Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1672414-Haunted-By-Memories---Chapter-1
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1672414
One girl with special powers. Torn between 2 guys with special powers. Guess what happens?
The darkened sky moved by gently as the vechile shifted slightly. Groups of gray formed on the other side of the window. Flashes of green sttracted my eyes as they examined the unfamiliar country town. Sighing, I put in my iPod's head phones.

It wasn't fair. They were abandoning me. At the time that I needed them most, my parents were pushing me away. I scowled, cranking the volume. I tried to concentrate on the guy singing about a stripper, but the memories of last year just came rushing back to me.

It was in November. Two years ago. My parents were off from work one Saturday, and we decided to go to the park. The six of us decided to cram everyone in the car and let Ivan, my four year old little brother, run around while the rest of us get some fresh air.

I sat at one of the picnic tables with my older brother, Dustin, and my younger sister, Alyson. Dustin was 16 then, a year older than me. Dustin and I spent most of our time together. We were close. Like, really close. We were always hanging out, and if me and Dustin weren't, me and Alyson were.

Alyson, 14 at the time, a year younger than me, and I were also really close. I talked to her when i wasn't talking to Dustin. But, no matter how much time i spent with either one of them, neither of them really liked eachother, so i was constantly in the middle.

Alyson stood, streching her legs after sitinf at the table for an hour. Her auburn hair was long, and streaming in the breeze. She wasn't much taller than me. I, being a mear five foot three, was always short. My mother and father always joked about me being the adopted one.

It never really helped my self esteem. Mom and Alyson had light auburn hair, were tall, had tan complections, and deep brown eyes. Dad, Dustin, and Ivan had short, dirty blonde hair, were also tall (with the exception of Ivan, of course), also had tan skin, and had emerald green eyes.

I was the black sheep. I was short, but much skinnier than the rest of my family. I had neck length black hair, with my bangs in my left eye and always wore my "signature" bow in my hair. I had watery gray eyes, and was very pale. Plus, I had a thing for black when my family loved light colors. But, I had to face it. I was different.

I stood up, streching my arms, just as Alyson did. Ivan ran to my side, grabbing at my shirt with his little four year old fingers. Ivan, for some reason, prefered me to everyone else.

"Alice?" His little voice started " Will you walk me to the bathrooms?"

"Sure thing, little guy." I smiled, ruffling his hair.

I took his hand in mine, leading him across the park to the restrooms. We'd almost reached them, but a tall, slender, black man stepped in front of us. He was maybe about twenty, twenty-two.

"Hey, baby. You lookin' fine," He said, looking directly at me.

I never was one for strangers, nor did I like being hit on. This was creepy. He was at least five years older than me. I didn't want him talking to me. I needed either Dad or Dustin. Preferably Dustin.

"Hey, Ivan," I whispered into his little ear ", Go get Dustin, or Dad. Go."

Just like that, Ivan let go of my hand and started running back towards my family.

"Where's your boy goin'?" The guy spoke again.

"Oh, Ivan's not my son." I half laughed.

"Who's is he, then?"

"My mother's." I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh. So you ain't his momma? That's cool. Then, how old are you, baby?"

"I don't appearciate you calling me that. And my age is none of your concern."

"Chill. I'm just startin' a conversation." He held up hands, as if you say "relax."

Where was Ivan with Dustin? I needed him now. I was getting even more creeped out.

"I don't care. I'm creeped out. And my brother is going to come back and kick your ass if you keep talking to me." I smirked.

"God. Chill, bitch." He looked taken aback. I looked behind me and saw Dustin and Ivan running my way.

Dustin had this look in his eyes that made him look dangerous, protective. he was running full spead. The man must have felt threatened because he pulled a gun out of his pocket.

I gasped and started running in my brothers' direction. I was desparate just in case the guy decided to shoot.

"He's got a gun!" I yelled tripping over my feet, falling to the concrete. Dustin, tripping over my body, fall also. Then, I heard the gunshot. The one that changed my life forever.

As I stood, I saw Ivan, bullet hole in his chest, laying on the ground, motionless. A pool of blood had already formed under him.

I screamed for help, but by the time my parents got there, Ivan was dead. The guys had gotten away.

After that, I had therapy for over a year. I was starting to feel good again, but 7 months ago, while I was at that same park, visitng the spot where he died, I saw him. Ivan was pale white, bloody and still had the bullet hole in his chest. I knew that I had just seen his ghost. I'd always believed in stuff like that, but apparently, my parents didn't.

Ivan had been following me around for a week, he had even started talking to me, when I decided to tell my family. I sat them down, explained what had happened and everything else in between. Dustin and Alyson believed me, but Mom and Dad thought I was crazy.

They sent to a group home for people that professionals like to call "Spirit Observers." I spent six months there with other people who could see ghost, just like I could. After the six months were over, my parents picked me up and were taking me to this school. This school was supposed to "teach me to be a normal teenager." Once I had learned, I could go home.

Snapping back into reality, I looked at the scenery outside. We were almost at the school. I hated my life since Ivan died. I was glad I could still see him, glad he was coming with me.

The car stopped. I jumped up a little. Dad sighed and looked at me and said: "Welcome to your new home for a while."

He gave me a sad smile as I got out of the car with all of my stuff. I flipped him off as he drove off into the round bursts of gray clouds in the sky.
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