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This story is about a family of lycan dragon riders working to save the planet from evil. |
The Legend of the Wolf Legionaries (This is a first try and is free write so any help is welcome) Chapter One The Child In the year 723 in a small village on the continent Dragoona on planet Yarnac there was a oracle that for told the coming of a great evil and only one person known as The Dragon Knight could defeat this evil. The evil arrived as foreseen and began an assault on the planet Yernac. The people of the planet did their best even being a primitive planet. The people lost the battle rather quickly. They soon found the evil person to be Lord Talloon from the planet Sarcon one of the planet Yarnac’s allies. The people of Yarnac were enslaved to give everything they owned and had on the planet to Lord Talloon. Lord Talloon thanked them after he had all the items and proceeded to leave the planet. The people of Yarnac were grateful that he left all except Lord Patoon and his wife who knew he was going to destroy the planet and went to their home and set their 1 year old son Tyler in a ship that would transport him to a different planet. They selected the planet Earth due to it having a similar atmosphere and climate. They held each other as they saw their son’s ship leave and waited for the planet to go. As if on cue the planet Yarnac blew just as the ship got out of range of the planet. For three days the ship traveled and on the third it arrived at the planet Earth and crashed in the middle of someone’s home. The Family was gone at the time and came home to see their home destroyed and decided to go and get their belongings that they had left from the rubble. They were searching through the rubble and found a small ship and the woman came forward first and just then the ship opened. The man screamed, “Don’t go near it Sarah it might be a bomb!” She went forward and saw a child looked like a Dragon inside and note inside with him. Sarah picked up the note and read it; To whom ever finds this capsule this is our son the last living person from our planet do not be frightened by his appearance his name is Tyler and please I beg you take good care of him. Signed; Lady Yoka Lord Patoon Sarah picked up the child and called out to her husband, “Gregg come over here!” Gregg walked over and saw her holding the child and told her, “Put it back!” Sarah then handed him the note and said, “No, this child needs our help and I believe we should take care of him!” Gregg sighed and said, “Alright we will take care of Tyler the best we can you win.” Several years pass as Tyler grows up he currently is in high school and gets in fight quite frequently due to kids picking on him. Tyler one day got in a fight that he accidentally almost killed the kid. Tyler best friends Alex and Amanda grabbed Tyler to get him away from the kid. Tyler after the fight he ran got away started crying and said, “What is happening to me not only has my strength greatly increased but I can run faster than any normal person!” Amanda and Alex helped calm him down by listening and comforting him. Tyler then ran home to talk to his parents. Gregg saw Tyler running home and asked what happened. Tyler told them everything. Gregg sighed and looked at Sarah. Sarah nodded and walked to Tyler and told him, “Follow us we have something to show you.” They walked to the garage and Gregg followed with his keys in hand. They entered the garage and walked up to the attic in the garage and turned on the light. Greg then fumbled with his keys while he looked for a certain chest. He found it and called for Tyler to come here. He then unlocked it as Sarah walked Tyler over there. Inside was the capsule he came in. Tyler then looked at his dad for a statement. Gregg then told Tyler, “You know how some people find kids in baskets on their door steps.” Tyler nodded as Gregg continued, “Well this was your basket you landed in our old home.” Tyler then looked in shock at his mom and dad and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Sarah looked at him and said with tears, “Because we feared you would hate us and not love us as your mother and father.” Tyler hugged her and said, “I could never hate you and I love you guys as my mother and father.” Tyler then held his mother tight while Greg walked forward and handed a box to Tyler that was quite heavy. Gregg then stated, “This was in a separate compartment in the capsule.” Tyler opened the compartment and found a crate with a hand scanner on it. Tyler put his hand on the scanner and the box opened. Inside was a rather strange armor, sword and another tiny box. Tyler grabbed the tiny box and the box then activated a hologram. This startled max as it showed two people they looked like him. Tyler then set the box down and