Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681874-Ch1-of-my-story
Rated: E · Other · Thriller/Suspense · #1681874
This is just the beginning. I don't know where I'm going with this.
Chapter 1

         Darcy was laying on her stomach with her Calculus book, calculator, and pencil sprawled across her bed.  Her face was scrunched up in confusion and finally after staring down aat her book for several minutes, she slammed it shut.  This has practically became a daily ritual.

         After giving up  on her homework, she flipped her tired body across the bed and pulled the covers over her head.  Seconds after closing her eyes, Darcy let out an irritated groan.

         "I forgot to turn ouut the lights again!" she thought to herself.

         She stumbled out of her bed to flip the switch when she suddenly heard the distinct vibration of her cell phone.

         "That's odd.  It's like one in the morning," Darcy thought.

         Looking down at the text message, her expression turned from confused to horrified.

         "I see you," she read.  "From:  Unknown."

         "Who is this?" she questioned.

         Darcy looked around her room frantically.  She looked for the business card the investigator had given her.  Hands shaking, she dialed the number.

         "You know who this is babe *Wink*," the text message said.

         Tears poured out of Darcy's fearful eyes.  Her breathing  became short and irregular.  All of a sudden, she lost control of herself.  She started to shake uncontrollably and could not move.  Darcy put her hands over her eyes so she wouln't have tto see him.  She couldn't handle seeing his face.

         She heard her screen door open and close and heard footsteps coming toward her room.  Her floorboards were creaking, getting louder and louder by the second.  Darcy's breathing grew louder and quicker.  Then, for a split second, everything became silent.  She felt breathing on her neck and someone gripped her shoulders.  They began to stroke her hair.

         "Get off of me!" Darcy screamed.

         Her shrill scream pierced the silence.  Darcy thre the person's hands off of herself and ran to a corner of her room.  The person followed her to the corner and she screamed out again hysterically.

         "Babe, it's me!  What is wrong with you?"  the person asked desperately.

         The person turned the lights back on in Darcy's room.  He gently pryed her hands away from her face.

         "Look at me," he demanded.

         Darcy slowly opened her eyes and let out a relieved sigh.  She fell to the floor and began sobbing softly.  Darcy's boyfriend sat down on the floor with her and held her in his arms.

         "I thought you were him," she repeated over and over.  "I thought you were him."

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