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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1675201
Brief accounts of the lives of important people within the scheme of Talisman Epics.
Melqui Akimbe

         Born in the forest town of Prophet (Frizz(Jan.), 12th, 1487; 6 GC)—located in the Lo Territory—to Trebor and Janis Akimbe; Melqui was the only Lohee in Nerak to be adorned with a crest on his chest.  Unlike normal Kethomians, Lohee were remarkable for their impeccable memory so even at a very young age, Melqui remembered that his father wasn't there in his early years.  His father didn't begin to play a part in his life until he was six; but this knowledge didn't traumatize him or anything.  The memory of Mrs. Gaii and her daughter was what was supplanted.  Natur', who was three years older than he, would play for hours on end.  He remembered thinking that he couldn't wait till his facial markings would appear.  Natur' told him that that would probably never happen.  They were like brother and sister.

         When Melqui's five, Natur' moves to Lo Prefecture to live with her aunt.  She said it was for better schooling, but Melqui felt differently.  Her parents had been arguing of late, and it was no secret it had to do with Natur' being a Cejean'Natur' didn't like to talk about her heritage much and as time passed, she seemed to get even more touchy about the subject.

         At the age of six, Melqui's Lohee power manifests and he was sent to the AoC to be scaledScaled at Sergeant, he and his family are moved to a mid-level home in the Scaling Residential section of Lo Prefecture.  The main reason for the relocation was to enroll the Lohee child in the Chamber located in each territory's PrefectureMelqui was enrolled in Lo Chamber in Lo Prefecture.  Here, he would meet Kirge Realc; a right-armed Lohee.  The two would become very close friends.

         Now residing in Lo Prefecture, Melqui is reunited with Natur' on a daily basis.  She would always come to the AoC, waiting for Melqui to get out of class.  Here is where she's introduced to Kirge.  For Kirge, it was love at first sight.  He quickly fell head over heels for her...and she; him.  Only time could separate them.

         The following year, Melqui is scaled and is ranked at General—the highest rank to be held by a Lohee in any Division.  Even though the rank meant nothing as far as the Chamber was concerned, it made him proud to know that he had done something his father would think worthy.  Since his return, all he did was drill into Melqui how much it meant to be the best in whatever you do.  Melqui agreed...just not as passionately as his father.  Their relationship would become stained; if existent at all.  Not that it mattered, but Melqui would continue to hold the rank of General.

         When he turned 14, he was dealt his first traumatizing experience.  Because of her Cejean' lineage, when Natur' turned 17, she would be taken away to the Cejean' Realms and wouldn't return for close to sixty years.  He couldn't imagine being away from his sister for that long.  Kirge couldn't either.

         It was much harder for his friend whom he had come to look at as a brother.  Natur' never told him of what was to come until the last minute.  Kirge was crushed, saying that it was fine because he didn't want to see her again anyway.  Natur' departed with the nisan with her eyes full of tears.

         For the next three years, Melqui, along with Kirge, focus on the upcoming Rage and the final fight with the Namsilat Empire.

Kirge Realc

         Born in Lo prefecture as Lohee to Tidus and Suri Realc, Kirge had a rough time fitting into his family because of his older brother, Tidos.  Seven years Kirege's senior, Tidos took a disliking to Kirge as early as 2—Kirge would know...he was Lohee.  Because of his Lohee lineage, their parents had the tendency to dote over him which in turn angered his older brother and widened the distance between them building a healthy relationship.  Tidos' goal seemed to be to make Kirege's life as miserable as possible—and he was good at it.  Very good at it.  This, Kirge would have to take willingly until he's seven; and even then he took it unwillingly.  On his seventh physical, Kirge's Lohee power manifested and he quickly taught his older brother a lesson in humility.  Although this changed the tide between the altercations between them; it did nothing but worsen the semblance of a relationship they had.  Around this time is when Kirge meets Melqui Akimbe, another fellow Lohee.  He and Melqui would develop a bond as close as brothers.  Melqui introduces his sister to him and Kirge's life changes.  He falls in love with the Cejean', Natur' Gaii'.  Over a short period of time, their relationship will grow strong; almost to the point there wasn't room for Melqui.  Melqui said he didn't mind and so Kirge relaxed in the tide pools of love.