the hologram played a recording from his original mother and father. They explained that he is the last of their kind and said they love him very, very much. Tyler then asked, “Why am I the last what happened?” They then told him that the planet was destroyed and they only had enough time save him. Tyler then asked, “How was the planet destroyed?” They then stated that it was Lord Tallon of one of the allied planets. He stayed in the barn all night asking questions right and left. When he walked back down from the attic he sighed and called for his mom and dad and sat at the table. Sarah came out and asked, "What's wrong honey is everything alright?" Tyler then dropped to his knees and started crying Sarah then sat in the chair and tried her best to calm him down. Gregg came in when he heard Tyler crying and saw Sarah holding him. Gregg then walked forward and sat asked their son, "What's wrong you of all people know we will listen and try our best to understand? "Besides it is usual better to talk to someone when you are sad." Sarah then asked for some help and he helped her carry him to bed. Amanda came by the next morning dragging Alex with. Amanda knocked on the front door. Sarah answered, "Just a minute." Sarah opened the door and saw Amanda and Alex half asleep. She just smiled. Amanda then said, "Good morning is Tyler home?" Sarah then replied, "Yes I think he will be happy to see you two he is up in his room." Amanda then walked upstairs after dragging Alex inside and leaving him down stairs. Amanda walked into Tyler's room and asked, "Tyler are you up?" No reply so she walked in and saw Tyler asleep. She just smiled evilly a she thought pay back time. You see while she was sleeping one night he wrote all over her face with lip stick and made her look completely ridiculous. She went to school not even realizing it. She grabbed her make up and leaned over his face to start painting his toe nails.Tyler inadvertently woke up and poked her stomach. Just to tell her he was awake. She screamed and slammed her fist in his face. Tyler then screamed, "What the #$@% was that for!?" She then replied, "That was for scaring the $^%& out of me!!!!" Tyler then replied, "Well you didn't have to hit me that hard!!!!" Alex was in the door way taking pictures of this little did they know. Alex after taking twelve or so pics he burst out laughing saying, "I got a perfect idea for a title for these on the web, The perfect couple, HAHAHAHA." Tyler then looked at Amanda and they started rock paper scissors to see who get to beat the shit out of him and take the camera. Tyler lost and screamed, "Alex I think you better run Amanda is going to beat the $*^& out of you!!" Alex saw Amanda's signature look of death while she popped her knuckles. Alex then screamed, "OOOHHHH CCCRRRAAAPPP!!!!!!" He then high tailed it out the window and was running for dear life. Amanda was right on him screaming, "I am going to kill you when i catch you!!!!!" Tyler just sat there laughing till his sides hurt.Tyler then saw Amanda pick up a baseball bat and started chasing him. Tyler then said okay I think that is a bit much. She then was about to catch and beat him with the bat. Right before she caught him she then ran right straight into Tyler he caught before she could run after him any more. Amanda fell down on her butt. Tyler then reached his hand out and helped her up. Tyler grabbed the camera from Alex and handed it to Amanda. Amanda then broke the camera with the bat. Tyler walked back up to his room after Alex and Amanda went home. He then saw his armor shrink and compact to the size of a card. He put the card in his wallet and walked off to get some time to himself. Amanda and Alex caught up with Tyler at Lunch and saw Tyler was obviously upset about something. He was sitting on a bench staring at the sky with tears in his eyes. Alex came up and sat next to him and asked, "What's wrong man?" Tyler replied, "Nothings wrong....wait where is Amanda?" Amanda then poured a bucket of water on him causing Tyler to shriek in surprise. Tyler then laughed after he saw Amanda and said, "You know that pay back is a %$&@# right...." Alex then motioned Tyler to look in his back pack. Tyler saw a couple super soakers and smiled as he grabbed one. Alex then grabbed the other one. Amanda had a look of oh crap and said, "Guys come on lets talk this over.....AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Tyler and Alex then sprayed her while chasing her. Later Alex, Tyler, and Amanda arrived at the beach and laid down on some towels to dry off. Alex turned and said, "I got to get going back home for dinner." Tyler then said, "OK, man we will see you tomorrow." Tyler and Amanda waived goodbye to Alex. Tyler and Amanda were walking home that night and saw Alex run towards them. Alex yelled, "Tyler!!!!" Tyler