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Rated: 18+ · Sample · Dark · #1684116
A human experiment goes wrong and destruction is wrought upon them.
Jaliximorphian Chronicles Book 1: Rising Of The Hero Of Darkness


Life is strange for many, Some live a normal life some have been born with a twisted and horrific intent and others have lives filled with grief and unimaginable horror. One unborn child holds the key to stopping him the one who has been causing so much grief for his race, This creature is named Salantiara. The humans created a creature known as salantiara to help in war, The idea was rejected in the year 42,006800,92 by the government they had said it was too unreliable and war would be just as barbaric as we had made it. After the humans had made bio shields to protect them from the ravaging fury of mother nature gone mad they ruled that creating something like Salantiara would need them to turn off the bio shields allowing the polluted air to flow in and kill everybody. But one man who was stupid enough to try it built a facility with a bio shield so strong it could not be turned off, with this in place he stole the plans for The Salantiara Project and began to create him with his own dead fathers body and a pair of mutated giant bat wings. Soon after he had put in enough effort he decided to get guards to help him with his project some he had to brainwash those were the compitent ones. Then came organs and the like this became troubling because he had no idea what to do but then he realised that there was the morgue on 45th avenue. He infiltrated the morgue and took out all the organs neccesary for a body to work and placed them inside the dormant Salantiara. Then came the awakening of his body he was about to use a pair of needles with electrical pads on the end when he noticed an odd reading on his computer it was saying he had a pulse at 93 bpm "How is this possible" He exclaimed with joy "Have i done it is the hope of ending war quickly really alive?" Like a flash of lightning the glass surrounding Salantiaras incubation chamber imploded and salantiara flew out "Oh my goodness it is alive!" Cried out the scientist
Salantiara just stood there with a fixed glare on the scientist "My creation...err Salantiara Go and help the soldiers in the war...it is your purpose" Spoke the scientist. Salantiara Suddenly Grasped The scientist by the throat and held him above the ground with basically no effort "Hmm my purpose....well i would like to say this...Creator IF I WANTED TO HAVE A PURPOSE TO DO WITH KILLING I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU BEFORE YOU EVEN SPOKE" Shouted Salantiara with a tone so malevolent the soldiers cowered in fear "*GASP* What....are you doing *Choke*" Gagged the scientist "Oh thats right im killing you i do not want to help a worthless human with such a pointless thing known as war one or two deaths do not affect my choices in life" With a loud blasting sound a particle accelerator beam melted through salantiaras back and he fell to the ground with a loud thud blood began to spray from the wound which created a small pool of arterial substance under salantiaras body and he looked very dead to the soldiers and the scientist. "Thank you so much" Gasped the scientist "Dont mention it" Laughed the guard "He aint getting up from that sir" spoke another trembling guard just beggining to regain his bravery. However Salantiara was not dead the life reading said he had a heart beat but this did not mean he could die so easily, He woke up and staggered around a bit Clutching the blood cascaded segment of his back that was shot and came across a 3 metre long experimental katana designed for penetrating Walker armour. A slow and malevolent grin found its way to his face he grasped the katana and went through a door to a different room still staggering.

Chapter -1
Salantiaras Judgment

The humans heard groaning and stepping sounds and wondered if someone was ill "Hmm ill go check who it is lads" Spoke the still terrified guard "Well go on its probobly the guy with the hangover from a week ago poor wretch still feels awful" Laughed the captain of the guard.
The guard was walking along the tremendously high catwalk overlooking the bio-bay where all the dodgy experiments are made, When he came to notice a staggering figure amongst the shadows
"Hey.......Tommy that you......come on lad dont ignore me come on lad we will give you a nice red-eye to clear up your head" Spoke the guard with a shiver
The figure looked up and pointed at the catwalk in a rather odd way
"Tommy........lad is that you.." Spoke the guard beggining to tremble with fear
Suddenly a loud creak came from his left the bannister had began to tear itself from its bar also creating a sharp looking blade like appendage on the end of it the same happened to the right of the guard more bars started to seemingly come alive and just float there with utter stillness
".......Has someone turned up the magnetics in here......." Questioned the guard only to be greeted by one answer "Sleep Tight" Said the voice.
Suddenly as if like a swarm of startled bees the bars flew towards the guard he ran for his life but one of the bars impaled his foot and anchored him to the spot, the rest all came and litterally shredded his body into what appeared to be ash but with blood around it.
"One down twenty-six to...go" Spoke Salantiara.

