Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1684229-Diarn-Wielf
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1684229
Brief Character idea that I had while playing around at work
    He knew the instant that it happend.  Urges so strong it took all of his thought, all of his will just to keep himself in control.  He would not surrender, this shell, this being that was once Diarn Welif was, and always will be his.  For years this mockery of a mage had been trying to harness the smallest incantations.  Then, the idea had struck him, the warlords of old where rumored to have bonded with demons in order to increase both thier physical and mental prowess in battle.  Why then couldn't he?  What was stopping him from gaining that power, the might and majesty that could be his. 
         So he did it, it took a few years more but eventually he found the hidden rituals, burried deep in the old caverns.  He fallowed the instructions to the letter, taking extra sure that he had everything in place.  All of the instructions that was except for one.  The ancients aparrently feared this power that they wielded.  Well, he wouldn't be that weak.  Nothing short of a miracle would be able to stop him.  Everything would be his to command.  As such was his desire he reached out and using the old magics summoned and bound himself to one of the most vile denisens of the nether planes.  in that fated moment the Diarn Welif that the world had known sieced to exhist.  In his place stood the awe inspiring Diarn Demon Lord.
         Some years later he had found a new calling.  A new name with which to feed his justice and and power into the world, Diarn The Unkillable.  A being created solely through magic, both arcane and devine.  For in a desperate attempt to stop him all of the high priests that resided in the empire where summoned.  From a secret counsil place deep in the catacombs of the palace they enacted a new ritual, one that they hoped would destroy the being entirely.  Betraying everything they had known, even thier god, they summoned an Arch Angel and forced a new binding on Diarn.  They believed that by forcing it to live beside a demon of that magnitude the Arch Angel would rather destroy it than suffer its company inside of its host. 
         They didn't however, count on the will of a Warlord, mortal though he is to live.
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