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by Kayate
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1676297
Chapter 3 of our Fan-Fic, a dangerous enemie is starting to develope...
Naruto Finale (Team Two)
Chapter 3
Team Two is Born!
"Ok, now is the time to choose the teams!" Naruto announced to the crowd, "Now. I will draw out 28 names, and they will be placed into teams in the order they were drawn, there will be 3 Genin in each team, and a Jounin as their sensei. Naruto drew 21 Genin's names, and 7 Jounin. "Ok! I will start with Team 7! Nosheeto, Nakarai, and Narayah, and your sensei is...Rock Lee!" 3 kids looking basically the same came up, and Lee came as well. "Team 6! Yamito, Tenshin, and Tenma, and your sensei is Ino!" Team 6 came up, "Team 5! Akira. Shinto, and Tentwo! Your sensei is...Tenten! Team 4! Sakurai, Moki, and Kasuma! And your sensei is Shino! Team 3! Takashi Nara, Raya, and Jerimkaray! Your sensei is Neji! Team 2! Kayate, Aya, and Heroto!" the friends walked up, surprised they're in a team together, and started to talk, "And your sensei is Kiba!" Kiba came up with his huge dog Akamaru. "And Team1! Takarev, Blank, and Koda! And your sensei is Shikamaru!"
"Now, you have two options, you can just train, or come to me for a mission. D Rank only to beginer Genin!" Team One left the field, probably to go train, Team Two did interupt them the day before.
Kiba came to his Team. "Hey guys, so, what'dya want to do? Take a mission or simply train?"
Kayate remembered the intense training yesterday, "Nah, I think we'de like to do a mission Kiba-Sensei, how about you guys?" Aya and Heroto shook their head, but Heroto knew he would somehow end up forgotten, hurt, etc.
"I guess we should see Naruto for a mission." said Kiba. The group went over to Naruto, who was talking with Sasuke and Sakura.
"Hi Dad, hi Mom!" Kayate walked up to his parents, "What are you guys doing here?"
"Hm? Oh, hello Kayate, I was just seeing Naruto to see if any ninja needed any help!" Sakura said.
"And I was just seeing if any reports on an attack were heard. Things have been pretty boring lately ever since that Sound raid 7 years ago... Who knew peace was so boring!?" Sasuke said.
Naruto piped in, "So? I'm guessing you guys need a mission, um...here pick through these!" Naruto gave Kiba a few Mission Scrolls.
"Lets see...cat capture, herb picking, graffiti removing, what? Babysitting? Hey, Naruto, can we do this one? I have some destined Shinobi here, we need a challenge, hey! Here's one! Escort Lady Tsunade to the Sand for a meeting with there board." Kiba held out a scroll to Naruto,
"Maybe...We have no enemies left, except the Sound, and they won't attack us with all of our allies!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Alright!" Naruto and Aya cheered,
"...Seriously? The SAND? That place has the basically the most dangerous path!" Heroto said.
"Shut up Heroto, you always make me and Aya do the work..." Kayate said.
"Yah Heroto! Stop dragging along! Do some work!" Aya said,
"Well maybe I could if I was actually cared about...Aw forget it..." Heroto then went to the path to the Sand, and just stood there.
"Well Mom, Dad, see ya! I'll be back after our mission!" Kayate said,
"Be careful son, the way to the Sand Village is dangerous. Be careful, and protect your loved ones." Sakura eyed Kayate and Aya. Kiba patted Akamaru's head,
"Alright guys, enough goodbyes, we'de better pack! It's a while from here to the Sand. We'll need food, weapons, herbs if we get bitten by anything poisonous, and water. So, Heroto," Kiba yelled to him, "You get the herbs, I'll get the food and water, and Kayate and Aya, you two get some weapons, here, take this Ryo." Kiba handed Kayate 5k Ryo.
"Thanks Kiba-Sensei! We'll be back later, with lots of weapons!" Aya said. Kayate and Aya left to go get weapons at the market, Heroto left to go to the forest to pick herbs, and Kiba and Akamaru left for the forest and river for food and water.
"Alright, um... how about, 100 kunai, 50 explosive tags...um...Hey! Look Aya! A katana!" Kayate and Aya wondered the market,
"But Kayate, it costs 5999 Ryo!" "Oh...well, we've got, 2150 Ryo left... I think I have a good bit of Ryo saved at my house, stay here! Be right back!"
