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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1677539
murder, love, suspense and whatever else comes into the story line
      Adira's hair fell into her face as she bobbed up and down in place fists at the ready. She moved side to

side foot to foot. Waiting, watching. A drop of sweat fell from her nose as she watched her attackers face and

movements. She watched as his eyes shifted and his muscles tensed and tightened. She watched the sweat 

roll down his arms and face. She saw each bead of sweat as if it were it's own being. She waited for the

punch. As it came she ducked under his arm then exploded into the air catching the man's wrist and twisting it

till his whole arm from the shoulder down was now backwards.  As she landed she behind the man with a thud

she could hear him scream in pain, letting go of his arm she turned and began to run.

    "Hey, hun!" Shouted a tall muscular man. " Can you PLEASE finish we need to leave"  He moved to the

base of the stairway his soft blonde hair shifting as he began to shake his head in amusement. He knew he

had married a woman that wanted to fashionably late, but tonight was just not the night to be late. He was

being honored at the new veteran's hospital opening. His father had left him all of his life's work. That included

three billion dollars which didn't account for all the money in stock's, bonds, and other assets. His father had

three houses. Two in the states and one in Europe, more specifically Germany. Jaret had no need of all of

these worldly things his father needed. Jaret's father had been a man with confused priorities. As a young boy

Jaret had promised himself to never be such a  man. Jaret's father, Scott, was a good man. He was just too

wound around money. When Jaret's mother passed he made a promise to her and to himself that his family

would be his priority. So in honor of that promise Jaret donated in behalf of his mother, four million dollars to

build a new veteran's hospital. Jaret stared up the stairs and shouted "Adira!  PLEASE, let's go!" Just then a

young women with hair the color of coffee that reached her waist came into view. " My darling husband" she

said sweetly "you are being honored but I must look my part. I have no idea what to wear to honor veteran's.

Do I wear blue and honor the Air Force. Green to honor the Army White to honor navy or..." Jaret looked at her

with loving eyes " My love, why don't you wear violet. That way you don't have to worry about what branch of

the military you will be offending." Adira smiled brightly " You have the most wonderful idea's I know just the

dress".  She quickly went to her closet found the gown and dressed. She glided down the stairs of

their small two story home in Salt Lake City, Utah. She took her husbands waiting arm and the stepped into

the night air. The night was brisk a slight breeze it was October and Adira could feel the slightest touch of

winter. She pulled her light shawl closer round her as her husband opened the door to the limousine that had

been sent to pick them up for the nights event.

      They arrived twenty minutes later at the new Olanders Veteran's Hospital. It had been named after Jaret's

mother's maiden name. They walked up up the stairs and entered through automatic sliding doors. At the door

to greet them was a tall, handsome, young  man with jet black hair, at his side his trusty dog. He escorted the

couple to a nearby room where they deposited their outer coats. He then introduced himself as Wesley, head

of the hospital's security staff. He also introduced the dog as Ike. Wesley began to tell Jaret and Adira a story

"Thank you for building this hospital. My father served in the military. He might have survived his wounds had

they had a hospital like this in his day. I am so grateful to you"  as they moved then down a corridor and

toward the sound of people talking Wesley finished and thanked the couple again for donating the money to

open this hospital. They entered a room full of people laughing and talking enjoying the nights banquet. As the

three of them entered the room a man with salt and pepper colored hair came up to them. He had a beard and

was smiling brightly. "I am Spencer Molk the chief of staff here. I am so happy you have arrived. Now we can

begin the night properly. The man walked to the front of the room where there was a pulpit and some chairs on

risers. Adira and Jaret followed Dr. Molk to these chairs and took a seat. Dr. Molk started " Hello? Hello? can

everyone hear me?" The room went quite and people began to take seats at the tables that had been set up

for the nights dinner. " Tonight we have the great honor of having with us the generous donor of the money

used to build this marvelous facility. I introduce to you Mr. Jaret Fenning and his lovely wife Mrs. Fenning. I'd

like to ask Jaret if he'd mind sharing his thoughts and feelings about this. Why he donated the money and

what provoked him to put it to use as a veteran's hospital. Jaret would you please" The new chief of staff took

a seat next to Adira as Jaret stood and walked to the Microphone. " Ladies and Gentlemen, as most of you

know, because you were all friends of my father and mothers, I have been greatly blessed. I made a promise

the day my mother died to put my priorities into perspective. I vowed that family would always come first.

Money comes and goes but family will last forever. My mother, bless her soul was a kind woman who loved to

serve. Because she was a nurse she volunteered at what was then a small veteran's hospital. She cared

deeply for those who came there. I wanted to honor her  and her efforts to help member's of the military. Now

that small hospital has become one that can serve up to 800 patients. It has the best money can buy,

because they deserve it. They have sacrificed their time, some have sacrificed limbs to the cause of keeping

this a free country. I will continue to put money into this hospital to keep it updated so that the men and

women who sacrifice so much can have the best care. I honor my mother's memory. The Emma Olander

Fenning hospital will open in two days. The best of the best doctors will be here to welcome the new patients.

Tonight we honor my sweet, loving mother; and all those who have served our country." Applause filled the

room. Jaret looked at the room of people and saw smiles on every face. Dr. Molk stepped back to the mic and

said "Dinner is served!"

