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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1673185
Bedelia meets Petra, Horance, The Glyph and they fight their way back across the border.
Chapter 9: Discovery

Bedelia watched as Petra got up off the examining table and put her gown on. There was a tray of half eaten breakfast on a table next to her bed. She began to chew on a crust of bread. On the wall was a calendar with a big X on Friday the 13th.

Petra, can you hear me vized Bedelia. Petra looked up with a start. Bedelia, is that you?

She got quickly to her feet and walked over to the edge of the bars peering down the hall.

Yes its me, who the heck did you think it was?

How did you get here? she asked.

I snuck in with Guiles. Didn’t expect to find you here. Everyone thinks you’re dead.

I was taken prisoner along with Cracious and brought here.

Have they hurt you?

Things were a little rough at first until they got what they wanted.

Were you able to resist?

I tried to fight it at first but Creed, my Bondsman, bulled his way into my head and found out about the rats.

Oh noooo!

You remember during the siege, when the rats were swarming everywhere? How they got all over me one night and I woke up screaming?

How could I forget?

Well, he got a cage full of mean and hungry ones and turned them loose in my cell.


I went totally berserk. Now all he has to do is get the cage out and shake it at me. I've become totally compliant.

Who do they plan to mate you with?

With Creedor. He’s a back bred Simian…back bred to a Golden. That’s something the Apes hate worse than anything. They see it as a sort of incest, a threat to the continuity of their blood line.

What about us…aren’t we a threat?

We are, I suppose, but as long as we don’t breed back into their gene pool they could really care less. They see themselves as the seminal blood stock from which men, dwarves and elves derived. The see everyone else as inferior and if a Golden breaks the prohibition, the penalty is death.

Who is this Creedor?

A VIP around here. He runs all the psychic interdiction for the Republic. He was at the gorge when I was taken and is heavily involved in security.

What’s he like?

He’s twisted and perverse. When I was captured, and still had my vitality, he knuckled my powers with ease. I was amazed by the strength of his presence how quickly he brought me to my knees. He’s ruthless and cruel, without a shred of pity or remorse. He does as he pleases and things get done the way he wants or there's hell to pay. I ticked him off once and he almost drowned me. That's the night he introduced me to the rats... the night I quit trying to be a hero.

Do you know someone around here named Horance?

Yeah, he came to me in a sort of vision, while I was still playing, Brave Girl. He told me to cut it out and do whatever the frack they told me. That the only goal of an Elf, taken and brought here, was to stay alive. Sometimes he slips through a crack in my mind and cheers me up. I don’t know what I'd do without him.

Where is he?

He did something recently that really frazed them, and they moved him from the tower to the dungeon block. Still they treat him with kids gloves… he’s very important.

Why so?

Because he’s a wizard and can breed with a Golden. From what I’ve heard he’s the only one that can do that. He’s our Father, Bedelia.

Bedelia was stunned…

Surprised me too. He told me all about Mom and how proud he was of me… serving in the SOF and all that.

Do you know what happened to Cracious?

They took him to Corinth when they brought me here. That’s all I know.

How has it been since you got here?

At first my head was black cladded, while they siphoned off my powers. After two weeks they removed the psych bag and now milk me down once a day to make sure I don’t hurt anyone. After that I was transferred to this holding cell where I’m being prepped for breeding.

When will that happen?

She pointed to the calendar with the big red X and shrugged her shoulders.

Be brave, Petra, hang in there.

What other choice is there? What do you plan to do?”

“Whatever I can, Petra, whatever I can.”


Bedelia came out of her trance and shook the cobwebs. Guiles was rubbing her feet. She had asked him to do it once, after one of their first forced marches. He’d taken to doing it all the time. It did more than feel good, it was sensual and she didn’t mind admitting it. Not that she felt that kind of attraction for Guiles. Still it was sensual in a different sort of way.

“What’s the word, little bird?” he asked. She told him about Petra, and what she found out.

“Busy girl,” he said when she finished.

“I’m exhausted.” Bedelia answered, as she yawned, stretched and dropped off to sleep.