saw the look of horror on Alex face as well as a lot of cuts and bruises with blood on him. Tyler and Amanda ran to him and asked in unison, "Alex what happened." Alex then answered, "On my way home I saw some strange guys walking towards your house Tyler...they then proceeded in and shot your mom and dad." Alex then said, "I tried to stop them but I could not... I'm.....Sorry...Tyle..." Tyler had tears streaming down his face as he shook Alex while screaming his name. Amanda hugged Tyler to help calm him. Tyler screamed, "NNNNOOOO Alex you can't die please!!!!!" Something then snapped in Tyler a rage he never felt before hit him as Alex died in his arms. Tyler then told Amanda to go get the police. Amanda saw that Tyler was extremely pissed and said, "You can count on me!" She ran off as soon as she said that. As she ran she saw Tyler suddenly pull a card out of his wallet and slap it on his arm. Then as he did that the armor attached to his body. As soon as it was on he took off so fast he caught the pavement on fire. She ten turned towards the police station. Amanda asked a police officer to follow her to a murder. He proceed in saying jump in. He tore off towards the house. When they arrived Amanda saw a soldier approach the car and just as he did. Tyler came and cut his head off his shoulders. Amanda was scared stiff as she saw the look of rage on Tyler's face. He then told Amanda t get out of here wit the police. Tyler was then tackled by a larger soldier and slammed into the house with an explosion. The soldier walked out of the house and laughed while saying, "That takes care of him." Amanda screamed, "NNNNOOOOOOO TYLER!!!!!" The police officer then shot at the soldier and nicked his armor. The soldier then laughed and said, "That weapon is so puny it can't possibly hurt me. Though try this on for size to prove my point!!!" He then pulled a rather large Gun off his side and shot the police officer. He then turned towards Amanda and whistled, "Damn didn't know women her could be so cute HAHAHA!" The soldier then proceeded to grab Amanda. Tyler then came up behind him cutting off his arm while saying, "Don't you dare touch her." Tyler then continued after a pause, "You have killed my mother, father, and my best friend and I have had enough!!!" "Amanda get behind me." He then said something under his breath. He then moved at blinding speeds and killed all the soldiers in three seconds flat. Amanda then opened her eyes as Tyler the said she could let go. Tyler then slapped his arm and took the armor off. Tyler then fell down exhausted. Amanda caught him and started crying, "What's happening Tyler I don't understand?" Tyler reached his hand up and said, You know I think we should leave town right now and then I will explain. They both got back up Tyler the said, "Jump on my back." Amanda jumped on his back and Tyler ran as fast as his body could. Chapter 2 True Love Tyler and Amanda arrived at a cave about three weeks away from the city. Tyler put Amanda down and went to get some fire wood. Amanda sat down and thought about why he saved her. two hours went before Tyler got back. When Tyler got back he saw Amanda crying. He dropped the wood and walked over to try and comfort her. Amanda saw Tyler sit next to her. She then started crying even harder as she grabbed Tyler's shirt and asked, "Why were those people in the town?" "Why did the kill everyone?" Tyler didn't answer he was still unsure how she would react. Tyler decided he might as well tell her. Tyler asked Amanda, "What ever i said here stays here OK?" Amanda nodded. Tyler continued and told her everything. Tyler then said something that Amanda didn't realize, "......I was scared of how you would react when I would tell you guys...." Tyler then felt a extremely hard hit in the back of his head and screamed, "What the hell was that for!?!" Tyler the stopped as Amanda then asked a simple question, "Why.....Why couldn't you trust us to handle it?" Tyler then sighed as Amanda continued, "Why couldn't you save the people of the town?" Amanda then saw Tyler smirk as he said, "The reason we came here is because everyone is here." "Alex's family, your family as well as everyone else." Tyler then started crying himself when he thought of how he couldn't save his mother and father. Tyler was shocked when Amanda hugged him to help calm him. Tyler after calming down he took Amanda to a safe place he found in the cave and took her to her parents. Tyler then went to Alex family to tell them about Alex. They approached Tyler and asked, "Wheres Alex we can not find him?" Tyler then took them into a hug and said, " I am truly sorry but Alex is dead." They replied, "WHAT!!!!" Tyler then proceeded to knell in front of them to apologize when his father said, "You have no need to do that." He then continued, "How did