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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1677961
Patti's journey into bondage...
I’d been sitting outside, next to her pool, for maybe three hours, though it seemed longer. The darkness had slowly enveloped me but I was so lost in thoughts of her I had barely noticed.

I shook my head in wonder, feeling the knot in my stomach, my breathing shallow, my heart pounding in my chest, the tension in my crotch never-ending. It had been like that for the 30 hours I’d been in her presence, and I was lost trying to make sense of my reaction to the woman bound to her bed upstairs, waiting for my return.

I found myself struggling for control. Not a good thing when what I wanted more than anything was to not just take her someplace new, but take her someplace she’d never step back from. I wanted her passion to simply consume her, melt her into liquid flesh that when reformed would be on fire always.

But I also just wanted her, I wanted to simply go to her and use her to satisfy my own desire. I felt like a beginner, so enraptured at the very thought of a woman bound before me that I might fail to take full advantage of the moment.
With a deep sigh I leaned back and stretched, remembering, savoring the last several hours.

Part of my reaction was I wanted to know what she was feeling, physically and emotionally. She was wonderfully expressive, clear in her thoughts, and I so enjoyed her feedback and creativity when we played online. But now I had to trust myself, my instincts, my experience, to find the key to her head and heart that would set her passion completely free.

My mind again was overwhelmed by the image of how I had left her, helpless, sightless, unable to hear a sound, completely unaware of what would happen next, alone with her own thoughts…and the thought I had planted in her head with my whispered words before I took her hearing from her.

Tying her had been delightful, especially after making her wait so long for it. And she was an extraordinary sight when tied, bound with black ropes against her fine skin, nearly immobile as she waited for me. I so wanted to hear her thoughts, to feel her emotions as they ranged from intense arousal to fear of me, or perhaps the raw, harsh physical sensations I had promised to wrench from her body.

I arrived yesterday, appearing at her door a little before noon. An awkward hug, some tentative hellos, lunch, then an afternoon of just sharing space, some quiet conversation, both knowing why I was here and what would happen, talking around it, pretending it wasn’t a storm cloud overhead.

She was waiting for me to begin. I was making her wait, and wanting her more with each glance. And enjoying her discomfort, her nervous gestures, the questioning look in her eyes when they met mine. And her eyes…they drew me inside her, showing me how much she wanted this, how much she wanted to be taken deep inside her own desires, to experience her wildest dreams.

I smiled as I remembered….

Part 2

She was uncomfortable with me in her home. She was surprised by my insistence on using her place, and on an extended time together. She wanted something neutral, and had never really thought much beyond one night.
I wanted several nights because it was impossible to fully explore her as I wanted to in ne evening…or likely a thousand…so we settled on a long weekend. And submitting in her home forced her to incorporate her submissive yearnings into her core being…not something to be isolated to the occasional encounter or some on-line playtime. Her own bed and everything in her own would a constant reminder to her of this weekend.
We went out to dinner. A small, intimate little place. We lingered over each course, getting more comfortable with each other. Still, I could feel her tension grow with each course, knowing full well she was anticipating the touch of my restraints and a command from my lips.

She was quiet during the drive home, nibbling her lower lip, her eyes wide and wondering. I touched her hand twice and she jumped against the seatbelt, then tried to laugh off her nervousness with a school-girl like giggle.

When we arrived at her place, she started toward the living room. I stopped her and gave her my first instruction: “Go to your bedroom. Stand at the foot of your bed and wait for me.”

Her eyes widened, her mouth opened to form a small “O,” and she froze in place. I watched her mind work, her eyes flashing…the moment of her first decision was actually upon her and, after days of anticipation, she was caught by surprise and felt indecision. She took a deep breath and without a word turned and moved upstairs.

I waited a few minutes then followed her upstairs. I stepped into the doorway and found her waiting, standing as directed, her face changing by the second as questions and anticipation and arousal and fear swept through her. I stared softly at her for a moment, then stepped toward her, stopping a stride in front of her.

“Remove your blouse,” I said. A brief pause, then with visibly shaking fingers she undid each button, letting the blouse hang open for a moment before breathing deeply and slipping it off. 
My breath caught in my throat as I watched her move…and my eyes were treated to a soft expanse of skin that cried out to be caressed. My voice was tight as I said, “Remove your skirt.”

