Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681622-The-Cage
Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #1681622
Strangers meet after waking up in an experiment.
Greg woke up slowly. He opened his eyes only a crack and was confused. "Last I remember was being in a bar" he thought. But this was no bar. He was on a metal cot in a room only 8 ft by 4 ft. All four walls appeared to be made of black metal. The floor was concrete and there was a dim light recessed into the ceiling to make the room visible but not bright. A computer screen blinked to life on the narrow wall towards his feet. It looked like it was on a door.

Greg sat up to get a better look. The screen simply had one large button that said "Information" on it.

He stood up to investigate. Adrenaline pushed the fog out of his mind as he checked his surroundings again, he appeared to be in a small black room. The screen did appear to be on a door but it had no handle. He walked to the door. He pushed on it. It didn't budge. He pushed harder. Still nothing.

Greg touched the information button on the LCD screen.

"Welcome to a sexual exploration. Last night you and another person agreed to participate in a socio-sexual experiment. Click here to see a video of you signing the consent form."

Greg clicked the link and saw himself from camera angle above him at a table. He was signing a piece of paper and laughing. The person who took the paper was a gorgeous blond he vaguely remember seeing at the bar. She took the paper from him and handed him a fluted champagne glass. The image turned black.

The screen lit up again with instructions. "you will be presented a series of choices.Each choice will be something you want with a cost associated. Each choice is irreversible. If you do not choose to accept the cost or cannot complete the task within the allotted time, the opportunity will be lost." it went blank again and changed to...

First choice. The screen showed two items: a glass of water and a cereal bar and a full breakfast with coffee, eggs, sausage. Under the picture of the water read "One item of clothing" and under the full breakfast read - "One ejaculation"

Greg read the screen again in disbelief. "What?" he said out loud.

Suddenly a red flashing timer showed on the screen: "30..."29..."28..."

Greg realized the offer was going to expire soon. He thought some more. "I'm not that hungry, or horny" he said out loud and pressed the Water button. He heard a loud click and a door slowly appeared in the bottom of the door.
"Deposit one item" the screen read with a new thirty second countdown timer.

Greg grinned and took off one sock and placed it in the door. "One half item deposited" the screen wrote while the countdown timer continued. Greg groaned and took off his other sock placing it in the door.

"Transaction completed" the screen showed. A glass of water and a tiny cereal bar appeared in the door slot. Greg took it, sat on the cot and ate the cereal bar in one bite. He washed it down with the glass of water.

"That tastes terrible" he said out loud.

Greg sat for a while, thinking. As he sat he began to feel a little funny. His face felt like he was blushing and his nose ran a little. His mind began to wander. He wondered what "socio-sexual" even meant. He wondered if it meant he was going to get laid. He felt himself begin to stiffen at that thought.

The screen on the door flashed "Second Choice" catching his attention. He got up and went to the door. "Private Shower: One ejaculation or Public Shower: one item of clothing" it read.

"Well" Greg thought, "I've showered publicly before, no big deal. I got over that in basic training." He pressed the public shower option.

The small door slid open and "deposit item" flashed on the screen as before accompanied by a countdown timer. Greg took off his shirt and threw it in. "Transaction complete" the screen read then flashed "Remove remainder of clothes for shower".

Greg reluctantly took off his pants and underwear, carefully laying them on the cot. The door clicked loudly and slid open into a dark tunnel. He walked, naked, into the tunnel towards its end where a shower head was dimly visible. He stepped into the room and approached the shower head. It was so dark he could barely see anything.

Greg walked to the shower and pulled the chain. Lights flooded the room nearly blinding him. As he tried to focus, foamy soap began to pour out of the shower head on Greg's head. He ignored the lights and soaped his hair and face. Blindly, he reached around to the chain and pulled again. This time water came out. Greg rinsed his hair and eyes and looked towards the bright lights. He thought he saw several flashing red lights among the bright bank but before he could see for sure, a huge flat screen came to life.

Greg watched in astonishment as the screen began to display a woman's vagina in huge HD detail. A finger came into the screen and she began to play with herself moaning loudly as she did. Greg was mesmerized. He absently pulled the chain again letting the lather pour over his shoulders. She soaped his chest and stomach watching the screen intently as he did so. He felt himself getting hard as the woman on the screen came loudly. Greg soaped himself and washed his hard cock as the woman on the screen finished her orgasm. The screen went dark and he saw clearly the word "Live" in red on the wall behind the bright lights.

Greg blushed furiously as he realized the "public shower" was actually in a broadcast studio. He had no clue who was able to see it. He quickly pulled the chain again and rinsed himself off. Still blushing furiously he grabbed a towel from the wall, dried himself off and returned to his room.

Greg put his underwear and pants on and sat quietly on the cot, lost deep in thought.

It was several moments before he noticed the screen flashing. "Option #3"

"Watch the woman in next cell for five minutes: Cost - Remaining clothes. Yes or No" Read the screen.

