Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1677726-Prisoner-807
by Heiss
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1677726
Heiss and a girl escape from a high security prison to escape experimentation and death.
(Here is the main character, Heiss's description: An Eos who fought with the war primarian of his kind, Felix. 9 years have past since then and has now been captured and put in a hidden high security prison for experimentation, because of his ability of making a second form for himself. He never decided on what his second form would be. The main aspect of his personality is that he is kind, generous, but at times, untrusting of new people. He still holds the resemblance to Hexus, The legendary, silver furred, four-eared fox. However his tail is like that of a lizard's, only covered in fur. The fur pattern on his face differs from the rest of his silver fur, as there is a strip of light grey fur leading up from his nose to the back of his head. He wears a worn blue scarf around his neck, a gift from Coral, an old friend of his. And an ancient, circular, stone coin floats in front and above his forehead. It is sign that he is inhabited by an ancient spirit. He has dark blue eyes. The diamond crest on his stomach brands him as one of the original Eos. He is 18 years old and 10'2" feet tall...yea...that's not a joke. What did you expect. He isn't human after all.)

Chapter 1: Escape!

The alarm sounded through out the hallways. The elite security guards came rushing at me, while shooting. I ran at the nearest few, slid and tripped them. They fell to the ground with a thud. I steadied myself, realed my good fist back and hit the next guard in the face as hard as I could. I felt and heard his helmet crunch loud before I kicked him in the chest, crushing his ribs and sending him flying back fast into a large group of the same type of guards. They were all knocked over by the shier force of the guard's impact.

I seazed this opportunity to escape. I turned around and ran down the hall at full speed. I wasn't afraid, but I also didn't plan on killing more than I needed to. I also had to be cautious of my broken arm, not that I could feel the pain in the first place.

As I neared the end of the hall, there HE was. The hunter who put me here against my will...Xaos! He wore the armor made from dead dragons and a certain Eos. He wore a helm that covered the top half of his head. A pretty high tech peice of his armor. Though the sight was only big enough for him to look left and right, but I guess it didn't matter. His ears were robotic with the receptors shaped like hollow, half circle blades. His entire right arm was robotic and perfectly sculpted. The other was only partially artificial. The robotics only reached his elbow. He was also previously mute. Dr. Kroate gave him an articicial voice box that could nearly form sound perfectly. It was only a bit rough, like if he was talking through a metal mask. Worst of all, he had no real heart. It was mechanical. His chest was full of scars, including the largest one in the left of his chest that reach up to his shoulder. I had given him that one. He wore a black vest and black long pants with black boots. In his left hand was a 9mm machine pistol and in the right arm's wrist was a built in hidden blade. On his back, in a long, leather gun hoster was a twin long barreled, semi-auto, 8 guaged, shotgun. A very rare weapon to find, because of how powerful it is. That and it's unstability, but this one was an exception, completely perfected. The man was 7'9" feet tall, huge for a human.

I couldn't take Xaos in my current state. My only option was to turn around and look for another way out. I turned and ran. He heard my metalic foot steps. He quickly pulled out his shot gun and shot at me. The shot missed me as I turned the right corner. I my breathing was heavy. My thoughts racing. Then suddenly, a tap on my waist! I reared back for a punch, but stopped as I saw the one who tapped me.

A young human female. She had a cute face with big and wonderous light blue eyes and long, shiny and silky brown hair. Those eye were now filled with fear. Her mouth open as if ready to scream. She had smooth, flawless and tanned skin with a perfect body. She wore a white long sleeved shirt and blue jeans with tan colored sandles. She only came up to my lower waist, only about 4'10" feet tall to my 10'2" foot height, not even half of my height. I'm not surprised. Even though we're much fewer in numbers than humans, an Eos is at least twice as strong as what humans can manage, including height. She looked to be about 18 years old. Same age as me, as hard as that is to believe. One question suddenly came to mind. This prison houses INHUMAN prisoners. She didn't look like a prisoner, nor was she inhuman. So, why would she be in here?

She pointed to a spot behind me. I turned to see Xaos rounding the corner in a fast walk.

I picked her up an ran as fast as I could with Xaos shooting at us with both of his guns. I ran the next corner. There it was, the exit to the outside. Xaos was right behind us shooting at us with everything he had. A few shoots grazed me, but didn't hit me in a vital area. We rushed through the metal doors and ran for the huge stone wall. I set the girl down. Then I started punching at the wall with all my might. My first punch cracked up a large portion of the wall. The second made the crack into a crater.

I started hearing Xaos's guns again as the girl hide behind one of my legs. I hurried and delivered the last blow to the wall, breaking through the wall and making debris fall in front of us. The girl covered her head as the debris fell. I had made a hole in the wall big enough for both of us to fit through with ease. I lifted the girl up again and ran for both our freedoms and even when we cleared the walls perimiters I still kept running for a nearby jungle.