he die?" Tyler then replied, "He died trying to save my family..........but don't worry they are gone for now." Tyler then proceeded to the corner and called for every one's attention. "Let's have a moment of silence for the people who have died here today whether they be over good or evil intentions!" Tyler continued after two minutes of silence and stated, " I will go to the city to try and find the source of this and I want everyone to try your best to stay her and stay hidden!" Amanda then screamed, "NNNOOO!!!!" "You can't go alone it's to dangerous!!" Tyler then sighed before he replied, "I am the only one here that has the ability to fight off this threat." Tyler then proceeded out when he was stopped by Amanda when she said, "Please don't go......I want you stay here tonight....please." Tyler was shocked at this and turned as she ran to him. She was crying her eyes out and screamed, "Please I don't want you to go I want you to stay please I beg you!!!" Tyler then sighed and put his hands on her shoulder and said, " I promise I will be back in a few hours you have my word."Amanda looked into his eyes and saw something she never noticed his eyes held a tender and loving sense to them. Before Amanda could say anything he let go and started to exit the cave. Tyler was outside the cave when he saw a group of scout troops. Tyler quietly drew his daggers and used his stealth to attack the troopers. The troopers were approaching the cave entrance fast. Tyler used his dash attack to attack the first when and then threw the dagger at the second. Tyler then was shot right in his right shoulder and screamed in pain as he threw the dagger at the soldier. It hit the soldier between the eyes. Another soldier cam out from behind the trees and shot Tyler in the stomach. Before Tyler started to black out he heard the clash of swords and the screams of the scouts. When Tyler cam to he was in the cave and was on a bed in bandages. Tyler sighed as he thought to himself, "I thought I was going to die." Immediately after he thought that a females voice rang in his head that answered, "Well you would have if we didn't show up when we did." Tyler shot up and thought, "Who said that??" Tyler then saw a female Fox in the corner that replied, "Allow me to introduce myself I am your older sister and my name is Jade." Tyler then asked, "How did you survive I thought I was the only one left?" Jade just laughed as she replied, "I am not the only one to have survived... Mom and dad are here to as well as your cousin Frank and nephew Gregg are here as well." Tyler jumped out of bed. As his feet hit the ground he collapsed against his sister crying all his pent up emotions. She just stood there stroking his hair and saying, "It's all right we are here now." Tyler calmed down a bit as he walked out and as soon as he did he was tackled by Amanda while she screamed, "TYLER!!!!" Jade just laughed inwardly as Amanda hugged the life out of him and said to Tyler in thought, " She is definitely a keeper." Tyler then shot her a glare to leave him alone. Amanda was balling her eyes out while stroking her hair. Jade then said, "I will go get mom and dad." Tyler nodded andwatched Jade leave. Amanda calmed down a bit after ten minutes of crying. Tyler then said, "It's all right I am here now." Tyler stood to greet his mother and father when suddenly his cousin Frank tackled him to he ground. Tyler wrestled him till he pinned his cousin and got a huge grin saying, "I WIN HAHA!" Tyler then saw his father walking towards him. Tyler drew back his fist and hit his dad right in the head. Patoon screamed, "OOOWWWW!!!!" Tyler fought back the tears as he ran outside. Jade got ready to chase Tyler when her mother said, "Stop give him time to himself." "God knows he probably blames us for this problem." Tyler was outside the cave and trying not to cry when he heard a rifle go of aimed at him. Tyler jumped and threw a small stone at the gun. When he landed someone started up- behind him tat shot at him again. Tyler turned and was shot in the head with a suction dart. Gregg then came out laughing. Tyler then played along and said, "You got me I give up... AAAAHHHHH!" Gregg then ran to him thinking he hurt Tyler so he ran to Tyler. Tyler was playing dead when Gregg came over so Gregg got the idea to start to tickle him to death. Tyler started screaming after three minutes of this, "OK, OK, OK.....I give let me up please!!!" Jade came and saw Gregg tickling while his uncle was screaming for mercy. Gregg proceeded to get up when Tyler started tickling him to death while saying, "How do you like it being tickled to death...." Jade giggled which cause Tyler to turn and smile evilly. Jade saw this and got ready to run as Tyler and Gregg got up to get her. Tyler caught up to her and started tickling her. While she cried, "I