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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1674534
Outline detailing Kethomy's history from Dawn of Man to current times of Talisman Epics.
Dawn of Man & Magic--Agharta and Mt.Yetiliki [200,000 B.C.--70,500 BC]

The concept of Magic that we have today came to the world of Man by way of belief in a higher existence; during the dawn of civilization. The Earth had been constantly visited by different alien races during this time. Those groups of primitive man that witnessed these visitations also witnessed the power they wielded and felt that worship would either endow them with the “gods” blessing or power.

One particular group of beings, whose name is not known, came to the planet Earth with a different goal (202,000 BC). What this goal was is not known, but the end result was that the power of “true” magic was born. These beings taught a selected tribe of primitive man the art of manipulating aura or spiritual energy. This became known as Magic. The alien beings retreated from Earth, but not before leaving the primitive group with instructions to keep the knowledge sacred to their own people. This rule was eventually disobeyed. Spells of simple Threads were being learned by others outside of the Chosen Tribe. Eventually, word spread amongst the other tribes about the Chosen Ones and their knowledge was sought by all. War amongst the tribes broke out and the Chosen Ones were left with only one resort…to excommunicate themselves from the world. They retreated to a subterranean level within the Earth's mantle and etched out a grandiose city which they called Agharta (199,000 BC). It was said that Aghartans constructed a tunnel network which connected every land. This was in order to monitor the use of magic on the surface of the world. The magic that was leaked and stolen had been studied (Man is resourceful) to tap into more specific arts by select groups on surface. Magic was being learned and the Aghartans felt it their duty to monitor it since it was their fault it fell into the hands of the world.

Over vast periods of time (189,000 BC), the surface world of Man had somewhat “mastered” the wielding of magic. Some were even able to wield powerful spells and were seen as the powerful. Those who were able to wield such magic sought power and ruled as dictators enslaving all in their domain.

On the other hand, some races were born from the misuse of magic: either user is transformed or magic animates itself. These races the Aghartans watched closely; monitoring their behavior. These particular beings were endowed with magic innately usually acting as an extrasensory. Other groups became proficient in other magics that others had trouble wielding or couldn’t wield at all. Regardless though, all were subject to one of three wizard’s rule (181,200 B.C.). Two of the wizards’ names are not known, but Wizard Dumuzi ensured that his name would be remembered throughout time. Ancient artifacts refer to them being the most powerful beings in the surface world that only the Gods themselves rivaled them….or so it was believed.

All of these scenarios in conjunction posed a problem as far as the Aghartans were concerned. The wars being fought using magic were destroying the energy of the Lifeforce of Earth due to their non-mastery of the complete Web. Tunnel systems were collapsing due to the weakening of it’s spirit. Feeling that the time had come, the High Sages of Agharta performed the “Rebuke Ritual” which stripped all on the surface of the knowledge of Magic. It was terrifying to have to resort to that magic because it was of the Dark Arts. It called for the sacrifice of 7 children of age 3. The descendants of Man were stripped of knowledge of magic. Only small remnants were left to their vices, but mostly akin to what the primitive races dealt with. The four warring wizards were killed by the magic of the Aghartan Sages (73,200 BC). The world began to heal, but not the practice of magic; that was left to the creatures of magic and the small select few who delved in the primitives.

During this time (70,500 BC), legend has it that a sect of wizards known as the Sehrisien became unhappy about their subterranean residence. The Pontiff, leader of the Aghartans, advised against this and the sect refused. War broke out amongst the Sehrisien and various other sects, but due to the Aghartans withdrawal, the Sehrisien were allowed to leave. They surfaced in what would now be the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. A few of them traveled to various other parts of the world, but most retreated to the harsh mountains of the Himalayas. There, they would reside, in peace, unknown to the world of Man, but watched by the Aghartans.

Amazingly, for thousands of years, the Sehrisien were able to keep their power to themselves. Being much more advanced than the races on the surface, the Sehrisien resolved themselves to the idea that they were gods and all others were their subjects to oversee, but not control. It wasn’t until the dawn of modern man that the Sehrisien decided to make their presence known (1111 AD).

