Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675325-Jinglin-Spurs
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1675325
The tale of Lucky, an illiterate cowboy and Rose, a wayward woman who reads Byron to him.
Lucky was in town for a Saturday night, him and the other hands at the Double 8 had just been paid. He had stopped off at Sal's Tonsorial Emporium for a much needed bath, and a shave. He had changed into a pair of clean Levis and a clean shirt. And as usual he had paid the extra ten cents for the Wildroot in his hair, and the Bay Rum for his cleanly shaven face.

As he walked along the wooden boardwalk his spurs rang like little chimes. He stopped at the corner for a moment. Should he go to the card room and play a little Faro, or should he head on down to Lou's and see that girl?

Lou's won out. He may have a few coins left after Lou's for a couple of drinks and a few hands of Faro, but if he started at the card room first, he might not have any money left in his pockets for Lou's.

As he passed over the railway tracks he could see the red light glowing dimly outside of Lou's place. He smiled as he walked through the door. The girl of his dreams would be here, ready for thirty minutes of heavenly bliss.

"Howdy Lucky," purred Lou, her expansive bosom threatening to break free from her dress at any moment. "Are you lookin' for her again?"

Lucky smiled, a smile that went from the Pecos to the Brazos. "You know I am."

"Well, you take them damn spurs off." Lou pointed at Lucky's boots.

"But Lou, she likes it with the spurs," teased Lucky.

Lou shook her head and laughed, "You damned cowboys you're all the same, well, it's a buck extry then if you leave your spurs on, to replace the torn up sheets." Lou pointed to the stairs. "She's up there, your favorite love, the girl with the round glasses."

Lucky blushed softly as he climbed the stairs. He'd never leave his boots with her. She was too much of a lady.


Lucky and Earl had worked together jingling cattle for eight or nine years. They rode quietly along the road out of town, heading back out to the ranch. They had decided to spend the night in town at the hotel. When Lucky returned to the hotel last night, he found Earl fast asleep, and snoring.

"What did you do?" asked Earl, he already knew the answer, but he wanted some conversation.

"I went to Lou's, and then over to the Cattleman's for some cards and a few drinks," replied Lucky in a dreamy faraway voice.

"Lou have any new girls?" Earl looked over at Lucky.

Lucky shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, didn't ask."

Earl grinned and shook his head. "Lucky, if you don't stay away from them whores, you're gonna find yourself with a case of the drippin' dick."

Lucky blushed. "She always cleans me up right after."

"Not the one with the glasses again. Damn it Lucky, if you're gonna spend money on a woman, at least try to get a good lookin' one," Earl chuckled, "But then you always were a sucker for the homely ones."

"She's not homely," Lucky protested. He felt his heart skip a beat as he thought of her. "I think Rose is a handsome woman, and besides, after our business has been conducted she sits and reads to me."

"What the hell," Earl snorted, "She reads to you. What does she read, the paper? The almanac? Don't tell me, she reads the Word from the Bible to you."

Lucky shook his head. "Nope, she reads poetry, beautiful poetry." Lucky sighed softly, "Poems of love and stuff."

"You're going soft in the head," teased Earl. "Well I saw Budge from the Lazy J last night, and wait 'til you hear what he told me."

"How is Budge?" Lucky was glad that the subject of the conversation had finally changed.

"Good." Earl nodded. "But get this, he told me that there is some foreign Princess at the Palace of Pleasure in Cheyenne."

"Oh really, I've never seen a princess," Lucky commented.

"Wait, it gets better," Earl continued, "Budge told me that for twenty dollars she will take your willywhacker into her mouth and do you that way."

Lucky's jaw dropped in astonishment. "No!"

"Yup, at least that's what Budge said, twenty bucks." Earl had been waiting all morning to spring this piece of information on Lucky.

"I've never heard of that before, have you?" Lucky still couldn't believe what he had heard.

Earl shook his head. "Can't say as I have."

The two men road in silence as the town disappeared, the landscape of the open prairie rolling in front of them as far as the eye could see.

The rolling landscape ebbed and flowed like a sea of grass, rising and falling like waves on the ocean. It was just past noon when the two cowboys rode up to the ranch. They unsaddled their horses and set them out into the corral.

As Earl stretched out onto his bunk, Lucky grabbed a tin cup and poured himself a cup of coffee from the large pot that sat on the stove.

Lucky walked to the window and looked outside. "Wonder where everyone is?"

Earl was half asleep already. "Sleeping it off somewhere I would expect."

Lucky nodded. "Yeah, I expect you're right."

Earl's first snore caused Lucky to turn. He sighed softly and sat down at the table with his cup of coffee. He thought back to last night. Lucky could hear her voice in his head, and the words she read from the book. Lucky had never realized that there could be beauty in words until she heard her read for the first time. He closed his eyes, and her soft and gentle voice spoke to him.

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

The sound of the door opening and the stomp of heavy boots brought Lucky out of his reverie.

"Hey Lucky, how was your night in town?" asked Stubby, the short, stout ranch cook.

Lucky nodded. "It was good, I ended up six bucks to the good at the Cattleman's last night."

"Faro?" asked Stubby.

"Naw." Lucky shook his head. "I got into a game of Three Toed Pete with some of them railroaders."

Stubby grinned and winked at Lucky. "Did ya go to Lou's?"

Lucky blushed, and nodded his head. "Yep, I sure did."

Stubby sat down with a cup of coffee. "Did she read some more to you?"

A large sigh escaped from Lucky, "She sure did. Stubby I didn't know people could make words that pretty, and when she reads them to me, I dunno, Earl thinks I'm goin' soft in the head."

"You don't listen to him, there ain't nothin' wrong with words like that," Stubby waved his hand towards Lucky, and then sighed, "I would like to hear her read them myself. I saw a girl in San Antonio once who spoke a recitation like that in a theatre, she damn near made me come to tears." Stubby pointed his finger at Lucky. "And don't you go telling anyone 'bout that."

"Nope, I won't say a word," Lucky promised.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, drinking their coffee, when Lucky spoke up, "Stubby you been around for a while, Earl said that Budge said that there was this princess at the Pleasure Palace in Cheyenne, and for twenty bucks, she will take your willy into her mouth, and pleasure you that-a-way. Did you ever hear anything like that before in your travels?"

