Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681020-Working-Man-Vertigo
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #1681020
A poem that tells the stories of a man's everyday struggles in suburbia.
Working Man Vertigo

Sometimes I wonder…

What’s the point?

As I get up everyday

Another day of deadlines.

All work and never play.

My life is just a mass

Of different times and dates,

There’s never just a second

To sit and just go wait.

Because the kids have places to go,

And I have bills to pay,

Errands to run and sights to see,

As life dwindles away.

My bosses are just monkeys,

All they ever see,

Is another person to push around,

They never look at me.

But I’ve just got to just move on.

There’s no time to complain

Because worrying about life too much,

Will only drive you insane.

I’ve a got a roof over my head,

Food, friends, and family.

When you look into perspective

Things are going swimmingly.

When you think about it now,

I’m a really lucky guy,

I’ve got all that and more,

Like the sun, and stars and sky,

Sure life isn’t just a piece of cake,

But nobody said it ever would,

Life is a road of ups and downs

A trail mix of experience,

Sometimes bad and sometimes good.

© Copyright 2010 Wilma Seke (confusedmuze at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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