Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675117-Chapter-1
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1675117
My first attempt at writing a story. Not complete yet.
      Stretching, I yawn and startle as I hear hoof beats close to me.  Then I settle back down when I remember that I am hidden in a berry bush, so I shouldn't be noticed.  I peak out from my cover and see a noble looking black horse, with a flowing mane, long tail, and feathered pasterns.  The stallion has beautiful glistening silver hooves.  WAIT!  Silver?  Horses, don't have silver hooves?  Then I notice the horn, a long, perfect, silver horn.  Where in the world have I ended up this time.  Sigh, not again!  Someone had better be able to tell me this time.  Oh, back to the black unicorn! The unicorn has a luxurious black leather saddle and bridle, with gorgeous silver buckling and trim.  Looks like someone takes great care of the leather too.  The unicorn has been turned loose to drink from the rippling stream and graze on the crisp green grass.  With him having a saddle and bridle, there must be a human around. Hmm.

        I step out from my berry bush to look around wondering what kind of human would have such a magnificent beast.  As usual not looking where I'm going, I bump right into a leather clad leg.  Eep!  I try to scurry away back into the bush, but he notices and crouches down to my level.  The man is dressed head to toe in leather.  Damn, if I weren't … Nevermind.  This leather looks well taken care of too, which is odd for most people I've seen. Of course, he also is wearing a claymore on his back, so apparently, this ain't Kansas anymore Dorothy.

        “What is a darling cat like you doing out here now?” the man asks while crouched looking at me under the berry bush.  I guess I should explain that the man is looking at a cat under the bush.  Like this, I appear to be a Maine Coon Cat, with a long dense coat, square muzzle, tufted ears, and medium sized.  I'm flicking my long furry tail, because I'm not sure I like having been noticed yet.

        “I see you're a bit irritated I noticed you,” he says.  Perceptive.  Point for you.  He is tanned and looks fit, which makes sense since he carries a sword and rides a unicorn.

        “I've never seen a cat with such creamy fur with lightly painted points and mask of red, such a lovely thing.” Ah, purr, he called me pretty.  Okay, he might be okay.  I creep out from my hiding place and rub against his boots, purring.

        “Prrt,” I say to him, since Maine Coon kitties chirp more than meow.  If I'm going to make it through wherever this is that I've ended up this time, I have to make friends.

        “Friendly, are we?  What's your name, girl?” he asks, scritching my ears.  Oh, he knows just how to do that too.  He taps my on my little pink nose.

        I stare deeply into his eyes with my expressive, oval golden eyes, thinking Moira strongly, hoping this human can pick up on the thought.

        “Moira, your name is Moira!  Don't ask me how I know, but that is definitely your name.  Hmm.  That means exceptional or wished for in Irish, doesn't it? Or rebellion in Hebrew?  Are you a rebellious little kitty, Moira?”

        If he only knew, If he only knew.  I'm so rebellious, I'm an outcast.  No one is going to miss me now that I am wherever I have ended up.  I look around trying to get my bearings and realize that there is no sign of civilization as far as I can see.  I sit down and take in the clean, pristine, green beautiful surroundings.  Maybe it's not bad that I ended up here.  It's not as bad as where I'm from.  It's clean and it looks like you can drink the water and eat the plants that grow here.  Well, if I weren't a cat right now … I mean, nevermind.  That means that the prey animals that kitties eat will be healthy too.  That's what I mean.

        “Moira, I'm Cassidy.  It's supposed to mean clever or intelligent in Irish and Gaelic.  Sometimes I wonder.  You look a little lost.  This is Sagittariabay, an island with green fields, a few mountains, a few towns and a few cities.”

        I didn't notice that he had been building a fire before I came out of my hiding place, but he walks over now to check on his brew.  He pours himself a cup of something.  He looks over at me and says, “Well, I don't think that you want my tea, but I'll share the rabbit stew with you.”  Cassidy spoons a bit of the stew into a bowl and sets it on the ground beside his feet.  I eat it hungrily while watching him eat and drink his tea.

        After eating, Cassidy sighs and stares wistfully at the stars.  I forgot that there were stars you could see in the sky.  My world is so polluted with lights you can rarely see them.  He startles me when he starts to speak.

        “Moira, I sometimes get so lonely being the hero.  I ride from place to place fighting injustices, making things right for everyone else.  I just wish that people would befriend me for reasons more than trying to get ahead or just so I will help them.  The few people that have befriended me just haven't been able to deal with the travel and sacrifice needed to be a crusader for those who are victimized.”

        I hop up into Cassidy's lap, purring and bump my head into his hand.  He begins to stroke my fur and I knead my front paws into his knees.  I hope this gives him a little comfort.  He does seem so lonely.

        “I do so much for so many people, I don't really ask for anything in return.  But someone to talk to and interact with on a real level would be so nice.  Someone I can be my true self around.  I don't always want to be the hero.  Why can't someone be my hero for once.”  With that, Cassidy sighs and sets me on the ground and curls up on his bed roll on the ground.  He tosses and turns for several minutes and just doesn't seem to be able to get comfortable to sleep.

        I tiptoe up and decide to take a chance at him getting angry.  I snuggle in at his chest and curl up.  I start purring and nudge Cassidy's chin with the top of my head.  He rubs my shoulder and says, “Ok, you can sleep there.  It might help me sleep.  Anyway, Thanks for listening.”  The last two words are barely gone as he drifts into dreamland.  If he only knew my secret, and my story.  I drift off into sleep as I listen to his breathing start to match my purring.

        The next morning I awaken to find Cassidy having already packed up camp.  How did he do that?  He moves quieter than a cat!  Hey I made a funny!  I kill me!  Oh wait, where was I?  I hate being in this form … wait – you didn't read that!

        Cassidy notices I am awake and starts to speak to me, “Well, since it seems like you are a little out of your realm, Moira, Adar and I are going to continue riding on to the next town or person that needs us.  I don't have much, but I can protect you and help keep your fed.  You can come with us and at least be someone, something, for me to talk to besides Adar.  Or you can go about your way independently like I know cats tend to do.”     

        I can't believe this man has only known me, er this cat, for what, one night and if offering to let me travel with him?  He doesn't know whether I'm a diseased carrying mongrel or what!  He doesn't know if I'll attack his precious unicorn and annoy the snot out of the beast.  Adar, Hebrew for noble, I like that.  Well, maybe I'll try not to annoy the beast then.  I might as well cast away my fears.

        “Well, how 'bout it Moira?  Wanna join me?  I wanna ride a few more miles before setting up camp for the night.”

        In answer, I spring up on Adar's hindquarters, being careful not to flex my claws out.  I don't want him sending me to heaven with those silvery hooves.  Cassidy laughs when Adar looks back and snorts at me and rolls his eyes with a look of disgust.

        “Adar, get used to her, I think she's here for the long haul.  I think we're all destined to be together.”  With that, Cassidy mounts in front of me and we start off east over the rolling fields of Sagittariabay.
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