give up...I SURRENDER!!!!" They all sat down and caught their breath. Tyler suddenly jumped when he heard something. He proceeded to get up before Jade told him to stay down. Jade pointed behind them. Tyler nodded and told Jade, "Stay and protect Gregg." Tyler crawled into the tree line and saw that the perpetrator was Amanda with a large water balloon. Tyler then screamed, "JADE...NNNOOOOO!!!!" As Jade got up to attack and accidentally hit Amanda. Tyler bolted and caught Amanda. Amanda lapsed into a coma as soon as Tyler caught her. Tyler snarled angrily at Jade and said, "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STAY WITH GREG!!!!!!!" Tyler then bolted into the cave and took Amanda into the infirmary. Tyler called the doctor and went to get her parents. When he walked her parents in and they saw Amanda with the doctor they asked in unison, "What happened?" Tyler started to explain what happened but when the doctor asked for the parents to to follow him they were scared for her. The doctor then said, "I will leave her for a second to talk to the parents for a second." He then continued and told Tyler, "She's asking for you." Tyler stormed in and saw Amanda crying. Tyler walked beside the bed an asked, "What's wrong?" Amanda then saw him and put hand out on his and said the one thing Tyler didn't want to hear, "I am dying bacause I am internally bleeding." Tyler then cried as he held her as best he could. She then asked a question that he never had the courage to ask, " Is ther any chance that you.....L..O..V..E...M....e?" As soon as she said this he saw her life force fading and said, "Yes, I love you....Amanda.....AMANDA!!!!!" She died in his arms he then remembered that there is still a chance to save her with an acncient device his family owns. Tyler ran out and screamed, "FATHER WHERE ARE YOU!?!?" His father came running asking, "I am here Tyler whats wrong?" Tyler proceeded to ask, "Where is the capsule that saved the wound I had when I was a child and dieng?" His father then thought and said, "It is in the ship we came here in why?" Tyler then told his dad his plan and asked, "Will it work?" His father replied, "It just might bring Amanda to the ship with a sheet." His father then called his crew to the ship to prepare for the proceeder. Tyler arrived at the ship and placed Amanda in the capsule while he sat in the opposite capsule. His father then said, "You know you both could die from this right?" Tyler replied, "I would gladly die if it saves her!" Tyler then placed his armor card on and activated a specail magic and recited, "Castros magis tigris Faros!!!" Amanda then stared at a dome in front of her and a set of armor on her she hit the dome and ran to a mirror and saw she was now a Dragon, She then thought to herself, "What happened?" She then heard a chuckle in her mind and asked, Who's there?" The voice then replied look on the other bed in the room." She saw Tyler laying there looking both physically and mentally exhausted. "What happen to me?", Amanda asked. Tyler responded, "I gave up some of my power to save your life.....I didn't want to loose the only person that is so precious to me." Amanda stood dumbfounded and asked, "Does that mean that I will be like this the rest of my life?" Tyler nodded yes as she seemed sad about the fact. Tyler then said, "I am sorry but it was all I could do......" Amanda proceeded to ask when she saw Tyler's sad expression, "Why are you upset?" Tyler replied, "I love you...... even more than... life itself." Amanda then saw teras form in Tyler's eyes and walked forward and put her hand on his chin and said, "I love you to." Tyler stayed with her that night. Chapter 3 Help Tyler woke first and left to get some fresh air. Tyler while walking down the hall he saw Jade outside. Tyler sighed and said, "What are you doing up?" Jade looked at him in fear and got ready to run. Tyler then said, "Look I am sorry for losing my temper can you forgive me for blowing up at you?" Jade then started crying and ran to Tyler and said, "I am so sorry and you don't have to apologize for that I completely understand." Tyler hen hugged her and said, "I would like to know if you could help me with training today." Jade smiled and replied, "I would be more than happy to help." Jade and Tyler proceeded to a training room in the cave. Tyler decided he need help with his sword tactics. Jade then tossed him a wooden training sword. Tyler then placed the sword at his side like it was in it's case. Tyler then charged with a vengeance towards Jade and little did Tyler know swords were her specailty. Jade jumped and hit him in the back and said, "Point!" Tyler then stood and asked, "Who was your teacher?" Jade then replied, "Our father was the one to teach me." Tyler then decided he should not hold back. Tyler then used speed and