Greg considered for a moment, he was going to run out of clothes anyway and he really wanted to get an idea of who might be in this too. Also a tiny part of him liked the idea of watching.

Greg walked to the screen and clicked yes. He took his pants and underwear off before the small door even opened. He slid them in when it did.

"Transaction Complete" the screen flashed. The screen flickered and showed a scene from above into a room exactly like his. A woman about his age with red hair stood in front of the door touching the screen. She was wearing shorts and a blouse. Greg wondered how she could have keep to much of her clothes, then remembered the orgasm option he turned down. He could not read the words but saw her begin to take her blouse and shorts off leaving her in matching green bra and panties. He watched as she bent over and slid her clothes into the slot at the bottom of the door. He absently stroked himself as he watched her bend over. She had the most enticing bottom he had ever seen and it was barely covered by her panties.

He saw her screen flicker to life and watched in shock as he saw himself from above on the screen. The woman gasped and looked directly at where the camera was. Greg looked up too. When he looked back he saw her staring at him on the screen with his erection in his hand. Greg blushed so furiously at having been caught stroking himself while looking at her that he was certain he was glowing. The five minutes of viewing her turned out to be the longest of his life. He spent most of it sneaking peeks at her while trying to hide
his own nudity. At last his screen went blank and he relaxed. He flopped onto the bed looking up at the camera he had not seen there before. As he stared at it he remembered: her five minutes had started after his; she was still watching. He blushed again and rolled onto his stomach.

Greg waited five full minutes before relaxing again. When he looked up the screen was flashing again. "Option #4 - Watch woman in next cell shower: Cost - Masturbation on webcam (one viewer only)

Greg thought about it. He was horny to be certain. He'd had an erection ever since breakfast. He imagined her naked and the decision was made. He got up and pressed the yes button before he changed his mind.

"Sit on the end of the cot for focus." He watched as his erection came into focus on the screen.

"Remain in this position..."

Greg waited for a minute before the screen changed to show her in the shower. She was standing in the same shower he had been, soap suds dripped over her face. The way the suds trailed across her breasts made him ache with desire. Greg began to stroke himself. He watched as she slowly soaped her nipples playing with them lightly. Greg stroked himself in earnest now, getting more and more aroused. He saw her pink fingernails play with her nipples. The same color of nails from the woman in the video he watched in the shower. He stroked harder as he watched her rinse her face, water dripping over her luscious breasts, drops clinging to her hard nipples. She gasped in alarm as she looked directly towards the camera. She was obviously seeing an erotic video like he had seen, he thought as he got closer and closer to orgasm.

"Oh No" his mind screamed at him. He was in the video she was watching just as she had been in his. The nails were not just like the ones in the video, they WERE the ones in the video. He stopped stroking himself, His hard cock throbbed in excitement glistening with pre-cum. He watched as she began to wash again, this time she was stroking herself as she watched the monitor. It was so erotic he could not help himself. Greg stroked again slowly, timing his strokes to her fingers between her legs. He came hard as he watched her shudder with her own orgasm on the screen.

Greg collapsed back on the cot. It took a full five minutes for him to catch his breath.

When he finally sat up the screen was flashing. He stopped looking at the screen to stare at his own erection. It had not gone down after he came. If anything it felt even harder. AND he was as horny as before, if not more so. He stopped looking at himself and looked at the flashing screen.

"Option #5; cells joined into one. Cost: Public, Glory Hole." The option for clothing had a line through it. He had none. The countdown timer was at 10...9...8...7

Greg's mind flashed to the odd pornographic videos he has seen of glory holes. Men sticking their erections in and on the other side a woman waited to do whatever she wanted with it. It turned him on a little. Greg jumped up and pressed Yes before he could change his mind.

Greg Waited a few minutes until the door clicked and a portal appeared at waist height. He reluctantly pressed his body to the door with his erection fully in the portal. He felt a soft, feminine hand grasp him almost immediately. She stroked him up and down several times. He gasped out loud as he felt her lick the tip of it. She expertly took him into her mouth and began to suck him in and out of her mouth. He was only able to stand it a few minutes before he moaned and came squirting over and over into her hot mouth.

Greg fell backwards into the room and onto his cot as the portal closed. Greg watched in astonishment as the wall next to him rose slowly into the ceiling. He saw her then, sitting naked on her cot.

"I'm Candy" she said.

"Greg" Greg replied blushing furiously. "I uhh, paid for this wall to go up" He continued.

"So did I" she said laughing. "I had to give a blow job through a glory hole cause I wanted to meet you."

Greg laughed "I had to stick my dick in a glory hole" he told her.

Candy got up and joined Greg on the cot. He turned and kissed her gently. In moments they were passionately kissing and groping one another. Candy pushed Greg back onto the cot and sat on top of him. She slowly slid herself onto his throbbing cock and began rocking with wild abandon.

Neither one of them noticed the LCD screen flashing - "Experiment completed" nor did they hear the doors to their room unlock.
© Copyright 2010 Jordan.C.Fox (gregwyoming at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681622-The-Cage