly sharp.
         She snarled and bared her teeth, looking up at Steve.
         “What the fuck!” he exclaimed, attempting to scramble away from the enormous girl, the spell now broken.
         His sweat covered body slipped on the silken sheets, causing him to trip up.  Beneath her bulk, he collapsed, her rolls slowly swallowing him up.
         “What the fuck are you?” he asked as her fangs grew closer to his face.
         “I’m hungry,” she said with a chuckle.
         Steve’ eyes widened as the realziton hit him like a freight train.
         “No!” he shriek, batting at her bulk ineffectively.
         With an evil smile, she pounced onto his throat.
         A guttural shout erupted from Steve’s mouth before Erin tore his throat.  Like paper ripping, the tissue tore away with a rip, blood cascading everywhere.
         Erin savoured the warm liquid as it trickled down her throat, the coppery tang tingeing her vision red.
         Beneath her, Steve stopped fighting and lay back, his eyes glazing over, face a rictus of agony.  Once he had stopped resisting, Erin laid into him, tearing chunks of flesh from his body and spraying blood about the room.
         From behind her, the door suddenly opened, and one of Steve’ friends came in
         “Oh shit!” he said as he took in the sight of Erin covered in blood.
         She threw her head over her shoulder and hissed loudly, causing him to stumble back through the door, shutting it behind him.
© Copyright 2010 KC (domeship at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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