Horance sat on the bed in his cell, looking out through the bars. Tanshiceeya sat in the adjacent cell looking back across at him, drumming her fingers.

“Is this the big day?” she inquired, “when I get to dance with the Great Horance.”

“Start counting from your moon and when you get to day thirteen, you can stop. That’s the first day.”

“Then it begins today. Tell me what to expect and don’t shrug. You’ve been through this many times. This is my first time with an Elf. I want to know everything that’s going to happen.”

“Who’s your Handler?”

“Young Jody.”

“That’s right, I remember now…He was the one who brought you Friday for “Get Acquainted Time“. I knew his father better than I know him but he seems decent enough. What did he tell you?”

“He told me I had been picked to mate with the Great Elf. Then he gave me a piece of chocolate and began poking around and asking questions.”

“Where did he poke and what did he ask?”

“You know a physical examination and questions about woman things.”

“Like what?”

“Like you just did. About my moon. Then he looked at his board and said I was the one. That I needed to tell my husband and kids that I’d be gone for about ten days and what was about to happen with me.”

“I bet everyone was delighted.”

“They weren’t happy, Horance. If Bogowhanni had his way, he’d have twisted your head off.”

“Wouldn’t have been the first attempt on my life. Golden’s get homicidal, when it comes to their women.”

“He was mad, but I told him that the law was the law. “Bogo,” I said, “This is not a new thing. I will go and lay with Horance and make a baby. That’s the way of the world, decided long ago between our people and men. We will raise the half-blood to the seventh year and then our debt is paid.”"

“I wish this wasn’t necessary. You’re a nice lady. You have beautiful thoughts. Does Bogo know what a gem you are?”

“Sometimes he makes sweet talk, especially when the scent comes to him. However, since I’m not oozing yet, I will accept your compliment as sincere. Your are nice too, Horance. You too have a clean and friendly mind.”

“Were you surprised?”

“No, not so much…more than anything else I was curious. I didn’t tell my husband, but I was. Very curious. When I was chosen, I said to myself, if other women can do this so can I. I asked my older sister about you and she smiled and said, “You’ll find out.” Still I do not find you very attractive and now that we’re together, I’m wondering, how they’ll get us to… you know?”


“Yes, how they will mate us?”

“They’ve been at this for a long time, and know all the tricks. They will give you something to drink and it will contain a drug. When it takes effect, your mind's eye will see me as the most handsome Golden in the world. It will calm your nerves and make you eager and receptive.”

“Will you be receptive?”

“Your scent will see to that. For me there’s no choice. When it’s released, I will pant for you. The smell of your body will be compelling and irresistible. I will receive you with open arms.”

“So, this is the way it is?”

“So it has been, so it is, and so it will be. For as long as the Empire needs Simians, they will breed us like animals.”

“Will I come to you or will you come to me?”

“After you drink from the cup, Jody will come to your cell. He will be in a happy mood. With many kind and complimentiary words he will faun, carrying on about your eyes, beauty and the luster of your hair. He will bring you some fruit, a piece of chocolate and a large vase of fresh cut flowers. He will take off your gown and have you sit on the stool while he massages your shoulders and neck. After awhile he’ll ask how you’re feeling. He will have those special combs in that big black leather case and spend at least half an hour grooming your coat. Then he will have you lay face down on the bed. His fingers will know how you like to be touched and how to find all the right places. As he massages you will stretch out and begin to relax. It will be like entering a dream world. As he rubs, his finger tips will reach out and press delightfully, while the pads of his hands follow pushing down. Starting with your neck and shoulders, he will work your back, your buttocks and hips; then your calves and feet. What he does to your toes is something so delightful I have no words to describe it. He will have you squirming like an asp on a hot rock.”

“Why do they go to such trouble?”

“To make sure that your womb, dips a full spoon into the seed.”

“So what then?”

“When he finishes with the back side he’ll have you turn over. It will leave you open to what happens next.”

“Tell me.”

