Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1672906-my-turning-pionts
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a shortish description of 2 pivital moments in my life
i am only thirteen but iv alredy had two major pivitol moments in my life. the first was when i figured out how to fake a six pack. i first got the idea when my friend that had to shave in 4th grade had 1. he was ripped and always took his shirt off and always made me look bad. that was because i was really short and had absolutely no body fat and or muscle anywhere. so i was busy counting my ribs 1 day (there were 30) and i was trying to see how far i could pull my stomach in. the anser to that question is far. so that evolved into how far i could bend my ribs toward the inside of my body and boom the ribs looked EXACtly like a six pack. the only problem is that it hurts a lot on ur 1st few tries but then once u get good you can hold it for ever. my career plan is to sell an in depth guide on faking a six pack to my fellow scrawny loossers that need 2 hav abs. that is why the instructions in the last few sentances were pretty vague. bt anyway the discovery was life changing. at least for me. the second one was my favorite of the two but i cant rite about it now because the teachers is getting mad and i dont have time. dont hurt ur self and read my next one or giant flying pumpkins will eat you and your family in the middle of the night. this must be tue because its on the internet
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