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The year 2012, no one really knows what will happen, let's see what could happen shall we?
              As the year 2012 approaches, more and more information can be found as to the similarities of multiple religions and beliefs that all point to this year as a year of change.  Whether this is a change in spiritual awakening, or just an all out doomsday the theory of an event happening on 12/21/2012, the winter solstice, is a constant reminder of our ultimate mortality. 

              Not only does the date 12/21/2012 resonate throughout history, and current day but another number as well is being linked to the alleged doomsday prophecies.  That number is the number 11, more specifically 11:11.  Is has been said by some that the number 11 is a gateway number into the spiritual realm, or a gateway into ones soul.  Is it coincidence that at 11:11 Am on12/21/2012 would be the exact moment of the winter solstice, and the exact moment that our sun and the earth will be in perfect alignment with the center of the Milky Way?

              I have always believed in a higher power, whether you call him God, Ala, or the Great Spirit we all want to believe that our lives have a deeper meaning than these mortal earth bound bag of bones.  We all experience a need to believe that things don’t just happen, but that you were predestined by fate or destiny to be compelled to one decision or another.  But alas, we have free will; the right to be able to follow these feelings or to ignore them.  Our fate is ultimately in our own hands. 

              The ancient Mayan people resided mainly on Yucatan peninsula, Guatemala, Belize and parts of Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras. Their civilization rose to prominence in approximately 250AD with their core collapse around 900AD, according to New World Encyclopedia, before that was the pre-classic period going back to around 2000BC.  The Mayan people adopted, and advanced, the calendar systems already existing from earlier cultures in the South America’s and took astronomical understanding to a level never seen before. They were aware of both the solar and tropical year, although seeming happy to go with a 365 day vague year which slowly shifted due to the extra time that was ignored. They were however; extremely concerned with keeping the lunar month accurate.  Calculating it to be 29.53020 days long, we now know it is actually 29.53059.  They perceived time to be cyclical, rather than linear as we do in present day. Cosmic order was viewed from a cause and effect perspective, but included causes originating in unseen higher realms, this related to their view that all things are interconnected whether physical or metaphysical.

              The calendar that most concerns us when researching the Mayan prophecy is the 13-Baktun or ‘Long Count' system which runs just over 5,125 years. Who exactly set this calendar turning is not known, however it started in 3113 BCE and is set to complete on 12/21/2012.  The calendar, based on a ritual cycle of 260 named days a year of 365 days it was the basis for all other calendars used for Mesoamerican civilizations. Taken together, they form a longer cycle of 18,980 days, or 52 years of 365 days, called a “Calendar Round.”

              According the Mayan civilization the year 2012 wasn’t necessarily a date of doom and gloom but rather the moving into the sixth earth.  The Mayan’s believed that the earth has been made and destroyed five times, 2012 will be the end of the fifth earth and the beginning of the sixth resetting the Mayan calendar to a new cycle or possibly the destruction of our world for a new enlightened species.  The Mayans themselves have said that the 5,125 year cycle encompasses a single “world age” and that such ages are subject to ending in horrible natural disasters.  According to the Mayan beliefs the end of a world age is a time of great opportunity.  At worlds end, humanity has a choice to either accept and move to a more harmonious age, or face an apocalyptic catastrophe as we have already experienced four times before according to Mayan Mythology.  Most beliefs hold that the world has been destroyed by fire, flood, wind and earthquake. 

              Evidence of an event on 12/21/2012 spreads across the globe including some of the most intellectual civilizations the earth has ever seen such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese, and most notably the Hopi Indians of North American.  In Egypt we find that the pyramids on the Giza plateau seem to have been set in such a way as to provide both a marker of time, and what seems like the optimum viewing area for the astronomical phenomena associated with the winter solstice of 2012, this being the perfect alignment of the Earth and the Sun with the center of the Milky Way known as the galactic equator or the “Dark Rift”.  Some Egyptian mythology states that this event marks the birth of a new age via the channel of the ages from the center of our galaxy, a location linked with their concept of Ma’at, or that which brings order to chaos in the cosmos.

              The ancient Chinese divinatory system known as the I-Ching also points towards 2012 being a year of change.  The I-Ching originated as an ancient Chinese calendar, but after research performed in the mid 1970’s using a Mandelbrot fractal set system revealed a pattern within the ever diminishing numerical sequence.  The pattern seemed to coincide well with the thirteen month lunar calendar, procession of the equinox, solar cycles, and recorded major human evolutionary events.  Although not conclusive, their findings are suggestive of a calendar not wholly unlike that of the Mayans however, their work was done prior to any talk of the Mayan calendar.

              According to the Sumerian civilization the world was created by light beings known as the Anunnari who lived on planet Nibiru or the “Twelfth Planet” A.K.A. “Planet X”.  The Anunnari colonized the Earth 6,000 years ago; needing to have a smaller working class the Anunnari mutated the DNA of prehistoric apes to create the human race.  After, thousands of years of colonization of Earth the Anunnari left the planet to us to do as we please returning to Planet Nibiru.

              It is believed that this planet orbits the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit taking approximately 3,600 years to complete one rotation.  At it’s farthest from the Sun the orbit takes the vast planet out past our recently discredited planet Pluto and as far in as the inner solar system where Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars reside.  It has been said that on 12/21/2012 the planet Nibiru will return to the inner solar system at exactly 11:11 AM the same exact time of the winter solstice and the point of perfect galactic alignment. 

