Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1680123-Lost-and-Confused
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1680123
Lost, missing parts of my memory and feeling hald dead.... where am I? What happened?
(815 word)

I awoke to the harsh smell of raw sewage and car exhaust. I opened my eyes but realized I did not have my contacts in. I was lying on freezing pavement and could feel the bitter hard bricks of the building I was slumped against. I tried to sit up and felt pain shoot up my spine and my muscles groan in protest. After a few attempts I was finally able to stand with the help of the groves on brick wall. I scraped my way up looking around trying to remember where I was and how I got there. My eyesight was pretty bad without my contacts. I could only see a few feet in front of me. It looked like a street alley about 6 feet wide I wasn’t sure how long. I looked to my left and saw that it ended in what I assumed was a fence about 12 feet tall or more (it just looked like blurry brown to me). I looked down my right into the dark gloom and figured that was my only choice. I stumbled along the alley supporting myself against the wall. Where the hell was I? All I could remember were fuzzy images of a club and dancing. Did I go out last night? Why couldn’t I remember? I have never been a very heavy drinker and the few times I have drunk to a stupor I made sure I had a friend to be my DD and protector.

I could see light starting to glow from up ahead and movement that looked like blurry people. I tried to call for help but found my throat was a raspy whisper. I clasped my hand to my mouth suddenly terrified of the unknown. My hand came away wet and sticky. I raised my hand to my nose and it smelled of blood. With the new light coming in from the street I could see myself for the first time more clearly. My shirt and skirt was torn my knees scraped and there was blood patches all down me. My elbows were scratched like road rash and so were the back of my calves and I noticed a trickle of blood coming down my right leg. I started to panic trying to think of what could have happened. All I had were flashes glimpses of the night. Nothing made sense. I must have been at a club last night. I remember the other day I had made plans to meet Jill at the new night club down the street from her place. I couldn’t remember going though. I started to limp fast forward. I called as loud as I could for help, hoping someone would find me. I had to force the sound from my mouth as it felt like sand scraping the sides as it escaped my lungs. I could almost see the street now.

“Hey” a voice called from ahead.

Thank god someone had heard my pitiful cries!

“ Oh my are you alright?” A male voice said.

“I don’t think so” I whispered. “ I don’t know what happened? I think I may have been attacked.”

“Sit down I will call for help” he said.

I heard him on the phone calling 911 describing the condition he found me in and where I was. This alley was just down the street from the club I was supposed to meet Jill at. I started to piece things together. I know I must have been there because I could remember the loud music and flashes of a guy smiling.

“Miss help in on the way. You should sit down while we wait. Tell me can you remember anything” He asked.

“I am starting to get flashes of a club down the street, but that’s all…” I began to say.

“Is there anything else?” he questioned.

“I see a flash of a man with sandy hair and a cute smile” I’m not sure but I think he had a tattoo on his neck of a bird or something.

“That’s too bad…” he said

I was almost in tears trying to remember more when he continued.

“I thought the drug would erase the entire memory this time. I thought I had the amount down this time.” Ahh he sighed. I guess it’s back to the drawing board.
I was speechless and trembling. I tried to scream as his hand came up to my mouth. He kissed my ear and whispered… “Let’s have another round sweetheart before we part. I came back hoping you were still out cause I hadn’t had enough yet. I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

My eyes widened as the light hit his face and I could see the same smile now twisted with desire and cruelty, that’s when everything went black. The pain was gone as I swiftly drifted away to oblivion.
© Copyright 2010 Sunshine Storm (sunny1849 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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