Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675516-A-Drug-Affair
Rated: · Draft · Emotional · #1675516
About a relationship I almost lost because of a drug addiction to Roxicet (Pain Killer).
In The Beginning; Decided to look away
Didn't Care that you were there
Just needed Him to stay
Assumed you were harmless
and things would be Okay

Didn't Know He Needed You to be alright
Started to see it wouldn't be long before you took my place
Like a thief in the night

Seduced His Mind where reason couldn't find
a way through...Picked a fight every night
To leave me and be with you

Because your not equipped with a heart
I don't expect you to understand
The Pain of watching him with you
Killing My Perfect Image of a Man

Saw you separate him from his friends
And diminish his career
Lifting his spirits and clouding his judgment
So the right path would stay unclear
But He kept you around
Because Your Help seemed sincere

I looked at him with tears in my eyes
Begged Him to come back
But your claws had already dug deep
Keeping His Mind off track
Needing Me was nothing but
Needing You became FACT

You became the one thing in his life
He'd refuse to let go
Which scared me to know

What you underestimated was
The Power Love can have
Extended my hand
and told him to grab

I kept that glimmer of hope
Although he refused many times
and just when I wanted to give up
I saw he was ready to try

So for a long time he struggled
Trying to find his way back
One very lost soul
in desperate search of a map.

Years Later, I can see
The Man I once Knew
I got him back
And with you he's through!

Hello Roxy or should I say Mrs.Oxy
We run into each other again
Cant say I'm Happy to see you friend.
You've continued to hurt people
but Not here,No MORE
He's a changed man,You can see yourself out
Remember to shut the door.

© Copyright 2010 ReesesCup (freedomlove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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