Assisting a group of travelers who had become lost and stranded, the Sehrisien exposed their selves to the world for the first time. From that point on, various groups sought the wonders told to them by the travelers. Eventually, their power was sought and war was brought to their city (1123 AD). The Aghartans, seeing this and feeling the need to intervene, performed an Extrapolation Spell and removed the area that the Sehrisien occupied from the physical of the Earth’s planes. Although it still existed within the Earthen Realm, only those with the knowledge and ability were able to access it. The Realm of Sehrisien became home to the Sehrisien sect of Aghartans. Unable to be accessed from Earth’s Reality, the Sehrisien people grew and evolved into a magical society of wizards. Still, fame-seekers look for the land which they mistakenly call Agharta.

The mountain, named Yetiliki (after the creatures that inhabited it), where they dwelled, became home to their sacred city, Kley Ju’ Seri. Since the Sehrisien's arrival, chambers had begun to be hollowed out as well as an intricate system for navigation connecting them. Here, the Sehrisien was taught their art of Magic and the wisest of wise lived. Eventually, over vast periods of time, they developed a system which involved their management of magic throughout the Earthen Realm. The Wizard Abode of Kley Ju’ Seri was established (1130 AD).


Not much is known of the few Sehrisien that separated from the rest when they returned to the surface (70,500 BC) other than their names and that they totaled 5. But of the five, one made sure all knew that he existed. His name was Krin Sowerfield and he was the Wesh—one in training to master all. For each sect of the Aghartans, there was one who learned all of the secrets and knowledge a sect had developed and in turn, they took on one student to whom they would teach this. This individual was known as a Magus; the student, a Wesh.

Krin mated with various women of primitive tribes and had numerous children, who in turn mated with each others descendants. These children, who became known as the Lemurians became a dominant force upon the Earth (70,221 BC). Eventually, the Lemurian Empire were destroyed (8,000 BC), but some remnants were left behind.

Over time, the Lemurians developed their own style of magic which they, in turn, kept sacred. One of the most dangerous magics to wield at that time was one designed by the Lemurians. It was born of the Physical Aspect and manifested in the Spectral Web as Spectral Magic. Only one student was taught this magic. If one was to be killed, that line of the Web would die. There were six Spectral Magics and titles for their wielders: Red-Crimson Wizard1; Orange-Gamboge Wizard2; Yellow-Golden Wizard3; Green-Chartreuse Wizard2; Blue-Cerulean Wizard1; and Violet-Lavender Wizard3. This particular branch of the Spectrum Web was plague-based and could only be battled by using each other. Through them, Lemuria was able to expand quickly.

For obvious reasons, the Spectral Wizards did not reside on Lemuria. In case Lemuria was ever attacked, the knowledge they wielded would be kept intact. Each wizard hid at different locales throughout the world and only kept in contact telepathically so not even they knew of each other’s whereabouts. Besides, there duty to Lemuria was expansion, so out in the world was where they needed to be.

One day, for unknown reasons, Lemuria was snatched out of the ocean: land mass and all into the sky (8,000 BC).

No reports of are ever heard of the Spectral Wizards orange, yellow, and green after Lemuria's disappearance, but red, blue, and violet had supposedly been seen according to various eye-witnesses. Eventually, these reports faded into extinction as did the memory of the powerful mages.

The Spectral Wizards, Gamboge and Chartreuse, are deceased due to their own hand. The two came in physical contact which they can’t do. The powers they wield are the opposite of each other, so their auras extinguished each other when mixed. They disobeyed the most vital rule of Spectral Wizards.

The Golden Wizard disappeared with Lemuria for it was believed she was present, visiting family. Due to the purpose of Spectral Wizards, the visiting of loved ones in Lemuria was highly forbidden.

The Cerulean Wizard, disagreeing with his brethren, realmstepped to a distant realm, in search of Lemuria; whereas the Lavender and Crimson Wizards, sought for Lemuria in the realm of Earth.

