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by JShoe
Rated: E · Other · Animal · #1672460
The story involves friendhsip between 2 dogs, Max & Neuman, and their new neighbor

Max & Neuman

Friend Always

Everyone needs a best friend. Best friends support each other; watch out for one another, share everything and encourage ideas and dreams and sometimes disappointment and even secrets. They are loyal, trustworthy, friendly, loving and always want you to succeed and be happy. If you are lucky enough to find a best friend or even a good friend you are blessed and rich beyond measure because you have someone that will also be there to listen and advise you for the rest of your life no matter what. That is something special to always be cherished

(Ask the child if they have a special friend)

Max and Neuman (the boys) have been best friends for 6 years when Max came to live with Neuman and his family the Shoemakers. Max and Neuman are dogs but believe they, well at least Neuman, are people and expect to be treated as humans. Max is an older wiser dog than Neuman and often has to put up with his antics but they are best buddies. Max is a black Labrador with a white stripe on his stomach and the tip of his tail. His whiskers are getting gray from age but Max believes it is a sign of wisdom. Neuman is a Gordon Setter that is regal looking with brown and red coloring. Neuman reminds Max every chance he gets, especially when he gets bossy and tells Neuman what to do, that he is pure bread with papers to prove it. And Max always points out that at least he doesn’t sleep on his back with his legs pointing straight up the air which happens to be Neuman’s favorite position for sleeping. (corresponding page has pic.of this) Max knows who he is and that’s enough. Max also knows that Neuman thinks he is a very real person. In Neuman’s mind he is a person that can speak to their family, get chocolate treats, sleep wherever he wants ,even where he is not suppose to sleep like in a bed upstairs, but Neuman does anyway. Max knows that they can only speak with each other and other dogs. But Neuman is convinced they can speak with cats, cows, mice, and other wild animals. The only problem is all the other animals speak a foreign language and as hard as the boys try they can’t learn how to speak “cat” or “mouse”. Max understands a dogs limitations but Neuman is convinced he will learn a foreign language if he just practices enough so whenever possible he tries to talk with the cat that lives next door but gets frustrated because the cat never answers. He even tries gesturing with his hands but still no reply. Neuman is convinced that cats, and most all other species, are stuck up, rude, dumb and not very friendly. Max just shakes his head and laughs when he hears Neuman make such comments.

It was early Saturday morning on Burr Street in Lake in the Hills, a small community with tree lined streets just outside of Chicago that is very peaceful and where neighbors are friendly, the grass is perfectly manicured, birds chirp out songs of Spring and squirrels can be seen collecting nuts for winter. This is the block where the boys live. Saturday is the day the dogs like to sleep in and were not too happy to be jarred awake recently by a loud noise. After stretching and yawning they went to the front window to see who could be up at this hour and why would they be making such a racket? Don’t they realize the boys, and most other normal people, enjoy sleeping in just 1 day a people on the street. But it was 7:30 and making all this loud noise is just downright rude. Well they looked out the window and saw a BIG yellow truck parked in the street with men coming out and going in to the back of the truck. It was a moving van. There was also a new SUV in the driveway loaded to the top with boxes. Someone finally bought old man’s Jensen’s place , both thought to themselves, and they looked like a nice family but really that doesn't change the fact they were working soooo early in the morning. Since they were just moving into the neighborhood the boys decided to wait until later to straighten them out and tell the new neighbors what is a decent hour to wake up on Saturday and it wasn’t 7:30!!! (Moving van picture)

