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by Brave
Rated: E · Essay · Educational · #1672542
Importance of JUSTICE, with special reference to Pakistan

Everyday, as one switches on the television, the more or less same news await one:

•          Twenty people dead in a fresh wave of violence in Iraq.

•          President hardly survives a terrorist attack.

•          Seventy people killed and more than two hundred injured in bomb blasts in London.

•          Dozens died and hundreds injured as train blasts in Mumbai.

•          Five Kashmiri youths killed in Sirinagar by Indian troop.

•          Three Palestinian children shot dead by Israeli soldiers.

Everyday, hundreds of people are killed or abducted, women are abused and raped, children kidnapped and buildings set on fire. Everyday, there is fresh news of violence suddenly erupting among the peaceful people. There is so much chaos and confusion that it is hard to imagine the same people once living so calmly and peacefully. There is a sense of insecurity and fear which is constantly dangling like a sharp sword in front of one’s eyes. No one feels he is completely safe. Also, there is an increasing sense of restlessness and uneasiness which is increasing day by day.

As one watches these bloody scenes and listens to these horrible news, one’s mind somersaults. The pictures of dead people, the blood curdling screams of people crying with pain haunt one’s mind to such an extent that one has nothing else to think about. In the middle of this confusion and helter-skelter, one comes across a queer thought. ‘What single change should be brought in this community which would stop all this bloodshed and acts of terrorism?’ Strange answers come to one’s mind. Is it sense of brotherhood? But what is this sense of brotherhood? Then, is it freedom of practicing religion? It may be, but it does not ail all the problems. Does it mean that there is no solution to the present problems?” are these problems unsolvable? There must be some solution. Yes!! There is one solution. It is justice. Yes, it is justice. Justice is perhaps the only thing which can save the human race from falling into the bottomless pit of destruction and total disintegration. But now the question arises, what is justice? The dictionary defines the justice as ‘the right and fair behaviour or treatment’. This fair treatment extends from the simple duties of a person to oneself to the ‘not-so-simple’ obligations of the whole country. 

         In Pakistan, there is predominantly feudalism in the rural areas, although a degree of industrial revolution has taken place. In this community, generally, there is lack of justice. Whether it is concerned with one’s own duties or related to one’s commitments with other people, there is a scarcity of being fair and just. Most of the people live below the poverty line and this has created a wrong, but firm belief in their minds which has taken root so firmly that it stands like a firm rock, which is quite difficult to remove. This belief is that since they do not get enough money by abiding their duties justly, then what is the need of all this hard work and justice to the job. This belief, though in the wrong, does have some justification if we consider it from this point of view.

         More importantly, a person in this society does not do justice even to himself. For instance, consider a student. He remains quite ignorant about his studies and does not take it seriously at all. Then, when the examinations are right upon him, he just wakes up from his deep slumber and pounces upon his books. He studies day and night, irrespective of what effect it will have on his health. This is how he does not do justice to himself.

         Taking justice in the usual sense, the above comment is also true of Pakistan’s judiciary system. Sad to say, the judiciary and legal system is really below the mark. Again, perhaps the main reason is poverty. When a police constable is finding it difficult to lead his life by his meager earning, why should he work justly? It is profitable for him to take bribes and earn money to feed himself and his family. Also, the judges do not work justly and give biased decisions. This not only damages his repute but demoralizes the policeman also who has risked his life to arrest the culprit. He may as well have let him go to get some “gifts” for himself.


         Speaking more generally, most of the people working in government and private offices do not do justice to their duties. The concept of “might is right” is at work. Bosses come when they like to and “offerings” are accepted to provide way for files to travel safely to the higher authorities. The sense of brotherhood and helping others is forgotten and malice and hatred replaces if any one gets a promotion, he has to face the malicious eyes of his colleagues instead of their greetings.

         Lastly, but most importantly, this growing wave of terrorism is also thankful in its propagation to the lake of justice. Where there is injustice, terrorism in some form should follow it. For instance, if there are two brothers and one of them doesn’t give the other one his due share, the other one has no option but to resort to violence in order to obtain his due share, irrespective of the fact that it is his brother who is facing his aggression. Same is in the case of those so called ‘terrorist groups’. They have their demands which are quite acceptable and if they are promised that those would be fulfilled, who is ready to blow himself up in front of a mass of people? Surely, no one as every one loves his life. It is only when he is pressed to such an extent that he goes for the suicidal attacks.

         The consequences of the introduction of justice in the community are as much staggering as the outcomes of its absence. The introduction of justice and honesty will completely revolutionize the society and there would be a complete change in the lifestyle of the common man. There will be no one crying for his rights and justice if he gets his true rights justly.

         Starting from an individual human, justice can completely transform his life. He will be able to do every work at its proper time and will not inter mingle religion with every day life. Actually, religion is an integral part of everyday life and it is our erroneous thinking that has mixed the two together. The person would also be able to give proper attention to his family and the people around him.

         The introduction of justice in the rural areas of Pakistan would certainly change their lives for the good. They would no longer be under the exploitation of the feudal lords and would live with them in absolute calm and tranquility. There would be no abductions, no killings, no rapes and no kidnappings. The justice would also see the eventual abolishment of feudalism from Pakistan which has been the root cause of all the problems of Pakistan and has been a headache for the governments. Also, the agricultural produce of the country would increase many folds as the farmers would work harder, knowing that no one would snatch away their produce.

         Justice in judiciary would also bring about a remarkable change in the society. The life of an ordinary police constable would also be altered dramatically. He would work harder to fulfill his duties and as a result of it, there would be a significant decrease in the crime rate. The judges would also discharge their duties justly. Hence, the culprits would be dealt with an iron hand, and in such a society no one will even think to do a crime, what to talk of bribing the concerned officers.

         There has been a loud din about the world becoming a ‘global village’. Surely, with the advancement in technology, the distances between people have also decreased. I, being a member of this world, will also consider this whole world as a single community. So, the inception of justice in this worldwide community would bring about a massive change in the current affairs. The burning issues of Kashmir, Palestine and Lebanon would be neatly solved. The present world has still not understood the demands of those people. It has in fact, failed miserably to understand their feelings. The nations which are marring the rights of self-determination of those people are so dominant and powerful that it is impossible for anyone to stop them. But does it mean they are free to at will? No! Not at all. ‘Tit for tat’ goes the old saying and it is my firm belief that one day, they will stop because some will stop them. Let us hope that the day is near.

         The ongoing wave of terrorism is currently at its peak throughout the world. I am surely against them, but all I want to make clear is how it erupted and how it can be tackled. The establishment of justice in the world would see an end to this terrorism. When everyone gets his rights, why would he terrorize others? Man is basically a peace loving animal. What makes him violent is the snatching of his rights. Another reason is not allowing others to practice their religion. People forget to remember about the restriction on wearing ‘hijab’ when they talk about ‘9/11’ (disaster) and other suicidal bomb attacks. Justice would see an end to all these problems.

         In the end, I would like to say that only an ounce of justice would do no good in this world of injustices. Martin Luther once said,

          “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.

         This is quite true when we consider our society. If there is ‘one law for the rich and another for the poor’, the dream of a just society ended in smoke. What is needed is justice introduced at every level of a society, whether it is at individual level or is concerned with a society… Also, the world politicians should quit their unjust practices and be just and honest so that this long awaited dream of a peaceful society may finally materialize. In the end, I would like to quote the words of Ferdinand (I), who said,

    “Let justice be done, though the world perish”...

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