Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1670649-the-L-word
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1670649
death note fanfiction
It was Sunday night, my first night in Tokyo. After doing a little unpacking I decided to kick off my first night with a visit to the bakery. I have a major sweet tooth and can never get enough cake (yum^_^) Once I got my cake I looked around for a place to sit but the bakery was full. So since I didn't feel like going home just yet I went outside to eat it.

The cake looked delicious. It was smothered in chocolate adn caramel. I was just about to take a bite, when a sudden shadow blocked out my light. I looked up and saw a guy standing over me just staring down at my cake. He had long black hair, and sad, panda-like eyes. It was quite obvious what this strange guy wanted...MYCAKE!.

Now normally I wouldn't share my cake with anyone. But he looked so sad, and a little bit lonley. I figured he could use a friend. I smiled up at him, A"Want some cake?" I asked. He smiled back. "Yeah," he said "I love cake!"

He walked over and sat next to me. I noticed that he sat funny, but, I didn't want to be rude so I didn't say anything. "My name is Ai" I said as I handed him a peice of cake "Nice to meet you!" He took the cake and stuffed osme in his mouth. "My name is Hediki Ryuga" he said between mouthfuls. "Thanks for the cake^_^"

Although he was odd, Hediki was also extreamly intelligent, and very fun to talk to. I probaly could of stayed there all night just talking to him. But I had school the next morning, and I had to get some sleep. Also when I looked at my clock it was nearly Midnight! I stood up and smiled apologetically. "sry," I said "but I should get going now. It's nearly Midnight and..." "It's fine" Hediki said "but let me walk you home. It's not safe to be walking alone this late." I thought for a minute "You're right," I said "thanks".

"Well here it is!" I announced when we arrived at my house. "I guess I'll be going then," I heard Hediki say from behind me. "bye" "Wait!" I called. But it was to late, I turned around and he was already gone.

As it turned out, I never did get any sleep that night. Instead, I spent the whole night lying awake thinking about Hediki. "I need to just forget about him," I told my self sadly. "I'm probaly never even going to see him again"

I was just starting to fall asleep when...BRIIIIIIIIING!!!...my alarm clock went off, and it was time for my first day of school. I was dead tired. Somehow, I managed to stay awake till about 3rd Period, but, then I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore and I fell asleep.

About ten minutes later..."AI!" the teacher screamed. Startled, I jumped up, knocking my books to the ground as I did. "I didn't do it!" I cried still half asleep. Everyone started snickering. Embarresed, I looked down (now fully awake.) and noticed my books were scattered across the ground. I bent down to pick them up. Unfortanitly, so did the person behind me. THUNK! His head smashed into mine. "Owww" I cried angrily. I looked up. "HEDIKI!!!" I cried when I seen who it was. "Ai!" the teacher, who had just started the lesson agian, scolded. "Since it is your first day I'll let you off with a warning. But if you disrupt this class agian, you're outta here" By now the entire class was roaring with laughter. "Sry," I mumbled sinking down into my seat. I bent down to finish picking up my books and discovered that Hediki had already picked them up for me. "Thanks" I whispered, turning around to smile at him. When I did I noticed that he was still sitting in the same strange way he had been the other night. I still didn't want to be rude but this time curiostiy got the best of me. "So, I said loudly, compleatly forgeting that I was in trouble "why do you sit like that?" Before Hediki could answer, the teacher cut in. "Ai," she said sighing "Out in the hallway, NOW!" "meet me at lunch" Hediki whispered before I left. The entire class was still lauging. So there you have it my first day at To-oh and I was already in trouble. But that is not what I was thinking about as I sat out in the hall, what I was thinking about was Hediki. I was really starting to like him. "This is the begining of a great friendship" I said to myself.
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