Kayate ran to his house, and back, as fast as he could. "Gasp...gasp...' I've got...'Pant, pant' 7438 Ryo! Here you go sir, I'de like the katana!" The vendor gave Kayate a sharp katana, a black metal sheath with a gold and silver kanji surrounded by fire, with a fire-type thing surrounding the tip of the sheat. The hilt is fasioned from dragon scales, and it has a gold plating of the dragon from which it came, and the hilt guard, on both sides, has a dragon scalish aura, connecting with a dragon statuet on the sheath. Kayate hooked it to his pants.
"Nice Kayate! But, how much money do we have left?"
"Um...1439! What else whould we get?"
"Lets get 4 Fuuma Shurikens, for you, me, Heroto, and Kiba-Sensei!"
"Thats a good idea," Once back at the entrance to the path to the Sand, Kayate and Aya noticed everyone else already was there,
"Hey guys!" Aya came up, while Kayate unpacked everything he bought, Kunai, explosive tags, the katana, and the 4 fuuma, whom he gave one to everyone,
"Nice Kayate and Aya, 4 fuuma for each of us, 100 kunai, 50 explosive tags... and a katana? You can keep the katana Kayate," Kiba tossed Kayate the sword, he then gave the team sacks of food, and cantins of water. "Alright everyone, lets get moving!" as the group got moving, they came into desert terrain.
"Whew, how long have we been walking?" Heroto asked, sipping from his cantin, Kayate ate a bit of his food,
"Meh, about an hour..."
"Arghhhh... Ruff! Bark! Bark!" Akamaru stopped in his tracks,
"Whats wrong Akamaru? Do you smell something?" Kiba asked his dog. Kayate thought of something,
"Wait! I have a new skill I learned yesterday, I'll find anything around this area, with my...SHARINGAN!" Kayate's eyes glared red, he searched around the desert, "THERE!" Kayate pulled out his fuuma and threw it at a nearby rock,
"Gah! Watch out with that thing! I'll kill you!" a man dressed in white bandages across his face revealing one eye and a tunic jumped from behind the rock, and Kayate caught his fuuma,
"Don't worry guys, I got this," Kayate said, with his Sharingan still active.
"Careful Kayate, if you need any help, call for Kiba or I," Tsunade said.
"No worries Lady Tsunade, I got this!" Kayate ran forward, drawing his new katana,
"Hehe, stupid kid, think you can take me, eh?" the mysterious man drew several explosive kunai and laid them all around him,
"Wow...what a lame bandit, explosive kunai, VS a ninja charging you with a katana... How does this compare?" Kayate said as he flipped over the circle of explosives and the bandit, landing the other way, "Ah, stupidity, it's a blessing, isn't it?" Kayate simply picked a flower from a nearby cacti and dropped it above the circle of kunai, and jumped back quickly,
"Heh, a flower? Stupid kid, I'll kill you! SOUND BARRIER!" The bandit did a few hand signs, and simply stood there, when the flower touched the kunai, everything went balistic, everything exploding,
"Ah!" Kiba and Akamaru hopped back, there hair (And Fur) was sort of singed,
"Get back! Hurry!" Tsunade grabbed Aya and pulled her back,
"Really...? I seriously hate you all! Ok! I HATE YOU A- AHHH!" Heroto was caught in the explosion, being in the desert, there was no water to jump or be puched into this time, only one solution, a very painful one. When the smoke cleared, the bandit was still standing there, not fazed one bit,
"See kid? No way you can win!" his voice seemed to echo, no one had heard him shout his jutsu, so they were all confused.
"Gah, what? We're in a desert! How is his voice echoing? It wasnt echoin before...wait...sound...SOUND!" Kayate suddenly figured out what was happening, he must be a Sound Ninja! The barrier was invisible, so it must be sound, inside of a sound barrier, his voice must be distorted, making it echo! "Your not too smart either, you should've taken off you barrier!" Kayate ran forward. katana drawn, eyes still blazing with his Sharingan,
"I wonder how this would work..." Kayate thought, as he focused all of his Chakra into his palm, "HnnnnnnAH!" Kayate's sword blazed with fire, "ALRIGHT! NOW THIS IS AWESOME!" Kayate ran forawrd, and, thought of another idea, release all of his chakra, into his sword, he may weaken faster, but get rid of this goon faster. As he was slicing the barrier, he focused his chakra, "Hah!" His sword flared an electric blue, and a form shaped in his other hand, a electric blue shaped like a sword, it formed into electricity!