"No." Stubby shook his head. "But I have heard that some of them people in the old country have some odd customs. Maybe that's one of them."

Lucky thought for a minute, "Could be. Maybe next time I'm in town, I will ask Rose. She might know."


It was late spring, and that meant one thing at the ranch that Lucky and Earl worked at. Branding time, all of the new calves would be branded; male calves typically would be castrated also, a job that Lucky preferred to leave to someone else. It meant long days in the saddle rounding up the cattle from the range and branding the calves that had been born earlier in the spring. Lucky and Earl were combing the range now for any missing cattle. They knew how many head there should be, and as usual they were short from the count. This was not unusual as sometimes cattle died from natural causes, predators, and even rustlers.

The land looked flat, but it was deceiving, there were countless little depressions in the landscape where hundreds of heads of cattle could have stood without being seen.

Lucky stood tall in the saddle scanning the landscape with a pair of binoculars looking for any sign of the missing cattle.

"See anything?" asked Earl.

"Nope," replied Lucky, "I think we need to keep goin' north, there's that little creek that runs in the spring up a couple of miles. We might find some a hidin' up in there."

Earl nodded in agreement and waited for Lucky to pack his binoculars away.

Lucky looked at Earl. "You never told me what you did in town. I got back to the hotel and found you dead to the world."

"Aw hell!" Earl turned and spit his chaw of tobacco onto the ground. "I had me a few drinks, and got into a card game with Budge and his bunch. I drawed three jacks, and I got pretty frisky with the bettin'. Ended up with everything but the dollar I left up in the hotel room into the pot, and that son of a bitch Budge had himself three painted ladies."

Lucky laughed. "That's Budge for ya."

Earl nodded. "Well, at least he bought the drinks the rest of the night. And then I just headed up to the hotel and went to bed."

"Well tell me, how much did you have in the pot?" Lucky chuckled, he knew what Earl liked, and that was like a good card game.

Earl's face turned beet red, and he exploded, "Twenty-two and change. Damn! I just knew I had that hand won!"

Lucky let out a low whistle, "That's some serious coin old son."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Earl started to laugh, "And I had that, and the other sixty bucks in the pot spent before I had won it. Teach me to spend money in my head before I have won it."

Lucky was pretty good with his money. Before he went to town after being paid he would leave a couple of dollars behind. Lucky was a top hand, he made good money for a cowboy, ten dollars a week plus room and board. This in a time when some cowboys worked for as little as room and board only, especially in the winter months.

Even before they got to the creek, they spotted fresh cattle track headed in the same direction that they were traveling. Once they came up on the draw where the creek flowed they spotted cattle up and down both banks.

"Well." Earl looked over at Lucky. "I guess this is where we start earning our keep."

Lucky nodded. "Yep, I'll take one side, and you take the other, and we'll follow the creek as long as we see cattle, then head them back to the ranch."

"I'll take the far side." Earl nodded at Lucky, and spurred his horse into a trot, and headed to the other side of the creek.

Lucky undid the tie that held his lasso to his saddle and slipped the loop until it was just a knot at the end of the rope. The two cowboys began moving the cattle slowly along the banks of the stream. By the time they headed their small herd towards the ranch they had collected twenty-one head of cattle and eleven calves. The bawling of the calves for their mommas always made Lucky smile.

They made it back to the ranch just in time for supper. Stubby was a good cook, and the men appreciated that. Tonight's fare was beef stew, fresh biscuits, and a peach cobbler made with canned peaches for dessert. And coffee, Stubby's coffee was always hot, strong, and fresh.

Often the cook was more than a just a cook, usually the he was an older man, wise to the ways of the cattle trail and the ranch. He would serve as an adviser to some of the younger hands, and confidant to the other men. He would be the closest thing to a doctor that many of these men would ever see. The cook would be called upon to set broken limbs, sew up deep gashes, and usually had a box of salves, powders, various elixirs, and tonics.

After supper most of the cowboys would sit at the table and listen to Stubby read the newspaper, which at the best of times might be a month or more old. Invariably someone would get a card game going.

Lucky walked outside. The evening air smelled sweet, a pleasant change from the dust he had endured for most of the afternoon while they herded the cattle back to the ranch. He looked up at the moon and softly sighed, he was thinking of Rose. He found himself thinking of her more and more often lately, and he got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. Lucky wondered if she was looking at the big silver ball in the sky right now, and the thought that she could be gave him a warm feeling.

They worked five and half days a week right now, and there were times that they went seven days a week. But now, the ranch owner would pay everyone Saturday afternoon, and give them the rest of the day off. Lucky enjoyed working on this ranch, the pay was good, the food was good, and the bunks were comfortable. There wasn't a whole lot more that a man like Lucky could want for. Or was there?

Every night Lucky found himself outside, preferring the solitude of his own thoughts to the raucous goings on in the bunkhouse. His thoughts were of Rose.

"Earl is wrong," he thought to himself. "Rose is a handsome woman."

He liked how her face softened when she smiled, and then when she set her glasses aside, he could see her green eyes sparkle. He always marveled at how soft her body was, how sweet she always smelled. It always reminded him of the smell of crocuses in the spring.

It seemed like Saturday couldn't come soon enough for Lucky this week.


Lucky was pulling his pants back on when Rose looked up at him. "Can I ask you a question Lucky?"

Lucky couldn't imagine what she would want to ask him, and nodded, "Sure go ahead."

"Well, you come in here every Saturday, and always ask for me, and I was wondering why? There are prettier girls here, and well, I just wondered why you always asked for me?" Rose watched Lucky's face as she asked him her question.

"I don't think any of the other girls are any prettier than you," Lucky blushed as he replied quietly, "And you never rush me out after we are finished, and you read to me. I dunno, I guess it's because you make me feel special."

Rose smiled. "Well Lucky you make me feel special too, because you always ask for me, and when you come here, you've just come from Sal's, all clean and smelling like Wildroot, and Bay Rum."

Lucky blushed. "Well I was always taught that a fella should get his self cleaned up before going out to see a lady."

A little gasp escaped from Rose. "Is that how you see me Lucky, as a lady?"

"Yup." Lucky nodded. "I do."

Rose slid across the bed and kissed Lucky softly on the cheek. "No one has ever called me that before, and meant it. Thank you."