This time she did not pause. She was ready for the command and had steeled herself for it. With a tight shift of her hips back-and-forth she lowered her skirt and stepped out of it. My tongue was dry as it tried to moisten my lips as she stood before me, in her lacy bra and panties, the garter belt and stockings, all wonderful.

I was surprised by my reaction, my feeling of inadequacy as I stood before her, and searched my brain for a reason. At the same time, trying to maintain control, I told her, “Remove your undergarments and every item of jewelry…one at a time.”

She smiled, sensing my discomfort, and slowly unhooked her bra, revealing her breast to me as it fell to the floor. I know I gasped, and hardened, as I took in her body, inviting, firm, nipples clearly aroused.

Her hands fell to her hips and glided down her legs to release the stockings from the hooks. Now I smiled as I watched her shaking hands fumble about. It seemed forever for her to lower and remove one stocking, then the second. Almost playfully she opened the garter belt and let it fall.

She again bit her lip in nervousness as her hands moved to the waistband of her panties. She paused, reaching another decision point, before she pulled the top of them down, then slid them off her legs. I could see the gusset was soaked, and the glint of light reflected off the moisture trail left on her inner thighs as the panties pulled away from her pussy lips.
Standing, she could barely look at me, and with trembling fingers, removed first one earring, then the other. Then her bracelets, all four. Like a sensuous strip tease, one piece at a time. Her watch. Her necklace. And, finally, she bent down to remove her ankle bracelet.

This time, when she stood, our eyes met, hers questioning, mine wide at the sight before me. I watched her chest rise and fall, great breaths of excitement and nervousness. Her anticipation was written across her face. She wanted this, had asked for this, but feared it at the same time. I knew the questions that kept passing through her head: “What am I doing? Why am doing this? This isn’t me? Why do I want it so?”

Part 3

“Turn around.” My voice cracked as I spoke. A moment’s hesitation, then she complied. I stepped forward, reaching into my jacket pocket for the length of black nylon rope hidden there.

“Hands behind your back. Wrists together.”

Slowly her shaking hands came together at the top of her tailbone. And swiftly, not allowing her time to relax, I tied her wrists together.

Her breathing became a series of short gasps as she instinctively tested her bonds, trying to separate her hands, to regain control. Her shoulders tensed, her body twisted left and right, looking for a weak point, a way out. At last she stopped, lowering her hands, shoulders slumping as, with a deep breath and sigh escaping her, as she realized she was indeed bound before me.

“Turn around and face me,” I said. She complied.

I let her stand there, watching me, as my eyes roamed all over her body, caressing her visually, never connecting with her eyes. I wanted to, look into them, to watch her as she felt my gaze move about her with the intensity of my physical touch. At last, I felt myself tremble as I at last raised my eyes and met hers.

I stepped inside her as I looked into her eyes, drowning in their depth, before I could stop myself. I struggled to regain control, to move forward in my lessons for her. And finally I again spoke:

Then I spoke:

“Patti.” She visibly jumped when I spoke her name.

“Your journey has begun. With your hands bound as they are I full control over your body, and can do with it as I please. You are safe with me…I will not harm you, but I will challenge you, and tease you, and delight you, and I will make you ask for more, to be taken deeper with each passing hour. I will take incredible pleasure in my exploration of your body, but I will seize your mind and make you hunger for more long after I have left this place.”

And I stood still. Silent.

She was shaking, uncertain whether to speak, something on the tip of her tongue, but unwilling or unable to share herself fully in that moment.  She strained against her bonds, some instinctive flight response controlling her actions. I watched her as she fought the reaction, tried to rule her body with her mind, and slowly succeeded.

I reached into my other pocket as I stepped closer. Silently, I raised my hand and displayed the blindfold. She started, pulled back slightly, real fear in her eyes. She looked at me, eyes pleading, unsure for a moment, then afire as she realized what was about to happen. She saw the look in my eye and at last stood still, silently, compliantly, as I placed the cloth over her eyes, shutting out all light.