Several Guards fell to horrific deaths too gruesome even for anyone to describe, the guards remaining found the dismembered, severed, forcefully removed parts of their bodies scattered around the complex and began to realise....Salantiara Is Awake
"D....dd....dd....d...d...d.....Do you think he is picking us off until there are n...n...nnn...nnn....one of us left" Spoke one of the shellshocked guards
"Umm yes OF COURSE I THINK THAT PRIVATE WHAT DO YOU THINK HE WAS DOING THIS MORNING HE IS AWAKE AND HE IS KILLING US IN SECRECY WHAT DO YOU DAMN THINK" Roared the horrified guard named Jay who had almost been cut into peices by a flying fan blade still clutching his severed arm
"S...s...sss...sss...sorry cheif b....b..b.bb..bbb...bb...But i have extreme paranoia issues" Shivered the guard
"I know that your voice is a bloomin' telltale isnt it you...."
The guard abruptly stopped speaking when he noticed something moving in the nether darkness of the lab complex
"Uhh when i signal....we run got it?" Spoke the guard
"Yeah i got you Sebastian" Answered another guard
"RUN!!" Shouted a figure
"Whos there" Spoke Sebastian
"Big......Spider *AUGH*" Spoke the figure
The figure was revealed to be John Lenningston his legs gave way and he fell with a thud the others rushed towards him only to find that he had two massive bite marks on each leg blood was seeping from the wounds as if he had just been injected with a substance that let blood flow freely One guard let out a scream when they all noticed Johns Body was twitching even after all 9 pints of blood had seeped out of his wounds, suddenly as if like a puppet on a string He got up and started baring his teeth Now changing into what looked like Spider Fangs 8 legs burst out of his back and his body turned inside out and turned into a massive spider about half the size of a human adult, it lunged for Sebastian who quickly took out his plasma dagger and stabbed the creature through the face and quickly tore it to peices he was scared out of his wits.
But then he noticed what room they were in......

Chapter -2
Sun-Flower...........Sun-Flower You Are So Beautiful

Somehow without noticing they had made their way into the Bio-Bay.....but not on the saftey of the catwalk oh no on the actual surface of the bio bay they had ruled this place off limits since the experiment to create a plant that did not need light to Photosynthesise failed it only needed....Blood
Yes it was supposed to be a new type of Sunflower but when the experiment went wrong and it escaped during its first feeding test it had been a sentinel of the area feeding on anyone unlucky enough to walk into the Bio-Bay Surface
"Uhh Seb....Sebbie" Spoke a guard
"WHAT!" Shouted Sebastian
"Uhh Where are the vines?" Spoke The Guard
A Sickening Scream Cut through the air and they all rushed to the centre of the scream
"AGH" Shouted Colin A Technician
They were just about to grab him when they noticed Vines Going up his body they quickly backed off when he Said for them to run to the control room and wait there until help comes
The vines quickly constricted him and buried their thorns into his flesh you could only just see his his eye fogging up with white....Then a loud CRUNCH! noise was heard and blood sprayed from the net of vines, the vines quicker than the blink of an eye rushed towards the blood and slurped it up as if they had been parched for weeks
Salantiaras head peered from accross the corner
"Hmm...my possession skill must be excellent he told them to go right to the control room....like lambs to the slaughter" Chuckled Salantiara Malevolently

Chapter -3
How can heartless beings cry?

In the control room the guards had been waiting for half an hour for help to arrive
"Dude....I am getting tired of waiting here"
"Come-on he said wait here and...oh look footsteps someone is here!" Spoke Sebastian Sarcastically

stomp....Stomp....STOMP!! the footsteps were getting louder every step and the guards wanted to run

"Ok i think mr Sad-ass-tiara here is trying to kill us...he must of heard the Technician tell us where to go....." Spoke Sebastian Fearfully

"Oh...no i didnt hear him.....I TOLD YOU TO GO!" Spoke Salantiara Suddenly Inside the room Sword Drawn

"Well....how is that possible it was his voice!" Shouted a guard

"Possession...." Spoke Salantiara

"Uhh What!" Roared a guard

"I took over his feeble mind......" Spoke salantiara with a chilling tone

Suddenly the scientist rushed in front of salantiara and quickly tried to fight him off with a DR-3-P32 Class Rifle but salantiara was too fast for him and as quick as lightning slashed in a few directions

"Haha Missed..." Laughed the guard
"Wait....I feel a little bit...Loose?" Quivered the scientist
Suddenly Blood leaked out of several places of his body but then his arms fell apart like sausages blood was litterally pouring out from where his arms used to be then his entire body fell apart into a pile of flesh and blood Salantiara looked up his eyes fixed on the guards with what looked like fire glinting in the dark red eye colour

"OH MY GOD RUN!" Screamed Sebastian

The guards all ran off in the same direction turned around and opened fire on Salantiara the volley of laser-fire tearing up salantiara's armour but still he pursued

"He cant be able to just walk through this....I *BLAM*" Spoke a guard

Blood flew in random directions but then Sebastian turned around to find the guard had been hit by a powerful object causing his head to be wrenched off his shoulders.