Each of these survivors would take on a student to pass on their wealth of knowledge and each of these in turn. Their goal was to find Lemuria and bring it back to power….no matter how long it took.

Beginning-Ceje’ Devastation [9500 BC-9000 BC]

K'nites Crash on Earth

From an alternate reality, an alien race of beings known as the K’nites, slipped through a rift in the fabric of Reality and crashed their ship on the planet of Earth on an island called Atlantis. Although most of the crew died, some of the beings survived with the help of some of the citizens of Atlantis. These citizens became called The First.

Apoxee Confront K’nites

During this time, Atlantis and the surrounding lands were controlled by giants or the Titans. Their true name was the Apoxee and when they caught wind of what was going on in Atlantis, they were not pleased. In an attempt to regain control over Atlantis and it’s subjects, an Apoxee was sent to demand their surrender. He was killed by the K’nites and Atlanteans. Angered by the loss of one of their own to the usurpers, the Titans reigned down on the city of Atlantis; but each time, their attempts were thwarted. With the giant’s numbers slowly declining, the K’nites saw an opportunity to take control of the war. Using a covert team of warriors, the K’nites destroyed the royal city of Pi'nac, turning the tide of the war totally in their favor. With this, humans all over under the oppression of the giants revolted; wiping out the existence of Apoxee. Due to this development, the K’nites and Atlanteans expanded their domain and began calling themselves the Annuq. The lands they controlled became known as The Annuq Empire. Not known was that during the attack on the royal city, the King had his son, Anozira removed and placed with mystical beings so that the royal line may continue. He would later emerge to wield his vengeance.

Miracus Theatre

The K’nites were from an advanced race of beings whose nature was domination so while living amongst the Atlanteans, this is what was taught. A lot of citizens of Atlantis did not agree with—nor adhere to the new way of life for them and began to complain about the destructive and controlling culture they had adopted. K’nites and adhering citizens began to shun them, treating them as traitors to the newly forming empire but this opinion did not become bolstered until a politician by the name of Simton Miracus galvanized the population against the non-adherers whom he called the Retainers due to their nature to retain the ways of the Old World. [see Glossary: Miracus Theatre] Because of this, The Great Father began to fear what threat the Retainers may pose and in secret, had their members abducted; demanding their allegiance. Those that refused were struck with a curse…the loss of sight. Feeling sympathy for their plight, The Great Mother granted them with the gift of Sightnessendowing them with the ability to see Time. Persecuted by all, the Retainers escaped from the realms of The Annuq Empire and went into hiding.

Also introduced to Atlanteans was the alien alloy of Hadenite and their advanced technology. This is what allowed them to defeat the giants and gain the admiration of those that they had enslaved. Using Hadenite along with a material the Atlanteans called Sysmethyst, the weapon known as the Ankhinsha was created. Using this weapon, the Annuq began to conquer all, expanding their empire exponentially. In no time, their borders reached the realms of every neighboring land. Some time during the expansion, a sect of K’nites was compiled and sent to explore and settle in a sparsely populated area of the world. This group left with the understanding that they were to never return; that they had a separate, but more important mission from the rest. This land is called Charmeka.


During the same year that the Ankhinsha was completed, a mysterious baby girl was found by a poor family within The Annuq Empire whom they named Ceje’. What made her mysterious was the moon-shaped pupil in her left eye and the amazing things she could do. It had been said that she could turn water to wine and ride the air like a leaf and at first, everyone marveled at her. Everyone (except for the K’nites and those Atlanteans who had found power through them) welcomed her existence. Since her birth, the K’nites feared her existence because of her power. Not knowing what her purpose was, they feared to attempt to manipulate her directly. In an attempt to make her emotionally dependant upon them, the K’nites had her adopted parents killed when she was 3, but this did nothing other than depress her deeply and acted as a catalyst to her impenetrable emotional shell.

