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Action/Adventure like National Treasure and Indiana Jones. |
Chapter 54 May 11, 2012 – Arianni Base – Near Eclipse Island - Australia “What makes you think we would volunteer to do such a thing?” Chester shrugged. “Even if it was possible?” The Councilor stood and walked over to where Chester was sitting. “Believe me, it is possible Colonel. We already have agents in place at the turn of each succeeding century after Jesus and Muhammad. Their job will be to report the time line results for their particular century. Our scientists have concluded that time is like a river full of boulders. Major historical events, or boulders, part the waters of time but they eventually merge back together until they hit another boulder in the way. Our agents are to report those boulders so that teams can eliminate them and keep the time stream, or peace in this case, flowing smoothly.” “Why Jesus and Muhammad?” Carney asked. “Why don’t you just go back and assassinate all the bad guys like Attila and Ghengis Khan and Napoleon and Hitler?” “The one thing that has created more war and death than any person or event in history is religion,” The Councilor replied. “Eliminate organized religion and we will effectively neutralize eighty or ninety percent of the causes of war. The remaining small boulders we can easily brush aside or gone around.” “Christianity and Islam are major world religions.” Chester leaned on the table for support. “But, they are both offshoots of Judaism. There are also other major religions, many with significant impact on history.” “The other religions are more peaceful and therefore more controllable. Finding Abraham, or Abram among the early Hebrew population may prove to be impossible. Judaism, or Yahadut as it is originally called, is a nomadic religious concept. At least with Christianity we have narrowed down a specific time frame and place, the same with Islam. Also, to find the correct Jesus we have an edge.” “And what might that edge be?” The Councilor took several steps back and turned to Dorbec. “We have a DNA sample with which to match that of Jesus.” “How on earth did you come up with a DNA sample from someone who lived over 2,000 years ago?” Chester was curious but doubtful. “History records that Jesus (Yeshua) was crucified at Jerusalem on a hill called Golgatha, Aramaic for the Skull, which in fact he was. It was near a limestone quarry and outside the gates as required by law. What is not recorded in history, and intentionally and passionately left out by The Church, was the fact that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. Being the heir to the Davidic line, and a Rabbi, Jesus was obligated by law to marry. Marriage was an important step in the progress from initiation to full community membership in the kingly line.If a rabbi did not have sons, he was not fulfilling his duty to God.” “In September A.D.33 a daughter was born to Jesus and Mary. Her name was Tamar, meaning palm tree. There’s also a secret society named after her, The Tamar. The Tamar were well connected to the Knights Templar and it is thought by some that when the Templar where being persecuted by the Catholic Church the Templar passed on to The Tamar the secrets of the Arc, which they had discovered some years earlier. The Tamar still remains the worlds most secretive and yet most powerful secret society, even more secretive than, The Brotherhood.” “Mary Magdalene was allegedly exiled from Judaea in CE 44 under threat of sedition charges, and there is documented persecution of her heirs by a succession of Roman emperors. After the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and beginning with Emperor Vespasian, a succession of Roman Emperors, including Titus and Domitian, issued orders to their generals in the field that the descendant heirs of Jesus and his family should be hunted down and put to the sword. Their main targets were in what is today, southern France. This information is not hearsay, it was chronicled by eminent historians such as Hegesippus, Africanus, and Eusebius.” “The Merovingian Kings of Gaul (France) alleged they were descent from King David of Israel, through Mary Magdalene. This dynasty was Lords of the Franks for 300 years. Pope Zachary had their King Childeric III seized and incarcerated. In his place, Zachary installed a family of regional mayors, subsequently called Carolingians.” “Our agents have traced the bloodline of Tamar from southern France and we have found someone who is a direct descendent of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua with viable DNA. Using this DNA we can identify the true Jesus.” “And who is the unlucky person?” Dorbec was afraid too ask. “You.” Dorbec’s face went pale and he gripped the table with his hands to keep from jumping up. He stared into the eyes of the Councilor and saw that the man was serious. Dorbec had never been devout about religion. In his younger days he was an altar boy in the Catholic Church, but life and the military soon got in the way. Down deep he questioned the doctrine that