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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1679921
Strange things are happening to Jason Dread. Co Authored by Mason Strong
  Jason Dread packed his bags to head back to Louisiana. They'd only been in South Carolina for four months and he was happy to get to see his friends in Louisiana again, but he had a life in Carolina. A good one that was being snatched away right in front of him. He'd made friends, he'd won fights, girls came to him in swarms, and he even had a steady girlfriend. Why did he have to leave now when things were so good?

  All packed up and ready as far as that went Jason put his bags in the car and headed off with his mother to the airport. He still didn't like it. The idea of going back to Louisiana. Really though, what could he do about it? He was only thirteen. What else could he do but get on the plane with his mom? So that's exactly what he did.

  The plan ride was boring and all Jason could do was have his little pity party and think about how much he detested Louisiana and how much he just didn't wanna go back. All this going through his mind he looked out the window to watch the clouds pass by and take his mind off of it, but what he saw when looked shocked him. The pale face of a little girl staring at him with a present smile on her face from the other side of the glass. He was taken aback and rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw what he thought he saw and when he looked again she was gone. He could have sworn she was there though.

  The thought he might be hallucinating crossed Jason's mind so he went to the bathroom. He turned the water on and splashed his face with it thinking maybe he was just tired. He had gotten up early this morning and stayed up too late last night. That must have been it, he was just tired. That was all.

  Feeling calm again Jason began to head back to his seat when all of a sudden there was a jolt like hitting a bump on a roller coaster that knocked him off his feet. He grabbed onto the sink to keep himself from falling completely flat on his butt and pulled himself up again when he heard the voice of the captain over the intercom. "This is your captain speaking. We've just experienced a bit of turbulence, but everything is okay. We have things under control, so please remain seated." Turbulence. Figures. There was giggling behind him and Jason turned around curious and there she was. The little girl again. She smiled and giggled some more. Jason blinked and just like that she was gone and the turbulence with her.

  Jason had to compose himself and was too stunned to move for a moment. He blinked again and shook his head and walked back to his seat in a daze. "Something wrong?" asked his mother when she saw him.

  "No. Everything's fine, just thought I saw something." he replied monotonously.

  "What did you think you saw?"

  "I'm not really sure, just something."

  His mom let it drop at that and Jason tried to calm himself. After some relaxing silence and purposeful mind emptying he drifted off to sleep.


  Jason woke up and the people were in a panic. Flight attendants were attempting to calm everyone unsuccessfully. "What's going on?" he turned to ask his mother. Her eyes were wide and she was griping the the seats tightly.

  "The plan is going down!" she screamed over the panic of the other passengers.

  Jason didn't know what to say. "It's that girl." he thought. "She was up to something, I knew it. I knew I saw her!" With no way to stop it, completely helpless Jason could do nothing but brace for impact. He heard crashing and screaming and felt sharp pain and fresh blood dripping down all over his body matting up his clothes and he was sure not all of the blood was his own. The whole world was black and he could see nothing. Silence filled the air with the sent of death and was broken by the sound of very familiar little giggling that now took on a sinister presence.


  Jason jolted awake and saw his mothers hand hovering over his shoulder. He was panicked, sweaty and breathing heavily and when he saw her face he saw her confused expression and said "Just a nightmare." and smiled.

  "Right," said his mom. "Well, we're back in Louisiana. Time to get off."

  They went back to Louisiana life as easily as if nothing had happened. As if the reason why they moved was erased from history itself. They visited family and none of them acted any different. Nothing had changed. Except Jason. Of course he was taller but the changes went beyond his physical growth. He was angry, resentful, and full of rage that needed to be released. He kept it to himself though and thought it better to just try and let it simmer and fade.


  The next day Jason went back to his old school. A private Christian school. Everyone was happy to see him again, especially Chaz, his old best friend. The excitement lasted most of the day, then when break time came around Jason was talking to his friends in the seventh grade when he all of a sudden felt a slap in the back of his head. He turned around already suspecting who he would see. "I've been waiting to do that all day!" said Iris Silverstone smiling. She'd kept in contact with him while he was in Carolina and knew he was coming back today, so knowing her she probably had been waiting to smack him in the back of the head all week. It seemed to be her favorite past time. Her brown eyes twinkled with enjoyment every time she did it. She didn't look like she'd changed much. Same brown, frizzy hair, same chubby figure, same always-black clothing and a pair of jeans, and same annoyance in her eyes when she saw Chaz. Her smile faded and she walked away without saying anything else.

