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by amanda
Rated: GC · Chapter · Detective · #1676528
a mystery filled with twists and contains a supernatural nature.
                              It was cold, dark and damp outside. You could here the distinct sounds of the trees rustling and the wind whistling a high pitched scream outside the window, still, she was warm and snug inside her car. She began to daze off into her own world just daydreaming about her life and whatever else a person could daydream about. She was suddenly awaken from her state by a loud explosion . Her heart began to beat fast with panic but she quickly realized it was simply the sound of thunder. Calming herself down her heart beat soon went back to normal and everything eventually faded back to the drip drop, pitter patter sounds of the rain drops as they hit the car windows and roof. Again she began to daze off into her own world, her own little perfect fantasie place where the sun always shined and the grass was tall and green. She barely realized where she was,  when  she awoke from her day dream and noticed the sign directing her to turn right. She turned her attention to the radio then pressed the on button. The blaring sounds of ‘high way to hell’ caught her by surprise and startled her .She made a little swerve with the car but quickly caught her self as her heart beat went back to normal. She turned down the blaring music and messed around with the dials until she found a song she liked. As she turned her gaze to the front window she saw something odd. Something of which looked like a small girl standing in front of her in the middle of the street, the little girl seemed to be pointing forward. Melody thought she was pointing at her but quickly realized she was pointing past her and past her car. she realized that the little girl was pointing behind the car at something that was much more horrifying then blaring music, or the sound of thunder, or even more terrifying then the fact that she was about to go on a head on collision with the little girl standing in the street. She would soon find out just how terrifying things were really going to get.

                                Sarah was in her hotel like room fast asleep in her warm, cozy, expensive looking bed when she was waken up by the sound of her ring tone. Her big catlike aqua colored eyes blinked in confusion from being waken up suddenly from a deep sleep. She brushed her long , curly, chocolate brown hair out of her face and sat up as she answered her phone. It was lying next to her alarm clock on top of her maple wood night stand . She had placed it there herself after her previous call earlier in the evening from her best friend Margaret It was about some guy Margaret had met at the coffee shop earlier in the day. Sarah didn’t really get all the details. First off she wasn’t that interested in guys at the moment. She was much to busy with her work to worry about that . Second of all, she was to tired to listen or really care after the case she just closed late the night before. She was tired but she managed to get herself to say in a low voice. 

“Hello officer Bellow here.” she said answering the call.

She recognized the voice as her partner. She was greeted with a “ Yeah Sarah, its Jason we got another one for ya up here, you better come quick” he said with his American like accent. 

“Another one? What is it this time. why do these criminals have to choose such a late ( or better yet early) hour to start there dirty work?” She asked half asleep and a little bit annoyed.

“You don’t sound so great there maybe after this case you oughtta get some rest” he said half concerned and half  annoyed with her complaining considering he to had to wake up from his sleep to run to the call.

“ Yeah maybe ill do that. Maybe ill take a vacation too” she said

Unsure whether she was being sarcastic or serious he ended the phone call with “ alright see you soon , the place isn’t to far out of your way just passed the old phoenix ravine. The forensics team is already down here, so is the boss and a couple squad cars from the local police. Just show them your badge when you get here you shouldn’t have any trouble.” He directed her.

“ wait but what about you, where are you going?” She asked

“I’ve got some errands to run I’ll call you when I’m done. Oh and by the way, get this, a car and a truck were found all mangled up, parts every where, and you know what the strange thing is?” he asked her

“what, were the tires missing?” she asked sarcastically

“ No , the bodies were missing. No where to be found. You would figure with a mess like that you would find the bodies somewhere a few yards from the crash but no. there was nothing for  miles. That’s why we were called in.” he explained

“ wow , that is weird… they have to be around somewhere they can’t just get up and walk away” she  said confused.

With that they finished the conversation with “ alright I’m on my way, see you soon. Goodbye”.
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