I stepped back and watched her tongue pass over her lips again and again, her throat tight, her breath caught in her chest. I could feel her eyes behind the blindfold, searching for any sign of light, finding none, her chin raised as she searched for any image to feed her suddenly starved brain.
I moved to the side of the bed, and she caught herself as she started to turn to follow my sound. I quietly pulled the bed covers off, then returned to stand before her.
I spoke again, “Turn around and crawl onto your bed. Place your head on your pillow and sleep. I will cover you and return for you in the morning.”

I could see the confusion on her face, picture it in her eyes. She had waited weeks for this moment, wanted with all her heart to explore her deepest desires, to experience as fully as possible what I could draw from her body. She was ready, despite her nervousness, full of want for her journey to begin, awaiting my touch, my mouth, my body on her and I was offering nothing but sleep. Bound sleep. But only sleep.

She spoke…”W-W-What? Aren’t you going….”

“Quiet,” I said softly, cutting her off. She started to speak again, her mouth frozen in place. Her shoulders sagged, her chin dropped, and she turned and crawled awkwardly onto the bed, hands behind her, and then clumsily walked on her knees to her pillow. I covered her and left the room, moving down the hall to the guest room and my attempt at a restful night.

In the quiet of the guest room I tried to relax, to assess. I wondered what was going through her mind as she lay there bound, blindfolded, waiting. Was she waiting for me to return and play with her? Angry that I would play with her so? Was she aroused? What was she thinking about me? What did she want?” And a hundred more questions.

And I struggled with my own reactions, trying to understand why I reacted so strongly to her. I was rigid, as aroused as I could ever recall. Nervous. Wondering how I would remain in control as I touched her, teased her, and used a few of the toys in my small suitcase on her. I took a few deep breathes, exhaling long as I tried to relax. After a while, some of the tension gone, my cock softened, I crawl into bed and slept…fitfully, full of anticipation for the coming days.

Part 4

This morning I went for her at 8 am. She was awake, listening, and sat up instantly in bed when she heard me. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her body tense, straining to hear me, wondering at what was next. Wondering perhaps if it was even me.

I knew she’d tried to free herself during the night. Small marks under her ropes were the giveaway. I wondered if she’d been afraid, turned on, desperate, if she wanted to call out, or even did, only to have her cries go unanswered.
She seemed smaller somehow, slighter, her shoulders rolled slightly, as if she’d come to terms with her new reality, with a portion of herself.

I let a small smile pass over my face, marveling at the power of a few inches of rope and a small piece of cloth to change a woman in just a few hours. She had taken her first real step into the world she craved.

I thought about the wonder of the human senses. When one is lost, the others all compensate, becoming more efficient, in order to feed the brain its required constant flow of information and sensation. Patti’s hearing was working overtime, and I suspected touch, smell and taste were all heightened as well.

I stood in front of and watched her start as she felt the cold metal of the stainless steel chain fall across her shoulders.  “Shhhh,” I said. “It’s just a chain, your first collar. So I may guide you.”  I pull the chain tighter around her neck and ran the hasp of a small padlock through the links. Watching her jump when she heard the quiet “click” of the hasp closing caused my cock to stiffen instantly.

I let the rest of the chain fall across her chest, settling between her breasts and falling against her pussy. She visibly shivered, though whether it was the cold steel or the touch of the chain against her pussy was her secret to know.
I reached for the chain and pulled it away from her body, watching her lean forward slightly as she felt the chain pull against the back of her neck. “Stand,” I ordered. And I pulled upward on the chain, guiding her to her feet.

“We’re going downstairs for breakfast. I will lead you by this chain. Just follow my instructions and you will be safe. Understand?”

She nodded yes, slowly, but I knew her need for control and safety would cause her to resist. And as I expected, she was very tentative, her chin tilted upward in a useless effort to see something, tentative as she tried to feel for signs of the doorway. I pulled her into the hallway and toward the stairs. My hands moved up the chain close to her neck and stopped her right at the top of the first step.

“One step at a time…one foot down, then the other,” I said. I dropped the chain against her body.

She pushed one foot slowly forward, feeling for the edge, then tentatively placed it in the air, then slowly down until she felt the landing of the first step. She moved her other foot to the same landing, and started the process over, repeating it until she had negotiated the entire stairway.

I took the chain and guided her through her home to the kitchen, then into a chair at the table before dropping the chain into her lap. She had moved slowly on her journey. How strange it had to feel to be in her own home, walking a path she had walked hundreds or thousands of times without a thought, now careful, uncertain, fearful of falling or hurting herself, having to trust me for safety and direction. She sighed heavily as she settled in at the table.