Only when we were deep into the jungle did I stop. When I check on the girl in my one good arm, she was past out. The shock from the event of escape must have been a little too much for her to take in all at once.

"Can't say I blam ya." I whispered in a deep, but soothing voice smiling at the peaceful sleeping girl. I put her sitting up against a nearby tree, then sat on a large smooth rock right next to her, waiting for her to wake up. I wasn't about to leave a sweet and innocent girl alone in the jungle all by herself. I haven't even gotten her name yet. We wouldn't be able to sit around much longer. That insane doctor would be sending a search party soon, probably lead by Xaos. "You'd better wake up before he gets here." I whispered looking at the girl.


Chapter 2: Amber

It was now night time. The girl still hadn't woken up. It was pretty humid in this forest, but other than that, it was pretty nice out here. Then I thought, 'Humans have a natural need to eat when they wake. I should look for her something to eat.' I checked my injured arm to see if it was healed enough to use. I extended it outward. I didn't feel any large surges, so I guess I can use it a little.

I got up and picked the girl up into my more capable right arm and craddled her to be sure not to wake her. Then I began to walk deeper into the denser part of the jungle. While walking, I found my way to a mango tree. I picked a few of the ripest I could find, then began to walk, but stoped as I saw and apple tree a few feet away. How odd. An apple tree in a jungle such as this one? I just shrugged it off and walked over to it. I picked three of the biggest, juiciest apples I could see and sat down on the side of the tree in the direction we'd been going since escaping the prison. I dropped the mangos and apples next to me at my right and put the girl down to my left. I made an arrow in the dirt to remind myself where to go.

A moment past, before at last, the girl woke up. She looked around, then at me. She didn't talk. I don't know if she was hiding her fear, or if she was just speechless. I reached over and grabbed both an apple in one hand and a mango in the other. Then I offered them to her. She paused, then slowly took the apple from my hand. She looked at it for a moment, then looked at me shyly.

"Why?" She asked in an angelic voice. I perked an ear confused. "Why did you save me?" She clarrified. My ear went back down.

"You weren't ment to be there. That prison is no place for a human." I told her. I was telling her the truth, so why did it feel like a lie? She looked down at her apple. She nervously took a bite, then stopped. She seemed to stare at the apple in awe. She must have enjoyed it's taste. She continued to eat the apple happily. Obviously I made a good choice in the apples I picked.....There's that weird queezy feeling again.

At the prison...

"You let him escape?!?!" Dr. Kroate shouted in a rage. Xaos just stood there unaffected by his tone. The Doctor paced around in circles. Then he faced Xaos again. "I give you a simple task, recapture and imprison him, and what am I to find, but a failed attempt and it's failure!!!" The doctor went on.

"There was another that escaped with him. She was the intruder from before who snuck into your office and released prisoner 807 from his containment cell." Xaos testified in his metalic voice. The doctor walked up to him in a near jog and stopped inches away from him, looking him in his face, unflinching.

"...You and your team are to find him and bring him back to the prison, alive. Fail me a second time and I will make sure to make your life a living hell. Do we have an understanding?" The crule doctor said coldly.

"Yes, Doctor." Xaos responded, then walked away. The doctor turned away from him and looked at his blue prints. The creation on those prints were what he planned to make me become. He wanted to bring his creation to life with my ability. "Soon you will be made real again, but this time, they will not win." He whispered to himself.

Back with Heiss and the girl...

Me and her had just finished introducing ourselves to each other. Her name was Amber. After she finished eating her fill, she started to do something she called acrobatics. I watched intregued by the many movements she could do. One in particular had me starring in awe and confussion. She was on her hands upside down with the rest of her body in the air. Not once did she fall...how?

"Uhh, Amber, was it?" I asked making sure I got her name right. She looked at me and nodded. "What is that move called?" I asked. She looked confused.

"You mean you've never done a handstand before?" She asked. I shook my head.

She told me how to do this 'handstand', though every time I tried it, I couldn't keep my balance and fell to the ground making cracks. Because I had a larger body than most or all human's and was made mostly of metal, I most likely weighed in somewhere around 400 pounds. The normal full grown and healthy human would weigh somewhere around 160 to 230 pounds. I fall like a led weight compared to them.

When I fell for the fifth I gave up. I groaned in frustration at my failed attempts. Amber giggled looking at my face.

"Wow. You can break through stone walls, run at humanly impossible speeds, even jump higher than us, but you can't do a hand stand. You have a tail for pete sake. That should make you even more balanced than me. Right?" She told me smiling. I began to get up, with her still looking at me. As I rose up, her expression turned to awe. When I was completely standing up, she nearly had to lean back to look me in the face, due to how close she was to me.

"Umm...I don't think my kind was ment to do this...uhh...what did you call it again...handstand?" I asked scratching the back of my head.

"U-Uhh...that's right...Man, Heiss...I keep forgetting how incredibly huge you are." She said stepping back.
© Copyright 2010 Heiss (crysto201 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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