“The massage will continue, this time on your front side, starting again with your neck and shoulders. Then he will put a special scented oil on your breasts that will give heat to the aphrodiasic you took earlier. He will begin spreading it around and rubbing it in, making you more and more excited. You will squirm with pleasure until you’re sliding on your shoulders and arching your back. You will plead for him to stop and he will pay you absolutely no attention. His hands will torment and tease the fonts of your motherhood until you start to writh with shake. With a low and soothing voice. he will speak seductively until you can bear the frustration no longer. An organism will come; the first of many. As you lay vulnerable, he will begin to evoke your scent. This will cause your dreaming to cease and you will suddenly become very wide awake. As you begin to ooze, he’ll spread your soft tissues and touch you in that most tender of places. His fingers will begin to gently knead your musk gland. You will become aroused and begin to perspire. Then he will tell you to stand and put on your halter.”


"Cotton and leather with a grip on the back. Otherwise very revealing and covered with frilly lace."

“Why the grip?”

“In case they have to pull you off.”

“Why would they want to do that?”

“Should you become violent.”

“Hmmmm, go on.”

“Once the halter is in place he’ll ask you to incline your head and put the shock collar around your neck.”

“Why that?”

“Same reason. In case you become too aggressive and they fear for my life.”

“Does that happen?”


“This is more than I imagined.”

“Then he’ll push you forward, up against the cell and put his knee between your legs. “Reach up Tanya,” he'll say, “Reach up over your head and take hold of the bars.” As you strain on your tiptoes you will be staring into my cage. “Look, at Horance,” he'll continue. “He's very eager to meet you.“

“I will be sitting on my cot. Your heart will be pounding and your breath will come fast. Jody will taunt you, “Horance is very anxious to make your acquaintance.” As you hang there, he will pull a stool behind and take a seat. Spitting on his fingers, he‘ll take your bulb, rubbing it back and forth, stroking it up and down. As he milks, he will say in a pleading mein. “Give it to me Tanya… be a good girl… please don’t keep me waiting, help me squeeze it, squeeze from inside, that’s a girl, squeeze it, squeeze it… give it to me now, give it to me.” He will say this insistently, over and over, coaxing you as he strokes your grape up and down. Drops will then begin to form and rivulets start running down your thighs. As they stream between your legs, a scent will fill the room. The rest I’m sure you’ve experienced, but what you know from Bogo will not prepare you for what happens next. By this time a good handler will have you jumping up and down, and shaking the bars. There will be soldiers gathering outside to watch. Jody will squeeze your bud one last time, slap your fanny and open my cell. You will need no further encouragement."

“Won’t it be embarrassing, doing it in front of everyone?”

“You won’t even notice; such will be your desire.”

“To mate with you.”

“Yes! It will be an itch and your only thought will be scratching it. We will have an eager, passionate and violent union. The soldiers will be calling us names and scream for you to kill me.”

“I would never do that Horance. My sister said she never blamed you for any of the times you did her. Three times she said.”

“It's best not to measure so. The number of times is soon forgotten. What’s remembered is that it continues for three days with a short pause for eating and sleep.”


Horance awoke, just before noon. His head was in Tanya’s lap. There was a rattle of keys as the keeper brought their dinner. Tanya looked down at him and sighed. “My goodness, you were a handsome Golden indeed.”

The block handler entered shaking his head. “What a fracking performance,” he said with a wicked smile.

Tanya examined the trays and then the basket filled with fruit and bread. “I’m very hungry,” she said placing them on their laps and putting the basket inbetween. So, when do we do this all over again?”

“This afternoon and again later tonight.”

"Oh my,” She exclaimed. “All that exercise has made me a big appetite…The food is good and there’s plenty for both of us."

Horance chuckled… “They’ll bring you all you can eat. If you have a special request they’ll bring that too.”

“Banana’s. Have them bring us a bunch. They taste good and the shape will remind, and keep us in the breeding mood.”

He laughed. “For a Golden Tanya, you have an amazing sense of humor.”

“We must laugh or cry,” she answered, “They are ends of the same emotion and when you get over it, you feel much better inside.”

He smiled as she talked. He was careful of what he chose to eat and she was wolfing down everything in sight. There was a large pitcher of tea. She offered him a cup and he declined. She drank deeply, wiped her plate and returned their trays to the take-away. Stretching she yawned and stumbled forward, catching herself on the cot. “I am very tired,” she said, passing out.