Well since Max and Neuman were already up they might as well start their day. After barking to Julie for breakfast, she is the nicest and prettiest owner in the world, the boys were fed dog food with some gravy on top. “Hey this isn’t eggs and bacon” Neuman cried out but of course Julie didn’t understand his bark and Max just ignored him and kept on eating. After breakfast they ventured outside to get a better look at these rude people. Max overheard the mother say the family’s name is Winter and they just moved here from Iowa. Max began to pass along this information to Neuman but Neuman didn’t hear him because he was busy sneaking back into the kitchen and grab some bacon off the stove. However Neuman thought he heard Max say something about Iowa and he wondered what and where is Iowa. All he knew is it sounded a long distance from Lake in the Hills. As the last piece of furniture was moved into the house the boys counted 3 members of the Winter family. Betty was the mother, Jeff was the father and Tommy was their 7 year old son. And something was in a box making a sound like barking but Max and Neuman WERE the dogs on the block. Tommy tipped the box over and out rolled a pile of fur and fuzz that was a Black Labrador puppy. Oh no a dog was bad enough but a puppy the Boys looked at each other with painful expression on their face. Almost in unison they said together puppies get into EVERYTHING as they explore learn and basically make life miserable. Plus even worse is the fact that everyone loves a puppy and they get all the attention and best treats leaving scraps for Neuman and Max.

Neuman suggested to Max that they had wasted enough time watching the neighbors it was “me” time. Time when the boys loved to play outside in their own back yard protected by a high white fence and under Julie loves protective eye. They love to be in the backyard each playing with their favorite toy. Neuman was always chasing butterflies and scarring off any birds that dared to land in the yard. Max always thought Neuman was foolish to be chasing the things that fly. He has never caught one and usually ends up frustrated, mad and grumpy for the rest of the day. Max preferred to play with his BIG red ball. Sometimes Julie, Bart (the dad) or Jessica (the daughter) would throw the ball all over the yard and Max tried to catch it in the air or at least track it down before it stopped rolling. The ball was quite old and had teeth marks covering every inch of the ball from years chasing it. Neuman thought Max was not very coordinated because he never caught the ball in the air or couldn’t fit it into his mouth to chew it. Why did Max even bother to encourage his owners to toss a ball that was never caught. Oh well they are just were happy playing in the yard and just being with each other. Except And when the squirrels would across the yard too fast for either dog to catch them, scurry up the tree and do the high wire act crossing from one telephone pole to another it drives the dogs crazy. Neuman was sure the squirrels just like to tease the dogs by almost saying nah nah nah you can’t catch me. But the boys are best friends and time together is all that really mattered. Because both dogs had a dark black coat they can get hot pretty quickly and the remedy for that is going into the play pool Julie bought them last year followed by a nice long sleep under the Willow tree that provides plenty of shade and a cool covering.

On Saturday the dogs usually went for a ride with the family. This was their FAVORITE activity. They could see new sights and drive with their heads out the window with their ears flapping in the wind and new smells flying up their nose. They can also see other animals and pets in the surrounding area. Pets that certainly didn't live in their neighborhood. Neuman laughs the hardest when they pass farms with cows grazing in the field because Max thinks the cows are reindeer but Neuman thinks horses are big dogs who should be laughing at whom. The second best thing to do is go for a walk in the forest preserve that is near their home, really only steps away out the back door. But wild animals lived in the wooded preserve so they had to be careful and walk with the leash on and their owners holding pretty tight. Sometimes it seemed as though they would choke from the leash held so tight. There was a pond filled with fish swimming, turtles sunning themselves on a log, tadpoles growing into frogs. Also living in the woods were rusty color foxes, hawks circling high overhead, groups of deer, snakes that slither on the ground, gophers digging deep holes, cardinal, finch, Bluebirds, skunks to stay away from, and coyotes (at this point ask the child to identify the different animals from the pic. on next page). Max and Neuman didn’t like the coyotes and the coyotes didn’t like them. Sometimes their paths would cross and each dog would raise their tails, growl and bark as to say – stay away or pay. There definitely lines that was not to be crossed. The coyotes were about the same size as the boys but they were mean. Coyotes are scary. Their teeth are long and gnarly, their eyes are dark and menacing with a nasty disposition accented by a loud shrill howl when they call each other. The Boys were only afraid of the coyotes and none of the other animals living in woods bothered them 1 bit. But the dogs could never let the Coyote know. Max heard a rumor that the coyotes were hungry one night so they went into Princess’ (small Chihuahua) yard and carried her off for dinner later that night. The coyotes must really be wild. The coyotes were notorious for eating Julie’s vegetables growing in the garden. Julie planted beans, carrots, tomatoes, radishes and corn (another opportunity for your child to learn by naming each vegetable in the picture). Al used to make fresh dinners for her family. She planted the prettiest flowers that change colors throughout the summer and attract the flying pests that Neuman likes to chase. However the nasty coyotes had a habit of carelessly stepping on her lovely flowers and smashing them flat. The Boys always were saddened by this because each thought the flowers decorating the house were beautiful. Max stayed away from the flowers because they attract bees but Neuman saw bees as an opportunity to chase flying animals around the yard until he got stung. Julie loved working in her garden because it relaxed her and everyone needs time to relax. In fact each afternoon both dogs would find a place to take a nap and watch Julie working in the garden. They went to different locations to rest because Max snored, even though he wouldn’t admit it and Neuman likes to lay in the sun on the stairs landing or on the big rug by the front door with his legs straight up in the air. Why Neuman slept in such a crazy position couldn’t venture to guess but everyone has some quirkiness and this was just another one of Neuman. Max had a big pillow in the living room which he circled several times before he plopped down and went to sleep. Neuman always slept where all humans slept, upstairs on a bed.