the Church laid down as truth, but he never sincerely cared one way or the other. One thing he learned to accept though was that Jesus Christ had lived and died. “Three or four hundred generations have probably diluted the DNA to where it’s now useless,” he finally conceded. The Councilor shook his head and walked back to the head of the conference table. Chester and the rest of the Team were looking at Dorbec as if they were seeing him for the first time. To discover that one among them was the alleged descendent of Jesus Christ was mind numbing. Chester finally shook his head and pulled out of the mental cloud. “That remarkable, but totally unorthodox and probably bull-shit history lesson, still doesn’t answer my question. Conspiracy theorists have also stated that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had two sons, Jesus and Joseph. It’s a load of crap! Once again, what makes you think we’d help you in this idiotic scheme?” The portly man in the expensive Giorgio Armani suit stood to answer the question. “Dorbec will help us because we will assist him in getting his sister back from the Nazis. His half-sister that is.” Dorbec jumped to his feet, the seat falling behind him with a loud noise. “First you tell me that I am the descendant of Jesus Christ and now you’re telling me that I have a half sister, presumably Daria Wolff, the woman I recently kidnapped. You’re pushing the envelope!” “According to your mother, Chantel Dorbec, your father was a German businessman by the name of Aeric Eichel Dietrich?” Dorbec looked askance at the man. “Yes, that was the name she told me.” “Aeric Eichel Dietrich was a Nazi paratrooper who settled in Argentina after the war. He was also the husband of Klara Hitler and the father of Daria Wolff. We have it all on official record.” Dorbec sat heavily back down into his seat, his eyes staring at the table; his mind trying to absorb the incredible information overload it had just received. “So, in effect, if I go back and kill Jesus then I will cease to exist, if you believe in the Paradox Theory that is. If I don’t go back, then my sister will be left in the clutches of the Neo-Nazis!” “As for the rest of you,” the well-dressed man continued without answering Dorbec’s ramifications. “You will cooperate because every member of your family has been taken into protective custody. Their safety and security will depend on your complete cooperation.” Chester stood and glared at the man. “Our government would never condone such action. Now I know you’re full of it!” Brother Cencio got up and walked over to where Chester stood. He opened a laptop computer, turned it on then backed off with a wide grin on his face. Chester watched as a recording of his wife Barbara suddenly appeared on the computer. “What have you gotten yourself involved in Chester?” She had a scared look on her face. “The government arrested us, all of us, on charges of conspiracy to commit treason. There are other families here with us, Team families. We’re being held at some government ran facility in the middle of…hell, they won’t say.” The recording cut off after panning around and showing members of the other families. Brother Cencio walked back to his seat and sat down with a smug look on his face. His attention reverted back to the business suit. “A large number of people in your government, in the highest positions, are members of The Brotherhood,” the man smiled. “Among them, the Speaker of the House, many Senators, dozens of Congressmen, all of the President’s Cabinet, now, and of course, the President of the United States. They want world peace as much as the Arianni do.” “Jesus Christ!” Oddball blurted. He then looked sheepishly at Dorbec. “Sorry ‘bout that.” “This I suppose is your idea of peace?” Dorbec’s anger was pointed straight at Ariana. “Peace at any price?” Ariana could not look at Dorbec or any of the Team members. Her emotionless gaze was fixed on the Councilor, but a red flush had expanded across her features. “What do you get out of this?” Chester glared back at Cencio. “What does The Brotherhood stand to gain? Cencio looked at the Suit then back at Chester. “Our mission will be to ensure world peace. A world government will be established to eliminate nationalism, another great cause of war, and to maintain a new Multiverse Corps which will monitor and control the time and dimensional stream.” “In other words, you’re gonna be the big shots, the people at the top of the pecking order,” Carney cut in. “A real sweet gig you have going. Rulers of the world! Are you sure you don’t have ‘Der Fuhrer’ in your batting order?” After what seemed like hours of quiet, but was only a minute or so, Chester finally glanced at each member of the team and shook his head. Their only option was to take on the assignment in the hope that somehow they could foil the members of The Brotherhood and the Arianni Council. His mind wandered to Monday and the other members of the Team, curious as to how they were coming along in their hunt for the Nazis. “How does this time travel thing work?” END PART TWO Of Three Parts |