Part 5

Her nostrils suddenly flared, trying to identify the odor entering them. It took her a second, but I could see her relax as she recognized strawberry. Then confusion as she wondered why?

“Let me,” I said, taking a juicy strawberry and gently touching her lips with it. She jumped away, but I followed her movement, pressing the fruit against her lip. Teasing, I kept it moving, brushing her lips, letting her tongue touch it and feel the flavor, her nostrils full of the scent. She tried to bite into it and I pulled away. She huffed with frustration, suddenly very hungry, and moaned as she pleaded, “Please.”

I waited a moment, placed the berry against her lips and enjoyed watching her decide whether to bite into or not. Expecting it to pulled away, she bit hard, the berry exploding into her mouth, filling it with unexpected flavor, the juice running down her chin. It was my sensual delight to play with her again and again as she worked her way through her bowl of strawberries. She relaxed and enjoyed the game, her nipples hardening, her legs opening slightly, her arousal evident and growing as she ate.

Breathing hard myself, I placed a straw against her lips and let her draw juice into her body, then guided her outside to her pool deck. She was clearly scared to be in the open in such a state, naked, bound, leashed, blindfolded, but she seemed to relax into her state as I guided her to the pool steps and into gently tugged her leash as she descended in the warm water…what would constitute her bath and shower this morning.

Again I wanted to be in her head to know her thoughts as she soaked in the water for half an hour. I guided her out of the pool and to a lounge chair, letting the warm sun dry her, watching the water roll off her. Her nipples remained turgid, her breathing heavy, her skin glowing, as the water droplets traveled across her skin and fell to the deck. Her legs again parted slightly and I could see moisture between them…her moisture.

I let her bask in the sun for a while, then guided her back inside and up to her bedroom. It was a little before 11:30 when I finally began to tie her in place, this time tightly, and with serious intent to introduce her to her own mind and body.
Part 6

She knew where she was as we entered her bedroom. But by now she couldn’t be sure what, if anything that meant. Bound and blindfolded for perhaps 12 hours now, it was time for the next step in her conditioning.

Taking the chain again I pulled her toward the foot of her bed, climbing onto it myself, pulling steadily as her knees bumped against the edge of the mattress. She stopped, then understood the meaning of the constant pull and placed first one knee, then the other, on the mattress, finally crawling across the bed toward her pillow. As she moved I pulled the chain downward, forcing her head onto the bed until her face touched the sheet.

“Lie flat, then roll over,” I said. Like a panther, lithe and lean, she extended her legs backward, lying flat on her belly. I released the chain and she rolled over, lying awkwardly on her arms, still bound behind her back. Her legs fell open and I could see moisture clinging to her pussy lips, reflecting light where it sat upon her inner thighs. I rejoiced at the sight, understanding that she was descending with me into her new place.

Her head moved, trying to hear anything, sense something, that would tell her what was next. I remained quiet, marveling at the sight of her body before me, hard, wanting to touch her, to fill her, to fuck her. But knowing that would all occur in time.

I climbed off the bed, watching her chest rise and fall faster as she sensed a new phase about to begin. I walked across the room and pulled more beautiful black rope from my bag and returned to the bed. She gasped loudly when I let the rope fall across her chest and belly, then began to pant quietly as she recognized what it was. She tested her bonds again, her survival instincts strong. They still held firm, of course.

“Cross your ankles, one over the other,” I said. After a second’s hesitation, she did.

I took a length of rope, doubled it, looped it and wrapped it around her ankle twice, then between her ankles, weaving an inescapable rope prison for her ankles. We both jumped when my hand brushed her skin, the tension of the moment creating powerful shivers in both of us. She tested this bond too.

Another length of rope, this time just below her knees, forcing her legs tighter together. More arousal, more shivers. Then rope around her thighs, closing them tightly. I knew that the heat and moisture in her pussy would have little room to escape now, and that the heat would build inside her quickly. With no way to escape, it would spread inside her body, escalating steadily as her arousal built.