Lucky's face turned bright red, he looked down as he stammered, "If I-I came over on a S-Sunday, would you see me?"

"Oh Lucky, you know we can't be open on Sunday," Rose's voice was soft, and gentle.

"Oh no, I don't mean like that," Lucky looked at Rose. "I mean, like go for a walk, or a picnic, like courtin' folks do."

Rose was taken aback; it wasn't what she had expected to hear from Lucky at all. "I don't know what to say. Wouldn't you be afraid of what folks would say?"

Lucky shook his head. "There's no one in this-a-here town that I pay much mind to, I uh, never had a girl before." Lucky twisted the end of the blanket in his fingers nervously, "You're the closest thing I ever had and..." Lucky looked up at Rose. There was a look of quiet desperation to him, "Oh hell Rose, I know I ain't no prize, hell I can't even read or write. I would be honored if you would accompany me out on Sunday next."

Rose looked deep into Lucky's eyes, and while it may be true that Lucky was not the world's most handsome man, it also could be said that he was far from the world's homeliest man. What Rose saw in his eyes was a man who was simple and true, there was a straightforward honesty about him. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, she couldn't remember the last time that someone had done anything for her just out of kindness.

She liked Lucky, he came to see her every Saturday night as clean and fresh as a spring flower. He was gentle with her in his lovemaking; she had come to enjoy sex with him. With others, when there were others she was impatient for carnal activities to end, sex with them was just another financial transaction. She had something to sell, and they were looking to buy. Lucky was different, more than once she had fantasized that he was her lover, like the ones she had read about in books. Rose felt her heart pound as she looked at Lucky.

"I would be honored to accompany you on Sunday next, what time will you be calling on me?"

Lucky's face glowed. "Would eleven o'clock be too early?"

"No, eleven would be fine." She touched his face. Rose no longer saw the lanky cowboy, she saw a prince from a fairy tale in shining armor.

The look on Lucky's face said it all.


The week seemed to drag by, each day seemed to be an eternity. Normally Lucky lived each day at a time, not worrying much about yesterday or tomorrow. Just taking care of what had to be done today.

Each morning he would look at the calendar on the wall and count off the days until Sunday. He wanted to go see Rose on Saturday night, but wasn't sure if it would be the right thing to do, to visit her professionally Saturday night, and then see her socially on Sunday. He made up his mind to ask Stubby. Stubby would know the answer, and he would understand.

Thursday night after supper Lucky sat down with Stubby and explained his dilemma to him. "So what do you think, would it right for me to go see her Saturday night, I'm afraid that she will think that I have changed my mind."

Stubby nodded his head, Lucky never failed to amaze him at times. "I think she would be happy to see you Saturday night Lucky, if it were me, I would go."

"That's what I was a thinkin' too." Lucky nodded his head.

Lucky blushed as he looked at Stubby, "I ain't never taken a girl somewhere before. I don't know rightly what I should do."

Stubby patted Lucky on the arm. "What do you want to do on Sunday?"

"Well, I was a thinkin' of goin' on a picnic, down to the river," Lucky replied.

"You need to rent a rig from Hank at the livery stable, you should stop and see him on Saturday and let him know that you will be needin' one. You need to go down to the café and let them know that you will be wantin' a picnic lunch, and what time. If I were you, I might stop by the Mercantile and get a new shirt." Stubby rubbed his jaw. "I can't think of anything else, unless you can lay your hands on some flowers. Women like flowers."

"Hey boys, Lucky's gonna take one of Lou's whores out," laughed Billy, one of the other cowboys from the bunkhouse.

Lucky went to stand up but Stubby pushed him back down on the bench. "I'll take care of this."

Stubby reached over to the stove and grabbed a long handled ladle and whacked the offending cowboy sharply on his rear end.

"Ow!" Billy turned and looked at Stubby. "What the hell was that for?"

"For calling the woman that Lucky is going to stepping out with a whore," replied Stubby, "I think just maybe that an apology is owed."

"Christ on crutch Stubby, she one of Lou's girls." Billy rubbed the spot on his backside that Stubby had whacked.

Stubby shook his head. "That don't make no never mind, we all gotta do what we gotta to do to get through life, and from what Lucky has told me about her, she ain't no whore."

Billy still rubbing the knot on his back turned to Lucky, and extended his hand.

"I'm sorry Lucky, I didn't mean no offence."

Lucky shook Billy's hand. "None was taken."

Satisfied that order had been restored in his small domain, Stubby sat back down with Lucky. "Damn kids. Just be yourself Lucky, and treat her nice."

After Lucky had gone Stubby sat alone at the table and remembered a time in his life when there had been someone special in his life, and he sighed softly.


Rose removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes, and then glanced over at the clock. She was beginning to get a little worried. Lucky had never been here this late before, she hoped he would show up tonight. There was a nagging little voice in her head that told her that Lucky had probably come to his senses and wouldn't be showing up here tonight, or tomorrow morning.

But then she would remember the look in his eyes; they seemed totally incapable of deception. Rose knew deep down that Lucky was a man of his word, and if he didn't show up tonight, he would definitely be here in the morning. She had found a nice simple dress in Lou's wardrobe, and she and Lou had spent the past couple of days making alterations to it so that it would fit properly.

Rose longed for Lucky's touch. She looked in the mirror and wondered what he saw in her. She knew she didn't have the beauty of the other girls, her face was simple, and plain. Where the other girls were busty and curvy, she was almost willowy.

She could still remember the first time Lucky had touched her breast. Where the other men had been, rough and intimidating, Lucky had been gentle and tender. He had never made any comments about her small breasts. Rose was amazed at how caring his work worn hands had felt on her body.

Looking at the clock again, she sighed softly.


Lou looked up as the door opened and she smiled. "Howdy Lucky, I was wondering if we would see you tonight."

Lucky blushed slightly. "Well, uh, I wasn't sure if I should come tonight."

Lou's bosom shook as she laughed. "She's up there, waitin' for ya."

"Thank you Lou." Lucky tipped his hat and went towards the stairs.

"Lucky," Lou called after the cowboy, "Rose told me about tomorrow, I think that is sweet what you're doin' for her." Lou's voice turned stern, "You hurt her, and I'll come after you myself."

"Oh no Lou!" Lucky shook his head solemnly. "My intentions are purely honorable."

