Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1683999-Hiking
Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #1683999
Glen enjoyed hiking - a LOT
Glen enjoyed hiking, a lot. Maybe that's why he was smiling broadly when he
first saw her. Or it could have been the way her body fit into her shorts
and t-shirt as she climbed up the trail. Or it might have been that he knew
if she was winded on this relatively flat stretch of the trail, the climb
she faced around the next bend was going to be brutal. Whatever the reason,
Glen smiled broadly as he passed her on the trail.

Lyn watched him pass and admired his muscular legs and great smile. He was
obviously a serious hiker from the way he moved, his well worn hiking boots
and clothing, and especially the huge pack on his back that seemed to
contain enough gear for an extended stay. She glanced at her own water
bottle and energy bar and briefly wondered if she was traveling too light.
She dismissed the thought as she went back to admiring the bright sunny day
on a mountain trail.

As she rounded the next bend, Lyn gasped at the trail ahead. It seemed to
have taken a turn straight up the mountain. It was steep and rocky but dry
so she felt she could handle it. Nearly an hour later she reached the top.
The view from the top of the mountain was well worth the climb. She stood
for a long while catching her breath and gazing at the mountain range laid
out before her as she munched on her energy bar.

She followed the signs to the camping picnic area she had wanted to visit.
It was less than two miles away now; she hoped they were a little flatter
than the last. As it turned out, the two miles were steep and increasingly
difficult to climb. It was filled with many switchbacks and steep rocky

To make it worse as she neared the top of what she hoped was the last climb
the wind picked up. Soon she found herself buffeted by high winds and a
temperature drop that chilled her in spite of her exertion. She looked up
and saw the clouds rolling in at a high rate of speed and realized she was
likely to get wet if she could not locate some cover soon.

As she made it to the crest of the latest climb she saw the camp area down
the mountain and into the middle of a meadow. She smiled with relief as her
goal was in site. But soon the wind brought cold rain. With the rain the
trail became more and more slick and treacherous. As she neared the bottom
of the trail that emptied into the meadow she stepped on a rock slick with
rain and her ankle turned beneath her.

Pain shot through her leg as her ankle folded sideways and she fell. She
scraped her bare knee in the fall. She was soon covered in mud as she
struggled to stand back up on one leg. Standing on one leg, pain shooting
through her body, wet and covered with mud she began to cry.

As she cried she began to realize that she was genuinely in trouble. The
rain was turning to ice, she was cold, wet, unable to walk and had no
supplies or shelter of any kind. To make matters worse, her clothes were
soaked and she was caked with blood and mud. All of this made her cry all
the harder.

Glen heard something in the wind and peaked out of his tent to see what it
was. He saw a shape in the distance. It looked like a person and while he
really did not want to go out into the cold rain now turning to ice, he
could not help feeling like there was someone out there who needed help. He
pulled on his poncho, grabbed his first aid kit (just in case) and went out
into the storm.

As he went around the bend in the trail towards the mountain he could hear
the crying and knew at once someone was in trouble. Then he saw her,
drenched, shivering and covered in mud and blood standing on one leg and
crying. He immediately ran to her and remembering all the first aid
training, he assessed her injuries. As it turned out, the blood was mostly
from scrapes and nothing too serious. Her ankle was the worst part. It was
swollen and already turning black and blue.

Lyn could not keep from crying even though she felt relief at having someone
rescue her from her situation. The pain and helplessness continued to
overwhelm her; it would just have to run its course.

In the meantime Glen talked to her, told her she was going to be ok and told
her to lean on him. With Glen half carrying her, they made it back to his
tent. It was a one person backpack tent that required some effort before
they were both comfortably inside out of the wind and rain (now turning to

Glen was able to use his sweatshirt to help Lyn clean most of the mud and
blood off her. He bandaged her scrapes, wrapped her ankle and gave her his
poncho to try and warm up. Soon she began to shiver in her soaked clothes.
Glen convinced her to take off her clothes and climb into his sleeping bag
to warm up. They sat in silence as the wind continued to howl and the snow
covered the tent.

Lyn began to feel human again. She was warm enough and though her ankle
hurt, the pain was more of an ache. She caught herself looking at Glen with
extreme gratitude. She began to realize that without his help she could
have died out there. She said "Thank You" breaking the silence. Glen just
shook his head dismissing his effort. They began to chat about themselves
and passed the time.

Glen was acutely aware that he was talking to a naked women who was in his
sleeping bag but tried not to think about it. Everytime he failed and the
thought crossed his mind, he would become aroused.

They talked for a long time as the wind howled around them. All the while
the temperature inside the tent dropped. Soon, Glen found himself
shivering in the cold. He wrapped the poncho around him but it provided
little relief.

Lyn saw him shiver and felt bad that she was so warm now and he was
obviousely cold. The little tent and supplies did not offer any other
option except one. She blushed as she realized what the only solution was:
she would need to share the sleeping bag with him. She shuddered as she
realized there was barely room for one; two people would be very snug.