He stood, stretched her out on the pallet and covered her with a blanket. Taking a deep breath he exhaled slowly, clearing his mind and letting the tension flow from his body.

You must be Horance, came a voice into his mind.

And you must be Bedelia, he vized back, I’ve been expecting you.

Petra told me where to find you, father. Do you mind if I call you that?

I’ll be honored if you do… quite a trick you and the soldier used to get in here. Very brave and audacious… and very stupid.

We were a bit short on options.

The guards usually look under the wagons, with a lantern. For some reason they didn’t… ahem, ahem.

Thanks for watching over us…we needed all the help we could get.

Still it was a very bold thing to do. I never imagined anyone having the nerve to come in through the main gate.

There was a pause as their minds swirled about one another becoming more intertwined. She saw the face of her Mom smiling.

I miss my mother, she said… She was killed with the other Goldens at Myrocenia protecting the Kennel. Do you remember her?

Indeed I do…Her name was Colowarrie and she was so shy. Even after the draught from hell, she still blushed. But she had your eyes and a sweet kindness that was her signature. I see that in your heart… are you happy?

I am Father, much more of late…

You have a boyfriend?


What's that you’re wearing around your neck?

An heirloom from my boyfriend. He says it’s very old?

Take it off and hold it before your eyes.

It’s attached to my skin.

Try anyway.

Bedelia reached into her blouse, as Guiles watched rubbing her feet.

The Scarab no longer adhered and she drew the chain over her head letting it swing back and forth.

Giles watched in wide eyed disbelief. (He was wearing one just like it).

The Wizard’s eyes grew wide, and he gave a sucking intake of breath.

Squeeze the setting, he vized.

The fine gold lattice compressed between her fingers and with a pop the body of the insect split and from within poured a stream of dust. The husk followed as it crumpled and disintegrated into particles of fine scale. Soon there was nothing left in the setting that remained of the Scarab.

Blow on it, he directed his voice growing excited, and hold it up to the light. Tell me if you see a name inscribed on the stomach plate.

She did, squinting. It says “Orwald” she channeled back.

Horance fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

What is it ,what is it? she vized.

Wonderful news, he answered.The best I’ve heard in half a century.

He remained on his knees rocking back and forth for what seemed an eternity before slowly returning to his senses. At length he vized. We never heard fully what happened at Myrocenia. Gradually, there was some information that got out and we discovered something of what happened there, however, until recently there was never any mention of the Goldens or any of their offspring. How many survived?

There were six of us children. Now there are only three.

It never ends, yet we must count our blessings while we mourn our losses. I am so glad you came…I hesitated to ask, so terrible was the risk. Finally I had no choice. Glad I did. Shortly afterwards they moved me from the tower back down into the dungeon. Now listen closely. I have much to tell you and time is running short.

First be aware that Cracious, son of the Cisterian King, was brought here close to death. So severely was he tortured that his spirit was about to leave his body. A Glyph intervened, exchanging it with one from a rat. When they ransome him back to you, he will have the look of the walking dead, but do not despair…I am sending the Glyph back with you. It will guide you out through the tunnels that run beneath this place. In this way you will avoid the risk of returning the way you came. The Glyph’s mother will follow and if you can find a home for her in some deep dark place, I'll be grateful.

Second, you must tell the Templers to gather their wealth and flee the Empire. They are betrayed and soon will be rounded up and put to death.

Next be advised that the Empire has decided on war with the Free Territories and is preparing a massive invasion. They are resolved to gain dominion over all the known world.

Further the Goldens are planning revolt and will soon rise up in rebellion. They must have a sanctuary or they will be slaughtered. When the time comes we will flee to the Valley of Men. Without intervention by the Confederation there is no hope for them. I pray you will try and find them a place to stay.

Finally you have a terrible foe. His name is Creedmore Kratz. He’s an abomination to his people and a twisted caricature of evil. Beware of his presence and be vigilant. He is a formidable and dangerous.