Lou shook her head and laughed softly to herself as Lucky continued up the stairs. From anyone else the idea of taking one of her girls for a picnic and having honorable intentions would have sent Lou to the floor in convulsions of laughter. Coming from Lucky, it was a whole different thing, Lou believed him.

Lucky knocked on Rose's door softly.

"Come in," Rose's voice was soft and gentle.

Lucky stepped through the door and removed his hat, and held it in his hand. "Howdy Rose."

"Lucky!" Rose's face lit right up. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show up tonight."

He looked down at the floor, and rolled the brim of his hat in his fingers. "Well, I didn't know if would be right for me to show up tonight considering I will be calling for you in the morning. But then I thought you might have thought I had a change of mind about tomorrow, and so I thought I best come on over and at least pay my respects."

Rose got up from her chair and walked up to Lucky. "Well, I had hoped you would come tonight. I've gotten kind of used to you showing up here. And it's perfectly fine for you to show up here tonight."

"Thank you Rose, I appreciate that." Lucky felt his apprehension melting away.

"Would you like to get in bed?" Rose's voice softened as she looked into his green eyes. She had always liked how his eyes looked, deep green with little flecks of amber.

Lucky nodded, as he sat down on a chair and pulled his boots off, and sat them off to the side. He stood up and was surprised when Rose began to unbutton his shirt.

She looked into his eyes. "I always wanted to do this, undress a man, I hope you don't mind."

"No Rose, I don't mind." Lucky felt his heart pounding.

Rose slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She could see where someone, most probably Lucky had re-sewn buttons on his shirt. She smiled at the thought of Lucky taking needle and thread in hand and making repairs to his clothing.

After she slipped his shirt off, she hung it over the back of the chair in the corner. Rose then undid his belt, and then buttons on his pants. She pulled them down to the floor, and lifted his feet one at a time, and then hung the pants over top of his shirt.

She smiled at the sight of him in his faded red flannel long underwear. Rose started at the top button and began unbutton them slowly, one at a time.

Lucky could scarcely breathe as he felt Rose begin to undo the top buttons of his underwear, working her way down from his neck to his waist. He could feel his manhood begin to swell, the farther down her hands went the more swollen he became.

Rose smiled as her fingertips brushed against his hardness. She was glad that she was having this effect on Lucky. She felt a warmth building between her own legs, in her mind Lucky was no longer a customer, he was her lover and she wanted to please him more than anything.

She pulled the underwear off and let it fall to the floor. After Lucky was completely naked Rose took a step back, and removed her frilly robe and hung it at the end of the bed. She pulled the comb from the back of her head and let her reddish brown down, shaking her head and let the hair fall over her shoulders. Reaching behind her, she began to untie the corset that she wore.

Lucky could hear his heart beating in his ears as he watched Rose slowly undressing in front of him. He was surprised at how long her hair was. Although he had had his share of women in places like this, he had never seen a woman completely naked before. As Lucky's eyes drank in the sight of her naked body he felt his erection swelling even more.

She reached out, took his hand and led him to her bed. Rose liked how his body felt next to hers. With Lucky she felt safe, and secure. This wasn't a feeling that she had felt very often during her adult life, and she liked it.

"Rose," Lucky's voice was barely above a whisper. "Can I ask you a question? It's sort of personal I guess."

"Yes, you can ask me a question." Rose was curious about what Lucky may ask her.

Lucky felt his cheeks grow warm, and he took a deep breath. "Well, when me and Earl were ridin' back to the ranch a week or two ago he told me something, and, well, you're the only one I can think of that might have an answer."

"Okay tell me what Earl told you." Rose put her hand on Lucky's erection and slowly began to pump it back and forth.

Lucky enjoyed the feeling of Rose's cool hand on his warm manhood. "Well, uhm, Earl said that Budge told him that there is this foreign princess in the Pleasure Palace in Cheyenne that will take a man's privates into his mouth, and well, take care of him that-a-way. Do you think that is true?"

It took all of Rose's willpower to suppress a giggle. "Well Lucky, I sort of doubt that there is a foreign princess in the Pleasure Palace in Cheyenne, is that what you wanted to know?"

Lucky felt like he was beginning to dig himself into a hole that he had no idea how to get out of. He sighed softly, "Well yeah, sort of..."

"Oh, I see," Rose tried not to laugh, and to sound understanding, "You want to know about the other part of the story."

Lucky nodded. "Well, I just never heard of anything like that before..."

Rose kissed Lucky softly on the lips. "Yes Lucky, sometimes some women will do that to a man, take his," she paused for a second, "Manliness into their mouths and let them finish that way. There is a word for it, fellatio."

He repeated the word over and over in his head, "That a kinda queer sounding word."

"It's Latin." Rose smiled. "Would you like me to do that to you right now, take you into my mouth, and let you finish like that?"

"Well uh..." Lucky didn't know quite what to say, he had been hoping for an answer, but had never expected for Rose to offer to actually do it for him.

"I don't mind Lucky, especially for you," Rose's voice had changed to almost a purr, the thought of Lucky's manhood in her mouth excited her, "I would like to Lucky."

Lucky held his breath as he felt Rose's lips move slowly down his body, her hand still gently stroking him slowly back and forth. He could feel her breath on his erection, it felt cool against his hot flesh. A soft moan escaped from his lips as her tongue swirled around the tip of his member.

Rose tickled the underside of his erection with the tip of her tongue. She looked up momentarily at Lucky's eyes, pleased with what she saw. She placed the tip of his hardness against her lips.

Very slowly she began to take him into her mouth. She liked the taste, he tasted manly, but clean. Gradually, as her mouth moved back and forth, she would take a little more of him, deeper and deeper. She wanted Lucky to feel good, she wanted to do this for him. She never liked doing this to other men, but Lucky felt special. Rose was pleased that she able to give him something that he had never had before.

Lucky had never felt anything like this before, the feeling of her lips, and her tongue moving over his hardness was unlike anything he had felt in his life. His body felt alive with electricity. When her mouth down over his erection he could scarcely breathe, it felt incredible.

He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. All Lucky knew is that he had never experienced anything like this before in his life. Her mouth felt so warm, and wet on his member, he watched her head move up and down, he felt her hand fondling his balls gently. Lucky reached down and began to tenderly stroke her hair.