“Roll back to your stomach,” I ordered. Struggling in her bonds, unable to use her feet for leverage, she complied. I doubled another length of rope and ran it under her arms, just above her elbows, and pulled her elbows inward, gently tugging and relaxing to stretch her shoulders and chest, until her elbows touched. I tied the rope off and stepped back to admire my handiwork, aroused, breathing heavily, wanting her again and again until we both laid exhausted, knowing that would have to wait.

I walked back across the room and placed my hand into my bag.

Part 7

I pulled the object out of my bag and returned to the bed. Dropping to my knees near her head, I reached for the key and gently removed her leash, listening to her breathing, watching her tongue play across her lips and wanting to suck into my mouth. I watched her body, saw her subtle shifts and movements as she tested and adjusted to her bonds.
I waited patiently, letting her test them, letting adjust to her position, her reality. It took a long time before she finally settled and remained still.

Once I was confident she had settled, I bent down close to her ear and spoke in a hushed voice to her for a moment:
“Patti.” She moved quickly, alert like the sensuous animal she was.

“You are an incredible woman to seek this, to chase your deepest desires, to go as far as you can in the short time we will have together. Thank you for trusting me to be the one to guide you.

“You are my student, and I your teacher. And to teach fully, the teacher must know the student better than the student knows herself, and then guide her to new discoveries, new perceptions, and new experiences.

“So I shall study your body now, and through it begin to explore and understand your mind. Only then can I teach, can I show you what you seek.

“I will find every nerve ending in your body and know it. I will know how each one reacts to a soft, teasing caress, to a fast touch, to my tongue, to the feel of the crop or cane, to every kind of sensation I can create, sending those to your brain and listening to and watching your reaction. In time, you will describe those reactions to me and I will learn more.

“And when I am done with that, I will take my knowledge and blend your nerve endings together in the infinite
combinations possible, taking you to a place where you are pure sensation, everything you can be as a woman.

“And you will understand that in your submission you are in fact strong and courageous because you will have gone where so very few even think of, much less experience.”

I pulled back and listened to her, her breath ragged, her pelvis thrusting fruitlessly against the sheets as she sought some touch that would soothe the heat in her loins. I watched for a moment before I picked up the object beside me, opened it and placed it over her ears.

I knew that her world had suddenly gone silent. The object was a set of headphones that eliminated all but the very shrillest sounds. She froze, and I seized the moment to quickly close the straps on the headphone about her head, securing it in place.

Her head thrashed from side to side, her body following, as she tried to find me, to understand what had happened. I stepped away and watched as she sought with growing desperation to understand what was happening.

I knew that she hearing a rushing sound as the brain, with nothing to process, created its own sound. I knew this would go on for some time, especially because her eyes had been sightless so long and her brain had become dependent upon sound for input. Now her hearing had been taken from her.

I sat down and watched her for several hours. Deprived of her two most active senses, sight and sound, senses that created so much activity for the brain, her brain struggled to make sense of the sudden change. After an hour, she quieted, starting to adjust. After another, in which she’d thrashed about seeking sound several times, she stilled even more.

I know her mind was trying to find a new balance, to accept the change and yet to compensate for the loss of sensation. She was also bound, largely unable to move her limbs, creating another change for her mind to process and further limiting sensations to her brain.

As she lay there, in own bed, her body tied, sight and sound lost, she had no choice but to change. Her body and her mind forced the change…both had to adjust and compensate. Slowly, as time wore on, she quieted, her senses stabilizing but shifting, heightening smell and touch and taste exactly as I knew it would.

Inside her sensory deprived world I wondered at her thoughts. I suspected fear and panic at first, but as her body and mind adjusted and changed, I knew she’d realize where she was, why this was happening, her dependence on me for everything now, and that at some point, she would feel her body differently, more intensely, and begin to wonder what else would happen to her.

After a while, she dozed. I left her there in her personal cocoon, knowing I would miss the thrill of watching her wake up and reorient herself again, but needing my own time to gather myself, calm myself, for the next stage.

Part 8

I’d been sitting outside, next to her pool, for maybe three hours, though it seemed longer. The darkness had slowly enveloped me but I was so lost in thoughts of her I had barely noticed.

I shook my head in wonder, feeling the knot in my stomach, my breathing shallow, my heart pounding in my chest, the tension in my crotch never-ending. It had been like that for the 30 hours I’d been in her presence, and I was lost trying to make sense of my reaction to the woman bound to her bed upstairs, waiting for my return.

