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, I hadn't written a story in nearly 15 years and all of a sudden this came, |
Warmest Greetings, my name is Eruan and I wish to tell you my tale, it is one of discovery, transformation and great wonder. .. My story begins in the Forest Glades of Linith Maiya. I was a typical wood elf, young and fool-hardy, most of my days were spent wandering the forests and playing with my animal friends. But a great longing stirred within me, an ancient ache that I needed to travel out and beyond known lands, so I gathered a simple bag of food and water and ventured out alone. . . . My travels took me too many diverse cultures of different races, many kinds of elves, faerys and creatures only conjured in the imagination. Many of them welcomed me and invited me to make my home with them, and yet I still felt the pull the venture further on. . My journey took me wearily into the Great towering mountains of Glothim Alm, to the place only a few foolish have dared to explore. . As the biting coldness of mountains began to have their way with me and my supplies dwindling dangerously, all hope had yet but faded from my heart. . I sat, alone, watching the sun fall on the lands beyond, all of the creatures and races I met, gathering and feasting together, my heart grew heavy and I knew my moment of death was drawing near. . I solemnly walked slowly to a nearby cave and that is when the wheel of fate turned and my destiny began to unfold. . . A baby injured dear lay in my path to the cave and I rushed over to it, all sadness and fear escaped me as I cradled the dying animal, I looked around for its parents with yearning and saw nothing but the gentle falling snow and the looming shadows of the Great Mountains. . I took the young dear to the cave and lit a small fire, as I opened my small bag of supplies I saw, lying at the bottom, a tiny branch of red cherries, picked form the forest of my youth, my stomach growled furiously at me, but the young dear lay before me, still and but an inch away from death, and I smiled as I took it into my lap and began to gently feed it the cherries. . Suddenly the small dear leapt to life and off my lap, its face shone with love for my kindness. I smiled at the dear, a mixture of compassion and acceptance of my own creeping fate filled my heart. . The dear began to shimmer before me and I believe that this was it; in my moment of death I was seeing things…. I lay on the cold floor of the cave as the last embers from the fire dwindled out. . . ‘’this is it’’ ……………. I opened my eyes slowly, expecting lush green woodland stretched out before me, I saw the a, tall glowing figure standing at my feet, as my vision cleared I saw a vision of great beauty and grace. . A tall white elf female, with long flowing silver hair down to her back, just standing there, smiling at me. My confusion was dwarfed only by my awe ‘’who are you?’’ I asked. . The women said nothing, but smiled at me and offered me her hand. I took it and she turned to point beyond the tallest mountain and began to walk with a grace only seen in water dwelling creatures, her movements, slow and gracious. We walked slowly around the mountain and through a tight valley of jagged rock into a deep dark gathering of trees. . As we reached a clearing in the trees all was dark and I could not for the life of me see beyond just a few meters, the white elf let go of my hand and took a few steps back, smiling peacefully at me. . . Her face grew still and a distant look glazed over her eyes, then . . . An explosion of light and energy danced from her glowing heart and the darkness was illuminated, Tall white trees with glowing golden leaves stood proud around me and the earth beneath glowed and shimmered slightly . . . too my amazement a group of tall, white elves, male and female stood around me in white and silver robes, all looking as if they new me . .. The women who had led me to this place was standing there with them, next to a solid oak door and pointed to the door. Still awe-struck I moved gingerly to the door and slowly turned the round handle to open it, as I walked through I entered a cavern with walls that were smooth as liquid and pearlescent, in the centre of the cavern was pool of what can only be described as a turquoise mist, thick and moving as if alive, I turned to look behind me for guidance of what I should be doing, no-one stood there and the door was gone. . I took small deliberate steps towards the glowing pool of thick mist, faeries and sylphs danced about in the pool, diving and jumping in and out. . I dipped my foot in the pool and it felt warm and inviting, so I stepped fully into it. . As I began to bath, I noticed myself becoming very sleep and peacefully lethargic, so I decided to step out, only to realize I had become unusually heavy and I surrendered to the feeling and let myself sink deep into the misty pool. . . As I came too I realized it had all been a beautiful and mystical dream as the walls of the cave I was resting in grew brighter as the sun began to rise, I look around for the baby dear I had nurtured but it was nowhere to be found, however a small sheet of smooth crystal lay glistening at the cave entrance and I walked over to it, although it actually felt like I was underwater. As I picked up the crystal I nearly dropped it when I saw what was reflected on its shining surface, the elven women I has seen in my dream was there and for the first time I heard her speak, her voice was like a echoing wave of softly spoken elfish and she said to me ‘’young eruan, we have watched your life fondly and seen great potential in you, the young dear was but a test if you could display an act of pure compassion and love in a time of terrible loneliness and fear, and you proved to yourself that you have a great light within you that is desperately needed in this age, take this light and peacefully shine it wherever you go and show others by your being that they too can transcend mortality and fear’’ As the smiling image faded I saw myself in the crystal, my skin had turned as white as the clouds in moonlight and my eyes had become soft and empathically glazed. . I slowly placed the crystal on the floor and made my way out of the mountains…. In the distance I saw a small village of elves, alight with folly and merrymaking and I smiled. . As I made my way towards the large tree, my heart sang a song of timeless peace and I realized that this was what it truly felt to be alive . . . . . . Namaste |