Rose liked the feeling of him filling her mouth, his rubbery head rubbing over the roof of her mouth, she quickened the pace when she felt his hand on her head.

"Oh my God Rose, I can't hold it back," Lucky warned, but the warning was too late, for he had scarcely uttered his words before he felt manhood erupt, sending his semen flooding into Rose's mouth.

Rose felt his treasure explode from the end of his member. She liked the slightly peppery tang of his juices. She continued moving her mouth back and forth over his shaft until he began to go soft.

"Well Lucky, did you enjoy that?" Rose smiled as she looked into Lucky's eyes.

"Oh Rose," Lucky's voice was still shaking from his orgasm, "I don't know what to say, I have never felt anything like it."

Rose kissed Lucky softly on the lips, and that was something else she never did with her other customers, only Lucky.

They lay there quietly, Lucky had his arm around Rose, she was running her hands over his chest when she suddenly looked up at Lucky. "What's your real name Lucky?"

"Evan," Lucky replied softly. His real name almost sounded foreign to his ears, he hadn't used the name in almost nine years. "Evan Robert Jenkins."

"Why do they call you Lucky?" Rose wanted to know more about him, and she didn't quite understand why she had asked him.

"Well, just after I had left home." Lucky began, "I got me a job on a spread in West Texas, I was the cook's helper. I heard that the boss would pay two dollars for breaking a horse, and hell, all I was making was a dollar a week, plus room and board. Well the cook had him what he called a slop chest, it was full of old boots, and clothes. Well I found me a pair of boots that half-a-ways fit, and I went over to the corral and asked if I could give it a shot. Well, all of them Tex cowboys started laughing, and then this one leads over this black stallion, I found out later that his name was El Diablo Del Norte, Northern Devil, or Devil from the north. Well as green as I was, I had no idea what that horse was, he was a horse that couldn't be broke."

Lucky looked at Rose. "I'm not borin' ya, am I?"

Rose shook her head "Oh no, please continue." She laid her head on the pillow next to Lucky's shoulder and just listened.

"Well, they sat me atop of this buckin' son of a gun, and when they opened the gate to the stall all hell broke loose. I never knew I could move in so many directions at the same time. That damned horse was enjoyin' what he was doin' to me, I'm sure that I had been able to see his face that would have seen a big smile. Well hell Rose, I didn't know up from down, all I knew is that I was going to die. A smarter man might have tried to bail off that horse, but not me. He would come straight up offa the ground, then his front legs would hit the ground, and then he would twist his hind end around. Finally after I had been on that horse for close to an hour I got throwed against the fence. Well it seemed like an hour, they told me that I was only on there for about ten seconds. I hit the fence, and damn near knocked myself out. Well, 'bout this time the ranch boss had come over to the corral to see what all the whoopin' and hollerin' was about. He looked at Diablo, and then down at me and said you're lucky that that horse didn't stomp ya. One of the other cowboys then said, well someone get Lucky up and get him a drink. And ever since then, I've been called Lucky."

"I always wanted to ask you that," Rose's voice sounded sleepy, "I love your real name, Evan."

Lucky just held Rose tightly in his arms, he had a warm feeling all through his body. He didn't remember falling asleep, and neither did Rose.


Lou looked up at the clock. It was getting late, no one had come in for a while. She was feeling tired, and decided to lock up for the night. If someone wanted something, they could always pull on the bell cord that rang a little bell in Lou's room.

She blew out the lamps in the parlor area, locked the front door, and made her way up the stairs. Lou looked at Rose's door, and thought for a moment. She couldn't remember Lucky leaving.

After she knocked softly, she opened the door. Lucky and Rose were sound asleep. Rose was cuddled next to the lanky cowboy. Lou had a strict rule, no men in the rooms after closing time.

She could see the smile on Rose's sleeping face. Lou cursed her softhearted nature as she quietly slipped back out of the room. Any other girl Lou would have raised holy hell. But Rose was different. She barely brought in enough money to pay her expenses at the house. There were the other things she did; she sewed well, helped Lou with the financial affairs, and she was good with the girls when they were having problems.

Two small tears formed in the corner of Lou's eyes, seeing Rose and Lucky sleeping like that brought back memories of a handsome young man that was killed in the War between the States.


Rose slowly awoke, the feeling of Lucky's arm around felt very comforting. The light in the room was the orange pinkish color of the early dawn. She looked at Lucky's face and smiled. He looked so serene, so calm. Then the reality of the scene hit her, Lucky was still in her bed.

"Damn," she whispered under breath, "Lou will have my hide if she catches Lucky her in bed."

"Lucky." Rose gently shook the sleeping cowboy's shoulder. "You have to wake up."

"Huh?" Lucky shook his head, and then rubbed his eyes, and looked at Rose with a slightly confused look on his face.

"You have to get up," Rose whispered, "If Lou catches you up here she'll be madder than a wet hen."

Lucky shook the cobwebs from his head, then he realized where he was. "Damn Rose, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Rose smiled, and then kissed Lucky on the cheek. "I fell asleep too." She cast her eyes down at the bed. "But I'm glad you did."

"Well I hope my bein' here don't cause you no trouble with Lou." Lucky blushed as he climbed out of bed and began to get dressed.

Rose smiled as she watched him dress. She watched every little move that he made, the way he put his pants on, then his shirt. When Lucky reached for his boots Rose whispered, "No Lucky, leave your boots off until I get you out the back door."

Lucky picked up his boots and nodded. "Yeah, the jig would be up if I went stompin' around with my boots on."

Rose smiled and slipped her robe on. She walked over to the door, slowly opened it, and peeked out. Seeing that all was clear, she motioned to Lucky to follow her. She put her finger to her lips, and cautioned Lucky to be quiet. He nodded his head and followed Rose down the stairs.

Once out the back door, Rose looked at Lucky. "Are you still calling for me at eleven?"

Lucky was pulling his boots on and he stopped and looked at Rose. "Yes Rose, I was plannin' on it, less you've changed your mind."

Rose slowly shook her head, a look of happiness spread over her face. "No Lucky, I haven't changed my mind, I'll be ready and waiting for you."

Lucky stood up, his green eyes sparkling in the morning sun. "I uh, would like to thank you Rose for..."

Rose put her arms around Lucky and held him tightly. "Lucky you don't have to thank me for anything. And I'm glad you fell asleep and spent the night with me."

