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Adventure along the lines of National Treasure, Indiana Jones, and the DaVinci Code. |
Chapter 63 May 17, 2012 – Frija Base – The Moon Daria was reclined on a soft couch in her elegant suite pretending to read a book. Her eyes were on the book but her mind was on Monday. The scientists explained to her that time travel was not like it was traditionally described in the Science Fiction novels, where a traveler could return within seconds of their departure and it would seem as if they had barely left. For some unexplainable reason, all the hours and days a time traveler spent back in time counted against them in real-time. In other words, if a traveler spent ten days in the past, when they returned to the present, ten days would have gone by even if the time ship pilots plotted their return for within minutes of their original departure. They could not scientifically explain it. All that meant to Daria was, it could be days, even weeks before she would know if Monday and his Team were successful or if they were never returning. She also knew that time was as much her enemy as were the Nazis. The longer she lounged around, pretending to be Hitler’s obedient granddaughter, the more the Earth shifted. Her friend Marta described the changes already taking place on Earth. So far, there were only minor changes in weather patterns and ocean currents, but more drastic changes were coming. “Who are my assets and how can I use them?” This one single thought dominated her mind like a piece of floss stuck in her teeth. It was useful, but annoying because she could not get past the thought that her only asset was Marta, and Marta was useless in so far as planning an escape was concerned. Daria had many long discussions with Marta on recorded history, about World War II, even about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. She even saw a flicker of understanding and a glimmer of doubt inside the mind of the brainwashed girl. But, how was a communications/computer specialist going to help her with her dilemma? “Think outside the box, idiot!” Daria said to herself. Her thoughts gently turned to Señor d’Amador and her peaceful time at the villa. The warm thoughts suddenly switched to Hans and finally to Mueller. “Not that far outside the box, bird brain!” She flinched at the memories. Daria threw the book down on the coffee table in front of her and quickly stood. That last thought, as disgusting a thought it might be, held merit. Mueller! The very idea of him created a sense of loathing in her mind and she absently shook her body to rid it of the psychological feeling. Daria could not help but see the absolute worship in Mueller’s eyes; no woman would miss it. Mueller not only loved her beyond reason and logic, he thought of her as a goddess. Question is, would he be gullible enough to go along with whatever scheme she came up with? For half an hour Daria racked her thoughts in an attempt to come up with a plausible plan. Mueller may be a cold-blooded killer and he may be brainwashed by his feelings for her, but no idiot. He knew that she loved Monday, and it would be counterproductive to try to convince him otherwise. The only bait she had was herself. Mueller was also in love with all things Nazi. But, the Nazis he loved died with World War II. These new Nazis were not quite the same people. With the exception of a few, most were not inclined to brutality or murder. They were the byproduct of a well-conceived and highly successful breeding program. “World War II!” That was the answer, Daria thought. “I’ve got to persuade Mueller that he can return to the year 1943 or 44 with enough advanced technology in his possession to change the outcome of the war. Not only would he be a hero to the Fatherland, he could eventually become Fuhrer himself. At least that was what she needed to seed his greedy mind with. If he could not have Daria he could have his next wish. Two semesters of drama in college of acting training would finally pay off. But Daria also knew that everything she wanted and cared for was on line. She would have to turn in an Academy Award winning performance. The very next day she put her plan into motion. Mueller sat across from her in her private suite. He was dressed in one of the new Nazi camouflage uniforms with the insignia of a sergeant on his shoulder tabs. He seemed to be somewhat puzzled, but curious as to why she asked him to come to her room. To top it off, she ordered a private meal delivered to the room just for the two of them. Daria said very little throughout the meal but was very congenial and often smiled at him. She threw her napkin on her plate and picked up her wineglass. “To the future.” Daria offered in toast. “Zur Zukunft.” Mueller lifted his own glass. “I see these new Nazis have only given you the rank of Sergeant,” Daria pointed at his rank insignia. “They are so foolish. With your training and background they should have at least made you a Lieutenant Colonel, perhaps even Colonel.” Daria had found a small item to start her brainwashing with, his low rank, and she intentionally used the word new in front of Nazis. “They’re idiots!” Mueller spat back. “Not you and the Fuhrer of course, but most of their officers.” Daria could tell he refered to Hans in particular. “They’re nothing like the good old days,” she mused. “Real men, real heroes existed back then.” Mueller beamed. “They’re nothing but dreamers pretending to be SS soldiers. A good SS Sergeant could beat them all.’ Daria picked up the wine carafe and poured Mueller another full glass. She could tell that he did not particularly care for the dry wine but she knew that it would get to him faster than beer would. She also asked for a bottle of stout Jagermeister and poured two drinks. Daria learned during college she had a special ability to out drink her male counterparts, especially those whose primary interests was to get her drunk and in bed. For half an hour more she discussed casual things, primarily events which had not been to Mueller’s liking. He not only resented the low rank given him, he was not happy with life in general. His dream of a new Nazi Empire included war, bloodshed, war, killing, and more war, victorious in the end by great heroes. Daria knew the time was right. “I have been told by a friend that the Nazis have a second time ship back at Berlin Base.” She halted to gauge his reaction, which was simple curiosity. “There is no way I can fool you, Herr Mueller. You know that my heart has been given to Doktor Stiehl. It is something you and I both cannot change.” At first Mueller looked angry at the mention of Monday’s name, but he finally nodded his head in agreement. “We cannot always choose our paths in life.” “But you can,” Daria quickly retorted. “You can make your own future and I know you have enough love in your heart for me to help me make mine.” Mueller was puzzled and shook his head. The drink effected his though patterns, but he was no where near being drunk. “My future?” Daria knew she hooked him. “If they can go back to the past and change history, why can’t you do the same?” “Why couldn’t I?” Mueller muttered. “I could couldn’t I?” “And, you could take enough advanced technology and historical knowledge back with you that the Third Reich could win World War II. Wouldn’t that make you a hero among heroes?” Mueller’s mind ground slowly around what she was saying. He was no genius but he instantly knew that was what he wanted. He wanted it more than Daria, more than life itself. He also knew that he was willing to pay the price. “How do we do it?” “I have a friend in their Air Force who knows the flight codes and passwords needed to land safely at Berlin Base.” Daria looked beseechingly at Mueller. “But she cannot get us on board one of their ships. That is something you must do.” “How do I do it?” Mueller was fully involved now. His dreams of becoming a great hero and saving the original Fatherland were growing stronger as each minute passed. “You can pretend to take me hostage.” Daria raised her eyebrow. The mention of the word hostage did not even phase Mueller. “We both know the guards will not shoot at you so long as you have me, because I am the Fuhrer’s granddaughter. You will also have a bomb on you with a dead man’s switch to let them know that if a sniper hit you, both of us would die. Of course, it will be a phony bomb. Once aboard, my friend can direct us to New Berlin base where I can contact the Earth authorities and help you steal the other time ship. I can then get help with the rescue of Doctor Stiehl and his team. This way, we both win. I get my life back, and you become my hero and a real hero back in time.” Mueller’s mind was swimming with the thoughts. His eyes were gleaming, not from the wine and liqueur, but from the possibilities. “Her hero, a great hero!” “When do we go?” Daria knew she was taking a risk, but if she could get back to New Berlin base and let the world know what was going on, she had a slim chance of helping Monday and the rest of the Earth. In her heart she felt that history would prove to be more difficult to change than the scientist predicted, but she was still uncertain. Daria felt the gamble worth the risk. She might even be able to prevent Mueller from fulfilling his own dream. Anything was better than sitting like a pampered princess in a world gone mad. “Tomorrow!” Daria replied. |