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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1672220
gentleman pirate,desperate to escape from the British only to be captured by a young lady


                The roar of the cannons was something that Blake Lawson loved. The fresh gunpowder in the air and the damaged inflicted on the rival ship. The men screams out in pain and anger. It was a part of him and had been for a long time since he was a young lad. But even all good things must come to an end including his pirate ways. The sun was high in the sky just off the coast of Louisiana. His ship Raven's Call was one of the fastest ships in that part of the world, But even on this day it wasn't fast enough to out run three of the British main ships. His days looked numbered but as he stood tall at the helm of his ship,he said a silent prayer not only for himself but for the hard working men of his crew. The battle was coming rather he wanted or not as Blake started to shout out commands.
                  He was tall man and being in the sun most of the time had a very tanned skin. With his strong features and well tone body made most men fear him,which served its purpose on some occasions, His dark eyes suddenly became focus on the explosion from a cannon ball fired from the Lady Washington just off Raven's Call bow. He yell orders to the man to tie the two ships to together, There was a lot of smoke as well as gunshots and cannon fire that was almost deafing. But he lived for such moments and knew his men did as well. The Lady Washington was on of the fastest British Navy had and was almost compareable to Raven's Call. The men of Raven boarded  the Lady Washington with swords drawn and gun firing. The sound of men yelling in glory and dying with honor was as well deafing. Blake Lawson wasted no time making his way to the Captain's helm. The Captain of Lady Washington was no other than Commander Gerald Holmes. A skilled commander but the bastard had a slight past with Blake, It was the reason why he had been running from Devinshire England to start with. Blake Lawson had slepted with Gerald's daughter Renee. It was one of the sweetest nights of his young life but Gerald refused to see it that way. He had made it so that an arrest warrant had been placed for Blake forcing him to board a ship so many years ago. Blake could almost thank the man but then again he could just as well kill the bastard for that as well.
                Blake made it to the top of the steps but waiting for him there was Gerald with his pistol pointing at his chest. Blake could hear the battle of swords and guns below on deck. But in the end Gerald's men proved to be as skilled with sword as his own and soon took control. Blake look hard at Gerald. It was clear age hadn't been as kind to Gerald but that wasn't what he was here for. With his own ship on fire he was going to take control of the Lady Washington but first he had to deal with Gerald and his shady past as well.
                "Blake Lawson what a pleasant suprise." Gerald stated grinning a little,

                Blake had to clench his jaw tightly now. He hated Gerald. At the rightful old age of fifty the man should be seated in the government of Devinshire by now, but just his luck he was still chasing Blake. Blake remembered that fateful night with Renee and a quick smirk came to his face,

                "You know thats what Renee said so many nights ago as well. But I am not here to discuss the past. I am in need of your boat. Now be a good puppet and stand down before I have to kill you leaving that precious Renee fatherless," Blake's tone was cold and hard. His men were in danger and he didn't feel like playing games with Gerald.
                The sound of a gun being cocked brought Blake's attention quickly behind him. There standing behind him was the young Renee. Like father Like daughter. Her flaming red head had never forgave him for running that night but then again right now he was trying to save his boat nothing else mattered.
                "Cut those ties before she blows." yelled Gerald to his men who had by now had control of his ship once more.

                The moments seemed to past with painsaking slowly as Blake was helpless to save Raven's Call. The man behind the helm of the Lady Washington turned the ship away from the shores of Louisiana and started back on the long journery back to England. Blake watched as the love of his life blew up quickly dragging it to the depths of hell, His beloved ship was now all but a distance memory,

