Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1683300-Sam-the-Six-Foot-Rabbit--Tail-One
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1683300
A first in a series of short stories about a young rabbit that just happens to be a giant.
Based on the characters created by Rev. Lambert Willis

Tale One: How It All Began

Once, before your father’s father’s father was born, in the cozy village of Blue Meadow there lived a young rabbit couple named the Hoppas. Lambert and Daisy Hoppa lived a simple life in their small village, taking time every day to taste the sweet clover and to chat with their neighbors over the brambleberry bushes. Mr. Hoppa worked at the carrot factory and Mrs. Hoppa spent most of her days hopping around her lush garden. Indeed, the Hoppas were so normal they were almost boring until one spring something happened that made the Hoppas very different indeed.

It all started the day Mr. and Mrs. Hoppa found out that they were going to have a family. They were very excited and hopped all over the meadow telling everyone the good news. For months they planned and prepared, building a nursery in their rabbit hole with enough room for a half a dozen little baby bunnies.

"Of course, we don't really expect six, not all at once!" Mr. Hoppa would laugh as he patted his wife's bulging belly. "Two or three would be fine and dandy. But no matter what, we'll love'em all!" Mrs. Hoppa would just smile and twitch her whiskers in agreement.

Finally the big day arrived. Mr. Hoppa bounded up and down the hall, pacing while Nurse Nibbles tended to his wife. Hours passed, and Lambert Hoppa was starting to get very anxious indeed.

Then the door finally opened and Mr. Hoppa turned to look at the nurse. Her nose was twitching very quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Mr. Hoppa asked, jumping up and down.

“Nothing’s…wrong…really,” Nurse Nibbles said slowly, not looking Mr. Hoppa in the eyes.

“What happened? Did something happen? Is something wrong with the children? Is it my wife?” Mr. Hoppa began to jump faster, making the pictures on the wall shake.

“No, nothing like that. Maybe you should come in and see for yourself.” Hesitantly, she led him into the bedroom. There he was greeted by the last thing he ever expected to see.

There, lying awkwardly in Mrs. Hoppa’s arms, lay a single baby half the size of a full-grown rabbit.

He just stood in the doorway, staring.

For a while no one said anything. Finally Daisy Hoppa broke the silence.

“Come and meet your son, Lambert dear."

Slowly, Mr. Hoppa walked toward the bed and peered at the not-so-little bunny before him. He took the baby from his wife's outstretched arms and, despite his shock, felt immensely proud of the enormous child before him.

"What shall we name him?" Mr. Hoppa asked, tears in his eyes.

"I was thinking Samuel, like your father."

"Samuel...Sam. Yes that sounds right."

Mr. Hoppa looked down at his son. "Welcome to the world, Sam. I hope it's ready for you."

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