percision and went at Jade. Jade blocked ever shot. She then knocked Tyler right between the eyes and said, "Match!" Tyler then proceeded to fall to the ground. After Tyler caught his breath he asked, "Are you good with a bow?" Jade then said, "No but I know someone who is." Tyler was curious and asked, "Who?" Jade giggled and said, "Amanda is the best with a bow don't you remember she was the best rcher in your school?" Tyler had completely forgot that Amanda was that good. Tyler went to see if Amanda was up. Tyler got to the room and saw that she wasn't in bed and said to himself, "She probably went to get something to eat." Just then Amanda came out of the bathroom which caused Tyler to turn beet red and turned around as Amanda was in a towel. Amanda giggled at the fact Tyler blushed so bad. Amanda decided to tease him and asked, "What's wrong Tyler?" Tyler stuttered as he said, "S..S..Sorry... for c...c..coming in ....una...nnounced." Amanda giggled again and said, "I will be out in a second." Tyler sat outside on a bench and waited. amanda then came out wearing her armor and said, "What is it that you need?" Tyler then asked, "I would like to know if you could help me with target practice?" Amanda was taken back and said, "Sure I will help the best I can." Tyler and Amanda proceeded ouside and started target practice. Tyler was doing pretty well aside from the fact Amanda had ht the bullseye every time. Tyler stated after ten minutes, "You know your shooting is intimidating." Amanda didn't reply she just turned the bow towards Tyler and shot. The arrow just missed him and hit a soldier behind him. Tyler was dombfounded at the accuracy of the shot. the feathers from the arrow touched his cheek. Tyler proceeded by pulling his pike out and finished the job. After the soldier was killed about a hundred of them came out and charged them all at once. Tyler got ready to attack when amanda told him, "Stay put don't move." She pulled the arrow back and said, "Tri Madore!" Then magic flowed into her bow and arrow. She pulled the arrow back and shot. Before the arrow reached them she snapped her fingers and the arrows went from one to three hundered stiking the soldiers. Amanda then felt something shaking the ground. A rather large soldier came out and got ready to hit Amanda. Before his fist made contact Jade jumped out and cut the soldiers arm off while Gregg shot a bullet at the forhead of the soldier. Tyler then threw his spear at a soldier coming at gregg from behind. hitting the soldier right in the chest. Tyler called Gregg to come to him. Greg moved over to them and asked, "What's up?" Tyler then asked if he had ever ben in a combat situation before. Gregg nodded yes and replied, "I may not look it but I am 32 years old." Tyler then looked at them and asked a serious question, "I would like to know if all of you would help me with my task ahead?" They all looked at him in disbelief before Amanda then said, "I think I speak for each of us when I say yes and why?" Tyler then sighed and said, "I would feel better if I had at least a little help." They all then proceeded to shake hands and form The Dragon Knight Alliance. Tyler proceeded back inside when his father came out and asked, "Tyler there is something I need to give you now that I believe you are ready." He handed Tyler a special that when tyler grabbed it his armr glowed and morphed. "What's happening I feel like my head is burning!!!!", Tyler screamed. His father then said, "Tyler look at what you are sitting on!" Tyler looked down and saw he was sitting on the back of a dragoon from his home. Tyler felt like he knew the creature and thought, "Why does he look so familair?" A voice chuckled and said, "It is no wonder you don't remember me you were less than a week old when we first met. My name is Fentrica I was a baby when I first met your father was shocked to see how we played the best we could for that age." "What how come I can here your thought?" Tyler said confused. The dragon then said to him, "You are not the only one who can here me averyone can here me." Tyler looked and the others all said in unison to his puzzled look, "Yes we can hear him." Tyler continued by asking, "What kind of dragon ar you Fentrica?" Fentrca proceeded by saying, "Just call me Fen and I am a Ice dragon. I breath ice shards and not Fire." Tyler's father then walked to the others and handed them each a card. They were all sitting on different dragons as the magic activated. Fen was greeted by seeing her arch rival she snarled and said, "What are you doing here!?" The other dragon then said, "I am here by my choice and my choice alone to help with the problem at hand! I am sorry if I hurt you in the past but I wish to help!" Fenthen huffed as she introduced him, "Tyler that is Fracon that Amanda is on. He is a Fire dragon