"Oh Rose." Those were the only words that Lucky could manage; he put his arms around her, and held her tightly.
Finally Rose stood on her tiptoes and kissed Lucky lightly on the lips. "I will see you at eleven."

Lucky felt his heart leap as Rose kissed his lips. "I will be here."

As Lucky walked the deserted streets back to the hotel, he felt like he was walking on air. He had feelings for Rose; there was no denying them. He hoped the feelings were mutual.

When he got back he quietly climbed the stairs, not wanting to disturb the sleeping night clerk. Earl was sound asleep and snoring. Lucky checked the time; it was far too early to begin getting ready. He pulled his boots off and lay on the bed.

Sleep didn't come for Lucky, he lay there thinking of Rose, and how it felt waking up with his arm around her.


Mentally Lucky checked everything off of the list in his head. He had taken all of Stubby's advice. The buggy would be ready for him at the livery, he had gone to the café yesterday to order their picnic lunch. Lucky had bought a new pair of jeans, and a new shirt at the mercantile.

Earl had teased Lucky good naturedly as he had gotten ready, and once Lucky was clean and dressed, Earl looked at Lucky and smiled. "I know I rib ya a bit, especially 'bout Rose. You know Lucky, I think it's a damned nice thing you're doin', takin' her out like this."

"Thanks Earl." Lucky looked at his best friend. "I appreciate you tellin' me that."


After Rose had finished with her bath, Lou had been like a mother hen. As she brushed Rose's hair Lou looked at Rose's reflection in the mirror. "I went upstairs last night, and I saw you and Lucky sleeping. You know the rules, men can spend their money here, but they can't spend the night."

Rose blushed lightly. "I'm sorry Lou, it just that we both fell asleep."

"Considering it was you and that Lucky, well that's why I didn't say anything." Lou was busy getting a couple of small knots out of Rose's hair. "And don't you let on to any of the other girls that Lucky spent the night. Lord knows then they will be all sneaking someone in for the night."

"No Lou, I won't say anything." Rose smiled at the reflection in the mirror; she was getting butterflies in her stomach. It had been a long time since a man had come calling for her.

"Rose you really are an attractive woman." Lou was looking in the mirror at Rose's reflection. "Let me get a little make up and..." her sentence went unfinished as she hurried out of the room.

Rose looked at the woman looking back at her, she remembered about what Lucky had said, about him not being a prize. She felt the same way about herself, what kind of prize was she for any man? A fallen angel, a painted lady, woman of the night. There were many names for women like her, some nice, and more that weren't. What did she have to offer any man except sex? She felt her eyes stinging with tears, she looked away from the woman in the mirror, and Rose didn't want that woman to see her cry.

Lou sensed something was wrong as soon as she came back into Rose's room. "What's wrong?"

Rose shook her head. "Oh nothing."

"You're going to need to do better than that to fool me sister, now spill the beans," Lou's tone was compassionate, but yet firm.

Rose sighed, "I was just thinking." She looked into Lou's eyes. "What can I offer any man?"

Lou chuckled, "And just who would any man be? Are we talking about Lucky?"

Rose didn't speak. She just nodded her head and looked down at the floor.

"Oh honey." Lou sat down beside Rose and took her hand in her own. "I've seen a lot of men come and go in my life. I haven't seen many like Lucky. I think you know what you can offer to him, and if my hunch is right, that one thing is all he needs, or wants."


Lucky had picked up the buggy from the livery stable. He had stopped at the café and picked up a basket of fried chicken. On the seat beside him was a bunch of spring flowers. On his way into town the day before he had spotted some white daisies growing, and had managed to find one last purple crocus. He had arranged the flowers so that the purple crocus was in the center of the flowers. Stubby had told him that women liked to get flowers, Lucky hoped that Stubby was right.

As he pulled up in front of Lou's place Lucky didn't think he had ever felt so nervous in his life. He smoothed the front of his new shirt, picked up the flowers and walked nervously to the door.

Inside the house the bell rang and Rose jumped from her seat to go answer it.

Lou grabbed her by the hand. "You stay in here, a lady does not answer the door for her gentleman caller. You wait in here for a minute or two. A lady is never quite ready on time."

Rose sat back down on the settee as Lou closed the parlor door, and went to answer the front door.

Lou opened the door, and smiled sweetly at Lucky. "Good morning Lucky, what brings you by on a Sunday morning?"

Lucky removed his hat. "Well Lou, I mean ma'am, I've come callin' on Rose. I was plannin' on takin' her for a picnic."

Lou spotted the bunch of flowers in Lucky's nervous hands. "I'll take those flowers and get them into water for Rose." Lou stepped back and invited Lucky in, "Let me see if Rose is ready."

Lucky stood nervously in the hallway where he had tread on many a Saturday night, but it felt totally alien to him on a Sunday morn. He could hear some giggling coming from the other side of the parlor door. Lou came back down the hallway smiling sweetly with the flowers in a vase.

"Let me check." Lou opened the door to the parlor. "Oh Rose, your gentleman caller is here."

Lucky's heart almost stopped when Rose came from the parlor. When he was a young boy he had heard preachers talk of angels. He was sure that at what he was looking at was an angel. Rose's reddish tinged hair contrasted against the ivory colored dress she was wearing. Her face was radiant; Lucky could scarcely believe this was the same Rose that he had come to know.

"Thanks for the flowers Lucky." Rose smiled.

"You're welcome Rose." Lucky looked into her eyes. "You look beautiful."

Rose smiled and stepped towards Lucky. "Thank you. Shall we go?"

Lou and two of the other girls watched from the parlor window as Lucky and Rose walked to the buggy. They watched as Lucky held Rose's hand and helped her into the buggy.

Lou turned to the girls. "He may lack the clothes, and the schooling, but ladies, that is a gentleman."


Lucky drove the buggy through town, Rose moved close to Lucky and slipped her arm through his. Lucky whispered, "Do you think that might be lookin' a little unseemly for us to be sittin this close? This bein' our first outin' and all."

Rose leaned over and kissed Lucky's cheek. "I don't care what people think, only what you think matters. Would you like me to slide back over?"

A chuckle escaped from Lucky as he looked at Rose, "Hell no Rose, if'n it don't bother you, it certainly won't bother me."