Ceje's Early Childhood

Now raised by the government, or more specifically, the K’nites, she was kept secluded from society except for her schooling. For this she was allowed to leave the grounds of the Compound but even here she was taught deceptive lessons in an attempt to control her. When she turned eight years old, she was constantly making comments in information (school) in a negative way about their K’nite brethren’s way of life. Her teachers refused to teach her. Her classmates’ parents refused to let their children attend class with her. Because of this, she was given a teacher at the Compound by the name of Karene Imsi. Her purpose was to continue the manipulation tactics to control Ceje’, but due to her drastic situation, Karene cared for Ceje’ like her own daughter. For her 12th birthday, she advocated for Ceje’ to be allowed to intermingle with society again. It was allowed and this pleased Ceje’ greatly. Her shell began to break and she eventually returned to information, but society was not very receiving. Shunned at such an early age by her own people, it was hard for her to make lasting friends. Although she never provoked any of the things she constantly found herself in, she never hesitated in putting her provoker in their place. She was constantly being reprimanded for this and as a result, she was seen as a threat by the powers that be and one that no longer needed to be controlled but eradicated; but still none dared to truly test her power especially being that she had better control over it and only seemed to be getting more powerful. It wasn’t until she turned 14 and made a group of close intimate friends that loneliness began to wane.

Ceje's Adolescent Years

During the end of Apiszu, of Ceje’s sixteenth year of life, she began becoming plagued with dreams of some destructive event which seemed to be caused by her hand. With only her 4 friends to confide in and Karene, she told them of her dreams and how real they seemed. They did their best to comfort her, but none really knew what to do. Karene on the other hand had other things to worry about. Her superiors had ordered her to poison Ceje’ during a public gathering that they had planned for her 17th physical. She was to tell her that she was being honored and the public defamation that had plagued her her whole life would be removed; that she could finally be accepted by society like everyone else. Karene had no choice but to agree, but she never planned to go through with it. Still, it plagued her mind.

Friends Like Family

One day, while walking to information, Ceje’ was visited by a beautiful woman who looked vaguely familiar. The woman told her of the true history of her people and what her purpose was…to correct everything by destroying all that the K’nites had wrought, including the K’nites themselves. Ceje’ felt like it was all a dream, but knew she had not been sleeping. When she arrived at school that day, she felt different—more aware than usual and she knew that her infomates could tell also. Her four friends, who were named Herrnan-speed (M), Sabri-illusion (F), Juzon-strength (M), and Ravin-invisibility (F), noticed instantly and at first, thought she was crazy. Once Ceje’ told them what she knew, they understood and seemed to change also. This change was maturity. On her way to the Compound that afternoon, she bumped into another girl who asked her why she wasn’t wearing her ‘sha. Ceje’ simply said that it was evil and the girl agreed. She told Ceje’ that her name was Lanah and that she had never worn the ‘sha and that her family practices the old ways in secret. Instantly they became friends, but Ceje’ felt she should keep this one separate from the others so she kept Lanah a secret.

When she arrived at the Compound, she told Karene what had transpired and her dearest of friends came clean and told her what the government wanted her to do. Ceje’ thanked her friend for her loyalty and cried on her shoulder. She then told her in detail what was told to her and that when she turned 17, she would gain her full powers and were to use them to destroy the Ankhinsha and the K’nites. Unfortunately, in order to do this she had to destroy her own people who had accepted the K’nites’ way of life into their hearts. This included Karene’s-telepathy and the rest of her friends (Lanah not included)…her family.

The Plan

Understanding their plight, but knowing that her mission was more important and was going to happen regardless of whether they played a part or not, they chose to help their friend. Karene having connections within the government and being a Telepathic Latent was to finagle a guard to show her the Ankhinsha up close. With her ability, she was to keep them all mentally connected…seeing and hearing the same things. Ravin was to use her Invisibility Latent to follow Karene in and disable any obstacles along the way. Sabri, in conjunction with Karene’s ability, was to replace anything that might compromise their mission using a replicated illusion with her Spectre Latent. Juzon, using his amazing Strength Latent and fighting skills and Herrnan’s Speed Latent, endowing him with the speed of Hermes, were to escort and protect Ceje’ till she completed what she had been born to do. Till that fateful day, they rehearsed it over and over till it could be executed perfectly.

