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Rated: · Article · Religious · #1674294
The article highlights the characteristics of mischivious people and how to handle them.
Lately, it dawned on me that while struggling and hustling to make effort towards making progress in order to grab hold of my God given heritage that I need to prepare against so many ‘beasts’  in form of humans.
You can’t run; neither can you hide from them because they are omnipresent. We have them as friends, in offices, at the family front, in social gatherings even in our religion settings; name it! They are found in every work of life.
They are the core retardants in the schools of success and enemies of progress for that matter. Jealousy and envy tears them up like no-man’s-business, their emotions betrays their expression no matter how hard they try. Their looks and attitude speak volume of their contents.
They are the King Uzziahs of our generation.
History has it that, “in the year that King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord”. Isaiah 6:1. A “King Uzziah” is anything that hinders you from making progress and the “Lord” is your prosperity in view.  In this context we are not wishing them death for we are in a dispensation of grace; but they must have to go. Shake them off! Shake off the beasts.
Of course they appear harmless, no doubt they look innocent, in as much as no one moves, rises or make a breakthrough around them all you need do is just give a little momentum to trigger them into action. They feel threatened with the emergence of success from their fellow counterparts.
Did you not question why the beast in the form of Lot in Abraham’s life had to be shaken off before God could bless him? Abraham of all people; our ever known father of faith! Probably he could have suggested to God to spare Lot that he was going to cope with faith or he could have pleaded with God to remove the beast nature of Lot. It was so bad God himself could not help it. He had to be shaken off Abraham.
If you happen to be the passionate type; trying to carry them along the way of progress you will end up falling alongside them in the opposite direction, they go nowhere you go nowhere also.
The human beasts frown at your attempt at progress in as much as they are not making one.
They are PHD holders in specialty of “Pull Him Down”.
Sad enough! They have more impact in the African settings.
Black people with black minds and black thoughts!
In a situation where they dominate a particular setting they overrule the impact of the good ones and invariably make negative impact on the society at large.
I once had an encounter with one of them in my work place; he openly harassed me for going too far by making progress, bitter and angry with me just for nothing.
He practically bullied me! For a moment I asked myself if my action was unprecedented or was I wrong for making progress. Honestly I was intimidated and instantly lost my balance because of the way he vibrated and his eyes emitted fire; red enough to light a cigarette. But later I shook it off when I came to term with the fact that he is one of the people in question. I knew what his problem was; Mr. “go nowhere as long as I do not”. Guess who? A supposed leader.
We have these beasts as brothers and sisters relatives at the family front. You incur their wrath especially if you are far younger than them. They tell you stories of how you were born in their presence and even counsel you to tread the path they treaded and failed. As far as they are concerned you must queue up their convoy, forgetting the fact that destinies are different. Other non-related younger people are permitted to progress in their school of thought but definitely not you.
Don’t be surprised! We also have them manifest as spiritual leaders.
We helplessly find them reigning and ruling over us.
I was privileged to be in a congregation where a youth tried manifesting the gift of prophesy, he started releasing the word of knowledge; our lovely beast got up laid hands on him and stopped the flow of the spirit. His action said “Who are you to prophesy where I am”. Dem full everywhere I tire!
It is more dangerous when you have them as friends, a confirmation of the saying that “a man’s enemies are member of his households”. If carelessly you play into their hands only God could have been able to save you. Many are the times they get authentic information about you all in the name of friendship and use the same to finish or ruin you .They dig your foot, betray and backstab you.
Be warned, whomsoever God does not help don’t try to help otherwise you end up in regrets, they are too heavy a weight, its like tying a big stone to an object and throwing it into the sea, you sink without a chance of floating.
Remember the story of Uzza in the Holy Bible; you know what happened to him when he touched the ark of covenant in an attempt to prevent the oxen on top from stumbling. Even though the ark of covenant is a holy object it was recorded that the anger of God was kindled against him, he was smitten dead. 1 cron13: 9-12.
Making too much epistle of their characteristics might not be necessary for by their fruits we shall know them. The most important is how to tackle them when you encounter one and that is what I mean by shake off the beasts.
Be careful not to divulge any information regarding your dreams and aspirations to them otherwise you risk having your dreams killed.
There was a time I mentioned to a friend my intention to make further studies; she gave me every reason why I shouldn’t and how someone who is a multimillionaire never attained more than my present educational level at that time. Of what loss is it to her if I do or not? Their languages are the same all over, “don’t do it,” they are dream killers! And where is the joy of living without our dreams to lead us on.
If you mistakenly “mis-yearned” like me and divulged your plans, don’t bother to argue when they discourage because the wicked ones don’t only stop at discouragement they can go as far as sabotaging your effort, given the opportunity.
No doubt, there are few instances when people counsel out of ignorance especially when they don’t see light shining at the end of your tunnel but I must blame you as a person if you are not intuitive enough to discern their pessimistic nature (read my article titled “Dare to risk take and Make History”). But believe me, the bulk of the time wrong counsels emanate from “bad belle”.
Most importantly keep away from such people if possible without begrudging them because with time you might start thinking and acting like them apart from the fact that they hinder you from making progress, evil communication corrupts good manners.
Am not encouraging hatred, hatred is a sin. Do not mis-quote me, but am only giving you therapies against the tactics of the adversaries.
And to you enemies of goodness I really don’t have time to sermonize you, if you will be honest and sincere with yourself you will discover that you are not progressive and it’s due to no other reason than the subject in question. If you hold others from moving you can’t move as well, it a standing principle of all times. Your actions couldn’t have been questionable if only it’s harmful to you alone but for the fact that it affects the entirety of our society.
I can write on and on, on this subject because am a bundle of experiences when it comes to this. But am dropping my pen at this junction on this topic for now till another time. However don’t forget my recommendation before I go.
Shake off the beasts.
He that has ears let him listen to what the spirit is saying to the church.

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