It was approaching 8 pm. She had been bound and blindfolded for almost 24 hours, deprived of sound for seven. I knew her brain had adjusted to her sightlessness. I was sure her brain was slowly adjusting to hearing nothing, the silence loud at first, then quieting, only to become an empty scream as some distant sound penetrated slightly penetrated her earphones, the brain reaching for any sound, something to react to.

It was time to return to her, and to truly start her journey – our journey – into the deepest, most hidden desires she had, those she knew today, and those she would uncover as I explored her, studied her, and guided her.

My cock was hard against my fly as I stood and made my way upstairs. I reached the doorway to her bedroom and paused. Collecting myself, knowing in one sense what I would see, and wondering in another what changes in her I would discover. I took a deep breath and stepped into her room.

As I stepped into the room I stopped, frozen in place at the sight before me. She lay much as I had left her, face down, black rope a stark contrast to her soft skin. She had struggled, fighting whatever demons possessed her, and now lay slightly sideways on the bed. The bed itself was disheveled from her movements, sheets loose and wrinkled, hair a tussle of curls, equally disheveled.

What caught my eye and created a shiver down my spine was her skin. It was pink, flush with her blood, glowing in the soft light from outside her door. It cried out to be touched, caressed slowly, softly, different in way difficult to describe. It had become almost translucent, as if I could see through it to her soul. I licked my lips, my mouth dry, as I wondered what thoughts and emotions had coursed through her body, what doorways she had passed through.

Her skin said take me, touch me, teach me, use me.

I stepped forward, moving slowly as my eyes traveled over her body, enjoying every curve. As I neared the bed her bodied stiffened and she lifted her head, sensing my presence but unable to find me. I smiled as her head moved quickly about, searching for something to tell her she was right, to find me.

I stood still and waited for her to quiet, then slowly reached out and touched her, just below the back of the knee. One finger…barely making contact…the lightest possible touch.

Her gasp bordered on a scream…her head snapping up, her body jumping forward, the leg snapping away from me. Pure instinct. Surprise. And the intensity of the touch heightened by her body’s hypersensitive need for stimulation, the myriad thoughts that had passed through her mind, and her reality…her bound, sightless, soundless reality.

I leaned over and touched again, this time on the back of her right leg, midway between her knee and her ass. She jumped but remained in place. I held my finger in place, then added a second, and a third, slightly apart from one another, before moving my hand downward, tracing the curve of her muscle, across the ticklish skin behind the knee, then up over her left calf, crossed above her right ankle, down its center, down the Achilles tendon, across the heel of her foot, over the arch, around the ball of her foot, to the base of her big toe, along the bottom of the toe, holding my touch for a second before letting my hand fall away.

Her reaction was a catch of her breath, then a sigh, then a moan, finally, as moved across her calf, a guttural moan that seemed to start in her gut, raw, as if I was cutting or burning her and opening her up with a simple, light touch. Her back arched as she tried to lift her legs toward my fingers, deepening the sensation. I smiled at the purity of her reaction, hardening further, aching for this woman.

I crawled onto the bed, straddling her, hearing another moan as she felt my weight over her. Leaning forward, I opened my hands and placed them at the small of her waist, my thumbs facing each other along the top of her hip bone.
Slowly I slid my hands downward, tracing the outside of her hips, feeling her push up and seemingly try to separate her body to increase the pressure on her skin. My thumbs stroked over her ass cheeks, then paused, my fingers continuing on, moving to the bottom of her cheeks, following the line where they intersected with her legs. I lifted my thumbs, letting my hands graze along her cheeks, moving closer to her center, then moving upward, cupping her ass as she pushed back.

She jumped and squealed when my thumbs fell into the triangular space where her crack and bound legs met, then exhaled an earthy, feral groan as I pressed my thumbs into the darkness there, touching the base of her slit, wiggling slightly. I moved my thumbs away and up, trailing them along the inside of her ass check, a shudder passing through her as they grazed over her asshole, continuing on, separating them as my hands stroked up and outward over her ass.
Her muscles twitched as I watched her body search for my touch, her legs pressing against the rope that held them as she tried to spread her legs. I knew the heat in her pussy was intense, burning her, trapped inside her with nowhere to go but into her body, adding even more heat and sensation to her nervous system.