They found a secluded spot by the river. Lucky brought the blanket from the back of the buggy and spread it out on the ground. A warm, gentle breeze rustled in the leaves in the trees around where they sat. The sound of the water flowing in the river combined with the sounds of robins and meadowlarks.

"Thank you for asking me to come out here with you today. It's been a long time since anyone has done something like this for me." Rose smiled at Lucky.

Lucky blushed softly. "Well Rose, this is the first time that I have ever done something like this." His gaze dropped. "I've never had anyone to ask before."

"There were never any girls in your life before?" Rose looked into Lucky's green eyes.

He shook his head. "No ma'am, when I was growin' up there weren't many people around us. And after I left home and struck out on my own, I started cowboyin' in west Texas, and the nearest town was two days ride."

After they had eaten their lunch Rose looked at Lucky. "I brought a book with me, would you like me to read some Byron for you?"

"I really would Rose, I do enjoy listenin' to you read." Lucky smiled happily.

"Do you like the poetry I read to you?"

Lucky nodded. "I surely do. I've seen things, like the first time I seen the mountains in Colorado. I had never seen anything like it in my life before. I was filled with awe, how that something could be so wondrous. The poetry you read to me feels like that, I never knew words could sound like the way you make them sound," Lucky sighed softly, "It makes me wish I had learned some reading."

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

After Rose had finished, Lucky spoke softly, "I wish I knew the words to tell you how that makes me feel, I'm almost ashamed to speak after listenin' to you."

"Oh Lucky." Rose reached over and touched his cheek. "I didn't write that, I'm only reading what someone else has written. You never need to be ashamed to speak, especially to me."

"Thanks Rose, I do appreciate that." Lucky had a serious look to his face. "If I'm not prying too much, how did you end up where you are? You're not like the other women I've met in places like Lou's. You are a real lady."

Rose looked at Lucky for what seemed a long time. "I fell into bad company, and by the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. I'm not proud of what I've become, but there's not much I can do about it right now. Lou has been good to me, she never makes me take men, and really I don't make her enough money to keep me working there, but she lets me stay, and for that I am grateful to her. You know Lucky, some weeks you are about my only customer. And who knows, that may be why she does keep me. She does seem to have a soft spot for you. And thank you for calling me a lady, it's been a long time since someone called me that and meant it."

Rose gently pushed Lucky back on the blanket, and then kissed him softly. Their kiss built slowly, their passions beginning to rise, Lucky looked up at Rose after it ended. "Oh Rose, you're makin' me feel things I shouldn't be feelin', leastways today."

Rose smiled, "I'm glad I'm making you feel those things today Lucky, I want you to feel like that."

She took his hand and placed it against her breast and held it tightly against her with her hand. "I want you to make love to me Lucky. Just you and me out here, I want to just because I care about you."

Lucky liked how her breast felt in his hand, and he began to fondle it gently in his hand. He could feel her nipple hardening against his palm. He raised his other hand and began to caress her other breast, luxuriating in the feeling of her firm breasts in his hands.

Rose's fingers slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Her hand moved down to his pants, the palm of her hand rubbing up and down over the bulge that had started to grow in his pants.

"I want you to feel my flesh," Rose whispered, "Unbutton my dress."

Lucky's fingers shook as he began to undo the small buttons on the front of Rose's dress. Once they were all undone he slipped her dress over her shoulders. He gazed at the sight of her breasts, her small nipples taut with excitement.

As he placed his hands back on her breasts Rose undid his pants, and pulled his rigid member out and beginning to slowly stroke it, "I love how you touch me Lucky, you are so gentle."

"You feel so soft and smooth, I'm always afraid of hurtin' you with my rough hands," Lucky replied.

Rose smiled. "I like how your hands feel, they feel so strong."

The desire in Rose was mounting; she could feel the warmth between her legs. She watched her hand moving slowly up and down Lucky's erection. She enjoyed turning him on, she wanted to feel him inside of her.

"Your hand feels so good," Lucky whispered, unsure if he should say anything or not.

Rose's voice had a dreamy quality to it, "I want you to feel good. You never told me, did you like what I did to you last night?"

Lucky's head nodded. "Yes, I did. And I should have thanked you for showin' me that."

Rose lifted her dress, and pulled down her bloomers, she took Lucky's hand and placed it between her legs, "I want you to touch me Lucky."

Lucky felt Rose's smooth wetness with his finger, he felt her shudder when he touched her little hard nub, and the pressure of her hand increased on him. Without warning she straddled Lucky and guided him inside of her.

His hips thrust upward deep inside of her, her hips met his. No words were spoken, none were needed, and their eyes said everything to each other. Rose liked how he felt, filling her completely, satiating her carnal thirst. Faster and harder they moved, her hands tightly gripping his shoulders while his hands clung to her hips, helping to move her up and down on him.

Lucky cried out as his climax grew near, "Oh God Rose!"

Rose felt her head spinning, her climax coming at the same time, she moaned loudly, "Yes Lucky, yes!"

She could feel him release inside her, flooding her with his warm seed. Her whole body shook and vibrated. It was everything she wanted, and more. Rose collapsed on top of Lucky panting as she tried to get her breath back.

The afternoon ended all too soon for the both of them. Lucky walked Rose up to the door of Lou's place, put his arms around her, and gave her a tight hug.

"Will you be coming to see me on Saturday?" Rose's voice was soft, and wanting.

Lucky gazed at Rose's face and nodded. "Wild horses couldn't keep me away, well that is if you'll be wantin' to see me."

She kissed him softly on the lips. "Saturday cannot come too quickly, I will count each day, each hour, each minute 'til I see you again Lucky."

Lucky felt his heart ache, he didn't want to go, he didn't want to leave Rose. "I know what you mean, I will be countin' the time too."


The ride back to the ranch had been one of the loneliest rides of Lucky's life. More than once he had been tempted to turn around and head back to Lou's. Each time he would stop, and turn, and then sigh and continue on his way.

Stubby had looked up as Lucky walked in. "Howdy Lucky, you need some supper, there's still some left."

Lucky thought for a moment. "Yeah, I could stand somethin' to eat," he picked up a cup and poured himself a cup of coffee while Stubby got him some supper.

The bunkhouse was quiet, save for Earl's snoring. Stubby handed Lucky his plate and sat down. "I know I shouldn't be askin', but I gotta know, did you have a good time?"

