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Rated: · Other · Children's · #1682644
What really goes on in a park
A short story that could be longer and maybe not..but who knows?

A Walk in the Park

“Come on, Mommy. Let’s go!”

“All right, Billy, All right. Here put on your sweater before we go out.”

“Awww Momm!” Billy reluctantly pulled on his sweater and as usual, had trouble. Mom smiled and helped Billy with the sweater careful to button all the buttons and straighten his collar like all Mommies’ do. Billy struggled and pulled away from his Mom, running out the door and standing impatiently for her to catch up. He was, after all, a big boy now, see … he’s wearing his new big boy shoes.

“Hurry Mommy, hurry!!” Billy pleaded tugging impatiently at the car door. Billy’s Mom parked the car and Billy jumped out rushing into the park stopping at the entrance staring in awe for it was a very big park bigger than even Billy’s back yard. Billy looked back for his Mom, spotting her he yelled.

“Come on, Mommy, come on!” and ran down the gravel path shaded from the midday sun by gigantic oaks and cedars, a least they were gigantic in Billy’s eyes for you see Billy was really a wee little boy.

“Will you look at that, now?’ Sammy Squirrel said as he watched the little creature skip past below his tree.

“And what would you be lookin’ at?” Sharon asked as she stepped out of their nest.

“It’s a wee little creature and a large one following and makin’ all that noise!”

“Saints preserve us!! And haven’t ye seen their like before? Everyday I’m thinkin’ and you sittin’ pretty as ye please with chores waitin’ for yuh! Well, git on wit’ ye and quit yer lollygaggin’”

“Lollygaggin’ is it? Woman, I slave dawn til dusk gatherin’ for winter, I’m thinkin’ it’s high time I’ve set a time for me self.”

Robert Robin looked across the path from his perch on the tall cedar watching Sammy and Sharon.

“I say, love, it appears the Squirrels are having a bit of a go at it again.”

Roberta turn fluffing herself as she settled on her eggs. “I’ve told you, Robert, we shouldn’t have taken this tree. It’s the neighborhood … those … those ruffians… “ She could barely contain herself as she settled deeper into the nest.

“Roberta, Please!!! I’m rather fond of Samuel even if he is from the other side of the path.” Robert flecked his feathers and turned away from his wife. This was no time to argue after all she was nesting. One had to be careful when one was nesting.

“Ahhh! Yer daft woman!! I’ll be takin’ me a walk through the park.”Sammy turned not waiting for her rely and scurried down the branch jumping to the truck of the tree and traveled down onto the tall grass. He turned and nodded to Sharon then skipped down the small path that trailed through the flowerbeds lining the gravel path.

“I”ll be settin’dinner at five and I’ll not be waitin’ for ye!” Sharon yelled. “And don’t ye go eatin’ one too many nuts with those heathen friends of yours. I’ll not be carin’ for ye with yer headaches tomorrow marnin’!!!” Sharon returned to her nest curling and closing her eyes resting as she too was waiting for a wee one.

Robert watched Sammy hopping through the flowerbeds and turned towards Roberta.“Darling, I think I’ll take a glide through the park. Stretch the wings so to speak. Cheerio!” Roberta splayed her tail feathers not bothering to answer. Robert circled the park finally spotting Sammy under the old Walnut tree. Looks like the boys are early today, Robert thought as he landed and hopped towards Chester and the rest of the regulars that hung around the Walnut tree.

“Robert!!” Sammy yelled. “Will ye join me in a little one?” He offered Robert a piece of walnut. “And the missus, Robert?”

“Mrs. Robin is fine thank you for asking.” Replied Robert.

“Ahhh, gud, gud gud!”

“Saints preserve us, did you see what just flew in?” Chirped David Dove. They all turned and looked at the large branch that hung over the gravel path.

“Charlie Cardinal. Isn’t he a handsome brute?” Sylvia Starling spoke with awe admiring his long red feathers.

“Ah dem red feathers are no lie, I’d be thinkin’ a temper on that one fer sure!” David chirped in. All silently nodded in agreement edging a little farther away from the large branch.

“Boys, ladies.” Charlie gruffed. “Set ‘em up all around, barkeep!” Looking at Boyd Blackbird who ran the Walnut tree. Boyd nodded and passed a round of nuts and bits. Everyone nodded thanks in Charlie’s direction careful not to say anything that might anger him. Sylvia coyly batted her eyes at Charlie but Charlie ignored her pointing to Boyd to set up another one. Sylvia, angered at being rejected, flew away.

“Mommy, look at all the animals and birds under that big tree!!” Billy said excitedly. “Can I go play with them, huh, please, Mommy?”

