Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1674591-The-Debaucherous-Duo-Part-4
by Bryan
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1674591
James tries to seduce Amy, but fails.
Part IV: Amy and the temptation of James

The day after she had received the text message from Ken, Amy went in to the movie theatre to work her morning shift. Thankfully, she was not scheduled to work alongside Ken.  She wouldn’t have to see him until later on in the week. She was in a depressed state of mind. She wasn’t depressed because Ken had broken up with her via text message; in fact she was kind of relieved that their relationship had finally ended. What depressed Amy was how much valuable time she had wasted on Ken, she had made lots of sacrifices to be with him and he never took any notice of it.  She kept wondering how she had fallen for such a shallow asshole in the first place, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not come up with a good answer.

James had taken notice of Amy’s depressed state of mind. He knew Ken had broken up with her. Amy was now on the rebound and James planned to reap the benefits. He walked up to her, putting on an insincere face of sympathy.

“What’s wrong Amy?” said James in a whispery manner.

“Ken broke up with me yesterday. He didn’t even do it in person, he sent me a text,” said Amy.

“Wow, that’s pretty low. I like Ken and all, but I can’t believe he would stoop so low. I would never do such a thing,” said James.

“Yeah, well there’s not much I can do about it. I’ll just have to move on,” said Amy.

“I can’t understand why he would want to break up with an attractive girl like you?” It’s his loss,” said James.

“Thank you! Well, it’s pretty dead, and I have lots of reading to do for my Astronomy class,” said Amy.

James was completely taken back my Amy’s behavior. She wasn’t falling for his act. She wasn’t taking the bait. He decided if he wanted to sleep with this girl, he would have to try something a lot stronger. He would tell Amy a good old fashion sob story. Women couldn’t resist sob stories, or so he thought.

“This reminds me of a relationship I was in,” said James.

“Really?” said Amy in a half interested manner, face buried in her book.

“Yes, there was this girl in high school I dated named…….Shelly. We were so much in love, or so I thought. On the night of our prom, I was on my way to pick her up, when I received a voice message on my cell phone. It was Shelly, she called to tell me that she wasn’t going to go to the prom with me, rather she was going with the star quarterback…Ted. I was absolutely devastated. I spent my prom night all alone at home watching a Saved by the Bell marathon,” said James with a grin on his face. How could she possibly resist a sob story like that? 

“Oh, that’s too bad!” said Amy.

There was a long silence between the two of them. James was waiting for her to say more. He was waiting for her to tell him that things would get better.

“Yeah, it still haunts me to this day,” said James, hoping that would do the trick.

“Well, you know James that was all in the past. You have to move on with your life. You can’t let the past upset you like that. What’s done is done,” said Amy.

“I know. I don’t think I would be so wrapped up in the past if I could find the right girl to bring me to the present.  If I could find some one special to cheer me up, I think I would be able to forget about that horrible night. But it doesn’t seem like I will find that girl any time soon,” said James, certain that Amy would fall for that sappy line.

“Well, I’m sure you will find that girl soon. I don’t mean to be rude James, but I do have a lot of studying to do. I will talk to you later,” said Amy.

James walked a way a defeated man. There was rebound right there in front of him for the taking and he somehow dropped the ball. He spent the rest of day contemplating what he had done wrong. Was he losing he touch? He did not know. The next day he called in sick to work, and spent the entire lying in bed, thinking about the good old days when he was quite the lady’s man.  His confidence had never been so shaken. He wondered what the future held for him. Would this happen again in the future? 

© Copyright 2010 Bryan (rockalizerbry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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