          As Jaret and Adira stepped off the risers many came to greet them and ask about the hospital and

what hand they wanted to have in the running and operating of the hospital. They finally found their seats and

sat down.  They ate and talked. They enjoyed hearing stories of Jaret's parents, stories of wars and love. As

the night grew old the couple said their farewells and were again escorted by Wesley and Ike to gather their

coats. As they did Wesley again thanked them for their donation in building the new hospital. The walked

outside into the brisk air. Jaret opened the door for his wife and they climbed in. Soon they were home and

preparing for bed.

The next morning Adira awoke to loud voices coming from the kitchen. She slipped out of bed grabbing her

silk robe heading for the stairs. She opened the door sliding her left arm into the robe. The voices grew louder

as she descended the stairs  As she got closer she smelt a faint whiff of something burning. As she rounded

the corner the voices became more distinct. Not yelling but singing. Her husband was in the kitchen trying to

make breakfast. She stood in the doorway looking at the mess he had made. She laughed to herself as he

turned belting the song "When You Say You Love me" by Josh Groban. Jaret spun around the words ringing of

the walls. He noticed Adira standing in the doorway hiding her laughter behind her hand. He shut his mouth

and quickly reached to turn the music down spilling batter every where.

"Sorry love," Jaret looked sheepish "Did I wake you? I woke up in the best mood this morning and decided

you needed breakfast in bed."

"Oh. I see" She laughed out loud "And how are those pancakes coming?"

"Ummmmm... about that..." He grinned " I'm not much of a cook. But you knew that when you married me."

"That is true love."  She walked over and took the wooden spoon out of his hand " I'll take this and," She

grabbed the bowl off the counter where he had set it "this. Why don't you sit and let me finish breakfast."

"Yes dear, if you insist." He bowed and then grabbed her waist and pulled her close kissing her gently on the

forehead. He sat at the table watching her move with grace and ease. He watched her make perfect pancakes

while cleaning up the mess he had made. Egg shells and spilt batter seemed to disappear while she moved

back and forth across the kitchen. She reached over and turned up the Josh Groban CD. She began to sing

" You raise me up so I can stand on mountains..." She looked over at Jaret and smiled. He smiled back.

They sat and ate breakfast together talking about old times. "Do you remember," she asked  "when we first

met? That night in Arizona? You were trying to talk your way out of a parking ticket and I walked by."

"How could I forget?" He smiled a flirtatious smile " I thought the cop had shot me and I died and gone to

heaven. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen."

"Oh! Please, I was in tears and wearing sweats." She shook her head "I had just  broken off my engagement

to Kevin. I was a mess."

"You might have been a mess but I no longer had a will of my own. All I wanted was you" He reached

over taking her hand in his. "I followed you and asked if I could do anything for you. You turned and tried to

punch me."

Adira laughed " Instead I hit the brick wall and bruised my knuckles. I was so mad at myself. You took my

hand and kissed it." Jaret took her hand and kissed it just as he had done that night 12 years ago. " After that"

Adira said staring into Jaret's eyes " we couldn't be separated."

Jaret kissed her hand again " I will never leave you. Happy Anniversary my love. Ten years ago today I

married you. Ten years ago I pledged my life to you and the chance to try to make you the happiest woman

alive. I hope I've done at least some of that."

"Love, you have done that and so much more. I couldn't imagine my life without you." She squeezed his hand.

They sat their for a minute just holding each other's gaze.

"I'm sorry if I woke you" He began to gather the dishes "I just couldn't sleep."

"How are you? Last night was too much wasn't it? You need to lay down take it easy." She looked worried "

Darling you know what the doctor said. Nothing too exciting." She finished clearing the table and helped load

the dishwasher. 

"I'm fine hun. Nothing to worry about." Jaret walked up behind Adira and put his arms around her waist and

pulled her close kissing her neck. He turned her so she was facing him. He began to sway to the music. Adira

rester her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes as they swayed to the music. He held her close knowing

that the phone call from the doctor this morning was not news he could share with his delicate wife. If he told

her what the doctor said she would not take it well. So he kept the news to himself, for the time being. Better

to let her think he was still in remission rather than to alarm her and tell her he only had weeks left. He held

her closer as that thought passed through his mind.

"Darling," Jaret said "go get ready I have a surprise for you!"

"What? I don't need any surprises just standing here in our kitchen is enough."

" Well I know that is good enough for you but I think you'll like this surprise better."

"Well ok then." She looked at his soft green eyes. "I'll go get ready." She walked back upstairs  and began to

get ready for the day. She wore jeans with a cotton purple top and a black cardigan. She walked

back downstairs about an hour later. Jaret was reading the newspaper in his office. "I'm ready." She smiled at


"Then off we go." He grabbed his jacket and exited the house into the south facing garage. The couple

climbed into their Toyota Camry and headed west. Jaret took a few turns and was soon on the freeway headed

toward a small business section of town. About twenty minutes later he exited the freeway. He again made a

few turns and then stopped in front of a small brick building with a for sale sign in the window. "It'll take some

fixing up I assume," Jaret glanced at Adira. "Maybe even a new floor and windows but It could be really nice.

Do you like it"  Jaret asked?

She looked at him and then in a confused voice asked " What do you mean, 'do I like it?"

" Do you like the building? You always wanted a shop for your crafts and what not."

"Really honey? Like really really? This is mine? I get to open my shop?"
© Copyright 2010 azrmywife (azrmywife88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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