“No honey, they might bite you. Let’s go over to the swings instead, Okay?” Billy stubbed the toes of his shoes dragging them, glancing back at the big Walnut tree wanting instead to play with the animals.

“Ahhh, there’s the wee one again bouncin’ and prancin’ pretty as you please!” Chittered Sammy as he watched Billy and his Mom pass by the Walnut tree. All solemnly nodded in agreement.

“Aye but ye best be keepin’ yer good eye on them, I’ve seen dem leave the path and come a bounding towards yuh, tis a scary sight it is.” Chirped David. “ Goin’ a grabbin’ at yuh; yuh never know’d wha’ kin happen to yuh if dey lay upon yuh.” David shook his head and took another peck and nodded to Boyd for another. All looked about and nodded in agreement.

Darling Dove landed ruffling her feathers hopping towards them. Boyd nodded pointing his beak in her direction. David quietly moved to the other side of the tree then flew away.

“Another round if you please!” Spoke Samuel turning as the others did, watching Darling approach. “Aye, now there’s an angry missus.” All silently nodded and turned away pecking and biting as Boyd lay more about them. “Will ye be joinin’ us, Darlin’” Samuel turned offering Darling a piece of walnut as he spoke. Darling ignored him.

“And where is he?”

“And who would that be, Darlin?”

“And don’t ye be darlin’ me, Samuel Squirrel, I’ll be talkin’ to yer missus as soon as I get my claws on that bird of mine.!!! Darling angrily flapped her wings hopping about checking every nook and cranny in the walnut tree. “And you, Robert, a fine specimen of a bird and a fine lady nesting at home; hanging with these ruffians!” Robert nervously looked at Darling Dove.

“If you’ll excuse me I believe I have a previous appointment.” Robert stuttered and flew off.

“Ruffians is it? Now Darlin’ this is a social club for passin’ the news of the park. Passin’ news with good friends and good bits, tis all, Darlin’.”

“And don’t you go on darlin’ me, Samuel! Appears to me you’ve had enough nuts already!!!”

“Look Mommy! The bird is arguing with the squirrel! Billy pointed at the walnut tree while tugging at his mother to look.

“No Billy.” She patiently kneeled beside him her arm around his waist. “Honey they’re animals, they can’t talk to one another. They have no way of talking to different types of animals. You see, honey, animals have a small brain, that’s why they can’t talk to each other like we do. And that’s why the bird and squirrel aren’t arguing. You see?” She hugged him. Billy pulled away.

“But they look like they’re arguing, Mommy just like you and Daddy do!” Billy insisted.

“No honey, Daddy and I don’t argue, we discuss things … Okay?”

“Well how come when I’m yelling at Bobby you tell me to stop arguing and when you’re yelling at Daddy, you’re discusshining? Huh?”

Mom was silent for a moment thinking she’d need to talk to Billy’s dad when he gets home from work.“Come on honey, we need to get home, it’s getting late and daddy’ll be home soon.”

“Awww Mom, I wanna stay and walk through the park again. Pleeez!!!” Billy pouted but slowly followed his mother. He looked back at the walnut tree.

“It sure looks like their argu … discusshining to me, Mom.” Billy mumbled as he grudgingly trailed his mother.

“Will ye look at that now? They’re leavin’!” Samuel chittered.

“And don’t you be changin’ da subject! Samuel, When I get my beak on that … that bird of mine!! … I’ll.. I’ll…” Darling angrily flapped her wings again.

Charlie glanced over at Darling. “Mrs. Dove?” Charlie spoke. “David left.” Charlie nodded to Boyd for another round. All silently thanked him not knowing whose wrath they would rather face. At this moment Charlie seemed to be the lesser of two evils.

“ Oh! Gangster is it? Gangsters and ruffians, a fine lot!! I’ll be thankin’ you, Mr. Cardinal and a good day to you!” Darling angrily hopped around then flew away. Sean Sparrow leaned over from his perch, watching Darling as she circle the park.

“I’m thinkin’ David won’t be around for awhile.” All silently nodded in agreement. Saul Sparrow looked towards the playground.

“Look! Here comes Calvin! I’ll bet a round he’s forgotten his purse again!” All chirped and chattered for all knew Calvin Chipmunk was a bit sparse when it came to standing a round.

“God bless all here!” Calvin said as he skittered up to the tree.

“And a good day to ye too, Mr. Chipmunk.” Samuel stated nipping on a nut.

“Tis a sad day.” Calvin said mournfully.

“And why would that be, Calvin?” Asked Samuel as all turned expectantly towards Calvin.

“I’d be speakin’ tuh ye, but me throat … would you stand me a round, Samuel? I’ve seemed to forgotten me purse.” All chattered and chirped knowingly. Charlie nodded to Boyd and Boyd set a nut in front of Calvin.