                                                                                  Chapter 2

                Nothing in Blake's Lawson life had come easily. Nothing starting back when he was a lad and his wicked drunken old man would beat on him like there was no tomorrow. So standing there with Gerald Holmes and his lovely and lively daughter hold a gun at him seemed to fit the patern of his life thus far. He was going to have think quickly to save his men and his self. The sun was frying everything in sight including the bare chest Black was currently showing,
Gerald stood there with an amused look about him. He had caught the pirate everyone had been after for so many years, And he was pleased to see his daughter Renee joining in on the fun. He could see Blake's surpirse when Renee had appeared. But like the lovely daughter she was she followed her father's command to the letter. Now he was in total control now. The only thing that would lay ahead for one Mister Blake Lawson would be a noose. Gerald would be called a hero and rewarded handsomely for his effort for the King. He was about to be a rich man indeed,
              It was true that many years ago she had slept with Blake. It was pure sin as she felt her own cheeks start to blush with the thought, After all these years he had gotten more handsome. She had sent years wondering if he had been killed in battles or her father paid someone to kill Blake, But now as the sun beat down on her as well she gave a half smile to her own father, It was clear to Renee that he father was the pure evil that walked on this earth. She couldn't let the man known as Blake Lawson be hanged for no crime, She had to play it smart just to give Blake a chance to escape even if she didn't. She owe him that much for the suffering her father had put him through all these years,

            "Blake always a pleasure," Renee spoke as she made sure that Blake knew where the barrel was in his back.
              Trust was something that Blake Lawson had never learned from anyone. He felt the barrel in his back as Renee spoke and could only smile, It was sexy in a way and if her father wasn;t there with another gun he might have taken her twice. Blake looked at Gerald once more, He was growing restless now, His boat was blown to hell and angry didn't describe what he was feeling towards Gerald right at the moment. His men were being shot and stabbed and toss overboard and he was helpless to stop it. He would be luckly if he didn't die right beside them.
            "What do you want Gerald? Is it money? or blood? Both I got but which will you get? That is the question isn't it?" he said as he took a step forward.
            The tension rose again as Gerald placed the barrel of his weapon to Blakes forehead, It was a clear message that he wasn't playing.
            "Back down now mate. I am the only one in control here, I can't not wait to see you hang on the noose in Devinshire," His words were full of venom as he spoke making cold eye contact with Blake not budging an inch.
            Renee was growing tired of her father's greed. It was clear the only reason why he even wanted Blake dead was to seek fame and fortune for himself. She was torn between her father's love and that she had for Blake, She continued to stand beside Blake. He was clearly a little taller than she was and his broad shoulders she could remember his touch on her skin. In a way still longed to find someone that could bring that same fire to her.But even she knew a man like Blake would never be tamed. The sea was a part of him and would be forever. She had another life all together back in England and that she would return soon enough. But she had to set the past straight first. She knew what she had to so and it was painful to realize that it was going to be the only way.

              It had only been a few minutes since Blake's world had all but stopped, He missed his ship and just standing in front of the bastard Gerald was enough to ger Blake's famous anger rushing through his veins like a raging river. Then suddenly the beautiful Renee was standing at his side. He hadn't not seen her since that evening but he could clearly see that she had grown even more beautiful than he last remembered her. The cut on her dress show that lovely chest he remembered taking in full that night. The sweet smell of perfume lingered in his nose as well as salty air from the ocean. He somehow didn't think she felt the same way as her deranged father but this was a shock to her. Her holding a gun joining her father's fight. Something didn't seem right. Blake backed away from Gerald as Renee stepped to his side. The last thing he wanted was to let her see such cruelness as bloodshed.
            Renee looked at her father. It shocked her to how sick her father really was. She couldn't let him kill Blake no matter what. She just had to wait for the right time. His crew was all gone now quiet on deck. There were only a few left alive and bleeding badly as Blake looked back in there direction. He was bout to explode on this man if he wasn't let go soon. Suddenly two huge men came to Gerald's side. They were to take Blake to the cell below deck and locking down until they reached England.
              Renee looked at her father. Her eyes were full of anger as she then pointed the gun at her father freezing the men that were headed for Blake in their place. She held the gun so tightly now that her own knuckles were turning white, Gerald looked at his daughter hard. She couldn't be serious could she?
            "Renee he is a dangerous fool and I won't let him live no matter what. Child don't point that thing unless you her planning to use it." Geral's tone was hard but he didn't care. He had his enemy right where he wanted him.
            Rennee wasted no time in pulling the trigger. The shot of the blast was almost deafen to Blake as he watched the whole scene unfold before him. He was confused as he watched Gerald realize that he had been shot in the chest by his own daughter and a red stain oozed out from below his expensive silk shirt. Gerald looked at his daughter with confusion as he hit his knees in pain. The shot had lodged itself deep in his chest but that was nothing compared to the betrayal of his own daughter Renee.

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