Once the revolt is underway I will try and shepherd my Golden friends to safety. I would appreciate whatever help I can get. Go now and meet the Glyph. Do not linger any longer than necessary. You don’t want to be around when Creed returns.


Bedelia’s head snapped up and she looked into Guiles smiling face. “How did the meeting go?” he asked.

“He shared his thoughts and said for us to get the heck out of here.”

"I’ve been thinking about that and decided we'll leave tonight. We'd try our luck again on the axles.”

“Forget that,” she answered. “If it hadn’t been for Horance we'd have been discovered coming through the gate.”

“I wish you hadn’t said that...I’m a little short on back-up plans.”

“No problem, Horance is sending something to help.”


“A Glyph.”

“What’s that?”

A head poked up from the rushes. At your service, vized a huge rat shaking the straw off his coat and the dust off his tail.

“You are the the Glyph?” asked Bedelia, in wonder.

"So I’ve been told and so it has always appeared to me. It happens there’s a drain behind this very shed and this drain leads to a cistern and that cistern flows to a stream and the stream passes over a tunnel which goes beneath the moat and onward for some distance, until it inclines upwards, and opens into a hollow oak that is located well back into the forest. Phew…let me catch my breath."

“A back door!"

“What you see sprawling hereabouts, was not always quite so large. The Compound was built atop a very ancient settlement. In days of old it was a common practice to provide for an exit, as you so aptly describe. In the ruins beneath us is a passageway out of here.”

“How convienent,” said the Captain. “It’s gettingt dark and we should be getting on our way .”

“Horance wants you out of here, bidding me make haste and get you hence, as soon as possible.“ And so, my new found friends, he vized, switching to telepathy,Meet me below and we can get started. With that he scurried into a hole and disappeared beneath the straw. Once below they took final measure of their belongings and rolled up their tarp. The rat stood on a lateral stud, moving a board back and forth. “Loosey Goosey,” he said, and darted through.

Bedelia pushed the board and stepped through the opening. Outside the Glyph was dancing about on a manhole cover. In his claws he strained, lifting an iron hook. Guiles reached taking it, slipped it into the slot and lifted the cast iron cover. The rat scurried down the hole, skittering along the rungs and outcropping stones, disappearing into the darkness.

“After you my dear,” said Guiles

They began descending and everything went suddenly dark as Guiles dropped the cover back over them. It resounded with a “Ker-thunk.“ They began their descent downward and it was a long climb to the bottom. Finally, their feet came to rest on a floor. A match was struck and standing atop a pile of faggots stood the rat. “If you each take one, you will not have to feel about in the dark.”

Water dripped from the ceiling into a cement cistern which led down the corridor. They began to follow it and before long heard flowing water from the stream that fed the moat. The flow entered a viaduct and beneath it was a rock archway that opened into a long tunnel. They followed this tunnel for some distance until it began climbing upward. At length they began to see tree roots sticking from the sides and poking up her head, Bedelia breathed the sweet freshness of the forest.

Over here, vized the glyph. I’ve done my part, and I hope you know where you‘re headed from here. I will gladly accept a ride if either of you have the grace to offer.

“A fair exchange for your invaluable service,“ said Guiles. He lifted the Glyph and showed him a pouch on his backpack. “Allow me to return the favor. Make yourself comfortable because we have a long march ahead of us.”

“Where is your mother?” asked Bedelia. “Horance said she would be going with us.”

“She will be about. Have no concern of that. Mom is very particular about her company and prefers to find her own paths. She will guide on us and remain as close as necessary, which will not be very close.”

They traveled for the remainder of the night and made a rest halt in the early morning hours. The following day they treked on, resting in the afternoon. That evening they continued, marching through the night and arrived at the patrol base just before sun-up.


Sergeant Gibson was waiting to greet them. “Have Lewis and Finnegan arrived?” asked Cpt Standaloft.

“Not yet.”

“They should be here by now,” said Guiles scratching his head. “You suppose they got lost?”

“Not those two… I hope nothing bad’s happened.”