         Tidos pulled further and further away from the family.  By the time Kirge was 10, Tidos was almost kike a lost memory; for he was ever rarely at home.  Kirge was too wrapped up in his life as a Lohee and his love for Natur' to really even notice.  Eventually, Tidos stopped coming all together—nothing but a tormenting face Kirge would see on the streets of  Lo Prefecture.  It finally reached the point where they didn't enev acknowledge each other as brothers.

         When Kirge was 15, he meets Roaminy Bleddy, a Disciple stationed at the Lo Light Dome.  Although he had Kirge by a decade in years, Kirge took a liking to him thinking that he remeinded him of what Tidos should've been like.  Melqui develops a similar bond with the Disciple they called Roam for short.  Durinf a dance held at the Chamber, Kirge introduces Nayur' to Roam.  This is the only time that they met; for shortly after, Kirge has his heart ripped out by the thing he loved the most—Natur'.

         Because of her Cejean' lineage, Natur' was required on her 17th physical to travel to the Cejean' Realms in order to learn how to control her power.  Because of her love for him, she couldn't bring herself to tell him this until the day of her departure.  Kirge didn't handle it well.  What should have been a moment of sadness was one of anger and resentment.  Natur' couldn't believe the words she heard coming out of Kirge's mouth.  Natur' departs with the nisan with her eyes full of tears and a piece of her heart that she thought would be gone forever.

         Although Kirge meant every word he said to Natur', he regretted them being the last words he had with her.  He constantly relived that moment over and over in his mind; wishing it had gone differently.  Knowing that he can't change the past, he focuses—with his close friend, Melqui—on the upcoming Rage and the role he would play in saving the world.

Natur' Gaii

         Born in the forest town of Prophet as a Cejean' to Fewd and Gwalara Gaii', Natur' was an exceptionally bright child.  At the age of three is when she meets Melqui Akimbe due to the amount of time Melqui's mother spent over at the Gaii's.  She quickly took to Melqui being that she was an only child who rarely had a playmate.  They would eventually develop a bond as strong as brother and sister.

         Because of her Cejean' lineage, she aged differently than normal Kethomians.  Their age progression was slower than normal; so at the age of nine—Natur' only looked 6.  This phenomena made it easy for Melqui to relate to her.  Around this time is when Melqui introduces her to his close friend, Kirge.  At first, she looked at the relationship between she and Kirge as just a play thing.  But as time passed, she realized it was more than just a puppy love.  What they had was beautiful but she was distressed about her fate.  She knew that when she turned 17, she'd have to leave to go to the Cejean' Realms.  She wouldn't go.  If she didn't go, there was no reason to tell him anything.  This mindset would not last too long.

         When Natur' was 16, she started suffering migraines and weird things began happening around her.  At first, it wasn't often; but as time passed, it got worst.  She knew it had to do with her approaching 17th physical.  She had no choice...she had to go.

         The nisan arrived around midday to retrieve Natur' on her 17th physical.  When the group arrived, they were in the middle of Natur's celebration.  Kirge was immediately confused to see the oddly dressed folk interrupt the party.  Natur' explained to him who they were and what they wanted and Natur's heart was ripped out from that moment forth.  The anger that Kirge displayed at the realization to what was happening was unbelievable.  He stormed out of the house in tears, but not before screaming how he didn't want anything to do with a freak-faced broad like her anyway.  Those words crushed her world.  She left with the nisan, teary-eyed; screaming to Melqui how sorry she was.

         The time Natur' spent in the Cejean' Realms was short-lived; for after she finished her conditioning, she was sent to the Eastern Divine—which a few months later would be completely destroyed due to an attack by the Goethijinn.  She would return to the Kethomian Realm to find Melqui and Kirge in Prophet Woods.
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