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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Dark · #1674096
He has seen it all from the begining
You listened to the devil sing
In heaven's holy choir
As angels all would sway in time
And every note devour

You saw him lead rebellion
From your secluded place
And as the devil shouted
You hid your haunted face

The cries of torment echo now from earth and hell below
As they all lift up their hands crying "Brother take our place"

They still do not understand
Now there is none to take their hand
There is no redeeming grace
To those who spit upon God’s face

The howls and screams suddenly quiet
And the lost ones now look up with awe
You look down from your hidden place
And see the Christ standing in a place cursed in the fall

"NO" you cry and draw your blade
"They cannot now be saved
If Lucifer in all his glory cannot be released
How then these creatures, dust of the earth, be worthy of this"

Then you look upon in horror
As the beings you were meant to serve murder the Lord of second birth
"PLEASE" you cry to no avail

"Be still my child" speaks the almighty
"If My SON calls you to his aid then destroy all that I have made
But there is still hope in this dark hour
The one first damned has lost his power"

As you see blood splash upon the ground
All the earth makes not a sound
Up from hell rises a cheer
"The ones who were thought better than us now will return to dust"

The body now is taken down
And to the grave is taken
You continue now to weep
As the world is forsaken

Three days later all hell and earth
Both tremble at the news
The lord and king of second birth
Has given right to choose

"Now" says the Lord
As you stand by
And cannot help but continue cry
"As the one who stood to defend my SON
You now stand witness against those who do not choose
The ONE for them whose life did lose"

And now in this my final hour
As flames rise up to devour
You now before in judgment stand
And see the blood upon my hand

"Murderer" you cry "It's time to die"
But Christ now stands and takes my hands
"But Lord" you cry "he watched you die
And 'nere a tear did shed"

"But son" He says "do you not see
This is how it's meant to be"
And now you look upon my face
And see one saved by His grace

"My Lord" you cried
"I see why you died
How is it now may I be saved
I came against one you forgave"

"My son" says He
"Do you still not see?
What you did then was all for me"

"This has been my plan from the start
As angels fell from my grace
The humans though from dust were made
Can look upon my face."

"I see" you cry
"Why You did die"

"So humans such I
Might not die
But spend all of eternity
With one so perfect as THEE"

And so it was that in the end
The one who I did most offend
Did stand with me before my GOD
© Copyright 2010 Joshua Bailey (joshuabailey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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