Ahh! You’re a good bird, Mr. Cardinal, a thousand thanks to ye, sir.”

Charlie merely nodded and returned to his pecking.

“Well? On with yuh!!” Samuel asked and all turned expectantly.

“Poor David, as I was skippin’ past da big contraptions buried in the sand, ugly things they are and who do you think I spot?” Calvin turned slowly about him as all looked silently on. “Mrs. Dove beaking about David, poor soul, I’ll be thinking He won’t be flyin’ for a month! The beak on his missus! Terrible! Terrible! Ahhh, me throat … ahem … ahem!” Boyd put another nut before him. “I thank ye, Boyd.” And silently nibbled, all shook their heads mournfully. “I was a thinkin’. Did you noticed those creatures that come ta the park every day?” Calvin looked about him slowly as they all nodded. “Do you think they can talk?”

“Well, they do make strange sounds and wave those strange things about. I supposed they do.” Saul said thoughtfully.

“The professor would know.” Samuel interjected turning to his companions.

“Oliver Owl? Awww he’s a strange bird that one. “ Said Sean. All nodded in agreement. “What with him up all the dang night and hangin’ with Bart and his wild crowd.” Sean scanned knowingly about as all nodded silently.

“Ahh those bats now there’s a crude bunch if there ever were.” Samuel noted and all shivered knowingly nodding to one another.

“If they could talk, they’d be able to talk to us.” All turned as Charlie spoke and nodded as one.

“Aye. Tis true, tis true, me thinkin’ they don’t have it up here.” Calvin touched his head and they all nodded.

“Well, my friends.” Samuel interrupted. “ The sun is setting, me thinkin’ I’d better be getting’ home before the missus takes a stick to me. A wee one for the path home for me friends and I’ll be off.” With a wave Samuel bounded through the flowers that wound along the path.

“Ah there yer are and reeking of nuts! I’ve a mind to take a stick to yuh! Wipe yer paws afore ye enter me nest!” Sharon scolded waving her paws angrily.

“Yes Ma’m” Samuel answered meekly not quite able to focus on his missus as he curled into a small circle settling into a soft snore.

Bobby Bluebird dropped in settling next to Charlie. Bobby nodded to Boyd who quickly placed bits in front of both birds. Bobby’s eyes swept the tree noting that it was bare.

“Where’s everybody go?” Bobby asked turning back to Charlie.

“Home.” He grunted. Boyd nodded.

“Well heck, I might as well go home too! See ya later Charlie.” Bobby flew off. Charlie nodded silently. Boyd looked at Charlie.“What about you, Charlie?” Boyd asked as he brushed leftovers off the large branch.

“No one to go home to, Boyd.” Boyd noted that Charlie looked sad. Just then a new bird flew in. Resplendent in flowing speckled brown feathers. A real looker this one Boyd thought and placed a bit in front of the new comer. Boyd peeked a glance at Charlie. Charlie hadn’t noticed the new bird.

“New around here?” Boyd asked still peeking glances at Charlie hoping he’d look up. “My name’s Boyd. You?”

“Claudia … Claudia Cardinal. Nice to meet you.” Boyd noticed she was looking at Charlie. Upon hearing the unfamiliar chirping, Charlie looked up and perked up. He hopped over next to her signaling Boyd for another round.

“Hey doll, the name’s Charlie … Charlie Cardinal. So you’re new around here?” Charlie was upbeat. Boyd noted Charlie was throwing all of his considerable charm at Claudia and it seemed to be working. The couple chirped and chattered long into the dusk. Boyd busied cleaning the large branch.

“Say doll, how’se about we take a stroll through the park? Gates are closed now so it’ll be nice and quiet.” Charlie huddled next to her as he spoke.

“But aren’t you afraid of the large creatures that prowled parks at night?” She flittered then settled comfortably next to Charlie.

“Tomcats? Ain’t a tomcat around I can’t handle.” Charlie puffed, his chest feathers flared handsomely for he was truly a handsome bird. “So how ‘bout it?” Claudia quickly agreed and they glided down wings touching, ambling together into the darkness.

Boyd cleaned the last remnants of bits off the large branch thinking he’d better get home too before the missus takes her claws to him. With a last brush of his wing, Boyd lifted off the branch gliding towards the sitting sun.

“Mommy!” Billy yawned as he turned in his warm car seat. “Can we go to the park again? I wanna see the animals discusshining, Okay?” Mommy turned to answer Billy but Billy had already fallen asleep. For you see Billy was a wee little boy and needed to rest: for tomorrow would be a very big day in his life.

© Copyright 2010 Anderson Dana (raenme at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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