They were interrupted by the watch. “We have two incoming…hollered the look-out. From the other end of a freshly mown field, they saw Finnegan, his arm supporting Lewis and they were running and hopping towards them.

“You men follow me,” shouted Guiles.

“Something’s chasing them,” continued the overwatch. "Oh my god! It's Snagar, four of them."

Snagar were a cross between a mountain lion and an Orc. They were bred for their speed and feriocity, and used exclusively for a single purpose; killing Elves.

“Quickly lads, quickly,” exhorted the Captain. They raced with drawn swords out across the field.

The Felines closed quickly, bounding from behind. At the last moment the two soldiers stopped, turned, cycled their crossbows and fired. Two of the creatures fell but the other two kept coming. They had just enough time to draw their daggers before the Snagar leaped and grappled. Their saber like teeth clashed with cold steel. The ground was a swirl of dust, resounding with snarls and curses. The rescuers closed finally and made an end to it. The two sergeants were badly mauled.

"They discovered us Captain, plain bad luck it was...we've been running ever since. Theres a company of Guards hot on our trail and wagons closing fast." They dragged the wounded NCO's back into the perimeter.

“Sergeant Peters, get your fire team ready to move. Take Bedelia and make for the border.” He pulled out his security note book, turning to the correct date. Looking at his map he pointed out a location. “Here’s where we will meet you,” he said pointing to a bridge along the border highway. “Somewhere in the vicinity is Gate Seventy-Three.” From his notebook he wrote down the access code number. Tearing it out he gave it to Bedelia. “We will cover your withdrawal with the wounded. When you get to the bridge Bedelia will find the gate…make sure you have it open when we get there…I've a feeling there isn’t going to be a whole lot of extra time. The rest of us will follow behind for awhile and set up a hasty ambush. After we bloody their noses they won’t be quite so eager. Don’t stop for anything…we will be following but it's imperative, that if nothing else, you get Bedelia and the information she carries, back across the border. Is that clear?”

“Don’t worry about us,” said Sergeant Peters. “Saddle up,” he told his men and taking the stretchers, they set off at a double time run.

Guiles turned to Sgt Gibson. “Form a column and let’s get moving. I’ll lead us into the ambush site. There, we’ll form an "L"... you on the flank and me on the leg.”

They set off after a final count and equipment check, arriving at the ravine in a half-hour. They set up quickly and had just gotten into position when the first of the wagons came down the road. Walking in front was a security platoon in a V formation. When the point of the V crossed the line of the L, Guiles initiated the ambush. With deadly accuracy they surprised the enemy. At the same time Guardsmen began deploying from the wagons. There were met by linear fires from the two teams under Sergeant Gibson. It was carnage and in the first minute twelve guardsmen were killed or wounded. As the Guards began deploying from the wagons further back, Guiles and his men broke contact, formed up and continued East. Later in the day they initiated a second ambush. This time the Empire was much more wary. They fired the last of their bolts and again broke contact. As darkness fell they were still fifteen miles from the border.

The advanced party moved at a fast and measured pace exchanging places at regular intervals with those bearing the stretchers. They reached the border just at dusk and from atop a hill, looked down upon a bridge. There, unexpectedly, they saw a checkpoint, monitoring traffic along the border road. Across the road were barricades, a Battle Wagon and a security squad of eight Guardsmen.

Why is it that when you need a break you can never seem to catch one, wondered Sgt Peters, shaking his head. Gathering everyone around, he issued a hasty order. “We’ll leave the stretchers here,” he said, “waiting until its good and dark... then go down, shake hands and introduce ourselves. While we’re mixing it up, Bedelia will find the gate and get the damn door open. By the time she returns we should have things buttoned up.”

This man inspires confidence, thought Bedelia. We can do it.


Down below on the bridge the squad operating the checkpoint was engaged in an extracurricular activity they all enjoyed. When a vehicle containing a husband with an attractive wife, came along, they halted it on some trumped up pretex. Then they accused the man of some form of criminal activity and threatened to have him summarily executed. As the wife pleaded, she soon got the message that the only way to save her man was to grant a special favor .A large dray wagon was pullled up in front of the bridge and the man and woman on the seat fit the profile.