  Iris was Jason's ex-girlfriend. They were good friends now and talked about almost anything and shared interests. Though the girlfriend thing didn't work out too well, they made good friends. It bothered Iris for one thing that Jason was the same age as her little brother, but the main problem was Chaz. He hated Iris, and Iris hated him. Iris probably more so. She got annoyed with Chaz so easily and Jason could tell in the way she looked at Chaz how much she'd just love to rip his over active head right off his stubby, ugly little neck. If there's one thing Iris could do better than anything it was hold a grudge and hate, and she'd had a grudge on Chaz ever since he clicked his tongue loudly in her ear when Jason wasn't there, back when they were still together, though she still couldn't stand him before that. Chaz was around Jason the rest of the day and Iris avoided them for that reason, but other than that it was a pretty good day.

  The next day was similar to the day before. The excitement was still present but faded. The only big difference was that Iris talked to him this time. At second break there was a moment where he was away from Chaz and Iris took advantage of it. She walked over to him and they walked and talked. "Sorry I didn't talk to you much yesterday, but you know how I feel about Chaz." she said the name with utter contempt dripping from her voice.

  "Yeah, sorry. I couldn't get away from him."

  "Obviously. He follows you like a shadow. A very annoying shadow that I'd like to shine a light on and watch die." she muttered the last part under her breath but Jason could hear her, and she probably knew he could. "How was your time in Carolina?" she asked him.

    "Well, I learned a few neat tricks." said Jason showing Iris the ear-bud tucked neatly in his hand and the wire leading up his sleeve. "I've been listening to my MP3 all day. No one's said a thing. Although I did turn it up a little too much and rattled my brain. I don't think anyone noticed though."

  "You little devil!" said Iris. "Why couldn't I be that smart?"

  "Because you're too afraid of getting in trouble."

  "This is true. Anything else interesting happen?"

  Jason pulled out his wallet and opened it up for Iris to see. Her eyes got wide and she reached in and pulled out at least ten different numbers with some still left in there. "Oh my God Jason!" she exclaimed. She looked at all of the different girls names. "Looks like you were popular."

  "With the girls. It seems like I got in a fight with a different guy every day. They were pathetic though."

  "I can imagine." replied Iris. "I've never really been to fond of any state that begins with a C. The guys anyway. And the majority of the time I don't particularly approve of the girls either. No one has any morals anymore." Iris grumbled. "I'm picky," she smiled. "but when I find someone who satisfies me as a companion I'm very satisfied." She looked down at her black fingernails and bended her fingers forward and back to see the badly-done polish shine. "And I'm easily entertained." she said sounding a little to focused for just watching black fingernails shine. She looked up at Jason and smiled again.

  "You're a dork." Jason laughed.

  "Yeah, but you still hang around me so what does that say about you. It doesn't help your case that I'm your ex-girlfriend either. Most guys would never speak to me again." The bell rang and Chaz shoved himself in between them rudely.

  "Hey!" said Chaz breathless, ignoring the utter disgust and contempt on Iris's face. They all started walking to the doorway to go back to class and Iris tried to get closer to Jason so she could ask him more questions without Chaz butting in, but every time Iris got close Chaz squeezed in the middle and pushed her away. Eventually Iris got so sick of him she just walked away without asking anything else with her head down and fire in her eyes. Jason guessed she was trying to avoid murder charges.


  That night Jason found himself thinking about his experiencing on the plane. He didn't know what had happened but he was sure it was nothing. He was just tired so he saw a face in the mirror. Then the plane hit turbulence and after his window hallucination, the second one just came easier. A nightmare followed because his hallucinations had bothered him. That was all. But if that was all, like he was telling himself,  then why did it still bother him? He was too tired to think about it tonight. Maybe he shouldn't think about it at all. Yeah, he wouldn't think about it. It was nothing. So he went to sleep.

Unfortunately, he probably should have thought about it more.
© Copyright 2010 L. R. Smith (jadonsgirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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