About a week passed and the dogs were getting use to the neighbors and even started to like the puppy. Tommy named his dog Ajax and spent hours playing outside in their back yard with his new pet. Owning a pet requires the owner to feed it, give it plenty of exercise, and make sure it was safe. Tommy always wanted a dog but until they moved into the new house his father said Tommy was too young to care for a pet. Now Mr. Winter explained to Tommy that he trusted him with this important responsibility because he was growing up. He reminded Tommy that he is now caring for a living creature that loves him and depends on him. Ajax was very curious and Tommy always kept a keen eye on him so he wouldn’t get lost or into mischief. However with a puppy that is easier said than done even in your own back yard.

Yesterday the unthinkable almost happened. Tommy and Ajax were playing fetch, Max’s expertise by the way, in the yard as the Boys watched their new friends. When his mother called for Tommy to feed his dog Ajax saw an opportunity to go exploring. The gate in the yard was open just a crack but enough for Ajax to squeeze through. It is just the nature of all young children and animals to investigate anything new and the woods were intriguing and mysterious and beckoning. In a flash he was out the gate. The preserve has all kinds of new smells and grass so high you could get lost in them for an entire day very easy. This place was just waiting to be explored. But Tommy was warned by his parents to stay out of the woods and this was also true for Ajax. Too late Ajax was out of the yard and heading to the woods as fast as he could. The noise of birds chirping, frogs belching, squirrels in the trees calling to each other and other sounds that Ajax didn’t know but he was going to find out what made such strange noises.

Tommy came out of the house with Ajax’s food bowl in one hand and a cup of water in the other hand. Tommy called to Ajax to come and eat. Ajax didn’t respond so Tommy began to search for his pet. Ajax often liked to play hide and seek. His favorite hiding spot was under the porch steps and this where Tommy headed. However as he looked around the yard before checking under the porch he saw the open gate still swinging back and forth. Upon closer look he saw something moving far off out the corner of his eye. Clasping his hands around his eyes to make binoculars Tommy spied Ajax just entering the forbidden but beckoning woods. Tommy called to Ajax to STOP but Ajax was too far and couldn't hear the warning or he didn’t want to hear him.

Max and Neuman watched with concern as Tommy approached the woods in hot pursuit of his beloved dog. Just in a split second the Boys couldn’t see Tommy anymore because as soon Tommy entered the tall grass he was swallowed up by the forest with the light blocked out and limiting his vision to just straight ahead for only 2-3 feet.

Tommy was too worried about Ajax to be troubled by the confining high grass. He yelled to Ajax but still no answered so Tommy marched forward searching and calling to Ajax. He could hear the crows in the trees overhead cawing while dragonflies buzzed around his head being a nuisance but not a problem. Each step took Tommy a little farther into the woods and he began to feel lonely.

