Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1676290-several-foaling-stories
by Raven
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1676290
the view of several mares as they come to foal.
Silver Angel is a grey mare shes a sweet mare and her mate is Rolling Stone, her brother Firestarter accompanies her to the foaling feild.
(Silver Angel) I three beated into the field with Firestarter he turns away to graze.
my stomach is swollen greatly with the foal i am carrying. my skin twitches, and voices in my head cry out as the pains intensify. my legs feel weak, and they collapse, dragging me to the ground. i lay there, stretched out on my side. my breath is labored, and coat patched with sweat. i cry out as a pain far worse than earlier shoots through my body. i lift my head, and crane my neck around. i groan in pain as i see the tiny forelegs. pain grips my body as i convulse again. it mounts as the minutes go on. i rest when the chance comes. i cry out louder as the next convulsion comes.

the convulsions come on again. i strain hard, and finally feel the foal moving forward. a loud pop was heard as the foal`s forelegs broke out of my body . i strain harder, and then look behind me. the shoulders are out.I rest again, and then the convulsions are on again. i push even harder, and then the foal slips gently out on to the soft lush grass.

i feel to weak to move. however, i force myself to get to my feet. the last of the sac falls from me as i stand. i turn and nuzzle the foal, taking care not to hurt it. i lick it, and then nuzzle it again.i smile as i look upon my son. he is beautiful, as is his father.i look over his finely lined body, i can tell he is well built. he will be fleet, just like his sire. he is strong to, not many colts are born as strong or as big as he.
I shall call you Spartan, come little Spartan let us go home to your sire. i said gently after he had rested and nursed we meet backup to fire and he nods in approval and turns to take us home.the colt follows closely.
Nightmare and her sister Ghostwalker are of the darkness, their stallion is king over all the evil horses in the land.

I stumble into the clearing; I see other mares foaling some with and some without their mates. I can feel the burden inside of me moving, preparing to be given the gift of life. I look about hoping not to foal until Nightmare comes to foal. I see no choice, the foal is GIVING me no choice. I stumble until my pillars give way my tiara lowering to the turf. Within moments I throw my tiara to the heavens and a slightly worried scream is heard….where did that come from? I wonder until I see the gaze of the closer horses, the scream slipped my maws through the contraction pain I didn’t notice anything let alone screaming, I grip my maws tighter as the next wave of contraction hits so that no scream can be heard. My breath is labored and my pelt saturated with sweat. I cry out as a pain far worse than earlier shoots through my body, I lift my crown and crane my neck around. I groan in pain as I see the tiny forelegs, Pain grips my body as I convulse again it mounts as the minutes go on. I rest when the chance draws closer. I cry out as the controlling pain again grips me.
The convulsions come on again, I strain hard and finally feel the foal moving forward. I look behind me and I see the foals shoulders appearing behind me, I rest and then the pain shoots through me again. I now stop refusing to push when the urge grips, I strain pushing, baring my weight down until the foal slides from my body, landing gently on the soft lush once green, now blood stained, grass.
I feel too weak to move, however I force myself to get to my feet, my pillars shaky, as I turn to the foal, the remaining section of sac falls from me. I nuzzle the foal gently, taking care not to hurt him or her. I nuzzled the foal all over coming to the foals nether regions I can tell the sex it is a colt.
[Your cursing Son of Tombstone will be Tandir]

My stomach is swollen greatly with the foal I am carrying. my skin twitches, and voices in my head cry out as the pains intensify. my pillars feel weak, and they collapse, dragging me to the ground. I lay there, stretched out on my side. my breath is labored, and coat patched with sweat. I cry out as a pain far worse than earlier shoots through my body. I lift my head and let a slight whinny of worry slip through my maws immediately Ghost offers reassurance
[You can do it Night not much longer, your doing great]
I get the urge to push and so so….I feel the foals tiny forelegs exit my body and a few more pushes see the foal sliding safely from my bodice to the grass. I stand and allow the excess after birth to slide on to the grass. I clean the foal and find it is a filly I nuzzle her happily and look around for Sugar the foals sire.
[what will you tag your filly, sister?] Ghost walker asked softly
[Her tagging will be Devils Advocate]

The two mares thoroughly cleaned their foals and let them nurse before leading them south to their stallions lands.


Duchess and her mate Barrett are a pair of large black and white gypsy vanners, both are kind and loving.

I walk slowly into the Cove, following my mate Barrett I wince as a contraction grips my body, They have been happening since sun up and were slowly getting stronger, my stomach is swollen greatly with the foal I am carrying. My skin twitches, and voices in my head cry out as the pains intensify more so. My legs feel weak, and they collapse, dragging me to the ground. I lay there, stretched out on my side. My breath is labored, and coat patched with sweat. I cry out as a pain far worse than earlier shoots through my body. I lift my head, and crane my neck around. I groan in pain as I see the tiny forelegs. Pain grips my body as I convulse again. It mounts as the minutes go on. I rest when the chance comes. I cry out louder as the next convulsion comes.

The convulsions come on again. I strain hard, and finally feel the foal moving forward. A loud pop is heard as the foal`s forelegs break out of my body. I strain harder, and then look behind me. The shoulders are out. I rest again, and then the convulsions are on again. I push even harder, and then the foal slips gently out on to the soft lush grass.

I feel too weak to move. However, I force myself to get to my feet. The last of the sac falls from me as I stand. I turn and nuzzle the foal, taking care not to hurt it. I lick it, and then nuzzle it again I smile as I look upon my black and white patched daughter.
[what shall her blessing be my love?] The stallion asked softly
[she shall be of the blessing Tali] the mare said proudly.

Corona and her mate Perisus

Corona is a pale palomino (creamy) mare with a white mane and tail.

I walk slowly into the Cove, My mate will come soon. I wince as a contraction grips at my young body, Just of age for a mare. My contractions signal that my foals, for I’m certain I am carrying twins, are nearly ready to be born into this wonderful world. My skin twitches and the voices in my tiara scream out in pain a murmur escapes my lips. The pain intensifies and my pillars threaten to give way….I finally collapse my pain dragging me to the sandy turf beneath me. I lay there stretched out on my side, my breathing labored, my pelt darkening with sweat. Pain grips me again and I cry out louder, the pain has worsened. I lift my dial and gaze at my hind end the foals beginning to emerge small fore hooves exit my body, the contraction stops and I rest knowing full well this could take awhile. The convulsions begin again and mount as time passes. I strain harder and rest then strain again and a foal slides from my body I rest as it struggles about. Contractions grip me again, I was right twins. The pain much less then before and soon another foal lies on the sandy ground behind me.

I struggle to rise knowing the foals needed me drove me to stand and walk to them I begin to clean the older twin, a colt. His pelt a dark brown, with three white socks he begins the movements for standing as I turn to the younger foal a black filly with a wide white blaze and one sock she rests a little while before she begins to try to stand. The colt is up and attempting to nurse so I stand patiently for him and nose the filly encouraging her to rise. She stands and I gently move between them so they could each nurse.
[Young son of mine I shall name you Rogan and my daughter, Morgana. May the bond that ties you to sharing the same birth remain long until after my time. May you look to each other for safety and friendship.] I nuzzled them both gently my lyrics choked with emotion and happiness.

© Copyright 2010 Raven (lil_raven at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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