The squad leader walked up and demanded their papers, while the Corporal stood with his crossbow at the ready.

'This paperwork is not in order," said the Sergeant. "You're missing copy three of the Bill of Lading. Not only that but this tax stamp looks like a forgery. Keep your hands on the reins sir, and don't move."

"This is what they gave me in Corinth", the driver protested.

The NCO continued to closely examine the paperwork. "What do you think," he asked, showing them to his assistant.

"Definitely a forgery, if I ever saw one," answered the Corporal. "What is your business Mr. ahhh Goldman and where are you going?"

"These are dry goods," said the driver, "and they're consigned to Middletown."

"A likely story. The highways are filled with Templers these days, trying to flee the country and, you certainly have the look of one. There's probably a false botton in this wagon filled with gold."

(Actually every trumped up supposition was true. The driver was a Templer, he was fleeing the country with his wife and family, his paperwork was bogus and the wagon had a false bottom containing more riches than anyone could imagine.)

"I think we got us a Templer. Get the rope and throw it over the limb." There was the branch of an oak extending over the road and the wagon was stopped beneath it. The Corporal threw a rope over and scrambled up behind the driver, putting the noose end around his neck. "Stand up!" He ordered. As the driver stood, he took his hands behind his back and manacled his wrists. Then he jumped down and took the slack out of the rope and tied it off to the tree trunk. It was a well orchestrated maneuver, part of a charade they had practiced many times in the past.

"Please I’ll do anything pleaded his wife. Don’t hang my husband."

"I was hoping those would be your sentiments my dear. Those words of yours are like music to my ears… Maybe I was a bit hasty, jumping to conclusions and all that. Maybe your husband isn't a Templer after all..., but then again maybe he is. Step down here Mrs, and show me what you got in the wagon."

He helped her down and walked her towards the back. About halfway, he stopped and pretended she said something in his ear. "So, you think I’m handsome do you…. You trying to make me blush? Say it again louder one more time. Nobody's going to believe this if you don't speak up.".

"Your’re handsome…"

"Hear that Corporal? She thinks I'm handsome… Say it louder sweetheart, so your husband knows what kind of a woman you are."


"And for the recoerd make sure everyone knows who it is you're referring to."

"You sergeant."

"Pay attention Lads, Never let it be said I forced myself on a woman, but then again no one ever accused me of being bashful."

Once again he pretended she was speaking in a low voice. "And what was that you just whispered in my ear…oh my goodness…How shocking, now don’t be shy…It’s important evidence…say it louder this time."

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don’t blame you for not wanting to repeat it. But those are the very words that could clear your husband’s name, prove he isn’t a damn Conspirator and get me to take the rope from around his neck."

"But my husband isn‘t a Templer."

"That's not what you just told me!" he said cuffing her along side the head. She cried out and the force of the blow threw her up against the side of the wagon. I’ll give you one more chance to save his neck...put some more tension on that rope. Her husband was lifted up onto his tip-toes. "Now tell the Corporal what you just told me…."

"Please don’t make me."

"Don't say it Honey," pleaded her husband.

"String him up!"

"No wait…I want to lay with you Sergeant, I want you to make love to me."

"Much better! No wife of a Templer would have the nerve to say that, not with her husband standing standing there at attention. I guess that’s evidence enough. What do you think Corporal? Should I take her up on the offer?"

"Why keep her waiting?"

Loosen the rope a little, but have it tight just in case. If he gives you any trouble, you know what to do."


Soon they were moving stealthfully down the hill. A wagon was stopped, and a man was standing on the seat, with a rope around his neck. A Guardsman was turned about facing him with a crossbow. From inside the wagon came a childs voice. “Where did that soldier take Mommy?” "Hush, answered his father, "stay inside and keep quiet."

It started with a volley of bolt fire. The Corporal was the first to fall. Then came the cries and sounds of close combat. Bedelia slipped into the stream and waded under the bridge. In front of her she saw a Guardsman astraddle a woman, her arms pinned to the ground. He stopped suddenly and sprang to his feet, alerted by the noise of fighting. Then he scrambled for the far end, and up to the road, tucking in his shirt, and fumbling with his battle harness. Next to the bridge he paused, drew his sword and tried to see what was going on. Bedelia drew her knife and followed close behind. As he stood, deciding what to do, she drove her blade into his kidney.