              If Planet Nibiru is as large as mythology dictates, the gravitational affect would be catastrophic for the planets in the inner solar system, causing polar shifts and planets to be pulled from their orbits.  Modern scientists have a theory similar to Mayan prophecy of the planetary alignment called pole shifting, in which the position of the North and South Pole change.  The planet Earth occupies a region fondly known as the “Goldilocks Zone” meaning that it’s just right for life.  The polar shifting could cause world wide disasters such as massive tsunamis that could wipe out coastal cities and hurricanes appearing on every continent, it would be catastrophic. Unlikely as it seems a Princeton University study suggests that the poles have shifted before and that the North Pole was in the middle of the pacific, which would put Alaska at the equator.  If the Planet Earth is moved even by the slightest the affects would leave the planet in ruin, and life, ALL LIFE, would be extinguished in a blaze of glory, or possibly a freezing tundra, either way we would be doomed.  The Sumerian people believe that the last time the planet was in the inner solar system was in 160 BCE.

              Earlier I mentioned the number 11 as an important factor in the 2012 doomsday prophecy, showing up in numerous passages.  For example, the exact moment of the winter solstice is 11:11 AM 12/21/2012.  The exact moment of perfect galactic alignment will be at 11:11 AM 12/21/2012.  The Sun has an 11 year cycle for solar activity, 2012 is the end of what has been reported by NASA as one the most active cycles in the past thousand years. 

              Early estimations of solar activity was minuet and too insignificant to really alarm the world.  However recently NASA has updated its stance at how active the sun is going to be in 2012.  Basically, the Sun goes through a magnetic reversal ever 11 years, causing the north and south poles to flip.  When the Sun flips magnetically solar storms, flares, and Sun spots are more dangerous and far more frequent than we are used to.  The Earth as well has had magnetic reversals in the past causing the north and south polls to swap places however this has never happened in recorded history or anytime when man would have been around to have seen such an event.  For the Sun, this happens every 11 years, on earth however this only happens every 300,000 years or more based on NASA estimations.  It is far more dangerous for the Earth to flip magnetically than it is the sun but, if the year 2012 is as active as they say, would being in alignment with the “Dark Rift” cause an increase in strength of solar storms?  Does this put our home in the middle of a firing range between the Sun and the center of the Milky Way?  Where does the earth fall into this planetary alignment?

              In the Milky Way, which is an active galaxy, our solar system moves above and below this galactic plain known as the “Dark Rift” or the galactic equator, as stars and planetary systems, including our own approach this galactic plain the gravitational influence increases, which disturb the stability of the planets, including earth. The passage through the densest portion of the gravitational plain is the direct result of the devastation cycles and pole shifts that we see recorded throughout earth’s history. This distinct nature of our solar system is how many ancient civilizations based there calendars, which are incredibly accurate. 

              On the website of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute is this suspiciously anonymous question: “What do you make of this theory that the Earth will be in direct alignment with the center of the Milky Way in December of 2012? There are many websites which list a series of events in our solar system, leading up to the alignment which will cause a catastrophic change in the Earth’s rotation. I went to your Solar System Simulator at http://space.jpl.nasa.gov/ (Which is really cool by the way) and typed in a bunch of these dates. It looked to me like the Earth was still intact. Is this alignment with the center of the galaxy even provable?” 

              The reply, from NAI senior scientist David Morrison, may appear to 2012ers as being quite confrontational: “You are correct, there is no planetary alignment in December 2012. As to “alignment with the center of the Milky Way” that is a meaningless phrase. It may sound scientific, but it is devoid of content. To put it bluntly, these claims on the Internet of alignments and catastrophe in December 2012 are lies. If more people were like you and checked out these crazy claims, we would all be better off.”

Some people still believe that this alignment will happen and the affects would be felt worldwide.  A recent post from 2012news.com from a Lisa Gawlas states the following which I feel sums it up quite nicely.  She writes; “As we creep closer to the date you stated (Dec. 2012) a lot is already changing. The earth herself is changing. You can see the gentle, and often times, not so gentle shifting that is occurring as we make our way to the "great shift" that many people target as 2012. It’s an energetic shift.”

              “There is more and more "light" being sent to the earth, cleansing her (just see the many earthquakes, tornados and such) this is not a bad or negative thing, and will never create "the end of earth and her inhabitants", but more a shifting in our priorities. Shifting from a fear based, everyone out for themselves energy to one of compassion and love.”

              “If you really look around, you can see that already happening. Get out of the gloom and doom of the media, and look at what is happening beneath the surface of our reality. These events are bringing people together, changing their priorities, and caring less about what they "have" and more about what they can do to help others.”

              “You do not have to believe my take on this, just sit back and watch the next few years unfold... and look beneath the surface of it all. We are moving from fear... to compassion, and will quicken as we get closer to 2012 end date (actually it is a beautiful beginning date).”

2012 Sources

Mayan calendar. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 18, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/370868/Mayan-calendar

Mayan Civilization. (2008, August 26). New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 18, 2009 from http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Mayan_Civilization?oldid=792583.
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