Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1680503-The-day-I-was-fired
by LLL
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1680503
Contest Entry for The Writer's Cramp
The day I was fired

My three year old son sat on the living room couch watching some sort of show. I ‎couldn’t really focus on what the program was exactly. Yet, since I had the paternal lock ‎activated on most channels, I wasn’t worried. ‎

I sighed as I looked down at the keyboard. I had been struggling to write for almost two ‎hours, except I couldn’t come up with anything worth the while. ‎

‎“Mommy! Mommy! Look what the guy with the weird hair just did!” The little thing ‎yelped as he grinned widely.  ‎

At that moment, I was in automatic mode which usually was a necessity for the survival ‎in mommy world. ‎

‎“Wow! Did he just do that?!” I didn’t really know what the guy did, but again, I was in ‎automatic mode.  ‎

My son ran back, jumped, and landed on the couch with a loud thump.  ‎

‎“Are you okay, sweetie?” ‎

‎“Yes!” ‎

Just when I was about to start typing the new idea that popped into my mind, I felt a ‎finger poke my back. I looked at the source, and my daughter stood covered in a gooey ‎substance. My heart warned me I wasn’t going to like the explanation.‎

‎“What happened?” I smiled trying not to scare her. Thankfully, I was blessed with ‎unbelievable patience.  ‎

‎“Mommy, eat!” She presented to me with a bowl full with the same gooey substance. I ‎didn’t know what the ingredients could be to provide such a ‘lively’ blue color, but I ‎guessed I will figure out as soon as I walk into what used to be a kitchen. ‎

I smiled again, trying to muster the will power to taste the experiment. Honestly, I always ‎believed in the value of cheering my kids, regardless how much trouble it got me in. ‎

‎“Why don’t you go sit with your brother, until I go save some of this yummy… thing for ‎daddy?” ‎

‎“Taste it!” ‎

‎“I can’t have it all for myself. Dadd-”‎

‎“Taste it!” She pouted. ‎

‎“Fine,” I surrendered to my destiny, and tasted the nightmare on plate. Spare the details; I ‎was still trying to get rid of the after taste a week later. ‎

‎“Yummy!” I gritted my teeth smiling. I tried to remind myself that my mother probably ‎ate some experiments in my younger years too. ‎

‎“Eat again!” ‎

‎“No!” I squeaked, and then composed myself. “I will save it for daddy.” ‎

I looked back at my laptop screen heaving a sigh. I tapped my fingers against the plastic ‎trying to come up with a decent plot. Suddenly, I heard a bang and a splash. ‎

I ran towards the sound, and discovered that my children rode our dog into the swimming ‎pool. The dog quickly got out, and sprayed me with Chlorine water as I fetched the kids. ‎

‎“No! Bad boy! No!” His fur seeped water all over my carpets. ‎

In the heat of the moment, I decided to give the kids time out. I dragged them into the ‎time out corner, receiving a fair amount of complaining. ‎

‎“Face towards the wall, now!” I sat on the floor watching them, and making sure they ‎don’t leave the spot as they typically would do. Sure, I was probably giving myself ‎corner time too, but that’s motherhood… ‎

‎“You are evil!” The boy said. ‎

My daughter glared at me but didn’t really go beyond. She had always been more ‎reserved than he was. ‎

‎“You could have drowned if I wasn’t there!” I reprimanded. ‎

He huffed, stomped, and looked back at the wall. ‎

Keeping an eye on them, I walked towards my laptop. Gladly, my anger inspired me. I ‎started typing one sentence after the other. ‎

‎“You can go play now,” I mumbled as I continued to type. ‎

A few seconds later, I heard snivels from behind my laptop screen. I lowered it, and saw ‎my son standing their biting his bottom lip. ‎

‎“Sweetie, don’t be sad. I did it for your own-” I paused when I noticed that he was ‎stretching his tiny arm, and pointing a finger at me. ‎

‎“Is something wrong?” ‎

‎“Mommy, you’re fired!” He shouted.‎

I blinked not knowing if I should cry or laugh.‎

He sulked as he stormed off, leaving me in shock. ‎

Was I just fired from being a mommy?! I gasped. ‎

© Copyright 2010 LLL (bittercandy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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