He groaned turning wildly, sword in hand, but leaving her a wide enough opening. Her blade was dripping blood as she stepped in close driving the hilt this time, into his solar plexus. He gurgled and she stepped back, pulled it out and kicked him backwards down the hill.

Returning to the stream, she found the woman on her knees wretching and sobbing. “No time for that now,” said Bedelia, “Get hold of yourself, I have work to do. Go back to your family and I’ll check on you as soon as I can.”

Wading down the creek Bedelia set off in search of the gate. It gave her more than the usual challenge, but in a quarter hour she had it located and punched in the access code. There was a vibration and the plasma in the barrier opened. She returned to the bridge.

Sergeant Peters was waiting. “The woman told me what happened,” he said.

“Bastard," she muttered.

“That was the Squad Leader you killed. How about the gate?”

“It's open," she answered. "There’s an old road, runs along the side of the stream. A hundred yards in is a fallen tree and a shallow crossing. It opens onto a field. Another hundred yards, in about the middle of the clearing is the gate. We can get that wagon up to and through it, no problem.”

“I think we’re going to need it. We’ll put the wounded inside along with our extra equipment. If you’ll show Jones the way, have him pass through and spot it on our side of the border.”

“Have him meet me by the creek.” She walked over to the cart.

“Thank you…Ms?” said the driver, looking closely.

“I told you she was a woman,” answered his wife.

“This has all been a nightmare. We were on our way to Middletown when they stopped us here. My name is Silas Goldman and this is my wife Flora.”

“And who do we have here, peering from under the tarp?”

“I’m Silber,” said the lad rising up, “and this is my sister, Glitter.”

“Nice to meet you,” Bedelia said smiling.

“Back under the canvas!” Silas ordered, “and keep quiet. Any chance we can follow you across the border? “

“I don’t see why not,” replied Bedelia. Fall in behind this wagon, and I’ll lead you through.”

“My misses is a midwife and knows about healing. I hear you have some wounded.”

“We could use her services.”

Not near as much as we needed yours.. We’re deeply indebted.”

When she returned from guidig the wagons through the gate, Sergeant Peters brought her up to speed.

“We’ve established two defensive positions. One up there above the bridge and one here in the stream bed. You’ll be with me. Come along now and we’ll hunker down and wait.”

Time seemed to creep by. An hour before dawn another Battle Wagon came down the road and stopped by the bridge. Guardsmen deployed from inside, setting up a barricade of barrels and beams, oriented towards the hill overlooking the bridge. About the same time she sensed Guiles. There’s a reception party just showed up on the bridge she vized. We’re in two positions, hidden behind them. When you crest the hill we’ll attack. The gate is open.

Guiles motioned for Sgt Gibson and brought him up-to-date. “When we get to the hill overlooking the road we’ll see a section sized enemy force. I want everyone who can still wield a sword to come on line with me and assault downhill to the highway. You follow with the wounded.”

The sun was just coming up as the main body crested the hill. Sergeant Peter’s gave the order and two volleys of bolts were fired from behind. Guiles and the rest of the patrol swarmed down making a quick end to the resistance. It was all over by the time the wounded arrived and they were guided quickly down to the stream, into the forest and though the gate.

Captain Standaloft paused on the bridge. He adjusted his helmet and pulled down the visor. Atop the hill he saw a solitary figure surrounded by a body guard.

He raised his hand making a vulgar gesture with his finger. At the same instant a jolt struck, knocking him backward, over the bank and into the stream.

Bedelia screamed and ran to him followed by Sgt Gibson. Guiles rolled to his side and grimaced with a stupid smile.

"What the heck was that?" said the Glyph, poking his head out of the backpack.

“Damn fool!” Bedelia muttered…“You had to be out of your fracking mind!” They took him by either arm and went splashing off down the stream.
© Copyright 2010 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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