Lyn spent the next few minutes explaining her plan to Glen. As he became
more and more embarassed (and aroused) by the prospect. But sitting there
shivering with a full blown Spring storm around them he realized he had
little choice. Still her argument for why he needed to take off his clothes
(to avoid scratching here with the buttons on his shorts) seemed a little
weak. Still, "who was he to argue with a naked woman?" he wondered.

Sliding into a one persons sleeping bag that already contained one person
proved to be a chore. He was intensely aware of her curves each inch he
slithered down her body. By the time he had finally reached the bottom of
the sleeping bag with his feet he was hard as he had ever been before. His
cock lay firmly between her cheeks and pressed against him in an almost
uncomfortable position. He could barely keep his breathing in control from
his arousal.

For lYn's part, she was equally aware of the feeling of his arousal pressed
against her. She was finding it difficult to think of anything else but the
desire to have him inside her. In spite of her efforts to control her
yearning she found herself reaching back and stroking him. As she stroked
it, she maneuvered his cock between her legs to lay across her wet lips.
now the length of it made it stick out in front where she could easily play
with the tip.

This little game did not last long as both of them began to pant with
desire. Lyn broke the silence "Please" was all she said as she squirmed
upwards and pressed his cock back between her legs towards her opening now
wet with her desire. Sensing her plan, Glen slid down just enough to get
the angle right and slid slowly inside her.

The both moaned in pleasure as he filled her. The sensation of her heat
surrounding him was almost too much to bear. Lyn reveled in the feeling of
his hardness filling her as she squirmed on him trying to get a little more
inside her. Inside the confines of the sleeping bag they could not get much
movement. But with some minimal effort they could slide perhaps and inch in
and out from deep inside her to only an inch out was enough to bring them
both close to climax with each little movement. The small movements kept
them from spending too quickly while the passion built. Their position made
it perfect for Glen to reach around and fondle her now erect nipple. He
squeezed and teased them as they became the size of a marker cap and almost
as hard. He longed to take them into his mouth but for now was satisfied to
tweak them as they rocked back and forth building their passion.

All too soon their rocking produced that feeling building inside him. He
knew that he did not have much longer. He whispered a warning in her ear.
She responded by rocking all the harder and whispered back "me too". As it
turned out he felt her contractions begin to clamp down on his cock. She
began to rock harder and moaned loudly as wave after wave of her orgasm
clamped inside milking his cock. that was enough for Glen as his cock began
to throb and he filled her with his hot cum. Jet after jet filled her as
she milked it from him until they both collapsed in pleasure.

The nestled together until he deflated enough to slip from inside her. He
kissed her on the neck and slipped off to sleep.

Glen awoke about an hour or so and felt himself become aroused by the
feeling of Lyn's lucious body touching his. Before he realized it he was
gently rubbing himself between her legs; his cock stroking her still wet
lips. He was not aware she was awake until she touched the tip of her cock
with her fingers. She massaged it until he was once again throbbing with
erection then she slid it beck to her opening as before and her entered her.
Once again they rocked together until Lyn started to squeeze him tightly
in her orgasm. This time he was able to hold on and keep rocking until at
last her spasm subsided. She began to rock all the harder urging him to cum
but all too soon her own orgasm rose again. She reached between her legs
and stroked his balls as she once again began to cum squeezing his cock in
side her. The combination was too much and he began to explode inside her.
They both moaned loudly and collapsed once again falling back to sleep
almost immediately.

Dawn broke and filled the tent with the warmth of sunlight. Glen woke first
sweating from the heat of their bodies in the down sleeping bag. He
unzipped it to get some air and caught his first look of Lyn's nude body.
her breasts were beautiful and perfect to his eyes. But the shaved mound
between her legs with bare lips just visible nearly drove him wild with

He began to kiss and lick her body starting at her neck and working down to
take her huge nipples fully into his mouth. He licked and teased them into
erection and was rewarded by her moans of pleasure. First one nipple then
the other pulled deep into his mouth and teased with his talented tongue
only to be released and have the cool air hit it. Son they were both as
hard as they had ever been.

Then he left them and began to kiss down her stomach and reached the tops of
her thighs. Unable to contain himself her slid his tongue between her
thighs to taste her for the first time. He sucked and stroked her lips
reveling in the taste of her. Each lick brought him and her pleasure. Soon
though he felt her pull at his rapidly rising cock and take it into her
mouth. The contest of wills began. Each time he would lick her to such
pleasure that she would forget what she was doing then she would return to
sucking him until he forgot to lick her. They teased each other back and
forth as their passions built. She was the first to cum but she sucked so
hard at the explosion inside her that she forced him to cum the same time.
He filled her mouth with his hot cum and she swallowed it eagerly. Spent
again they collapsed on top of each other.

As they napped naked entwined a loud noise was heard outside the tent.
"Glen, you OK dude?" was all they heard before the ranger unzipped the tent
and poked his head inside.

"I guess you are..he grinned as he blushed bright red and withdrew his head.
The frantically got dressed as Glen explained they would need some
assistance getting Lyn back to the trailhead. "You sprained her ankle?" the
ranger/friend asked incredulously as Lynn giggled still inside the tent.
She was sure Ranger Glen would never live this one down, and she would never
forget it herself.
© Copyright 2010 Jordan.C.Fox (gregwyoming at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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