Ceje’ kept in contact with Lanah, but always in secret. She loved to listen to Lanah speak about the lives of the Atlanteans under the oppression of giants. It all seemed so fantastic. She told Lanah, eventually, of her purpose and what she had planned for her. Lanah agreed.

Ceje' Turns Seventeen

On the morning of her physical, while sleeping, Ceje’ dreamt of white light with a figure of a man or woman silhouetted in electric blue. When the figure reached her it was smiling although it had no face. It extended it’s hand and when it touched her, everything flashed in the electric blue light and she awoke. Feeling oddly different, she got out of bed to start her day.

After getting a drink, she goes into the lavatory to wash up, but when she looks in the mirror, she’s shocked by what she sees. Her hair had turned moonlight white and grown an extra 7 ft.. Not only that, but around her left eye was a blue tattoo-like marking that resembled a crescent moon. Even more freakish, was the fact that the pupil of her left eye shimmered the same electric blue as in her dream. Scared, she ran to find Karene.

Karene paused from preparing breakfast to hear what Ceje’ was screaming about. When she turned around, she dropped the plate out of her hand and screamed herself. Realizing that this was Ceje’, she regained her composure and took everything in slowly coming out of her adopted daughter’s mouth. It had started and it was real. Everything they had prepared for was about to culminate on this day.

Ceje's Acceptance

At the gathering for her acceptance, the six conspirators created a scene perpetrating Ceje’s death. When Ceje’ walked onto the platform, she began feigning convulsions and fell to the floor. Spectators rushed to the platform curious as to what was happening, but authorities quickly established order and carried her body off. The K’nites had already decided to use Karene as a scapegoat for she was escorted off also. Once the authorities exited the building, Ravin, Sabri and Herrnan lay in waiting. Using her Invisibility Latent, Ravin cloaked Herrnan while Sabri supplanted an illusion of Ceje’s body on the stretcher where the real Ceje’ was being carried. With the speed of light, Herrnan—cloaked—quickly snatched Ceje’ and Ravin provided a cloak to hide her disappearance. The three then made their way cloaked into the hillsides. Herrnan, whose presence was now needed to assist Juzon, departed for the Acropolon. From here they would begin the execution of their plan once Karene sent the signal using her telepathy.

Karene's Interrogation

Back at the Acropolon, Karene was first entertained with a mock interrogation. Immediately, she knew she had been set up for she never poisoned Ceje’. Shortly after the interrogation began though, it’s mood switched to a more threatening one. They now accused her of kidnapping Ceje’ and wanted to know where she was. Karene, playing ignorant, kept demanding representation but was refused. It didn’t matter…this was part of the plan. As long as Karene was held in the Acropolon, she could give Ceje’ and the rest a mental vision of it’s grounds as long as she kept her ‘sha. Juzon, who hadn’t attended the gala, waited in a hidden location on the grounds of the Acropolon. He was to cause a major distraction which would draw the attention of the whole city. All he needed was the word from Karene to go. What she hoped for now was that she would be escorted by a guard named Drasi who was very smitten with her after the interrogation was over. She could then persuade him to help her escape, but if he refused, Juzon had already been informed of the back-up plan…he’d have to rescue her.

Hours passed before the interrogation ended. Although they seemed to be finished asking questions, there also seemed to be no intention in letting her leave. Karene sent the word to Juzon; maybe the distraction is what she needed to spur things along. Using his Strength Latent, Juzon—along with Herrnan—destroyed a small building that set next to The Great Hall. Citizens, authorities, and officials from everywhere pooled into the streets to see what the loud noise was and as they assumed, the guards of The Great Hall abandoned their posts to assume ones at the destroyed building. They couldn’t expect all the guards to come out so in a blur, they escaped into The Great Hall and lay in wait for the next signal.

