Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1678397-Cursed--Prologue-
by NyNeko
Rated: GC · Fiction · Dark · #1678397
'Cursed' is a fictional story about Vampires, set in futuristic Europe.
All I remember…was running; just running. My heart was pounding in my ears, my chest tightened so hard, I could barely breathe.  I was struggling for air, but I knew I couldn't stop. I gripped her hand tighter, making her keep up with me.

'Don't look back, Aeva. No matter what you do, don't look back.'

I could hear their high pitched shrieks behind us, their claws scrapping against the wooden floors and on the walls. They were gaining on us. I reached the grand staircase, still clutching her arm in my hand. Despite there was barely any air in my lungs, I ran up the stairs. My legs were burning, my muscles tightened. Suddenly, she fell. She tripped on a step and was within arms reach of one of the creatures. I tried to pull her away, but the beasts hand latched onto her skirt, ripping through and into her flesh. She screamed, crying, begging for me to help her. These creatures were stronger then I, quicker too. The only thing I could think to do was kick them; so I did. I managed to kick the monster hard enough for him to let go, but he quickly got up. His face twisted into a sickening grin, he was making sport of us, chasing us down, wearing us out; like a wolf to a rabbit.

I pulled her up the stairs and into our bedroom. I shut and locked the door and examined her wound. I ripped off the bottom part of her skirt and wrapped it around her leg. I then knelt to her level, my hands on her shoulders.  I told her to hide. No matter what she heard, no matter what she saw, she wasn't to come out. At the time, I wasn't sure what I was going to do, or how to fend these creatures off, but I had to try; for her sake. As I went to stand, she grabbed my arm, tears forming in her bright green eyes; she begged me not to leave her. She screamed when she heard something slam into the door. If they wanted, they could have burst through the door with no problem. They were trying to frighten us. It was working. I opened our closet and pushed her inside, hiding her behind some hanging clothes and some boxes. I told her to be quiet and not to come out. I told her everything would be fine. I only wished I were telling her the truth.

Frightened she nodded and did what I said. Before I closed the door, she told me she loved me; I smiled and told her the same. Just as I had closed the closet door, I looked around for a weapon, any kind of weapon. I looked at our floor lamp and went to it. I removed the lamp shade, broke off the bulb fixture and ripped out the power cord. It was heavy, so maybe it would help me, or so I thought. Just then, one of the creatures broke through the solid oak door and stood there, menacingly scanning the room.  I held my breath, waiting for what he would do. His eyes turned to me as he took a step closer; in turn, I took a step back. His eyes widened as he let out an ear piercing shriek, he darted towards me. I took a stance and held the metal rod from the lamp out in front of me, a he got within range, I swung at him. I managed to knock him off balance; but he quickly regained himself. He lunged at me once more, this time pinning me down. The only thing keeping his massive fangs away from me was the metal rod that was digging into his neck. 

His claws slashed at my stomach and my chest, tearing deep gashes into my flesh. I screamed, doing my best to get him off. I could only imagine what Aeva was feeling now; seeing me like this. I could only think of her safety and knew I had to do something to get these monsters out of here. 

Again I managed to get the beast off, long enough for me to stand. I was in agony. Every time I moved, the wound tore open wider, more of my blood spilled to the floor. The monster licked his lips lustfully at the sight of my blood. As he was distracted, I swung again, the metal rod made contact with the side of his head, knocking him from his trance. He crouched to the floor, looking like a cat ready to pounce. I backed away again. It was getting harder to breathe and I was starting to feel light headed from the blood loss.

Our attention turned to the window where we saw a flare go off and we heard shouting voices in the distance. I knew it was the Guardian Force; the humans only defense against Vampiric Attacks. I had a friend who was a solider there; maybe he would come. I hoped he would, for my sister Aeva's sake. Seeing I was distracted, the creature lunged at me again, grabbing the rod from my hand, he flung it across the room. I swallowed hard, stepping back. Now what? I thought. The monster approached me slowly, studying me. He gave a sickening grin and lunged out with his arm, grabbing me around my throat. I struggled to get away but he was far stronger then he appeared. It was like being held by an iron vice or something. My legs kicked furiously as he lifted me off the ground. His head titled with curiosity as I began gasping for air.

'How pitiful' he said in a haunting, almost raspy voice. He chuckled.

I looked into his eyes; they were the color of blood and the iris was all distorted. He certainly didn't look like any vampire I had ever seen. I didn't want to know what he was. I just wanted to get away. I started to get dizzy, my eyes rolled back; I was suffocating.

'Don't worry human' it spoke again.

I looked down, trying to focus.

'Look upon me, not as a monster'

suddenly, his form started to change, his hand keeping its unearthly grip around my neck. His form changed into that of something that appeared more human, though the pointed ears, oddly colored eyes, and fangs remained. His appearance seemed gentler and kinder; I wasn't convinced. He neared the stain glass window that was in the room.

'Look upon me as your savior' he continued.

My expression turned to confusion. What was he saving me from? The only thing I needed to be saved from was him. I heard the voices outside growing closer and louder. My attacker didn't seem phased.

'I'm going to free you from this pitiful cesspool you call the world'

he grinned tilting his head.

'And you will be reborn, having become the very thing your kind has set out to destroy'

he added.

'You've nothing to fear, it'll all be over soon' he said.

Just then his eyes glowed and his fangs elongated. He raised me a bit higher off the ground, by this time I couldn't struggle anymore, I'd become to weak. I suddenly felt his tongue slither up my torso, licking the blood that was gushing from my torn flesh.

'It's too bad you have to die in this way' he said licking his lips clean.

'Your blood is the purest of all; virgin blood has become quite rare these days'

he chuckled.

'Take heart human, your pain will soon end'

He took an odd stance.


I chocked out. The pain was becoming un-bearable, and my world started to darken. Death was upon me; I could feel it.

'I am merely your deliverer human'

Just then he slammed by body through the multi colored glass window pane behind us. The glass shattered around me, falling steadily to the ground below.

'As for your sister'

My heart almost stopped in my chest at his words.

'We'll take very good care of her' 

he said licking his lips, followed with a sickening grin. Just then. His grip around my throat loosened completely as my limp body plummeted to the ground below. My vision was blurry but I could see him standing in the gaping hole that used to be a window. His jet black hair flowed with the wind and I could see the deep red of his eyes glowing with amusement.  I closed my eyes, feeling myself passing out. Suddenly, my body hit the ground.

It wouldn't be until much later I found out I had a broken neck, a broken left arm and a broken leg. My arm was twisted horrifically underneath my body; yet I felt no pain. I heard the screams of friends, that awful shrieking and footsteps running in all directions.

Soon, the atmosphere grew quiet and my eyes shut. I thought I was dying. I was took weak to open my eyes at that moment, but I suddenly felt someone or something lift me up into their arms. They spoke, but I couldn't make out what they said. I felt a sharp pain in my neck, then, from what they told me later…I died. For a total of three minutes, Gabriel Cross was dead. When I would re-open my eyes, I would be in a strange place away from the outside world, surrounded by the sons and daughters of the night. I would become what I, and others had tried to survive against for the past decade. When I awoke, I had a new life, a new name and new powers.

When I awoke, I was a Vampire.

© Copyright 2010 NyNeko (nyneko at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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