Salantiara was getting closer now following with remorseless speed a lucky shot tore part of Salantiaras helmet off along with burning his left eye socket so you could see the bone, blood leaked from the rupture but still he pursued he managed to slice part of a bridge they were crossing off and threw it at one guard tearing his arm off causing him to fall but then Salantiara realised (how can they cry?) because one guard cried when the other died he looked like a child who had been bullied for a whole day, As the guard was mourning over the loss of his brother.

Chapter -4
Confrontation Of Doom
Sebastian lunged for Salantiara causing them both to fall off the bridge and into a large curcular pit as they were falling Salantiara grasped onto a large girder and threw it into the pit it jammed creating a suitable platform for a fight, they both landed...painfully of course Salantiara landed on a jagged part of the girder and impaled his kneecap on it he barely flinched at it and got up quickly Sebastian however landed safley but caused a large bruise on his right thigh they both got up with weapons held out pointing at each other
"You.....you killed most of my men.....MY FRIENDS....WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT!?" Roared Sebastian
"You created and intended me to kill and i am doing so.....just not those you intended me to kill" Answered Salantiara

"I....Sebastian Kalkovich will end this.....one way....Or the other!" Cried Out Sebastian

He charged at Salantiara and jammed his Unignited Plasma Dagger in his shoulder and pushed him up against the wall

"Hmm the ultimate soldier beaten by a small dagger how pathetic" Taunted Sebastian

"Oh really" Answered Salantiara

With a swift knee in the crotch to Sebastian Salantiara got free of the man and pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and licked all the blood off it and threw it down into the seemingly bottomless pit. Salantiara quickly kicked him in the face and threw him down on the floor

"Grr...Die already" Shouted Salantiara Irritably

"Oh no you....dont" Wheezed Sebastian Recovering from a recent blow to the stomach

Sebastian quickly grasped onto Salantiaras shoulders and pushed him into the bars that resembled railings and said "If you have a heart......we will recover it in the giant pizza that was once you" And pushed him over the edge.

Salantiara was falling at a high speed but then he remembered he has wings so he flew up the big shaft he just was pushed down and shouted "Hey you......who was going to be a pizza.....Idiot" to Sebastian.

When he reached to top some of the guards crowding around the pit tried to apprehend him, he quickly impaled one of them through the face and threw him down into the pit another accidentally tripped over his own foot and got his head smashed off by a pipe as he was falling down the pit.

Salantiara quickly turned away and started slashing his way through the roof of the structure on his way to freedom, he had been created to withstand the effects of the environment so he could attack from any direction in or out of a bio shield as he sliced through the last part of the roof he burst through the sheild and hovered at a good 50 meters above the facility and came to notice that Sebastian was in a command centre looking part of the building he pressed a button and hundreds of missles launched from a nearby part of the facility.

Chapter -5
One must live to tell the tale

The missles were getting closer and closer.....but Salantiara was not moving a good 500 missles heading his way, he quickly looked as if he had grasped onto something with his hand....all the missles stopped dead in their tracks.

He twirled his hand around until the missles were facing towards various parts of the facility, he then swiped his hand through the air and all of them sped towards the facility but none aimed at the part Sebastian resided inside (I cant have an unnoticed legend now can i?) Salantiara thought.

All the missles let out a massive explosion that engulfed half of the facility Sebastian was forced to leap out of the window of the command and control centre because the violent explosion had set the command centre aflame the massive explosion following his fall.

Sebastian fell smack face down on the concrete and let out a loud swear word along with a few middle fingers at Salantiara.

"You do realise that i was created with telekenisis didnt you?" Questioned Salantiara

"Grr.......Yes i did you monster!" Cried out Sebastian filled to the brim with pain and rage

"Im going to let you live human i want your entire race to know how stupid they really are and that means im going to make sure you do not commit suicide...." Spoke Salantiara

"Why would i commit suicide i have a wife and children what would they think of me then" Groaned Sebastian

"Family......I dont have one you humans are so lucky yet you take it for granted... family most of those you cheat on with another woman.....war you commit the most horrible of the crimes you rule as illegal yet you make it legal for anyone who is your "Enemy" do you realise why i am letting you live?" Questioned Salantiara

"So you can gloat on how you are the ultimate being!" Answered Sebastian

"No.....So you and all the rest can learn from your mistakes!" Shouted Salantiara.

Sebastian picked himself up and ran off towards the transit system pressed a few buttons dissapeared in a blast of light
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