"It was even better than I could have hoped for Stubby." Lucky's face got a dreamy faraway look.

Stubby smiled, and got up, he knew what the look on Lucky's face meant. He was happy for Lucky. He thought back to girl he once knew, and went back to cleaning his pots and pans.


"You've been quieter than a whiskey drummer at a temperance meetin," Earl laughed as he looked over at Lucky.

"I just been thinkin', that's all," Lucky replied.

Earl nodded as he spit. "I can tell that. What are you thinkin' about?"

Lucky laughed, "You know damn well what I'm thinkin' about. Rose."

"I woulda never guessed," teased Earl.

Lucky and Earl were making one more sweep looking for missing cattle, the number missing now had decreased significantly, to the point that today was the last day they would be looking for them.

As they rode along Lucky looked over at Earl. "You know that I've got some coin put back. Would you come with me if I headed to Nevada? I know where there's some land, and wild horses. We could go into horse ranchin' down there."

"And just who's gonna do the cookin'?" Earl had a pretty good idea of what the answer would be, but he just wanted to put Lucky on the spot again.

"Rose," Lucky answered, "I'm gonna ask her to marry me, and take her with us."

Earl shook his head. "Well, we been pards too long, no sense in us splittin' up. Besides I was getting' a mite tired of babysittin' cattle. Do you think she'd read to us after supper like Stubby does? Have you asked her yet?"

"No, I haven't," Lucky had forgotten about that small detail. "Damn, Saturday is such a long ways off."

"You head on into town, I'll cover for ya." Earl pointed in the general direction of town.


Lou looked up as the door opened. She was surprised to get a customer this early, usually Monday nights were slow. She called out from the kitchen, "Be right out," but beneath her breath she muttered, "Damn sun hasn't even set yet, can't they keep their peckers in their damn pants until it gets dark."

"Lucky! What the hell are you doing here? It's only Monday night!" Lou was shocked to see him, and even more surprising was that Lucky was wearing his chaps, and looking like he had just come off the range.

"I've come to see Rose, but not to uh..." Lucky's voice trailed off.

"Oh." Lou smiled softly. "You go right on up there, she will be happy to see you."

As Lou watched Lucky climb the stairs, she smiled to herself. She had a pretty good idea why Lucky was here, and that made her happy. Lou had seen the look on Rose's face when she came back yesterday, she had never seen her happier. As they sat in Lou's room talking late into the night Rose had admitted that she had feelings for Lucky. Lou knew that Lucky also had some feelings for Rose

Lucky knocked lightly on Rose's door, and waited for her to answer. Her eyes lit up when Lucky walked in. Rose jumped up from the chair she was curled up in. She ran over to Lucky and threw her arms around him.

"What are you doing here?" Her eyes sparkled brightly.

"Rose," Lucky began, his voice was nervous, "I'm not much good with words, and I know I ain't much, but I've come here to ask you something."

She had never seen Lucky so serious. "What is it Lucky?"

"Well, I've got some money put back, and well, I was wonderin' if I was to ask you to leave these-a-here parts, would you consider goin' with me?"

Rose was shocked, "Lucky?"

"What I'm tryin' to say..." Lucky looked down at the floor, and then straight into Rose's eyes. "Would you marry me Rose? I have strong feelin's for you, and I suspect I'm in love with you."

Tears began to flow down Rose's cheek, "Oh Lucky, you can't marry me, you know what I am, I'm just a..."

Lucky interrupted her. "Yes Rose I do know what you are, you're a woman. You're the woman I love, and I'm hopin' that maybe you might have some feelings for me too."

Rose held Lucky tightly against her. "Yes Lucky I do have feelings for you, I do love you."

"I talked to Earl, I've got enough money to get us set up in Nevada doin' some horse ranchin', and I'd like you to come with me as my wife."

"Oh Lucky," Rose looked up into his green eyes with her wet ones. "Yes, I will go with you, and I will marry you."

After that night Rose entertained no more gentlemen at Lou's place. Lou wouldn't have it. She thought it would be unseemly to have a what would soon be an honest woman working.

A couple of weeks later on a sunny and bright afternoon, a small group of people gathered in the small church in the town. The local preacher had been all too happy to join Lucky and Rose in matrimony.

Earl was Lucky's best man, and Stubby had volunteered to give Rose away. Lou was Rose's maid of honor, and had almost been a nervous wreck the past couple of weeks helping plan the small wedding.

"Do you Rose, take this man Evan to be your wedded husband, to love, and to cherish in sickness, and in health, in good times, and bad until death do you part?"

Rose gazed up into her cowboy's eyes, and softly answered, "I do."

"Do you Evan take this woman Rose to be your wedded wife, to love, and to cherish in sickness, and in health, in good times, and bad until death do you part?"

Lou dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief, trying her best to keep her tears at bay.

Lucky looked at Rose. She was wearing the same dress she had worn to the picnic, a small bouquet of flowers in her hand. He smiled as he responded. "I do."

The preacher smiled as he announced, "Here in the sight of God, and everyone present, I now pronounce you man and wife." He looked at Lucky and then whispered, "Give her a kiss man, she's your wife, that's what everyone wants to see."

Lucky took Rose into his arms and kissed her deeply for what seemed to be an eternity. Walking down the aisle Lucky felt like the proudest man on the planet. Once outside they were showered with rice, and slaps on the back.

After the rented carriage had taken the newlyweds for a ride around the town Stubby looked over at Lou. He thought she was a very handsome woman; finally he stepped up to her. "Excuse me ma'am, I was wondering if you would mind much if I came callin' next week?"

Lou looked at Stubby and smiled. "Well, I'm sorry, but I don't work much anymore."

Stubby shook his head, "Oh no ma'am, I meant more like we could go steppin' out."

A broad grin came over Lou's face as she gave Stubby a second look, "Well now, that's different."


Rose, Lucky and Earl headed off to Nevada where they built a ranch. Earl eventually married a widow and settled down on the ranch. It was a good life, and with patience, Rose taught Lucky how to read.

Stubby and Lou? They could be seen stepping out together every Saturday night at the local dance.



The two verses of poetry are by Lord Byron;

"When We Two Parted"
"She Walks in Beauty"
© Copyright 2010 D.K.Moon (dk.moon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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