Neuman turned to Max and said “I don’t like the looks of this”. Max responded that he also was a little upset because Coyotes live in the woods and they were sure Ajax would be a tasty treat for hungry wild animals. Not to mention Tommy could be attacked and seriously hurt if he tried to interfere with the Coyotes’ dinner plan. This alarmed the Boys who sprang into action charging toward the woods as fast as they could. Both were hunting dogs so they could run VERY fast. Upon entering the woods Max used his keen smelling nose to locate the coyotes and the Boys encountered what they feared. The coyotes were tracking Tommy and Ajax along the path they lay by tromping through the woods and high grass. The coyotes didn’t have much trouble locating their prey because they left a trail of broken bushes, paw and foot prints, new scents and the noise of a new comers making their way through their territory.

Everyone arrived at the same location at the same time. It was a clearing in the woods near the pond and marsh. Ajax was running free in the open field and Tommy was calling to him and trying to catch Ajax. But each time Tommy was about to catch Ajax he squirted away and kept on running. Unfortunately the coyotes entered the clearing just as Tommy finally caught Ajax and unknowingly this caused him to approach the coyotes just off the trail out of sight laying in blackberry bush and tall grass. But Tommy and Ajax were lucky because the Boys arrived behind the coyotes at this perilous time. Seeing the coyotes Tommy was afraid something bad was going to happen to him and Ajax. Tommy grabbed Ajax and looking up right into the eyes of the larger coyote, watch with amazement and relief the ensuing fight.

Max and Neuman are lovers and not fighters but sometimes that has to change. To protect yourself, family members Max called to Neuman “I’ll take the leader and you get after the 2 smaller dogs”. Neuman’s reply was delivered in a nervous but confident voice saying" Don’t worry Max I have your back”. Neuman also pleaded with Max to be careful reminding him "remember the coyotes are mean and probably hungry". The coyotes turned around as the Boys launched themselves with a mighty jump fueled by running as fast as they could. Max landed on the big coyote’s back digging his claws deep into its skin and biting his neck. Fur was flying everywhere leaving big bald spots dotting the coyotes back. Neuman came down with a bang landing just in front of the 2 remaining coyotes startling them both. His sudden appearance surprised the 2 coyotes catching them off guard and giving Neuman the upper hand. Now Neuman is usually a gentle dog with no intention ever to hurt someone. But this was different. Neuman warned his advisories in his huskiest and deepest voice he could muster saying “I am going to count to 3 and whoever is still here will feel the wrath of me the meanest dog around”. The coyotes knew that Neuman wasn't to be feared but they also heard from other animals that Max and Neuman never lied. Neuman's warning was enough for the 2 coyotes and they skedaddled as fast as their legs could carry them around the pond and away from the crew. At the same time Max caught the lead coyote by surprise creating fear running all the way down the coyotes soul. The big coyote never saw Max act like this and concluded that he must mean business. In the past he always thought he could defeat Max in a fight but now was different. Max’s eyes burned with anger. When Max finally got off the coyote boss and declared “You haven’t seen anything yet” the mean coyote put his head between his tail and left the scene in a cloud of dust embarrassed but relieved to be out of Max's glare. You see the Boys know Bullies are only trouble when they have superior numbers and are much larger than their intended victim. Bullies' bark is often more furious than their bite. If the bully (coyotes in this case) is matched in size by a confident advisory they quickly lose their nerve and will leave you alone.

Relived Tommy watches how Max and Neuman rescued him and Ajax. With Ajax in toe under his arm he quickly ran to Max and Neuman praising them for their bravery and courage. Just then Mr. Winter approached the edge of the woods calling out his son’s name frantically as Tommy, Max, Neuman and Ajax exited the woods.