"Wow! Go Kayate!" Aya cheered,
"Gah! NO ONE NOTICES THAT I'M ON FIRE AGAIN?" Heroto ran to a cacti, and hit it repeatedly, pricking his knuckles, until it broke at the top, "Gah! no! I couldn't knock it over! This'll have to do..." Heroto hopped onto the cacti, attempting to dive in, and landed right where the cacti milk was held, but getting out was another ordeal.
"Hah! This is better than I expected! Lightning and Fire duel swords!" Kayate said, he continued to slice and chop faster than ever, and seemed to be pushing into the air.
"Ah, stupid kid!" The bandit tried escaping, but there was no way, he could lay a bomb, but it would kill them both, he could break his shield, but he would be open to all other attacks, nothing to do...
"Your finished! Take this!" Kayate sliced for the final time, cutting the strange bandits bandages off first, then continued to pierce his skull, the man dropped to the ground.
"Good job Kayate," Kiba said,
"Amazing! I'm glad I got to experience your first mission's great triumph! But... that was a Sound, this has to mean something..." Tsunade walked behind Kiba, "Do not worry Kiba, all is over now, we should get to the Sand Village, it's getting late. The team made it to the Sand with no problem, and went into their Kage house,
"Hello, Sir Gaara," Aya bowed to the Kazekage,
"No need for that, I'm just glad you all made it safe, I heard you had some troubles," Gaara said. Heroto was picking thorns off of himself,
"Yeah, espeacially, YEOWCH! Me!"
"Hi Gaara, yeah, we had some problems, a Soundie attacked us, Kiba Sensei thinks something may be up, and that we should tell Naruto."
"You should, I guess you are son of Sasuke, hello, I've heard alot about you, Kayate" Gaara said,
"Yes sir Gaara, I've heard many stories of you and my father's and Naruto's adventures," Kiba spoke up,
"We have to go, it's getting late, and the creatures of the desert come out at night, C'mon Akamaru! Everyone, gather on!" Everyone climbed onto Akamaru, and they bounded onto the Leaf Village, leaving Tsunade behind, who had to discuss important terms, and would return the next day. As they were still riding Akamaru, Kayate had a few questions,
"I wonder if any of the other teams found anything associated with the Sound..."
"Calm down, if they did, and the Sound ARE planning an attack just use me as bait..." Heroto said.
"Don't be so negative Heroto! You've gotta live life to the fullest! And we wouldn't use you as bait! We'de hang you from the gate with a fishing pole! Just for the fun of it!" Aya said,
"I hate my life..." Heroto said as he slowly slid off of Akamaru. The next day, Team Two went to the Kage House to see Naruto, when they entered the room, they saw Team One, holding a scroll, and a seperate head! Kayate ran up to Naruto,
"Hi Naruto, we found BIG news, about the Sound!" Takarev turned to Kayate,
"What? Really? We have news about them too! We just told him our news, so I'll guess we'll see you guys around, he said he'd announce our findings tomorrow to the village, he'll probably announce yours too." They left, leaving the scroll and head.
"Well, hey there Kiba, Aya, Kayate, and Heroto.
"Hi Naruto, we have some important news," Kiba said, "We found a Sound on our way to the Sand, Kayate handled it quite expertly though!"
"Yeah Naruto Sensei! I even learned a new move! Watch this! Element: Fire Lightning Duel Swords!" Kayate put his hands into fists, and lightning and fire exploded into a sword into each hand,
"The weird thing is, after I first did this, my Katana dissapeared..." Naruto spoke up on the matter of the Sound,
"Two reports of Sound danger... Team One found a head, and it had this scroll inside of it..." Naruto pointed to the scroll next to the head, "Ok, I will announce these findings tomorrow, I will also read the scroll, I have not yet read it, neither has Team One, but this Scroll is signed with the Sound Symbol... Everyone, get some rest and train, these next few days might be life-threatening..."
© Copyright 2010 Kayate (goku548 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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