Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1679955-The-Captain-part-2-in-Cairo
Rated: E · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1679955
a cat man ordered to go to Cairo by a priestess of an ancient God
I was sleeping when I heard the glass of my balcony door shatter; I rushed through to the balcony to see what was going on. As I passed through the living room, I saw my reflection in the big mirror on the left wall. I can’t get used to my new form. Like a cat fur allover me. I went directly to the balcony to see a letter on the floor written:

                Dear Cat-man,

                                  You are required to go to Egypt if you need help for your condition.

                Go directly to the Lower Menset in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.


                The priestess of Tefnut

It would be better to call Inspector Randy and tell him about that letter. He promised to help me find a cure for me.

Before I picked up the phone I was surprised to find it ringing. I assumed it was Randy because he would call at late hours.

I rushed to answer the phone, “Hi, Randy. I got that letter from someone called the ‘Priestess of Tefnut, and she is asking me to go to Cairo.” I said in a hurry.

“Joseph, what Cairo?” an angry female’s voice asked.

Ouch, my fiancée I avoided her for two weeks now. I didn’t want her to know my transformation to a cat-man. I thought

“Hi Nancy, I missed you. Sorry, but I am in a middle of something here. I call you later.” I said with a trembling voice.

“No Joseph, you have been avoiding me for weeks now, if you are going to Cairo then I am going with you. I will be there in few minutes.” Nancy said with aloud voice and she slammed down the phone.

I picked up the phone again and tried to call her but she didn’t pick up. I called Randy but he didn’t answer either.

After twenty minutes, I heard the door bell. Nancy, what am I going to do now?I thought. I took a cloak from my wardrobe and covered myself up with it then I opened the door and there she was gorgeous as always.

“Why are you hiding your face? Are you sick or something?” asked Nancy as she walked into my office room.

“Well, darling I got this dangerous disease, that’s why I didn’t call you for the last two weeks.” I said.

“Is that why you didn’t go to work at the station. Captain?” she asked while she was about to touch the black bag on my desk.

“No, don’t touch that!” I cried and the cloak fell off revealing my face.

“Oh, Joseph what happened to you?” she asked with narrowed eyes, and her face seemed concerned.

“The black powder in that black bag has changed me to what I am now.” I replied.

She looked around and found the letter I got from the Tefnut priestess. She read it and then came close to me and said, “Its okay, we’ll face this together.”

“I‘m sorry. I thought you would be scared if you saw me like this.” I said with a sad voice, my head dropping down slightly and the beginnings of a sniffle in my nose.

She approached me, touched my face and said, “I love you in all forms.” She was still holding the letter in her other hand, she kissed me and then a portal opened out of nowhere, sucking us in.

Few moments later we found ourselves in front of a red huge building.

“Welcome to the Egypt, I am the priestess who sent you the letter.” A sweet voice behind us said. 

“I am honored to find myself in Cairo... It’s a magical city.” Nancy said with a proud tone.

“You know this place!” I gazed at Nancy in a surprise.

“Well no time for chat, I was informed by the goddess Tefnut that a cat-man and his love will be transported her in Cairo to seek her blessings. 

The priestess took us inside the red huge building, she referred to it as the Egyptian museum, we saw all types of ancient Egyptian monuments columns, statues, stones and all kind of history in that place, I was amazed to find all these monuments in one place. She directed us to the second floor, and moved us towards the kings’ chambers where all the pharaohs who ruled where mummified. They looked so old and dry but in good shape, their faces were recognizable behind the glass coffins they were in.

“There is a secret path that directs you directly to the lower Menset. The sanctuary of Tefnut” she pointed at the end of the room then disappeared.

We went there but we were unable to find any secret passages, Nancy wanted to check so she put her hands on the wall and it sucked her in. I went after her to find myself in a huge place. In front of me was a woman who had a cat’s face.

Glad I am not the only one with this condition I thought.

“I am Tefnut, the goddess of moisture.” She paused, “I heard that there are thieves who stole my sacred black powder to be like me.” She gave a sarcastic laugh, “only a pure human like you can change permanently.”

I interrupted, “you mean there is no cure for my condition.”

“No, it is my blessing you are chosen to protect the sacred powder and return it to me.” She said with a serious voice.

She gave me an amulet filled with water and a scarab. “These are to protect you, you need to know being in this form means you are immortal but also means that you can suffer endlessly, you have this amulet to heal your wounds and cure you, it has been blessed by the goddess Isis. Its powers can heal you if you opened it.” She gazed at me and pointed her forefinger at the wall. “Now, go and save humanity from its self-destruction.”

A portal opened again and sucked me and Nancy into it. We found ourselves in my apartment and the black powder was all over my fiancée.

“Now, we both can be together for ever my love.” Smiling said Nancy. 

© Copyright 2010 Nada Philippe (a.k.a: R.H.N) (rhmn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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