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A cross examination of love from the dictionary, me, and the bible.

Chapter 1

Love By Definition

Love.  In a lifetime many words will pass through your lips and be received in delight or despair but none will be more effective at

affecting your sensibility and preoccupying the depths of your intellect than love. In that moment when you reflect and allow your

instinct and spirit to vote on your emotional endeavors involving that special someone the underlying question that precedes your

decision, is the main question I would like to address in this chapter. What is love? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love in

many ways here are a few. 1. Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. 2. Attraction based on sexual desire:

affection and tenderness felt by lovers.  3. Affection based on admiration, benevolence or common interest. I agree with one and

three, but I’m going to have to disagree with two. Attraction based on sexual desire is more responsible for the introduction of two

people but shouldn’t be responsible for two people falling in love. I personally define love as a source of energy expressed in time.

Love is a source of energy similar to electricity. A potential energy existing all around us waiting for us to discover how to harness its

power and live in the splendor and wonder of its magnificent works. The intelligence of mankind is second to none when compared to

all the creatures that walk the earth. There are countless ways for us to show one another our love and affection, but none is more

priceless then sharing our time with one another. Time engulfs the lifespan of man it cannot be manipulated or reproduced, which

makes it one of the most valuable assets we have to share with one another.  When you gain access to someone’s time you have

become valuable to them, you have gained access to the heart and mind of that person.  I refer to love as a source of energy

because love propels us as if were vehicles going here and there to satisfy the needs and wants of those who have our heart. In a

sense we are servants to those we love and Kings and Queens to those who love us. Now to further explain love as a potential

energy and existing all around us, we treat love as an intimate commodity exclusive to those in our inner circle, this is not the case.

Love exist in a sincere smile a pleasant conversation or a helping hand to a stranger, without expecting anything in return. I use to

frequent my local Kroger supermarket and every once in awhile I would run into this gentleman who would just start talking to me

right out of the blue. We would converse about work and life. Everything he said to me was pleasant and I always left him feeling

better than before I met him. I’m sure a lot of you have had this same thing happen to you before you were either walking around

feeling good or bad and someone brightens your day or upsets you. This is the energy inside of us transforming from one state to

another following that old Law of the Conservation Of Energy. (Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed from

one form to another.) Inspiration works the same way you hear an uplifting speech, or see someone defy terrible odds and it starts an

eruption of change inside of us that motivates us to complete a goal.  In our daily encounters with one another we have the power to

affect each other and the vulnerability to be effected. Now the question is, knowing that you have this potential power to wield as you

please, how are you going to use your power of love to affect others? I know my breakdown of love is sappy, but we’re talking about

love here, it’s going to get a little sappy. I saved the bibles definition for last because I didn’t want to paint over what I felt was the

Mona Lisa of definitions for love. Growing up in church I learned that all of life’s questions can be answered in the good book. Now I

know there are many people with many different outlooks on life as it pertains to their belief in religion but, I feel that even if you don’t

believe in the religious content of the bible you still have to respect that its one of the oldest and most well written books that

mankind has in its archive. Reading from the New International Version of the bible first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 4-7 states: Love

is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it

keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts always hopes,

always preservers. Love never fails. I implore that as you embark on the journey of love you ask yourself two questions. One, are you

capable of loving that special someone to the standards in that verse? Two is this the type love that they are capable of giving back

to you? If you can answer yes to both of those questions then by definition the two of you have a love that shall never fail. 
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