Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1680414-Alexis-Batmin-3
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1680414
After Rob proposed that night
Alexis woke up the next morning glowing with joy. Her finacee finally asked her to marry. How happy she was. She turned to face Rob and saw he was gone. Her suddenly happy face wasn't so happy. On his pillow was a note:

Had to go to work-BIG PROMOTION!

- Your Rob

She sighed. Since she quit her job to be an online blogger she stayed home while Rob was a therapist for children who had gone through adoption.

She looked at her shining ring wanting to show it off. She had no friends really but she did have co-workers. Her blog online was part of a huge comapny down town where she only went for meetings and parties. Amy her boss had be friended her when she was just the assistant before she got the blogger promotion to be able to choose to work at home or in an office.

She dialed Amy's number and made plans to go out with Amy and Amy's friend Wynn.

Alexis was happy to have a husband and happy to be getting married in two weeks. It was a wedding in front of a judge and her only 4 people were invited: Becky, Joe, Amy and Wynn.

Alexis got up and changed into a tee shirt and sat on the sofa eating eggs. She thought about getting married. Rob and her mother talked about children all the time but she didn't know if she was ready to raise children. Being an only child she often thought of siblings and thought if she had a child it had to have siblings.

Being a mom was a big step. She could barely organize Rob's side of the closet let alone change a diaper. She decided to talk with Amy and Wynn about this tonight. A baby could be nice. She dreamed of a baby girl name Rose or Annie.

Getting off the sofa she went to wash dishes when she heard a knock. She mumbled under her breath it better be important then marched to the door to open it. There was her father smiling in the sun. He zoomed right inside the house and kept smiling.

"Father do you really need to barge in here like that"? Alexis asked. "Honey, I got rich again because Dawn, my diseased wife, put her company in my hands on her will when she died- she forgot to take my name off so I'm rich"!

Alexis saw her father lay a hundred on the table. "Treat yourself Lexi" " Dad keep your money because me and Rob really don't need a crutch right now". Her father shook his head and scooted towards the door. " Always been a stubborn child"! he grunted leaving.

That night Alexis arrived at some trendy hang out for young artists and authors. She walked inside pulling down her too tight denim top that Rob bought her for her birthday. Amy waved from a corner and Alexis headed over there.

The three woman hugged and sat down. " Long time no see" Wynn smiled. Alexis nodded ordering a water. "Congrats on the wedding" Amy yelled through the loud music. From there her night went down hill starting at 9:45 P.M and ending at 3 am. Alexis crowd surfed and sang on stage then danced a little jig making the crowd laugh.

Wynn drove her home and dropped her on the doorstep. When Alexis stepped inside she tip-toed to her room to see Rob sleeping peacefully. She slipped her clothes off and threw a night gown on and climbed in bed. The sudden movement made Rob awake.

Alexis smiled. " Hi honey" she said. "Alexis I called you and called but you never picked up- I thought something happened"! "Robby, I'm fine and I'm sorry, forgive me". "Out of the question Alexis he said getting up.

He grabbed a duffel and headed out the door. Alexis scrambled on her feet to catch him. "Don't leave"! He turned to face her. "I am not leaving I am just cooling down" he said. "Robert, there's no reason to do this" Alexis screamed as he drove off. He rolled his window down. " My wife would never do this to me and scare me severly"

" Maybe just maybe I wanted to be cool and have friends like you Rob" she cried.

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