After she heard the loud boom, Karene sent the signal to Ceje’ and the girls. Around her, authorities scrambled to gain an understanding of what was happening. Amazingly, none figured that she had something to do with it or that it had something to do with her. The man who had been leading the interrogation left the room and spoke to guards outside the room. He walked off and two guards entered the room. The first she doesn’t know and she quickly begins to worry but immediately after followed Drasi. He smiled at her with only his quirkiness that she realized that he had no idea that she was being held. The first guard politely grabbed her arm beckoning for her to stand, and Drasi did the same on her other side. She stands and telepathically speaks to Drasi, explaining everything and her situation. He never spoke back to her acknowledging in any way that he had heard her; not even mentally. All he did was look her way and smile, but instead of it’s usual quirkiness, there was something else there. They turned the corner of the corridor and with no warning; Drasi grabbed his companion in a full-nelson and broke his neck. Karene, startled at what had just happened, just stared in shock. Drasi grabbed her by the arm and ran out of the building across the courtyard; pass the gathering at the commotion, to a small structure. Here he asked her one single thing…”What do you need me to do?”

When Ceje’ and the others received Karene’s signal, they left, in cloak, for the Acropolon. When they arrived, the grounds were in chaos for Juzon and Herrnan had destroyed two more buildings. Immediately, Sabri breaks away from them to go and take up her post to perform her latent. Karene shows Herrnan where Ceje’ is and he departs from Juzon to assist Ceje’. Easily, the three of them enter The Great Hall where unbeknownst to them, their ‘shas do not work when near the Ankhinsha. Because of this, Herrnan could no longer travel at high speeds with them and Ravin lost the ability to extend her power outside of her self. In result, Ceje’ and Herrnan became decloaked and Ceje’ and Ravin stopped being quickened. A remaining guard spotted them and prepared to attack. Using her power, Ceje’ transformed him into a nurif. Decloaked also, Ravin and the others briskly make their way through the corridors towards the Ankhinsha using Karene’s mental map.

Leynad's Judgement

Still performing his role of demolition man, Juzon was moving on to building number four when suddenly; he was knocked through the building onto the other side of the courtyard. Sabri, from her post saw this and so did Karene. Sabri, on the roof tops, moved to help him, but lost her footing and plummeted to her death. Juzon, badly hurt, lay on the ground in a pool of blood. The guard who had attacked him was the same one that had been interrogating Karene. All this, Ceje’ saw through Karene’s mental eye. Angered, she obliterated any opposition that entered their path. When they entered the room of the Ankhinsha, a great battle ensued for it was heavily guarded but the forces were no match for Ceje’s power. Battle weary, the three friends, with Karene looking on through her mind, all said their goodbyes to each other. Ceje’, teary-eyed, slowly approached the huge, black, opulent crystal. Inside of it swirled a myriad of colors as if it was angry. Five huge shards protruded from around it’s bulk. She looked back at her two surviving friends and spoke in her mind to Karene, “I love you, mom. Forever”. Feeling the power surge inside of her without her truly summoning it, she screamed, “Leynad’s Judgement”. A huge bolt of electric-blue light exploded from every inch of Ceje’s being toward the hideous crystal. The light entered the crystal and began to refract angrily as if at war with the swirling colors. Ceje’ fell to her knees and watched as the crystal exploded from the light she emitted. A blue ring of light began to expand from the crystal in a slow progression. Ravin and Herrnan helped Ceje’ to her feet and made their way out of The Great Hall. They wanted to be with their friends, even if they were gone. Karene, with Drasi by her side, had finally made her way to the courtyard and she stood waiting for them to exit The Great Hall. When they did, they all made their way to Sabri’s body and carried it over to where Juzon lay. The city had already begun to scream in chaos from the slow approach of the blue ring of light that expanded from The Great Hall, but they didn’t care. They were together in the end. Ceje’ then accessed the power to grant her friends a blessing for assisting her in er mission. She placed her hand on the foreheads of every last one of her friends granting them protection from the Judgement. The ring of blue light was now upon them. They all stood and turned to face their fate. Once the ring passed through them, the only one left standing was Ceje’. In the place of her five friends lay five orbs; Drasi was just a pile of ash. Karene’s was purple; Juzon’s was red; Sabri’s was green; Herrnan’s was yellow; and Ravin’s was white. She gathered the remains of her friends and made her way to begin her next task.
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