Mr. Winter with concern in his voice said “Tommy your mom and me were worried sick when we couldn’t find you. Mr. Winter expressed his disappointment with Tommy’s action by saying “Even after we gave you strict orders to stay out of the woods because they can be dangerous you defied us and acted as you wanted”. “Not to mention that you are responsible for Ajax’s safety and you jeopardized both of your well being by deciding you know better than your parents”. We have lived on this earth a lot longer than you and we establish rules for good reasons not to punish you or keep you from having fun” but to keep you safe. Since you can’t follow our guidelines maybe you are too young for the responsibility of caring for a pet.” And I want to know if you encouraged the neighbor’s dogs to join the dangerous adventure with you.

Mr. Winter saw Max and Neuman's hair razed and tailed pointed back. This usually indicates the dogs are mad and maybe attack. He didn’t know the Boys just completed one heck of a fight. Suddenly Mr. Winter became concerned and inquired of Tommy "Have the neighbor's dogs growled at you or tried to bite Ajax?" “Dad you have it all wrong” said Tommy

When Mr. Winter stopped talking Tommy said “ You said that Ajax’ welfare was my responsibility because I AM big enough to handle the ownership of a dog” I play with Ajax, exercise and feed him and especially act as his parent”. You and mom look after me and that is what I was doing”. Tommy ‘s tears beginning to well his eyes as he proceeded to tell his father everything that happened during their close call. Starting from Ajax escaping the yard to Max and Neuman’s rescue”. Tommy also scolded his dad for not learning their names reminding Mr. Winter " their names are Max and Neuman and they are the bravest dogs in the WHOLE world. “Please forgive me Tommy. I was wrong. You do care for Ajax and l guess really listen to what your mother and me say”. That’s what big boys do” answered his son. He also expressed his gratitude to Max and Neuman for watching out for his son and being a good neighbor” Tommy added "and for being his new best friend". This comment perked Ajax's ears but he also wagged his tail in agreement. After all friends take care of each other and keep them out of harm's way.

Well after the exciting day ended everyone was tired and headed home to bed. During the time all this transpired Julie noticed her dogs were missing so she and Jessica began searching for the Boys around the neighborhood and calling their names and visiting their favorite haunts. They were SO relieved to see both dogs trailing their new neighbors. They were covered in burrs and looked tired but the Winters said they were fine. After Mr. Winter explained the adventure they just transpired Julie spent the rest of the day praising her favorite dogs and spoiling them with treats like chocolate cake. Neuman winked at Max saying "see chocolate cake, food that only people eat". "You are always right Neuman what could have I been thinking all this time?" "Please forgive me." Neuman just smiled and said "Max no need to apologize we are best friends". Max thought to himself "what apology I was being sarcastic. Maybe Neuman isn't so smart after all" But because they are Friends Max kept his revelation to himself and also smiled.

Early the following morning the Boys were once again asleep and waken by a loud noise outside. Mrs. Winter was knocking on the door with a present. Wrapped in 2 bows were the BIGGEST bones with a little steak still on them. She couldn’t stop thanking Max and Neuman saying the bones were at least the reward they deserved and they could come over anytime, even when Mr. Winter is barbequing. After that fateful day Tommy could almost always be seen petting and playing with all 3 dogs. When his friends from school visited Tommy introduced them to dogs. Whenever Tommy's friends came over, and sometimes with Mr. Winter too, they Boys played their new favorite game called running bases. Basically it was a game of keep away but the dogs loved the attention and Neuman thought it was good practice for tracking the birds that invaded their yard. Max just thought it was fun, but very TIRING.

Not everyone was happy with the outcome of the meeting in the woods between the dogs and coyotes. Now more than ever the coyotes considered Max and Neuman their enemies. Sometimes you could see the coyotes watching the children and dogs playing in the back yard and sometimes if you listen carefully you could hear the coyote leader say “They will all pay for our little run in". No one gets the upper hand with the coyotes. "Max and Neuman and that little dog Ajax are safe for now playing in the yard under the watchful eye of their owners but if we bide our time we will avenge our loss and everyone will once again fear the coyotes." All the other coyotes agreed and from then on they looked for ways to corner the Boys. But the dogs were never alone because after all they are best friends. Still the coyotes are waiting.

© Copyright 2010 JShoe (jeffshoe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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