needless to say we don't get along much. The one Gregg is on is a water dragon. That is my brother Gracon. The one Jade is riding is a dragon I have not met before so I would like an introduction." Jade giggled and replied, "I am suprised you dont know Steca She is lord of the wind from my home." immeadiatly Fen and the other dragon lowered as they realized who it was. Steca laughed and said, "I really wish jad wasn't so formal I am here on my husband Stracon's behalf. He was you father's dragon and he died helping your family escape." Tyler the stated, "It is a pleasure to meet a dragon of your caliber my lady." Tyler was greeted by a jealous humpf from Fen. Tyler then asked in a teasing fashion, "What did I upset you you realize I am respect her high stature right?" Fen then sighed and said, "Yes I realize that but I feel intimidated by you saying that!" Tyler and the others laughed at the awkward situation as Tyler said, "I didn't mean anything by it Fen I was trying to tease you." Fen sighed, "I know that. I am just jealous thats all." Everyone laughed till thier sides hurt at that. Tyler then asked," Do the elements you guys have affect us?" They all nodded as Fen then explained, "Tyler pull your sword ut and look at it." Tyler pulled his sword at it and saw a mist around it. Gregg look at you gun. Amanda study your arrows. Jade look at the shape of you sword now. Each of thier weapons in some way changed as well as the magic they could use. Tyler then noticed his armor was different. He had what looked like dragon armor and a shield equipped. Three weeks passed since the last attack. Tyler and the others are working with each other when something exploded and caught thier attention. Tyler and the other bolted to find out what happened. Tyler arived first and motioned stay down. Tyler then motioned Gregg and Amanda up the trees. Tyler motioned Jade into flank postition. Tyler walked out as if nothing was wrong. The soldiers turned all thier guns poited at him. Tyler ptoceeded to ask, "What are you doing here?" A soldier then stood aside. Jade and Gregg beared thier teeth. They mentaly told Tyler that this was his brother and he nearly killed his parents and is a traitor." Tyler then got a glare of death about him. Tyler screamed, "So What is your name brother before I kill you!!!" The Man said, "My name Gletonis. I am pleased to see that you are well brother." "Shut your trap you bastard!!!", Tyler angrily implyed. Gletonis then replied with a smirk, "Do really think your threats faze me...." Tyler didn't respond. "HAHAHA that is hat I thought." Gletonis replied. Tyler then started doubling over in pain. Gletonis then stared at his brother as he sensed a serious threat. Jade, Amanda, and Gregg came out to help but Tyler screamed, "Stay back!!!" Jade guessed what Ttyler was doing and screamed, "Tyler don't it isn't worth it!!!!" Amanda turned and saw Tyler's body changing He was transforming and growing stronger but she was so scared for him she ran to him to stop him. Amanda got just close enough to see his eyes were a dark red and slit before Tyler screamed inrage and vanished. Tyler moved so fast all the soldiers except Gletonis were shredded in two seconds. Tyler then attacked his brother and ripped him in two. Tyler then blacked out and dissapeared from the field. Jade, Amanda, and Gregg screamed almost in unison, "Tyler!!!!!!" Chapter 4 Hope Tyler came to on a battle field that looked very familair. Tyler looked around and saw the cave and ran inside. Tyler walked in and was hit as soon as he entered. Tyler woke on a bed strapped down. Tyler then screamed, "What the hell! Why am I restrained?" Someone came in blade in hand that looked very familair. The woman asked, "What is your name?" Tyler replied, "My name is Tyler." the woman then said, "There's no way I thought you were dead." Tyler then proceeded to ask, "What is your name?" She replied, "My name is Jade." Tyler then said, "What the hell happened the only thing I remember is going beserk and blacking out." Jade then started crying and said, "It really is you isn't it?" Tyler then said, "Yes I don't know what happened but I am alive I can tell you that." Jade ran to hug him. Jade then heard a knock on the door. Jade was called outside the room. Jade walked a woman in that was on a crutch. The woman was crying uncontrolably. Tyler then said, "Is that you Mom?" The woman ten ran and hugged him the best she could. The woman then said, "Yes it's me." Tyler then asked is Amanda okay. Jade then looked at the ground. Tyler then got the message and started crying. Tyler screamed, "Dammit If only I was there....I could....have....saved her." Tyler blacked out again. Tyler woke in a hospital bed. He was being treated for severe cuts. He was bandaged up. Tyler then started crying as he thought about what