Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1679234-Sheba
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1679234
This is a poem about the biblical queen, Sheba

So Onto Zion Sheba came, with spices, stones and gold;
Grand about her walked a train of splendor to behold;
Camels, horses, donkeys too, all strained beneath the cart
To pay the tariff of desire that reigned within her heart.
‘Cause Sheba’d heard the praises, the wisdom of his fame,
The lord of his devotion and wonders of his name.
Her heart had many questions, her doubts had many more;
And great was her reception, arriving at his door.

And Solomon gave answer with words she took to heart.
Without quite knowing what to ask or even where to start.
She saw spread out before them, where his servants sat,
The attendance of his ministers, the reverence they begat.
What they wore, the cups they bore, libations that they poured,
The ascent by which he went to pray in homage to his Lord.

When Sheba eyed the wonder of all that he had built;
She laid aside a pride, that filled her heart with guilt.
A dark compulsion wakened and heat began to stir
And no more doubting spirit, remained inside of her.
She said wide eyed in wonder, with deep humility,
“Not half of what I witness was reported onto me.
Now I've seen the evidence, of all that I have heard;
Your wisdom and prosperity have risen to the word.
Happy are thy servants in service to their lord.
Blessed is thy God, and generous his reward.
Happy are the ears that hear thy wisdom ring.
You’re worthy of the anguish, it took to make you king.”

And Solomon took her cup and filled it to the brim.
Beyond all expectations, she ever had of him.
And gave a final blessing, which wasn't gold or myrrh,
More than precious jewels he lavished onto her.
Rather it was something, elusive to the touch,
More akin to vapor, but not so very much.
Sort of like the wonder, that fills the stary sky
Or that elusive sparkle that lights a child's eye.
Whate'er it was, 'tis written, their destiny's embraced
And to creation's rendezvous the hopeful lovers raced.
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