I repeated the movement, then again, before pulling away, leaving her nerve endings seeking touch in a way unknown to her, so attuned had her stimulus-deprived brain become to the strokes of my hand and fingers. She moaned her frustration and spoke my name, questioning me, pleading with me to return.

Part  9

She froze in place when she felt the cold metal blade touch her skin, then breathed a shuddering breath when I cut through the ropes at her ankles. I stepped back and could feel her confusion, wondering why I was cutting the rope, feeling odd with her new found ability to move her legs slightly. I repeated the process with the other two ropes, then stepped back, treated to an unexpectedly erotic show.

As the last rope was cut her legs fell to the bed, slightly parted. She stretched them, and with it her whole body, opening them slightly further. As the blood flow changed her legs twitched and she rocked her body on the bed looking for relief, trying to smooth the movement of blood. With a groan, she lifted her hips, raising her ass off the bed, dragging her chest across the sheets, arching her back like a cat. Her lines were graceful, perfect, feline, and intensely arousing to watch. Pure instinct, moving without thought. Erotic in the most basic, animal-like way.

I let her stretch for a moment, gathering herself, while I undressed, my own need intense beyond anything I expected. I moved back to the bed and grasped her hips, guiding her back toward me as I stood on the floor. Confused, she resisted at first, then jerked away when my cock brushed her ass. In a flash my hands left her hips and slapped her cheeks at the same time, one sharp spank to remind her of her place and her situation.

She was panting as my hands returned to her hips, but she walked herself backward toward the edge of the bed. I could smell her arousal, see wetness on her thighs, feel her heat as I touched her. She slowed as her knees approached the edge of the bed, nervous. I pulled gently, guiding her feet to the floor, helping her stand, knowing that every touch and every movement was magnified untold times inside her sightless, soundless mind. And that she knew I was naked, close to her like this, able to take my pleasure with her helpless body at any time.

I knew her mind was asking what next…when…how…and that her cunt ached to be filled even as her heart feared just how I might use her…and yet wanted to know. Wanted everything and anything I might offer.

I turned her to face me, watched her breasts rise and fall, looked at her lips, full, slightly parted, and watched her tongue dart out to wet them. I raised my hands to her shoulders, holding her lightly for a moment, then pressed down slightly on them. She stiffened, surprised at first, then her mouth forming an O as she processed my touch.

I couldn’t help but chuckle aloud as I watched her body change, felt her messages to me. Her lips moved as if she wanted to speak, then stopped, pressed together tightly, as if she were making a choice. I waited, hard, throbbing, and studied her face as she considered. At last she took a deep breath, loosed a shudder of surrender, and began to lower herself to the floor. I held her shoulders and she understood I was guiding her, keeping her from falling, as she lowered herself to her knees.

Her head tilted upward, her sightless eyes searching for mine, searching for some sign of what was to come. And she was beautiful, hands still bound behind her, defenseless, kneeling before me, lips slightly open, tongue nervously moving across her lips again and again, expectant.

I slid forward, my turgid cock nearing her. I watched her nostrils flair as my scent filled her nose, her senses so attuned to any sensation. I smiled to myself, knowing that her memory of my scent and my taste would be so vivid because she could not see, she could not hear, and except for her mouth, she could not touch. I would be seared into her memory, a place I wanted to occupy.

She surprised me, suddenly leaning forward, mouth wide, finding the tip of my cock and squeezing her lips tight around it. My cock lurched, the tightness at the base of my balls occurring instantly as her wet warmth surrounded me, her tongue smooth across my hole. I bit my tongue and clenched every muscle to hold back, not ready to cum, wanting her to pleasure me and taste me. And with all my willpower I was able to fight back my orgasm.

She leaned back to breath and laughed because she was laughing silently, knowing what she had just done to me, reveling in her own power, her knowledge of her impact on me, her pride and joy and what she had just done. And I too laughed, my heart soaring, amazed at the spirit of this woman, at her pure desire to be where she was, and sharing this journey with me.

She moved forward, lips pursed, ready to begin again.

Part 10

To be continued…
© Copyright 2010 Zachary Michael Borne (zacharymborne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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