happened. The doctor as if on cue walked in and said, "Oh you are awake we almost lost you there." The doctor told him everything he knew. Tyler was about to relax when Amanda walked in and tackled him to the ground hard crying her eyes out. She was frantically saying, "We thought you were dead I was so scared I thought you would never wake up!!" Tyler hugged her and said, "I will always be here no matter what that is a promise." Amanda then started to calm herself a little better. Jade then interupted by running in and slapping him across the face. Tyler was tooken back by the action and saw Jade was starting to cry. Jade then said, "You idiot do you know what could happen if you do that you could have died very quickly and/or killed everyone here!!" Tyler saw something was bugging his sister and asked, "Jade is ther something you are not telling me." Amanda looked at the ground with sorrow. Tyler then turned and looked and saw his Brother and Father lying there. Tyler got up and shaked his dad while screaming, "Dad...Dad..Dad this isn't funny...DAD!!!!!" Tyler then withdrew and ran down the hall with tears streaming. Tyler ran as fast as his body could. Tyler reached his oldnhiding spot and started crying uncontrolably. As if on cue Fen was summoned and sat next to him asking, "What's wrong?" Tyler leaned into her while crying. Fen returned the gesture the bast she could by covering him with her wing and tail. Eventually Tyler said, "I am a monster I desreve to die!" Fen then took her tail and hit him while saying, "That would make thing worse than they already are! Anyway if you die I would as well!" Tyler then turned and asked Fen, "Why do you trust me I am not hero quality?" Fen sighed and replied, "You don't choose a hero for their qualities you choose a hero for their heart." Tyler proceeded to go back when he was hit by a arrow in the shoulder screaming in pain. Tyler turned and saw a strange hooded warrior. As soon as Tyler pulled his sword to defend himself his sworcd was shot out of his hands. The warrior in the hood asked, "Why do hav the armor if you think you are not reasdy?" Tyler then stated, "What would you know of what I have done!?" The hooded laughed and said, "I might know you better than you think." Tyler then asked, "Who are you?" The man removed his hood and Tyler was speechless. The man looked like him but much older. Before tyler could ask the man said, "I am you fourteen years from now." Tyler then asked, "Where is Amanda?" The older him looked at the ground and said, "She is dead." Tyler then asked, "How did she die?" The older him responded with a sad look and said, "We killed her." Tyler looked at the man in disbelief. The older him then said, "Tommorrow a man will come and kidnap her and duel you for her life. You will not duel him however he will force Amanda to duel you." Tyler then blacked out and woke next to Fen who was currently sleeping. Tyler rose and called fen to wake. Fen then said, "Why, what's wrong?" Tyler replied, "No time to explain we must return to base now!" Fen rose an shook awake while Tyler jumped on and saddled up. They arrived too late to the base was bieng attacked while he was gone. Tyler jumped and attacked the soldier that stood outside. Tyler found Jade and asked, "Jade are you ok and where is Amanda?" Jade coughed up some blood and replied, "She was taken and the man called you to the shioni battlefield in the cave to duel him for her life. I am fine go and get Amanda." Tyler activated his armor and ran in the cave. Tyler then saw the man and growled as he saw a blade to Amanda's throat. He walked forward and said, "Let her go and fight me like a man!" The man chuckled and stood. The man replied "Why would I release her when it is much more fun?" Tyler could sense something and turned around and stabbed a man behind him. The man then asked, "How did you know I was right here?"Tyler replied, "You smell like slime and I know Amanda's scent." The men holding amanda then vanished. Tyler breathed a sigh of relief as he fell where he stood. Amanda ran to Tyler as he fell and screamed, "Tyler answer me dammit.....Tyler....Tyler!!!!" Jade wobbled in and saw Tyler on the ground and dragged herself to her brother. Jade saw something she didn't expect to happen so soon and screamed, "Amanda get back, NOW!!!!" Tyler's body was glowing bright white and Amanda was instantly thrown from his body but was stopped mere inches from the cave walls. Jade noticed the man's scent immediately. She threw a fire magic at the man's hood and singed the hood off. Jade stared in disbelief as it was Tyler but a lot older. Jade then asked, "What....Who are you?" The man then did a sleep magic on her and said to her, "My name is Tyler and I am from twenty years in the future." Jade was about to ask a question when she went to sleep. |